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HideHScroll Copying CopyFree Silent HideRootTree FilterEmpty MaxWidth MaxHeight MaxTagHeight MinTagHeight MaxTagWidth MinTagWidth ConstHeight ConstWidth ResizingMain RelHeight NoTreeLines NoPrintTreeLines NoScrollAfterExpand BaseUrl LinkBase SortSpan StandardFilter Print PrintCheckboxes PrintIcons PrintHead PrintPrint PrintLocation PrintPageRoot PrintPageRootMin PrintVarHeight PrintGrids PrintPrefix PrintPostfix PrintWindowProp PrintPageBreaks PrintExpanded PrintFiltered PrintSelected PrintVisible PrintGanttBackground PrintGanttSplit PrintGanttSplitMin PrintLoad PrintCount PrintPageWidth PrintPageHeight PrintPageSize PrintPageOrientation PrintConstWidth PrintDPI PrintDefaultDPI PrintMinDPI PrintMarginWidth PrintMarginHeight PrintPaddingWidth PrintPaddingHeight PrintPaddingHeightFirst PrintPaddingHeightLast PrintPagePrefix PrintPagePostfix ExportPrefix ExportPostfix CSVValueSeparator CSVRowSeparator CSVQuote CSVLevel InEditMode DetailOn DetailExpand DetailRowsVisible SaveSession 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GanttMarkDisabledDependencies GanttColorDisabledDependencies GanttAssignDependencies GanttDragDependenciesMore GanttDragDependenciesBetween GanttMaxCorrectingLoops GanttCorrectDependencies GanttCheckDependencies GanttCheck GanttCheckTime GanttExclude GanttInclude GanttExcludeRepeat GanttHideExclude GanttCalendar GanttBase GanttBaseCanEdit GanttBaseProof GanttBasePreferred GanttFinishProof GanttFinishPreferred GanttStrict GanttAllDependencies GanttShowDependencie GanttDeleteDependencies GanttResizeBeforeMove GanttShowDependencies GanttAvailabilityTransparent GanttAvailabilityUnits GanttAvailabilitySum GanttAvailabilitySplit GanttAvailabilityJoin GanttAvailabilityShow GanttAdjacentBars GanttCount GroupChar GanttPointsShift GanttShowBounds GanttRunGroupHover GanttRunIds GanttRunIdPrefix GanttRunIdPostfix GanttRunIdChars GanttRunNumberId GanttRunLastId BoolChars Repeat Start StartTime End EndTime Value GroupMore SearchText Simple PrintWidth MaxChars GanttShift ;
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Print Export Formula FormulaCol FormulaClass Buttons ReloadData ; ShowDeleted AutoSort AutoUpdate Separator1 MouseHover ShowDrag ShowPanel ShowIcons ShowPager ShowAllPages CheckUpdates ; Name Text Type Price MaxCount Availability MinCount Consume Exclude Solid GMT Hirji HirjiYear ; ======= FormatText ======== LongDayNames ShortDayNames Day2CharNames Day1CharNames LongMonthNames LongMonthNames2 ShortMonthNames DateSeparator InputDateSeparators TimeSeparator InputTimeSeparators AMDesignator PMDesignator FirstWeekDay FirstWeekYearDay NaD DayNumbers Quarters Halves DecimalSeparator GroupSeparator GroupCount GroupCount1 NaN RangeSeparator ValueSeparator RepeatSeparator CountSeparator AddSeparator AppendSeparator RangeSeparatorHtml ValueSeparatorHtml RepeatSeparatorHtml CountSeparatorHtml AddSeparatorHtml AppendSeparatorHtml ; ======= Simple API ======= ; TGrid design Index ; TGrid runtime FRow FPagePos FCol EditMode StopCalc ; Column methods GetCaption ; Html methods GetCell RefreshRow RefreshCell ScrollIntoView SetScrollBars Update ; Message methods ShowMessage HideMessage ShowDialog Grid Close Tag Start MainTag CloseDialog Hide ; Value methods GetValue SetValue GetType GetFormat ; Paging Render ; Other methods Focus ChangeStyle SetStyle SearchRows GroupRows EditGanttCalendars ShowGanttCalendars ; Row properties - aby to nekolidovalo se jmeny sloupcu Level _Count Removed _UpdateHeight _CellsOrig ; ============= Verze 6 ========= InputGroupSeparators InputDecimalSeparators Icon Icons IconChecked IconAlign IconWidth Button ButtonText BoolInput EnumType NoConflicts Edge Special PartType Part CellState CellEdit CellKind Cell RowKind RowSection Grid Ajax GridAjax DebugFlags DebugHidden TmpSpaceCol ASpaceCol StandardTip FilterMenu Calendar FastColumns FastMerge HeaderColTree NoHint Suggest SuggestType SuggestServer CSS GanttCSS MaxHeightPercent MaxHeightReserved MaxHeightParent GetChildren MoveMouseObject UpdatePos StartErr ErrXMLFormat AlertError Alerterror GetElem 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CloseClickOut SaveMouse SaveMove Format DisplayFormat IOFormat Class EditMask MaskColor MaskSound MaskSoundLength ResultMask ResultText Size Range Multi MaxHeight MinHeight AutoSize ParentAutoSize AcceptEnters ReadOnly Align Calendar CalendarAlign Defaults DefaultsReplace DefaultsAlign SuggestSeparator ;Lib Format ng nf nc np nr ne Percent ;Lib Menu Item Name Text Icon IconWidth LeftHtml LeftWidth RightHtml RightWidth Hidden Left Item Bool Value Group Uncheck GroupAll CheckAll NoAll Enum Value Width Items Edit Value Width Caption Level Expanded Items Menu Items MinWidth MaxWidth Columns Group Items ;Lib Menu Items Item Popup CloseClickOut ShowCursor ShowTree CollapseOther EnterSwitches IgnoreSpace IgnoreTab IgnoreEnter Base ClassMenu ClassEnum Over Shift SubmenuTime ExpandTime EnumTime Indent Texts Buttons PageLength ShowHint MinHeight CanFocus Cursor CursorValue NameSeparator SaveType Input Separator SeparatorReplace AutoPopup Disabled CenterItem ;Lib Size ;AreaObjects 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GanttDependencyColor GanttRunMaxCorrectingLoops PreciseHeights GanttRunSummaryIdPrefix GanttRunBoxMinWidth GanttRunBoxMinAlign GanttRunBoxMinType GanttAdjacentDependencies GanttZoomChange GanttZoomFit GanttDragDependenciesMove GanttCorrectDependenciesButtons GanttUpdate TouchDragFocused TouchClearFocused GanttHeaderCount GanttLines GanttRunCustom Source GanttMilestoneTopMin GanttAncestors GanttDescendants GanttAvailabilityDivide GanttAvailabilitySumBars HasDefR DoSetTimeout GanttRunDragObject GanttRunJoinedHover GanttRunNbspHover GanttRunJoinedNbsp Box Include GanttRunClearSelected GanttBypassDependencies ScrolledBody SectionShrinkOrder RelWidthType BoolIconWidth RadioIconWidth FocusedEdge VAlign VertAlign DragCopyId TreeWidth0 TreeWidth1 TreeWidth2 TreeIcon0 AlternateCount AlternateType GanttColor UseButton Resizing Resized ColorCursor ShowButtons EditSelect AutoFillType SelectingFocus FocusCellBorderCursor MoveFocusType GanttDragTip GanttDragTipDateFormat GanttDragTipDurationFormat GanttDragUnits GanttCorrectOutsideBounds GanttZoomLap HiddenToolbar PrintZoomFit ShowHScroll TouchDragFocusedDependency Digits RefreshHeight GanttPageInit Separator GetValues FormulaEditing FormulaCanEdit FormulaNames FormulaPrefix FormulaValueSeparator FormulaRangeSeparator FormulaAbsolute GanttLagRound Collapsed DynamicBorder Border MomentumScroll NoChanged Next Header FormulaFunctions FormulaConstants FormulaOperators Converted FormulaType FormulaCanUse BaseSeparators GanttIconsHover GanttHtmlHover GanttCheckExcludeEdit FormulaLocal RowIndex RowIndexType RowIndexChars RowIndexStart ColIndex ColIndexType ColIndexChars ColIndexStart NoIndex FormulaRelative NaR ExcludeClear CopyPasteFormulas FormulaResults EditErrorsMessageTime EditErrorsMessageMax FormulaCircular FormulaChanges AutoCols AutoRows EditAttrs EditErrors EditAttrsEmpty ColAdding ColSelecting SelectingCols ColDeleting ColCopying ShowMenuSingle SelectedCells ColorState DeleteMessage AutoPages AutoColPages RemoveUnusedFixed RemoveAutoPages RemoveAutoColPages UndoMerge ClearSelected SelectAllType ShowColNames FocusRect HideMenuUnused SpannedBorder BorderOut BorderIn SelectHidden BorderType Borders NoBorder NoStyle TextStyle TextColor TextSize TextFont TextShadow TextShadowColor TextLine DynamicStyle UpdateHeightsTimeout TextColors DefaultColors DefaultColor TextSizes TextFonts TextShadows TextShadowColors TextLines PopupIconWidth Underline UnderlineStyle ButtonClass BorderColors EscapeImages Format Formats DynamicFormat NoFormat TextFormat NumberFormat DateFormat TextPrefix PrintMarginDiv CursorTouchStart SelectClassRow NoDateNumber FormulaAddParenthesis FilterIgnoreEmpty Rotate CalculatedChangesFirst ShiftHint ClearFilterOff DesignerLoaded ShowProgress AlternateStart MenuColumns MenuPrint MenuExport MenuCfg CfgColumns HideUnused SaveVisible VisibleRows HiddenRows Attribute ExportName PDFName PDFFormat ExportLoad ExportOptions ExportFontSize ExportFontFace VAlign SelectedRowsColor SelectedColsColor SelectedCellsColor DefaultTextShadowColor DefaultTextShadowPattern TableBorder DuplicateId GanttZoomFitWidth MediaChange Tablet Mirror CalculateHidden MediaTag ExportVarHeight GanttRunEscape LongClick MenuTouchStart MenuTouchMove MenuTouchEnd Grids PrintWindowOpen MidHtml MidHtml2 LeftHtml RightHtml Media MacContextMenu Overflow BorderLeft BorderRight BorderTop BorderBottom GanttMarkExt GridDrop ImportAction AutoWidths ColorPanel ImportAction Animations AnimateRows AnimateRowsMax AnimateDialogs SuppressAnimations AnimateCells AnimateCellsMax AnimateRowsColorMax AnimateCols AnimateColsMax Sheet LoadSheet AnimateUndo DragCol MasterDefHide Default Sizes Size GanttTextsSeparator SetStyle ShrinkStyle ShrinkStyleType ShrinkStyleWidth ShrinkStyleHeight ShrinkStyleScale MinBodyRows SetSize SetScale SetContrast Scale ScaleMenu Scales GanttRunContainersResize GanttRunContainersDelete GanttRunErrorsShiftVisible GanttTextOverlay DragTab head foot header Empty GanttStyle GanttStyles Compatible LimitScroll ScrollParent StyleDependencyModifier ExactWidth RowIndexWidth FocusedType Overlay ImportHeader ImportHead ImportFoot ImportLeftCols ImportRightCols ImportAttrs ExportStyle CtrlPrefix ShiftPrefix AltPrefix MetaPrefix LeftPrefix RightPrefix MiddlePrefix ImportWidths FormulaIntersectionSeparator Power Concat DefaultBorder FormulaTip SpaceWrap GetIntersection RoundNumbers RoundNumbersDigits EditHtml Indent Indents FindFormat ExcelDates StrictDates DateFormatLowercase FormulaMaxIterations GanttWidthEx GanttRunContainersSelect NoUpdatePos PivotSumFormat NoClearLimitScroll WheelFixed Colors TipDialog GanttPrintRowHeight GanttCenter GanttPagingUpdateHeight GanttLagDescendants GanttEditSoleDuration GanttCorrectExclude GanttDifferMilestones AcceptNaN AcceptNaNText AcceptNaNValue AcceptNaNTime StrictNumbers InputMonthNames InputAMPMDesignators WordWrap CopyPasteHidden InputDateTimeSeparators CopyFormulas PreserveSameRanges ResetNextBorders EditFormats ZoomUndo GanttZoomUndo GregorianToHirji VarHeightType NoStat ShowHiddenBorder ImportExt EditPercent ChildPageLength ChildPageDiff PreserveReload DialogCSS TipAlign Horz Class ClassName ClassValue MenuAlign TextOnly CellDef AddColCellDef AutoColumns HText VText Hide PrintFromPage PrintToPage PrintSplitRowSpan PrintAllCSS SizeScaled StyleErr IESvg IESvgTool IESvgGantt IESvgFGantt IESvgGanttArrow IESvgGanttMilestone IESvgCustom AddFocusColEmpty NestedFocusedActions SyncStyle SyncLanguage PasteErrors ItemAlign Language Languages UseLanguages Code set change replace regex last FilterHideParents ColorFilter FilterDef FilterDefs FilterMenuName HideParents GetText CSVDateFormat MaxCellHeightMenu FilterOffText FitPage ExactNumbers ChangesAdded CopyPasteDeleted PasteNaN RadioWrap Currency LanguagesColumns DebugCheckIgnore NoClickTo CustomClass Protected MenuCheck KeepReload TGDefNames AutoHtml InsertImg LinkTarget IconSize DropFiles Pattern Patterns PatternColor PatternColors FormulaShow HideZero DefaultBorderColor IndentType ExpandCol CanFix ShortVScroll FilterReplaceOne FilterReplaceMore RotateType RotateStepsLeft RotateStepsRight CenterTo InsertImgMaxHeight InsertImgMaxWidth ImportImg DragImgAngle DragImgAction RestoreImg AssignImg EditImg Locked LockedValues GetLockIndex $ $N $P $T DynamicEditing ImportPassword LeftCols DefCols MaxMenuCells MaxMenuAllCells MaxMenuAllCellsValue CellRanges AutoBool FractionSeparator ShowPrintPageBreaks ExternalEdit ExternalFocus ExternalFocusMaxRows ExternalFocusMaxCols LineHeightRatio Unsupported SelectedRowsColor SelectedColsColor SelectedCellsColor HeaderColor HeadColor FootColor LeftColor RightColor AlternateColor TableBorder HeaderBorder AddedColor DeletedColor ChangedColor ChangedCellColor MovedColor LinkColor ExportFilters FootBorder HeadBorder LeftBorder RightBorder ExportTextShadow NoWrapBR canvg RGBColor HoverImg ColorCell RefreshCell ColorRow RefreshRow GetAttribute ExportAlternate DefaultSize ExportLinks ExportImages ExportRowHeight TextImg CanEditStyle OverlayImg sumrangec GanttAvailability bitxor varpa Contrast Contrasts ExportHeights ExportFiltersHtml DragImgMinWidth DragImgMinHeight ExportCompression ExportBool CSVNumberFormat XlsFormat ExportEmptyDecimals ExportWidthRatio LockedAlways LockedNever CanChangeWinScroll MainTagWidth MainTagHeight AreaResized Json ItemsPar MediaAttrs Reset ReversedColTree ExpandIcon ColTree MaxColLevel CalculateColumns AutoTreeWidth HideTree HideEmptyTree ColTreeLast GanttShowBorder NoExportFunc AutoTree FormulaTimeout Names Global ImportLimitCols ImportLimitRows ImportLimitCells PrintOnlyData CanEditBorder InitDef DefParent DefEmpty NoData ImgAnchor EditCursor EditCursorMouse EditCursorTouch EditCursorKey EditCursorTab NoClick SaveMovedAsAdded ShowFocused GroupHideCols UpdateHtmlMessage ReloadHtmlMessage NoLinkJavaScript _Index GanttResourcesAdd GanttSlackSpan GanttNoMilestones GanttMinResize GanttMinWidth GanttRunMinResize ExportBase64 FocusLarge GanttAvailabilityHidden FormulaPlusNumbers