let GridLayout = VueGridLayout.GridLayout; let GridItem = VueGridLayout.GridItem; let draggable = vuedraggable; let mouseXY = {"x": null, "y": null}; let DragPos = {"x": null, "y": null, "w": 1, "h": 1, "i": null}; let layoutsData = []; // 总布局数据 let layoutsDataBackup = []; // 总布局数据备份 let currentLayoutData = {data:[]}; // 当前编辑的布局 // let currentLayoutDataBackup = {data:[]}; // 当前编辑的布局数据备份 let currentNavListData = []; // 当前编辑的导航列表数据 // let currentNavListDataBackup = []; // 当前编辑的导航列表数据备份 let currentLayoutVue = {}; // 当前编辑的 grid布局 vue实例 let currentTableVue = {}; // 当前编辑的表格布局 vue实例 let currentIsTable = false; // 当前编辑的布局是否是表格 let navListData = []; // 导航列表数据 let navListDataBackup = []; // 导航列表数据备份 let tabLayoutIndex = 0; // 当前tab的layoutIndex let tabsIndex = []; // 当前tab的tabsIndex let currentIndexGroup = {}; // 当前tab的index组 // let isOpenLayer = false; // 是否打开了编辑层 let getDataCallback = function () {}; let getDataCallback2 = function () {}; let getCurrentIsTableCallback = function () {}; let getCurrentLayoutDataCallback = function () {}; let getCurrentTableDataCallback = function () {}; let openLayerCallback = function () {}; let closeLayerCallback = function () {}; // 不能拖拽的grid,只能查看 let gridList = Vue.component("grid-disable", { template: `
{{ item.name }}
`, components: { GridLayout, GridItem }, props:['gridData','layoutId'], data() { return { myLayout: this.gridData, }; }, mounted() { }, beforeDestroy() { }, methods: { } }); // 可拖拽的grid,可以编辑 let grid = Vue.component("grid", { template: `
{{ item.name }}
`, components: { GridLayout, GridItem }, data() { return { myLayout: [], layoutId: '', }; }, mounted() { document.addEventListener("dragover", function (e) { mouseXY.x = e.clientX; mouseXY.y = e.clientY; }, false); currentLayoutVue = this; getCurrentLayoutDataCallback = (BackupData,indexGroup)=>{ // console.log('当前备份布局数据',BackupData,indexGroup); this.myLayout = BackupData.data; this.layoutId = BackupData.layoutId; if (indexGroup){ let currentLayoutData = layoutsData[indexGroup.tabLayoutIndex][indexGroup.tabsIndex][indexGroup.groupIndex]; // console.log('---layoutsData[tabLayoutIndex][tabsIndex][groupIndex]: ',currentLayoutData); currentLayoutData.data.map((item,index)=>{ if (BackupData.data[index] && item.i === BackupData.data[index].i){ let backup = BackupData.data[index] //JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(BackupData.data[index])) item.visible = backup.visible; item.showOnGrid = backup.showOnGrid; item.h = backup.h; item.w = backup.w; item.x = backup.x; item.y = backup.y; // let backup = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(BackupData.data[index])); // console.log('<<{ // console.log('&&&',item,index); if (currentNavListDataBackup.groupData[index] && item.i === currentNavListDataBackup.groupData[index].i){ // console.log('<<
  • {{tabItem[0].name}}
`, components: { grid }, data() { return { layout: [], isOpenLayer: false, }; }, mounted() { // console.log('tab-cards mounted ==== this',this); // console.log('tab-cards mounted',this.layout); getDataCallback = (data) => { // this.layout = data; this.$set(this, 'layout', data) // console.log('tab-cards mounted ==== getDataCallback',data); // console.table(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data[0][0][1].data))); // setTimeout(()=>{this.$forceUpdate();},10) this.isOpenLayer = true; setTimeout(()=> { this.isOpenLayer = false; },0) console.log('tab-cards mounted ==== getDataCallback',data); initDriver(); }; }, beforeDestroy() { }, methods: { layoutEditClickEvent: function (e) { let layoutId = e.currentTarget.dataset.layoutId; // console.log('layoutEditClickEvent click',layoutId); // console.log('layoutEditClickEvent click',e.currentTarget.dataset); let indexArr = layoutId.split('_'); let tabLayoutIndex = indexArr[0]; let tabsIndex = indexArr[1]; let groupIndex = indexArr[2].split(',')[1]; currentIndexGroup = { tabLayoutIndex: tabLayoutIndex, tabsIndex: tabsIndex, groupIndex: groupIndex }; currentNavListData = navListData[tabLayoutIndex][tabsIndex][groupIndex]; currentLayoutData = layoutsData[tabLayoutIndex][tabsIndex][groupIndex]; layer.open({ type: 1, title: ['编辑', 'font-size: 18px;text-align:center;'], move: false, content: $('.layer-edit-content'), success: function(layero, index){ layer.full(index); // 最大化 // openLayerCallback(); currentIsTable = currentLayoutData.grid || false; getCurrentIsTableCallback(currentIsTable); if (currentIsTable){ // console.log('是表格布局',currentIsTable); getCurrentTableDataCallback(currentLayoutData,currentNavListData); } else { createNavListDom(currentNavListData); // console.log('是网格布局',currentIsTable); // console.log('currentLayoutVue.myLayout open layer',currentLayoutVue.myLayout); getCurrentLayoutDataCallback(currentLayoutData); } }, cancel: (index, layero) =>{ // closeLayerCallback(); layer.close(index); // console.log('layer close'); // dragToVueGridStart(); } }); } } }); // 表格相关 let vueDraggableTable = Vue.component("vue-draggable-table", { template: `
{{ header.name }}
`, components: { draggable }, data() { return { headers: [], tablesData: [], originTablesData: [], // 原始表格数据 navData: [], // dragging: true // ghostClass: "sortable-ghost", // drop placeholder的css类名 // chosenClass: "sortable-chosen", // 被选中项的css 类名 dragClass: "sortable-drag", // 正在被拖拽中的css类名 groupL:{ name: 'table', put: true }, groupR:{ name: 'table', put: true }, }; }, mounted() { currentTableVue = this; // console.log("%c加载table表格布局", "color: blue"); getCurrentTableDataCallback = (data,navData,indexGroup)=>{ this.originTablesData = data.data; this.tablesData = data.data.filter(item => item.showOnGrid); // this.tablesData = data.data; this.navData = navData; // console.log('getCurrentTableDataCallback this.originTablesData'); // console.table(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.originTablesData))); // // console.log('getCurrentTableDataCallback this.tablesData'); // console.table(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.tablesData))); if (indexGroup){ // console.log('getCurrentLayoutDataCallback',indexGroup,data); let currentLayoutData = layoutsData[indexGroup.tabLayoutIndex][indexGroup.tabsIndex][indexGroup.groupIndex]; // console.log('---layoutsData[tabLayoutIndex][tabsIndex][groupIndex]: ',currentLayoutData); currentLayoutData.data.map((item,index)=>{ data.data.map((item2,index2)=>{ if (item2.i === item.i){ item.showOnGrid = item2.showOnGrid; item.visible = item2.visible; item.h = item2.h; item.w = item2.w; item.x = item2.x; item.y = item2.y; } if (item.layoutId === item2.layoutId){ item.sort = index2; } else { if (item.sort === undefined){ item.sort = 9999; } } }) }); console.log(); currentLayoutData.data.sort((a,b)=>{ return a.sort - b.sort; }); let currentNavListData = navListData[indexGroup.tabLayoutIndex][indexGroup.tabsIndex][indexGroup.groupIndex]; let currentNavListDataBackup = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(navListDataBackup[indexGroup.tabLayoutIndex][indexGroup.tabsIndex][indexGroup.groupIndex])) currentNavListData.groupData.map((item,index)=>{ if (currentNavListDataBackup.groupData[index] && item.i === currentNavListDataBackup.groupData[index].i){ item.showOnGrid = currentNavListDataBackup.groupData[index].showOnGrid; item.visible = currentNavListDataBackup.groupData[index].visible; } }); } } }, methods: { handleChange() { console.log('changed'); }, inputChanged(value) { this.activeNames = value; console.log('inputChanged'); }, getComponentData() { return { on: { change: this.handleChange, input: this.inputChanged }, attrs:{ wrap: true }, props: { value: this.activeNames } }; }, onStartNav(evt){}, onEndNav(evt){ let itemEl = evt.item; // dragged HTMLElement evt.to; // target list evt.from; // previous list let oldIndex = evt.oldIndex; // element's old index within old parent let newIndex = evt.newIndex; // element's new index within new parent evt.oldDraggableIndex; // element's old index within old parent, only counting draggable elements evt.newDraggableIndex; // element's new index within new parent, only counting draggable elements evt.clone // the clone element evt.pullMode; // when item is in another sortable: `"clone"` if cloning, `true` if moving let idArr = ['table-left-draggable','table-tr-draggable','table-right-draggable']; if (idArr.indexOf(evt.to.id) > -1){ // 从navList拖到表格,当前拖拽item的showOnGrid设为1,添加到tablesData let currentNavItem = this.navData.groupData[oldIndex]; this.$set(currentNavItem, 'showOnGrid', 1); this.$set(currentNavItem, 'visible', 0); if (evt.to.id === 'table-left-draggable'){ this.tablesData.unshift(currentNavItem); } else if (evt.to.id === 'table-tr-draggable'){ this.tablesData.splice(newIndex,0,currentNavItem); } else if (evt.to.id === 'table-right-draggable'){ this.tablesData.push(currentNavItem); } // 原始表格数据中对应的showOnGrid设为1 this.originTablesData.map((item,index)=> { if (item.layoutId === currentNavItem.layoutId){ item.showOnGrid = 1; item.visible = 0; } }); this.sortOriginTableData(); } // console.log(this.tablesData); }, onPutTableLeft(){ console.log('onPutTableLeft'); }, onPutTableRight(){ console.log('onPutTableRight'); }, // // 开始拖拽的时候 onStartTable: function (/**Event*/evt) { // console.log(evt); // element index within parent this.$set(this.groupL, 'put', false); this.$set(this.groupR, 'put', false); }, onEndTable(evt){ // console.log('evt',evt); // console.log('onEndTable',this.tablesData); this.$set(this.groupL, 'put', true); this.$set(this.groupR, 'put', true); this.sortOriginTableData(); }, deleteTCol(header,index){ // navData不能使用index this.tablesData[index].showOnGrid = 0; this.tablesData[index].visible = 1; this.tablesData.splice(index,1); var idArr = header.i.split('_'); this.$set(this.navData.groupData[idArr[3]], 'showOnGrid', 0); this.$set(this.navData.groupData[idArr[3]], 'visible', 1); this.sortOriginTableData(); }, sortOriginTableData() { // 根据tablesData的顺序,在originTablesData基础上重新排序 // console.log('sortOriginTableData','this.tablesData'); // console.table(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.tablesData))); // console.log('sortOriginTableData 开始','this.originTablesData...'); // console.table(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.originTablesData))); this.tablesData.map((item,index)=>{ this.originTablesData.map((item2,index2)=>{ if (item.i === item2.i){ item2.sort = index; } else{ if (item2.sort === undefined){ item2.sort = 9999; } } }) }); this.originTablesData.sort((a,b)=>{ // console.log('sortOriginTableData 开始 a.sort ,b.sort',a.sort ,b.sort); return a.sort - b.sort; }); // console.log('sortTableData 完成'); // console.table(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.originTablesData))); } } }) // 不能拖动的表格 let vueDisableTable = Vue.component("vue-disable-table", { template: `
{{ header.name }}
`, props:['tableData','layoutId'], data() { return { headers: [], tablesData: this.tableData, // dragging: true }; }, mounted() {}, methods: { } }) let vueComp = new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { list: [],currentIsTable,}, //isOpenLayer:false mounted() { getCurrentIsTableCallback = (data)=>{ this.currentIsTable = data; // console.log('getCurrentIsTableCallback',data); } }, watch: { isOpenLayer: function (ol,ne) { console.log('watch isOpenLayer',ol,ne); } }, methods:{ } }); function dragToVueGridStart(e) { let targetParentEl = document.getElementById('grid-edit-content'); let parentRect = targetParentEl.getBoundingClientRect(); let mouseInGrid = false; if (((mouseXY.x > parentRect.left) && (mouseXY.x < parentRect.right)) && ((mouseXY.y > parentRect.top) && (mouseXY.y < parentRect.bottom))) { mouseInGrid = true; } if (mouseInGrid === true && (currentLayoutVue.myLayout.findIndex(item => item.i === 'drop')) === -1) { // targetParentEl.style = "cursor: move"; currentLayoutVue.myLayout.push({ x: (currentLayoutVue.myLayout.length * 2) % (currentLayoutVue.colNum || 12), y: currentLayoutVue.myLayout.length + (currentLayoutVue.colNum || 12), // puts it at the bottom w: 1, h: 1, i: 'drop', }); } let index = currentLayoutVue.myLayout.findIndex(item => item.i === 'drop'); if (index !== -1) { try { // console.log('currentLayoutVue.$refs.gridLayout.$children',currentLayoutVue.$refs.gridLayout.$children[currentLayoutVue.myLayout.length].$refs.item); currentLayoutVue.$refs.gridLayout.$children[currentLayoutVue.myLayout.length].$refs.item.style.display = "none"; } catch { } let el = currentLayoutVue.$refs.gridLayout.$children[index]; el.dragging = {"top": mouseXY.y - parentRect.top, "left": mouseXY.x - parentRect.left}; let new_pos = el.calcXY(mouseXY.y - parentRect.top, mouseXY.x - parentRect.left); if (mouseInGrid === true) { // console.log('dragToVueGridStart mouseInGrid === true'); currentLayoutVue.$refs.gridLayout.dragEvent('dragstart', 'drop', new_pos.x, new_pos.y, 1, 1); DragPos.i = String(index); DragPos.x = currentLayoutVue.myLayout[index].x; DragPos.y = currentLayoutVue.myLayout[index].y; // console.log('dragToVueGridStart mouseInGrid === true',currentLayoutVue.myLayout); } if (mouseInGrid === false) { // console.log('dragToVueGridStart mouseInGrid === false'); currentLayoutVue.$refs.gridLayout.dragEvent('dragend', 'drop', new_pos.x, new_pos.y, 1, 1); // currentLayoutVue.myLayout = currentLayoutVue.myLayout.filter(obj => obj.i !== 'drop'); currentLayoutVue.myLayout.splice(index,1) } } } function dragToVueGridEnd(el,dataset){ // console.log('dragToVueGridEnd el',dataset); // console.log(el); el.className = 'nav-node vue-grid'; let parentRect = document.getElementById('grid-edit-content').getBoundingClientRect(); let mouseInGrid = false; if (((mouseXY.x > parentRect.left) && (mouseXY.x < parentRect.right)) && ((mouseXY.y > parentRect.top) && (mouseXY.y < parentRect.bottom))) { mouseInGrid = true; } if (mouseInGrid === true) { el.className = "nav-node vue-grid isHide"; let idArr = dataset.id.split('_') let groupIndex = idArr[2].split(',')[1]; navListData[idArr[0]][idArr[1]][groupIndex].groupData[idArr[3]].visible = 1; navListData[idArr[0]][idArr[1]][groupIndex].groupData[idArr[3]].showOnGrid = 0; currentLayoutVue.myLayout[idArr[3]].visible = 1; currentLayoutVue.myLayout[idArr[3]].showOnGrid = 0; currentLayoutVue.myLayout[idArr[3]].x = DragPos.x; currentLayoutVue.myLayout[idArr[3]].y = DragPos.y; currentLayoutVue.myLayout[idArr[3]].w = 1; currentLayoutVue.myLayout[idArr[3]].h = 1; // console.log('currentLayoutVue.myLayout',currentLayoutVue.myLayout); currentLayoutVue.$refs.gridLayout.dragEvent('dragend', 'drop', DragPos.x, DragPos.y, 1, 1); // currentLayoutVue.$refs.gridLayout.$children[this.layout.length].$refs.item.style.display="block"; try { // currentLayoutVue.$refs.gridLayout.$children[currentLayoutVue.myLayout.length].$refs.item.style.display = "block"; } catch { } } // console.log($('.layui-layer .vue-grid-item.vue-grid-placeholder')); setTimeout(()=>{ $('.layui-layer .vue-grid-item.vue-grid-placeholder').hide(); let index = currentLayoutVue.myLayout.findIndex(item => item.i === 'drop'); if (index !== -1) { console.log(index) currentLayoutVue.myLayout.splice(index,1) } // console.log('dragToVueGridEnd -s',currentLayoutVue.myLayout); },60) // console.log('dragToVueGridEnd',currentLayoutVue.myLayout); } // tab 切换事件 function tabsChangeEvent(){ var element = layui.element; element.on('tab(filter-tab)', function(data){ console.log(data.index); // 得到当前 tab 项的所在下标 tabLayoutIndex = $(this).attr('data-tab-layout-index'); tabsIndex[tabLayoutIndex] = data.index; // console.log('tabLayoutIndex',tabLayoutIndex); // console.log('tabsIndex',tabsIndex); // console.log('layoutsData',layoutsData[tabLayoutIndex]); }); }