package com.yc.service.personalized; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.springframework.dao.EmptyResultDataAccessException; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import com.yc.action.personalized.entity.PanelDataEntity; import com.yc.service.BaseService; @Service("PanelDataImpl") public class PanelDataImpl extends BaseService implements PanelDataIfc { //获得总记录数 public static final String COUNT = "set nocount on ; select count(formId) from _sys_PanelData"; //添加 private static final String ADD_PANEL_DATA = "set nocount on;\ninsert into _sys_PanelData(formId,formName,formtype,html,lineheight,showrownumber,isShowHeader,selectsql,panelShowType,actived,isCheckSqlPermission,EChartType)values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)\n select @@rowcount \n"; private static final String GET_SHOW_ROWNUMBER = "set nocount on ; select showrownumber from _sys_PanelData where formid=?"; //修改 private static final String UPDATE_PANEL_DATA = "set nocount on;\nupdate _sys_PanelData set formName=?,formtype=?,html=?,lineHeight=?,showrownumber=?,isShowHeader=?,selectsql=?,panelShowType=?,actived=?,isCheckSqlPermission=? where formid =?\n select @@rowcount \n"; private static final String DELETE_PANEL_DATA = "set nocount on ; delete _sys_PanelData where formid=?"; private static final String GET_ALL_ACTIVED_PANEL_DATA = "set nocount on ; select formid,formname,formtype,html,selectsql,showrownumber,panelshowtype,actived from _sys_PanelData where actived=1"; private static final String GET_PANEL_DATA_BY_USER = "set nocount on ; select formid,formname,formtype,html,selectsql,panelshowtype from _sys_PanelData where formid in(select distinct formid from gprofileformop a where a.profileid in(select profileid from gprofile where profileid in(select profileid from gUserProfile where userCode=?))) and actived=1"; private static final String GET_PANEL_DATE = "set nocount on ; select formid,formname,formtype,html,lineheight,showrownumber," + "isshowheader,selectsql,panelshowtype,actived,ischecksqlpermission" + ", titletext,titlesubtext," + "isshowLegenddataname,isshowtoolbox,isshowtoolboxsaveasimage,isshowtoolboxdatazoom,isshowtoolboxstack," + "isshowtoolboxdataview,xaxisdata,seriesname,seriesareastyleshow,yaxissplitlineshow," + "yaxisname,echarttype" + " from _sys_PanelData where formid= ?"; private static final String GET_SHUJU = "set nocount on ; select * from _sysShujuUser where sname=?"; private static final String GET_SHUJUADD = "set nocount on ; insert into _sysShujuUser values(?,?,?)"; private static final String GET_SHUJUSELECT = "set nocount on ; select * from _sysShujuUser where sname=? and spass=?"; private static final String GET_SHUJUUPDATE = "set nocount on ; update _sysShujuUser set spass=? where sname=? and spass=? "; public List> getAllPanelDatas(int curPage, int pageSize) { String sql = "set nocount on ; select top " + pageSize + " * from _sys_PanelData where (formid not in (select top " + (pageSize * (curPage - 1)) + " formid from _sys_PanelData order by formid)) order by formid"; return this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql); } public List> getAllPanelDatas(int curPage, int pageSize, int formId, String formName) { String filter = ""; if (formId != -1 && formName != null) { filter = " formName like '" + formName + "%' and formId like '" + formId + "%'"; } else if (formId == -1 && formName != null) { filter = " formName like '" + formName + "%'"; } else { filter = " formId like '" + formId + "%'"; } String sql = "set nocount on ; select top " + pageSize + " * from _sys_PanelData where (formid not in (select top " + (pageSize * (curPage - 1)) + " formid from _sys_PanelData where " + filter + " order by formid))" + " and(" + filter + ") order by formid"; return this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql); } public List> getPaneDatasByUser(String userCode) { return this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(GET_PANEL_DATA_BY_USER, userCode); } @Override public Map getPanelData(int formid) { try { return this.jdbcTemplate.queryForMap(GET_PANEL_DATE, formid); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { return null; } } //添加 @Override public int addPanelData(PanelDataEntity pDataEntity) { try { int cont = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(ADD_PANEL_DATA, Integer.class, new Object[]{pDataEntity.getFormId(), pDataEntity.getFormName(), pDataEntity.getFormType(), pDataEntity.getHtml(), pDataEntity.getLineHeight(), pDataEntity.getShowRowNumber(), pDataEntity.getIsShowHeader(), pDataEntity.getSelectSql(), pDataEntity.getPanelShowType(), pDataEntity.getActived(), pDataEntity.getIsCheckSqlPermission(), pDataEntity.getEChartType()}); return cont; } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } } //修改 @Override public int updatePanelData(PanelDataEntity pDataEntity) { try { int cont = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(UPDATE_PANEL_DATA, Integer.class, new Object[]{pDataEntity.getFormName(), pDataEntity.getFormType(), pDataEntity.getHtml(), pDataEntity.getLineHeight(), pDataEntity.getShowRowNumber(), pDataEntity.getIsShowHeader(), pDataEntity.getSelectSql(), pDataEntity.getPanelShowType(), pDataEntity.getActived(), pDataEntity.getIsCheckSqlPermission(), pDataEntity.getFormId()}); return cont; } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } } //修改 @Override public int updateChartData(PanelDataEntity data) { try { String sql = "set nocount on;\nupdate _sys_PanelData set selectsql=?,TitleText=?,TitleSubText=?," + "isShowLegendDataName=?,isShowToolBox=?,isShowToolBoxSaveAsImage=?,isShowToolBoxDataZoom=?,isShowToolBoxStack=?," + "isShowToolBoxDataView=?,xAxisData=?,SeriesName=?,SeriesAreaStyleShow=?,yAxisSplitLineShow=?," + "yAxisName=?,EChartType=? where formid =?\n select @@rowcount \n"; int cont = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, Integer.class, new Object[]{data.getSelectSql(), data.getTitleText(), data.getTitleSubText(), data.getIsShowLegendDataName(), data.getIsShowToolBox(), data.getIsShowToolBoxSaveAsImage(), data.getIsShowToolBoxDataZoom(), data.getIsShowToolBoxStack(), data.getIsShowToolBoxDataView(), data.getXAxisData(), data.getSeriesName(), data.getSeriesAreaStyleShow(), data.getYAxisSplitLineShow(), data.getYAxisName(), data.getEChartType(), data.getFormId()}); return cont; } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } } @Override public void delPanelData(int formid) { this.jdbcTemplate.update(DELETE_PANEL_DATA, formid); } @Override public List> getAllActivedPanelDatas() { return this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(GET_ALL_ACTIVED_PANEL_DATA); } @Override public int getCount() { SqlRowSet rs = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForRowSet(COUNT); if ( { return rs.getInt(1); } return 0; } @Override public int getCount(int formId, String formName) { String filter = ""; if (formId != -1 && formName != null) { filter = " formName like '" + formName + "%' and formId like '" + formId + "%'"; } else if (formId == -1 && formName != null) { filter = " formName like '" + formName + "%'"; } else { filter = " formId like '" + formId + "%'"; } String sql = "set nocount on ; select count(formId) from _sys_PanelData where " + filter; SqlRowSet rs = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForRowSet(sql); if ( { return rs.getInt(1); } return 0; } @Override public int getShowRowNumber(int formid) { SqlRowSet rs = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForRowSet(GET_SHOW_ROWNUMBER, formid); if ( { return rs.getInt(1); } return 0; } @Override public List> getshujulogin(String name) { return this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(GET_SHUJU, name); } @Override public void getShujuAdd(String cod, String name, String pass) { this.jdbcTemplate.update(GET_SHUJUADD, cod, name, pass); } @Override public List> getshulogin(String name, String pass) { return this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(GET_SHUJUSELECT, name, pass); } public int getshuupdate(String passn, String name, String pass) { int i = this.jdbcTemplate.update(GET_SHUJUUPDATE, passn, name, pass); return i; } /** * 返回统计图sql数据 xin 2019-12-17 15:34:02 */ @Override public List> getEChartsData(String sql) throws Exception { try { return this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } } @Override public List> getDesktopPanel(String userCode, boolean sort, Integer isSuper) { try { String sp = ""; String join = "left join"; String sortS = ""; if (isSuper == 0) {//不是超级管理员添加sp sp = "a.formid in(select distinct formid from gprofileformop a where a.profileid in(select profileid from gprofile \n" + "where profileid in(select profileid from gUserProfile where userCode='" + userCode + "'))) and "; } if (sort) { join = "join"; sortS = "order by b.chgId,b.sort"; } String sql = "select a.formId,a.formType,a.formName,isnull(b.isShow,0) isShow from _sys_PanelData a " + join + " _sys_customHomePanelPosition b on a.formId=b.formid and b.usercode=? " + " where " + sp + "a.actived=1 and a.formid <> 999 " + sortS; return this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql, new Object[]{userCode}); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } } @Override public List> getUserPanelData(String userCode, Integer formId) { try { String sql = "select b.formid,b.formtype,b.formname,a.selectsql, IsNULL(a.panelShowType,1) panelshowtype,\n" + "ISNULL(a.EChartType,1) echarttype,a.titletext,a.titlesubtext,a.yaxisname,a.isshowtoolbox,a.isshowtoolboxsaveasimage,a.isshowtoolboxdatazoom,\n" + "a.isshowtoolboxstack,a.showrownumber,a.isshowheader,a.isshowtoolboxdataview,a.seriesareastyleshow,a.yaxissplitlineshow,a.isshowlegenddataname from _sys_PanelData a " + "left join _sys_customHomePanelPosition b on a.formId=b.formid " + "where b.usercode=? and b.isShow=1"; if (formId != null && formId != 0) { sql += " and b.formid=" + formId; } sql += " and a.formId <> 999 order by b.chgId,b.sort"; return this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql, new Object[]{userCode}); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } }