package com.yc.sdk.miniapp.service; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException; import org.springframework.dao.EmptyResultDataAccessException; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import com.yc.sdk.miniapp.entity.LivePushMessageApiNotifyEntity; import com.yc.sdk.miniapp.entity.LiveReplayVideoEntity; import com.yc.sdk.miniapp.entity.LiveReplayVideoEntity.ReplayVideoEntity; import com.yc.sdk.miniapp.entity.LiveRoomEntity; import com.yc.sdk.miniapp.entity.LiveRoomEntity.RoomInfo; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.yc.sdk.miniapp.entity.LiveRoomImageEntity; import com.yc.action.grid.GridUtils; import com.yc.sdk.miniapp.entity.LiveAssistantEntity; import com.yc.sdk.miniapp.entity.LiveAssistantEntity.AssistantItemEntity; import com.yc.sdk.miniapp.entity.LiveGoodsEntity; import com.yc.service.BaseService; import; import; import; import; @Service("MaLiveImpl") public class MaLiveImpl extends BaseService implements MaLiveIfc { @Override public List updateLiveRoom(WxMaLiveResult wxMaLiveResult) { SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); try{ List> list = new ArrayList>(); String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @myRowCount int = 0 \n" + " declare @table table(RoomId int,FieldId varchar(50), RoomImg varchar(500) ) \n" + " declare @CoverImg varchar(500),@ShareImg varchar(500),@AnchorImg varchar(500),@FeedsImg varchar(500) \n" + " declare @CoverImgUnid varchar(500),@ShareImgUnid varchar(500),@AnchorImgUnid varchar(500),@FeedsImgUnid varchar(500) \n" + " declare @DocCode varchar(20),@Type int,@UserCode varchar(50),@UserName varchar(50) \n" + " declare @Today datetime = convert(varchar(10),getdate(),120) \n" + " declare @FormId int = 710701, @DocStatus int = 0 \n" + " declare @PeriodId varchar(20),@CompanyId varchar(20),@CompanyName varchar(80),@CcCode varchar(20),@CcName varchar(50) \n" + " declare @GoodsId bigint,@MatCode varchar(50) , @DepositDocCode varchar(50) , @DepositRowId varchar(20) \n"; for (int i = 0 ;wxMaLiveResult!=null&& wxMaLiveResult.getRoomInfos()!= null && i < wxMaLiveResult.getRoomInfos().size();i++) { WxMaLiveResult.RoomInfo roomInfo = wxMaLiveResult.getRoomInfos().get(i) ; Date startTime = new Date(roomInfo.getStartTime()*1000) ; Date endTime = new Date(roomInfo.getEndTime()*1000) ; sql += " select @DocCode = a.DocCode,@CoverImg = a.CoverImg,@ShareImg = a.ShareImg,@AnchorImg = AnchorImg,@FeedsImg = a.FeedsImg, \n" + " @CoverImgUnid = a.CoverImgUnid,@ShareImgUnid = a.ShareImgUnid,@AnchorImgUnid = a.AnchorImgUnid,@FeedsImgUnid = a.FeedsImgUnid \n" + " from t710701 a where a.RoomId = "+ roomInfo.getRoomId() + " \n" + " if @@rowcount > 0 \n" + " begin \n" + " if isnull(@CoverImgUnid,'') = '' or isnull(@CoverImg,'') <> '" + (roomInfo.getCoverImg()==null?"":roomInfo.getCoverImg()) + "' \n" + " begin \n" + " insert into @table(RoomId,FieldId,RoomImg) \n" + " values (" + roomInfo.getRoomId() + ",'CoverImgUnid','" + (roomInfo.getCoverImg()==null?"":roomInfo.getCoverImg()) + "') \n" + " end \n" + " if isnull(@ShareImgUnid,'') = '' or isnull(@ShareImg,'') <> '" + (roomInfo.getShareImg() ==null?"":roomInfo.getShareImg()) + "' \n" + " begin \n" + " insert into @table(RoomId,FieldId,RoomImg) \n" + " values (" + roomInfo.getRoomId() + ",'ShareImgUnid','" + (roomInfo.getShareImg()==null?"":roomInfo.getShareImg()) + "') \n" + " end \n" + " if isnull(@AnchorImgUnid ,'') = '' or isnull(@AnchorImg,'') <> '" + (roomInfo.getAnchorImg()==null?"": roomInfo.getAnchorImg()) + "' \n" + " begin \n" + " insert into @table(RoomId,FieldId,RoomImg) \n" + " values (" + roomInfo.getRoomId() + ",'AnchorImgUnid','" + (roomInfo.getAnchorImg()==null?"":roomInfo.getAnchorImg()) + "') \n" + " end \n" + " if isnull(@FeedsImgUnid ,'') = '' or isnull(@FeedsImg,'') <> '" + (roomInfo.getFeedsImg()==null?"":roomInfo.getFeedsImg()) + "' \n" + " begin \n" + " insert into @table(RoomId,FieldId,RoomImg) \n" + " values (" + roomInfo.getRoomId() + ",'FeedsImgUnid','" + (roomInfo.getAnchorImg()==null?"":roomInfo.getAnchorImg()) + "') \n" + " end \n" + " update a set RoomName = '" + (roomInfo.getName()==null?"":roomInfo.getName()) + "',CoverImg = '" + (roomInfo.getCoverImg()==null?"":roomInfo.getCoverImg()) + "',LiveStatus=" + roomInfo.getLiveStatus() + " \n" + " ,StartTime = '" + format.format(startTime) + "',EndTime = '" + format.format(endTime) + "',AnchorName='" + (roomInfo.getAnchorName()==null?"":roomInfo.getAnchorName()) +"' \n" + " ,AnchorImg='" + (roomInfo.getAnchorImg()==null?"":roomInfo.getAnchorImg()) + "',ShareImg='" + (roomInfo.getShareImg()==null?"":roomInfo.getShareImg()) + "' \n" + " ,OpenId = case when isnull(a.OpenId,'') <> '' then a.OpenId else '" + roomInfo.getCreaterOpenid() + "' end \n" + " ,FeedsImg='" + (roomInfo.getFeedsImg()==null?"":roomInfo.getFeedsImg()) + "', isCloseLike = " +roomInfo.getCloseLike() + ",isCloseGoods=" + roomInfo.getCloseGoods() + " ,isCloseComment=" + roomInfo.getCloseComment() + ",isCloseReplay=" +roomInfo.getCloseReplay() //+ " ,isCloseShare="+roomInfo.getCloseShare() + " ,isCloseKf=" + roomInfo.getCloseKf() + " ,isFeedsPublic=" + roomInfo.getIsFeedsPublic() + "\n" + " from t710701 a where a.RoomId = " + roomInfo.getRoomId() + " \n" + " set @myRowCount = isnull(@myRowCount,0) + @@rowcount \n" + " end \n" ; sql += " else \n" + " begin \n" + " insert into @table(RoomId,FieldId,RoomImg) \n" + " values (" + roomInfo.getRoomId() + ",'CoverImgUnid','" + (roomInfo.getCoverImg()==null?"":roomInfo.getCoverImg()) + "') \n" + " insert into @table(RoomId,FieldId,RoomImg) \n" + " values (" + roomInfo.getRoomId() + ",'ShareImgUnid','" + (roomInfo.getShareImg()==null?"":roomInfo.getShareImg()) + "') \n" + " insert into @table(RoomId,FieldId,RoomImg) \n" + " values (" + roomInfo.getRoomId() + ",'AnchorImgUnid','" + (roomInfo.getAnchorImg()==null?"":roomInfo.getAnchorImg()) + "') \n" + " insert into @table(RoomId,FieldId,RoomImg) \n" + " values (" + roomInfo.getRoomId() + ",'FeedsImgUnid','" + (roomInfo.getFeedsImg()==null?"":roomInfo.getFeedsImg()) + "') \n" + " select top 1 @CompanyId = CompanyId,@CompanyName=CompanyName \n" + " from ocompany \n" + " select @DocStatus = PreDocStatus from gform where formid = 710701 \n" + " select @PeriodId = dbo.GetPeriodID(@FormId,@CompanyID,@Today) \n" + " exec sp_newdoccode @FormId,@UserCode,@DocCode output \n" + " insert into t710701(DocCode,FormId,DocDate,CompanyID,CompanyName,DocStatus,EnterCode,EnterName,\n" + " EnterDate,ModifyName,ModifyDate,CcCode,CcName,PeriodId,\n" + " Type,RoomId,RoomName,CoverImg,LiveStatus,StartTime,EndTime,AnchorName,AnchorImg ,ShareImg,FeedsImg,OpenId, \n" + " isCloseLike,isCloseGoods,isCloseComment,isCloseReplay,isCloseShare,isCloseKf,isFeedsPublic) \n" + " values(@DocCode,@FormId,@Today,@CompanyID,@CompanyName,@DocStatus,@UserCode,@UserName,\n" + " getdate(),@UserName,getdate(),@CcCode,@CcName,@PeriodId ,\n" + roomInfo.getType()+ "," + roomInfo.getRoomId() + ",'" + (roomInfo.getName()==null?"":roomInfo.getName()) + "','" + (roomInfo.getCoverImg()==null?"":roomInfo.getCoverImg()) + "'," + roomInfo.getLiveStatus() + " ,'" + format.format(startTime) + "','" + format.format(endTime) + "','" + (roomInfo.getAnchorName()==null?"":roomInfo.getAnchorName()) +"'," + " '" + (roomInfo.getAnchorImg()==null?"":roomInfo.getAnchorImg()) + "','" + (roomInfo.getShareImg()==null?"": roomInfo.getShareImg()) + "','" + (roomInfo.getFeedsImg()==null?"":roomInfo.getFeedsImg()) +"','" + (roomInfo.getCreaterOpenid()==null?"":roomInfo.getCreaterOpenid()) + "', \n" + roomInfo.getCloseLike() + "," + roomInfo.getCloseGoods() + "," + roomInfo.getCloseComment() + "," + roomInfo.getCloseReplay() + "," + 1 + "," + roomInfo.getCloseKf() + "," + roomInfo.getIsFeedsPublic()+ ") \n" + " set @myRowCount = isnull(@myRowCount,0) + @@rowcount \n" + " end \n" + " exec p710701Save @DocCode = @DocCode \n"; //回放视频 for (int j = 0; wxMaLiveResult.getLiveReplay()!= null && j < wxMaLiveResult.getLiveReplay().size();j++) { LiveReplay liveReplay = wxMaLiveResult.getLiveReplay().get(j); String createTime = liveReplay.getCreateTime().replaceAll("T"," ").replaceAll("Z","") ; String expireTime = liveReplay.getExpireTime().replaceAll("T"," ").replaceAll("Z","") ; sql += " if not exists(select 1 from t710702 where RoomId = " +roomInfo.getRoomId() + " and CreateTime = '" + createTime + "' ) \n" + " begin \n" + " insert into t710702 (RoomId,CreateTime,ExpireTime,MediaUrl) \n" + " values(" + roomInfo.getRoomId() + ",'" +createTime + "','" + expireTime + "','" + (liveReplay.getMediaUrl()==null?"":liveReplay.getMediaUrl())+"' )\n" + " set @myRowCount = isnull(@myRowCount,0) + @@rowcount \n" + " end \n"; } //维护直播间所属商品 //sql += " delete from t710704 where RoomId = " + roomInfo.getRoomId() ; for (int j = 0 ;roomInfo.getGoods()!=null && j < roomInfo.getGoods().size();j++) { sql += " select @GoodsId = " + roomInfo.getGoods().get(j).getGoodsId() + " ; \n" + " update a set MatName = '" + roomInfo.getGoods().get(j).getName() + "',\n" + " Price = "+ roomInfo.getGoods().get(j).getPrice() + ",Price2= " + roomInfo.getGoods().get(j).getPrice2() + ",\n" + " Url='" + roomInfo.getGoods().get(j).getUrl() + "',CoverImg='" + roomInfo.getGoods().get(j).getCoverImg() + "' \n" + " from t710704 a \n" + " where a.RoomId = "+ roomInfo.getRoomId() + " and a.GoodsId = @GoodsId \n" + " if @@rowcount = 0 \n" + " begin \n" + " insert into t710704(RoomId,MatName,Price,Price2,Url,CoverImg,GoodsId) \n" + " values (" + roomInfo.getRoomId() + ",'" + roomInfo.getGoods().get(j).getName() + "'," + roomInfo.getGoods().get(j).getPrice() + "," + roomInfo.getGoods().get(j).getPrice2()+",'" + roomInfo.getGoods().get(j).getUrl() + "','" + roomInfo.getGoods().get(j).getCoverImg()+"',@GoodsId ) \n" + " end \n" + " set @myRowCount = isnull(@myRowCount,0) + @@rowcount \n"; /* * 下列代码导致 t710704 有百万条记录,数据库占用急剧膨胀 , 记录 by Johns Wang,2021-07-14 定金单号 100元的做法?? ,注释 by Johns Wang,2021-07-14 //url 样式: pages/detailEvents/detailEvents?matcode=K-36944T-L-AF&DepositDocCode=QGDJ200413001&DepositRowId=003RXI String url = roomInfo.getGoods().get(j).getUrl(); int pos = url.indexOf("?"); //取 ? 分隔符 String matCode = "",depositDocCode = "",depositRowId = ""; Map queryStringMap = new HashMap() ; if (pos > 0) { String queryString = url.substring(pos+1, url.length()) ; if (queryString != null && !"".equals(queryString)) { String tempStr[] = queryString.split("&") ; // 取& 分隔符 for(int k = 0;k < tempStr.length;k++ ) { if (tempStr[k]!=null&& !"".equals(tempStr[k])) { String subTempStr[] = tempStr[k].split("=") ; //取 = 分隔符 if (subTempStr.length >1) { queryStringMap.put(subTempStr[0], subTempStr[1]); } } } } } matCode = queryStringMap.get(SettingKey.MATCODE) ; //商品编号 depositDocCode = queryStringMap.get("DepositDocCode") ; //定金单号 depositRowId = queryStringMap.get("DepositRowId") ; //定金单行号 sql += " select @GoodsId = null,@MatCode = '" + (matCode==null?"":matCode) + "', @DepositDocCode = '" + (depositDocCode==null?"":depositDocCode)+"',@DepositRowId ='" + (depositRowId == null?"":depositRowId) + "' \n" + " select @GoodsId = GoodsId from t710703 where isnull(MatCode,'') = isnull(@MatCode,'') \n" + " and isnull(DepositDocCode,'') = isnull(@DepositDocCode,'') \n" + " and isnull(DepositRowId,'') = isnull(@DepositRowId,'') \n" + " if @@rowcount > 0 and @GoodsId is not null \n" + " begin \n" + " update a set MatName = '" + roomInfo.getGoods().get(j).getName() + "',\n" + " Price = "+ roomInfo.getGoods().get(j).getPrice() + ",Price2= " + roomInfo.getGoods().get(j).getPrice2() + ",\n" + " Url='" + roomInfo.getGoods().get(j).getUrl() + "',CoverImg='" + roomInfo.getGoods().get(j).getCoverImg() + "' \n" + " from t710704 a \n" + " where a.RoomId = "+ roomInfo.getRoomId() + " and a.GoodsId = @GoodsId \n" + " if @@rowcount = 0 \n" + " begin \n" + " insert into t710704(RoomId,MatName,Price,Price2,Url,CoverImg,GoodsId) \n" + " values (" + roomInfo.getRoomId() + ",'" + roomInfo.getGoods().get(j).getName() + "'," + roomInfo.getGoods().get(j).getPrice() + "," + roomInfo.getGoods().get(j).getPrice2()+",'" + roomInfo.getGoods().get(j).getUrl() + "','" + roomInfo.getGoods().get(j).getCoverImg()+"',@GoodsId ) \n" + " end \n" + " set @myRowCount = isnull(@myRowCount,0) + @@rowcount \n" + " end else \n" + " begin \n" + " insert into t710704(RoomId,MatName,Price,Price2,Url,CoverImg,GoodsId) \n" + " values (" + roomInfo.getRoomId() + ",'" + roomInfo.getGoods().get(j).getName() + "'," + roomInfo.getGoods().get(j).getPrice() + "," + roomInfo.getGoods().get(j).getPrice2()+",'" + roomInfo.getGoods().get(j).getUrl() + "','" + roomInfo.getGoods().get(j).getCoverImg()+"',null ) \n" + " set @myRowCount = isnull(@myRowCount,0) + @@rowcount \n" + " end \n"; */ } } sql += " select RoomId ,FieldId , RoomImg, @myRowCount as MyRowCount from @table ;\n" ; list = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql) ; List roomInfoList = new ArrayList() ; for (int i = 0 ;list != null && i < list.size() ; i ++) { Map map = list.get(i) ; LiveRoomImageEntity roomInfo = new LiveRoomImageEntity() ; roomInfo.setRoomId(map.get("RoomId")==null?null:(Integer)map.get("RoomId")) ; roomInfo.setFieldId(map.get("FieldId")==null?null:(String)map.get("FieldId")) ; roomInfo.setRoomImg(map.get("RoomImg")==null?null:(String)map.get("RoomImg")) ; roomInfo.setRowCount(map.get("MyRowCount")==null?null:(Integer)map.get("MyRowCount")) ; roomInfoList.add(roomInfo) ; } return roomInfoList ; }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { //e.printStackTrace(); throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ //e.printStackTrace(); throw e ; } } @Override public Integer addGoodsToRoom(Integer roomId,String goodsIds) { Integer ret = null; try { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @RoomId int = "+roomId+",@GoodsIds varchar(max) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(goodsIds)+",@myRowCount int \n" + " update a set MatName = b.MatName,Price = b.Price,Price2=b.Price2,Url = b.Url,CoverImg = b.CoverImgUrl \n" + " from t710704 a join t710703 b on a.GoodsId = b.GoodsId \n" + " where a.RoomId = @RoomId and a.GoodsId in (select list from getinstr(@GoodsIds)) \n" + " select @myRowCount = isnull(@myRowCount,0) + @@rowcount \n" + " insert into t710704(RoomId,MatName,Price,Price2,Url,CoverImg,GoodsId) \n" + " select @RoomId as RoomId,a.MatName,a.Price,a.Price2,a.Url,a.CoverImgUrl,a.GoodsId \n" + " from t710703 a \n" + " where a.GoodsId in (select list from getinstr(@GoodsIds)) \n" + " and not exists(select 1 from t710704 b where b.RoomId = @RoomId and a.GoodsId = b.GoodsId ) \n" + " select @myRowCount = isnull(@myRowCount,0) + @@rowcount \n" + " select @myRowCount \n"; ret = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, Integer.class) ; } catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return 0 ; } else { //e.printStackTrace(); throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ //e.printStackTrace(); throw e ; } return ret ; } @Override public Integer deleteGoodsInRoom(Integer roomId,Integer goodsId) { Integer ret = null; try { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @RoomId int = "+roomId+",@GoodsId int = "+goodsId+" \n" + " delete from t710704 where RoomId = @RoomId and GoodsId = @GoodsId \n" + " select @@rowcount \n"; ret = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, Integer.class) ; } catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return 0 ; } else { //e.printStackTrace(); throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ //e.printStackTrace(); throw e ; } return ret ; } @Override public Integer deleteGoods(Long goodsId) { Integer ret = null; try { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @GoodsId bigint = "+goodsId+" ,@DocCode varchar(20) \n" + " select @DocCode = MatCode from t710703 where GoodsId = @GoodsId \n" + " delete from t710704 where GoodsId = @GoodsId \n" + " delete from t710703 where GoodsId = @GoodsId \n" + " update a set GoodsId = null from t710802H a where a.DocCode = @DocCode \n" + " select @@rowcount \n"; ret = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, Integer.class) ; } catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return 0 ; } else { //e.printStackTrace(); throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ //e.printStackTrace(); throw e ; } return ret ; } @Override public Integer deleteRoom(Integer roomId) { Integer ret = null; try { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @RoomId int = "+roomId+" \n" + " delete from t710704 where RoomId = @RoomId \n" + " delete from t710701 where RoomId = @RoomId \n" + " select @@rowcount \n"; ret = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, Integer.class) ; } catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return 0 ; } else { //e.printStackTrace(); throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ //e.printStackTrace(); throw e ; } return ret ; } @Override public List getSubscribeUsers(Integer roomId) { try { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @RoomId int = "+roomId+" \n" + " select a.RoomId,a.OpenId,b.NickName,b.WeiXinAvatarUnid,b.Headimgurl, \n" + " a.SubscribeTime,SubscribeDateTime,a.RoomStatus \n" + " from t710708 a \n" + " left join t730102 b on a.OpenId = b.OpenId \n" + " where RoomId = @RoomId \n" ; List> list = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql) ; List liveSubscribeUserList = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; list !=null&& i < list.size(); i++) { Map map = list.get(i); LiveSubscribeUserEntity liveSubscribeUserEntity = LiveSubscribeUserEntity.builder().openId((String)map.get("OpenId")) .roomId(roomId).roomStatus((Integer)map.get("RoomStatus")) .subscribeTime(map.get("SubscribeTime")== null?0L:Long.parseLong(map.get("SubscribeTime").toString())) .subscribeDateTime(map.get("SubscribeDateTime")==null?null:(Date)map.get("SubscribeDateTime")) .build(); liveSubscribeUserList.add(liveSubscribeUserEntity); } return liveSubscribeUserList; } catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { //e.printStackTrace(); throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ //e.printStackTrace(); throw e ; } } @Override public Integer savePushMessageId(Integer roomId,String messageId) { try { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @RoomId int = "+roomId+" , @MessageId varchar(50) = " +GridUtils.prossSqlParm(messageId)+" \n" + " update a set SendDateTime = getdate() from t710709 a where a.RoomId = @RoomId and a.MessageId = @MessageId \n" + " if @@rowcount = 0 \n" + " begin \n" + " insert into t710709 (RoomId,MessageId,SendDateTime) \n" + " values(@RoomId,@MessageId,getdate()) \n" + " end \n" + " select @@rowcount as myrowcount \n" ; return this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql,Integer.class) ; } catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { //e.printStackTrace(); throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ //e.printStackTrace(); throw e ; } } @Override public Integer savePushMessageResult(LivePushMessageApiNotifyEntity livePushMessageApiNotifyEntity) { try { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @RoomId int = "+livePushMessageApiNotifyEntity.getRoomId()+" , @MessageId varchar(50) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(livePushMessageApiNotifyEntity.getMessageId()) +",@TotalCount int = "+livePushMessageApiNotifyEntity.getTotalCount()+",@SuccessCount int = "+livePushMessageApiNotifyEntity.getSuccessCount()+" \n" + " declare @OpenIdErrorCount int = "+livePushMessageApiNotifyEntity.getOpenidErrorCount() +",@RelationErrorCount int = "+livePushMessageApiNotifyEntity.getRelationErrorCount() +" ,@UserRecvLimitCount int = "+livePushMessageApiNotifyEntity.getUserRecvLimitCount()+" \n" + " declare @InternalErrorCount int = "+livePushMessageApiNotifyEntity.getInternalErrorCount()+" \n" + " update a set TotalCount = @TotalCount,SuccessCount = @SuccessCount,OpenIdErrorCount = @OpenIdErrorCount, \n" + " RelationErrorCount = @RelationErrorCount,UserRecvLimitCount = @UserRecvLimitCount,InternalErrorCount = @InternalErrorCount \n" + " from t710709 a where a.RoomId = @RoomId and a.MessageId = @MessageId \n" + " if @@rowcount = 0 \n" + " begin \n" + " insert into t710709 (RoomId,MessageId,TotalCount ,SuccessCount ,OpenIdErrorCount ,RelationErrorCount ,UserRecvLimitCount,InternalErrorCount,SendDateTime) \n" + " values(@RoomId,@MessageId,@TotalCount ,@SuccessCount ,@OpenIdErrorCount ,@RelationErrorCount ,@UserRecvLimitCount,@InternalErrorCount,getdate()) \n" + " end \n" + " select @@rowcount as myrowcount \n" ; return this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql,Integer.class) ; } catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { //e.printStackTrace(); throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ //e.printStackTrace(); throw e ; } } @Override public Integer deleteRoom(String docCode) { Integer ret = null; try { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @DocCode varchar(20) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(docCode)+" \n" + " delete a from t710704 a where exists(select 1 from t710701 b where b.DocCode = @DocCode and a.RoomId = b.RoomId ) \n" + " delete a from t710701 a where a.DocCode = @DocCode \n" + " select @@rowcount \n"; ret = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, Integer.class) ; } catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return 0 ; } else { //e.printStackTrace(); throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ //e.printStackTrace(); throw e ; } return ret ; } @Override public Integer addAssistant(Integer roomId,List users) { SimpleDateFormat sdf2 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") ; String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @RoomId int = "+roomId+" , @myrowcount int \n"; try { for (int i = 0;users!=null&& i assistantList) { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @RoomId int = "+roomId+" , @myrowcount int \n"; try { for (int i = 0;assistantList!=null&& i > list = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql) ; List assistantItemList = new ArrayList() ; for (int i = 0;list!=null&& i < list.size(); i++) { Map map = list.get(i) ; AssistantItemEntity assistantItemEntity = AssistantItemEntity() ; assistantItemEntity.setUserName(map.get("UserName")== null?"":(String)map.get("UserName")); assistantItemEntity.setNickName(map.get("NickName")== null?"":(String)map.get("NickName")); assistantItemEntity.setCreateTime(map.get("CreateTime")== null?null:(Date)map.get("CreateTime")); assistantItemEntity.setOpenId(map.get("OpenId")== null?"":(String)map.get("OpenId")); assistantItemEntity.setTimeStamp(map.get("TimeStamp")== null?0L:Long.parseLong(map.get("TimeStamp").toString())); assistantItemList.add(assistantItemEntity); } liveAssistantEntity.setList(assistantItemList); liveAssistantEntity.setRoomId(roomId); return liveAssistantEntity ; } catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { //e.printStackTrace(); throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ //e.printStackTrace(); throw e ; } } @Override public Integer updateSubAnchor(Integer roomId,String userName) { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @RoomId int = "+roomId+" , @UserName varchar(50) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(userName)+" \n" + " update a set SubAnchorWechat = @UserName from t710701 a where a.RoomId = @RoomId \n" + " select @@rowcount \n"; try { return this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql,Integer.class) ; }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } } @Override public Integer updateFeedsPublic(Integer roomId,Integer isFeedsPublic ) { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @RoomId int = "+roomId+" , @isFeedsPublic int = "+isFeedsPublic+" \n" + " update a set isFeedsPublic = @isFeedsPublic from t710701 a where a.RoomId = @RoomId \n" + " select @@rowcount \n"; try { return this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql,Integer.class) ; }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } } @Override public Integer updateCloseReplay(Integer roomId,Integer isCloseReplay ) { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @RoomId int = "+roomId+" , @isCloseReplay int = "+isCloseReplay+" \n" + " update a set isCloseReplay = @isCloseReplay from t710701 a where a.RoomId = @RoomId \n" + " select @@rowcount \n"; try { return this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql,Integer.class) ; }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } } @Override public Integer updateCloseKf(Integer roomId,Integer isCloseKf ) { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @RoomId int = "+roomId+" , @isCloseKf int = "+isCloseKf+" \n" + " update a set isCloseKf = @isCloseKf from t710701 a where a.RoomId = @RoomId \n" + " select @@rowcount \n"; try { return this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql,Integer.class) ; }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } } @Override public Integer updateCloseComment(Integer roomId,Integer isCloseComment ) { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @RoomId int = "+roomId+" , @isCloseComment int = "+isCloseComment+" \n" + " update a set isCloseComment = @isCloseComment from t710701 a where a.RoomId = @RoomId \n" + " select @@rowcount \n"; try { return this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql,Integer.class) ; }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } } @Override public Integer updateGoodsToOnSaleInRoom(Integer roomId,Long goodsId,Integer onSale ) { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @RoomId int = "+roomId+" ,@GoodsId bigint = "+goodsId+", @onSale int = "+onSale+" \n" + " update a set onSale = @onSale from t710704 a where a.RoomId = @RoomId and a.GoodsId = @GoodsId \n" + " select @@rowcount \n"; try { return this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql,Integer.class) ; }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } } @Override public Integer updateRoomImg(LiveRoomImageEntity liveRoomImageEntity) { Integer ret = null; try { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @RoomImgUnid varchar(50) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(liveRoomImageEntity.getRoomImgUnid())+" ,@RoomId int = "+liveRoomImageEntity.getRoomId()+" ,@myRowCount int = 0 \n" + " update a set " + liveRoomImageEntity.getFieldId() + " = @RoomImgUnid from t710701 a where a.RoomId = @RoomId \n" + " set @myRowCount = @@rowcount \n" + " select @myRowCount ;" ; ret = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, Integer.class) ; }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return 0 ; } else { //e.printStackTrace(); throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ //e.printStackTrace(); throw e ; } return ret ; } @Override public Integer updateRoomQrCodeUrl(Integer roomId,String roomQrCodeUrl,String roomQrCodeUrlUnid) { Integer ret = null; try { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @RoomId int = "+roomId+",@RoomQrCodeUrl varchar(500) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(roomQrCodeUrl)+" ,@RoomQrCodeUrlUnid varchar(50) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(roomQrCodeUrlUnid)+" , @myRowCount int = 0 \n" + " update a set RoomQrCodeUrl = @RoomQrCodeUrl,RoomQrCodeUrlUnid = @RoomQrCodeUrlUnid from t710701 a where a.RoomId = @RoomId \n" + " set @myRowCount = @@rowcount \n" + " select @myRowCount ;" ; ret = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, Integer.class) ; }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return 0 ; } else { //e.printStackTrace(); throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ //e.printStackTrace(); throw e ; } return ret ; } @Override public Integer updateReplayVideo(Integer roomId,List liveReplayList) { Integer ret = null; try { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @myRowCount int = 0 \n" ; for (int i =0; liveReplayList != null && i '' \n" + " begin \n" + " update a set Type=@Type,RoomName = @RoomName,StartTime = @StartTime,EndTime=@EndTime,AnchorName=@AnchorName,\n" + " AnchorWechat=@AnchorWechat,SubAnchorWechat=@SubAnchorWechat,isFeedsPublic=@isFeedsPublic,ScreenType=@ScreenType,ShopCcCode=@ShopCcCode, \n" + " ModifyName = @UserName,ModifyDate = getdate(),Brand = @DefaultBrand,isShowBannerPhotoOnHomePage = @isShowBannerPhotoOnHomePage \n" + " from t710701 a where a.DocCode = @DocCode \n" + " set @isFound = @@rowcount \n" + " end \n" + " if isnull(@isFound,0) = 0 \n" + " begin \n" + " select @CcCode = CcCode,@CompanyId = CompanyId,@CompanyName=CompanyName,@UserName = UserName \n" + " from _sys_loginuser a where usercode = @UserCode \n" + " select @DocStatus = PreDocStatus from gform where formid = 710701 \n" + " select @PeriodId = dbo.GetPeriodID(@FormId,@CompanyID,@Today) \n" + " exec sp_newdoccode @FormId,@UserCode,@DocCode output \n" + " insert into t710701(DocCode,FormId,DocDate,CompanyID,CompanyName,DocStatus,EnterCode,EnterName,\n" + " EnterDate,ModifyName,ModifyDate,CcCode,CcName,PeriodId, \n" + " Type,RoomId,RoomName,StartTime,EndTime,AnchorName,AnchorWechat,SubAnchorWechat,isFeedsPublic, \n" + " ScreenType,ShopCcCode,Brand,isShowBannerPhotoOnHomePage,OpenId) \n" + " values(@DocCode,@FormId,@Today,@CompanyID,@CompanyName,@DocStatus,@UserCode,@UserName,\n" + " getdate(),@UserName,getdate(),@CcCode,@CcName,@PeriodId ,\n" + " @Type,null,@RoomName,@StartTime,@EndTime,@AnchorName,@AnchorWechat,@SubAnchorWechat,@isFeedsPublic, \n" + " @ScreenType,@ShopCcCode,@DefaultBrand,@isShowBannerPhotoOnHomePage,@OpenId) \n" + " end \n" + " exec p710701Save @DocCode = @DocCode \n" + " select @DocCode as DocCode \n" ; try { Map map = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForMap(sql) ; String docCode = null ; if (map != null) { docCode= (String)map.get("DocCode") ; } return docCode; }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } } @Override public String createRoomStep1(CreateLiveRoomParameterStep1Entity createLiveRoomParameterStep1Entity) { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @DocCode varchar(20) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(createLiveRoomParameterStep1Entity.getDocCode())+",@Type int = "+createLiveRoomParameterStep1Entity.getType()+",@RoomName varchar(80) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(createLiveRoomParameterStep1Entity.getName())+" \n" + " declare @AnchorName varchar(50) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(createLiveRoomParameterStep1Entity.getAnchorName()) +",@AnchorWechat varchar(200) ="+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(createLiveRoomParameterStep1Entity.getAnchorWechat()) +",@SubAnchorWechat varchar(200) ="+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(createLiveRoomParameterStep1Entity.getSubAnchorWechat())+" \n" + " declare @ScreenType int = "+createLiveRoomParameterStep1Entity.getScreenType() +",@UserCode varchar(50) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(createLiveRoomParameterStep1Entity.getUserCode()) +", @UserName varchar(50) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(createLiveRoomParameterStep1Entity.getUserName()) +",@ShopCcCode varchar(50) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(createLiveRoomParameterStep1Entity.getShopCcCode()) +" \n" + " declare @isShowBannerPhotoOnHomePage int = 0 ,@OpenId varchar(200) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(createLiveRoomParameterStep1Entity.getOpenId())+" \n" + " declare @ShareImgUnid varchar(50) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(createLiveRoomParameterStep1Entity.getShareImgUnid()) +",@FeedsImgUnid varchar(50) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(createLiveRoomParameterStep1Entity.getFeedsImgUnid()) +",@CoverImgUnid varchar(50) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(createLiveRoomParameterStep1Entity.getCoverImgUnid()) +" \n" + " declare @Today datetime = convert(varchar(10),getdate(),120) \n" + " declare @FormId int = 710701, @DocStatus int = 0 ,@isFound int = 0 \n" + " declare @DefaultBrand varchar(50) \n" + " select top 1 @DefaultBrand = DefaultBrand from _sys_LoginUser where UserCode = @UserCode \n" + " declare @PeriodId varchar(20),@CompanyId varchar(20),@CompanyName varchar(80),@CcCode varchar(20),@CcName varchar(50) \n" + " if isnull(@DocCode,'') <> '' \n" + " begin \n" + " update a set Type=@Type,RoomName = @RoomName,AnchorName=@AnchorName,\n" + " AnchorWechat=@AnchorWechat,SubAnchorWechat=@SubAnchorWechat,ScreenType=@ScreenType,ShopCcCode=@ShopCcCode, \n" + " ModifyName = @UserName,ModifyDate = getdate(),Brand = @DefaultBrand,isShowBannerPhotoOnHomePage = @isShowBannerPhotoOnHomePage, \n" + " ShareImgUnid = @ShareImgUnid,FeedsImgUnid = @FeedsImgUnid,CoverImgUnid = @CoverImgUnid \n" + " from t710701 a where a.DocCode = @DocCode \n" + " set @isFound = @@rowcount \n" + " end \n" + " if isnull(@isFound,0) = 0 \n" + " begin \n" + " select @CcCode = CcCode,@CompanyId = CompanyId,@CompanyName=CompanyName,@UserName = UserName \n" + " from _sys_loginuser a where usercode = @UserCode \n" + " select @DocStatus = PreDocStatus from gform where formid = 710701 \n" + " select @PeriodId = dbo.GetPeriodID(@FormId,@CompanyID,@Today) \n" + " exec sp_newdoccode @FormId,@UserCode,@DocCode output \n" + " insert into t710701(DocCode,FormId,DocDate,CompanyID,CompanyName,DocStatus,EnterCode,EnterName,\n" + " EnterDate,ModifyName,ModifyDate,CcCode,CcName,PeriodId, \n" + " Type,RoomId,RoomName,AnchorName,AnchorWechat,SubAnchorWechat,\n" + " ScreenType,ShopCcCode,Brand,isShowBannerPhotoOnHomePage,OpenId, \n" + " ShareImgUnid ,FeedsImgUnid ,CoverImgUnid) \n" + " values(@DocCode,@FormId,@Today,@CompanyID,@CompanyName,@DocStatus,@UserCode,@UserName,\n" + " getdate(),@UserName,getdate(),@CcCode,@CcName,@PeriodId ,\n" + " @Type,null,@RoomName,@AnchorName,@AnchorWechat,@SubAnchorWechat, \n" + " @ScreenType,@ShopCcCode,@DefaultBrand,@isShowBannerPhotoOnHomePage,@OpenId , \n" + " @ShareImgUnid ,@FeedsImgUnid ,@CoverImgUnid ) \n" + " end \n" + " exec p710701Save @DocCode = @DocCode \n" + " select @DocCode as DocCode \n" ; try { Map map = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForMap(sql) ; String docCode = null ; if (map != null) { docCode= (String)map.get("DocCode") ; } return docCode; }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } } @Override public Integer createRoomStep2(CreateLiveRoomParameterStep2Entity createLiveRoomParameterStep2Entity) { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @DocCode varchar(20) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(createLiveRoomParameterStep2Entity.getDocCode()) +",@isCloseComment int ="+createLiveRoomParameterStep2Entity.getCloseComment() +",@isCloseLike int ="+createLiveRoomParameterStep2Entity.getCloseLike() +",@isCloseShare int = "+createLiveRoomParameterStep2Entity.getCloseShare()+" \n" + " declare @isCloseReplay int = "+createLiveRoomParameterStep2Entity.getCloseReplay() +",@isCloseKf int = "+createLiveRoomParameterStep2Entity.getCloseKf() +",@isCloseGoods int ="+createLiveRoomParameterStep2Entity.getCloseGoods() +",@isFeedsPublic int = "+createLiveRoomParameterStep2Entity.getIsFeedsPublic()+" \n" + " declare @myrowcount int \n" + " update a set isCloseComment=@isCloseComment,isCloseLike = @isCloseLike,isCloseShare=@isCloseShare, \n" + " isCloseReplay=@isCloseReplay,isCloseKf=@isCloseKf,isCloseGoods=@isCloseGoods,isFeedsPublic = @isFeedsPublic \n" + " from t710701 a where a.DocCode = @DocCode \n" + " select @myrowcount = @@rowcount \n" + " exec p710701Save @DocCode = @DocCode \n" + " select @myrowcount \n"; try { return this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql,Integer.class) ; }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } } @Override public Integer createRoomStep3(CreateLiveRoomParameterStep3Entity createLiveRoomParameterStep3Entity) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @DocCode varchar(20) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(createLiveRoomParameterStep3Entity.getDocCode()) +",@StartTime DateTime = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(createLiveRoomParameterStep3Entity.getStartDateTime()==null?null:sdf.format(createLiveRoomParameterStep3Entity.getStartDateTime())) +",@EndTime datetime = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(createLiveRoomParameterStep3Entity.getEndDateTime()==null?null:sdf.format(createLiveRoomParameterStep3Entity.getEndDateTime())) +" \n" + " declare @myrowcount int \n" + " update a set StartTime = @StartTime,EndTime = @EndTime \n" + " from t710701 a where a.DocCode = @DocCode \n" + " select @myrowcount = @@rowcount \n" + " exec p710701Save @DocCode = @DocCode \n" + " select @myrowcount \n"; try { return this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql,Integer.class) ; }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } } @Override public Integer saveAttachment(String docCode,String fieldId,String unid,Integer seq) { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @DocCode varchar(20) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(docCode)+",@FieldId varchar(50) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(fieldId) +",@Unid varchar(50) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(unid)+",@Seq int = "+seq+" \n" + " declare @isFound int = 0 \n" + " if isnull(@FieldId,'') = 'coverImg' \n" + " begin \n" + " update a set CoverImgUnid = isnull(@Unid,'') + ';' + cast(@Seq as varchar(20)) from t710701 a where a.DocCode = @DocCode \n" + " set @isFound = @@rowcount \n" + " end \n" + " if isnull(@FieldId,'') = 'shareImg' \n" + " begin \n" + " update a set ShareImgUnid = isnull(@Unid,'') + ';' + cast(@Seq as varchar(20)) from t710701 a where a.DocCode = @DocCode \n" + " set @isFound = @@rowcount \n" + " end \n" + " if isnull(@FieldId,'') = 'feedsImg' \n" + " begin \n" + " update a set FeedsImgUnid = isnull(@Unid,'') + ';' + cast(@Seq as varchar(20)) from t710701 a where a.DocCode = @DocCode \n" + " set @isFound = @@rowcount \n" + " end \n" + " if isnull(@FieldId,'') = 'bannerPhoto' \n" + " begin \n" + " update a set BannerPhoto = isnull(@Unid,'') + ';' + cast(@Seq as varchar(20)) from t710701 a where a.DocCode = @DocCode \n" + " set @isFound = @@rowcount \n" + " end \n" + " select isnull(@isFound,0) \n" ; try { return this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql,Integer.class) ; } catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } } @Override public LiveRoomEntity getLiveRoom(Integer roomId) { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @RoomId int = "+roomId+" \n" + " select RoomId,RoomName,CoverImg,LiveStatus,StartTime,EndTime,AnchorName,AnchorImg,ShopCcCode, \n" + " DATEDIFF(SECOND,getdate(), a.StartTime) as LiveBalanceSecond, \n" + " a.isShowBannerPhotoOnHomePage ,a.BannerPhoto,a.ShareImg,a.CoverImgUnid,a.CoverImgUnidUrl,a.ShareImgUnid,a.ShareImgUnidUrl,a.AnchorImgUnid,a.AnchorImgUnidUrl, \n" + " a.Type,a.AnchorWechat,a.isFeedsPublic,a.FeedsImgUnid,a.FeedsImgUnidUrl,a.ScreenType,a.isCloseLike,a.isCloseGoods,a.isCloseComment,\n" + " a.isCloseReplay,a.isCloseShare,a.isCloseKf, \n" + " a.DocCode,a.DocDate,a.FormId,a.RoomQrCodeUrl,a.RoomQrCodeUrlUnid \n" + " from t710701 a \n" + " where a.RoomId = @RoomId \n"; LiveRoomEntity liveRoomEntity = new LiveRoomEntity() ; try { Map map = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForMap(sql) ; if (map != null) { RoomInfo roomInfo = getRoomInfo(map, liveRoomEntity) ; List roomInfoList = new ArrayList(1) ; roomInfoList.add(roomInfo); liveRoomEntity.setRoomInfo(roomInfoList); return liveRoomEntity; } }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } return liveRoomEntity; } @Override public Integer saveRoomIdByRoomDocCode(String docCode,Integer roomId,String qrCodeUrl,String qrCodeUrlUnid) { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @DocCode varchar(20) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(docCode)+" ,@RoomId int = "+roomId +",@QrCodeUrl varchar(500)="+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(qrCodeUrl)+" ,@QrCodeUrlUnid varchar(50) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(qrCodeUrlUnid)+" \n" + " update a set RoomId = @RoomId,QrCodeUrl = @QrCodeUrl,QrCodeUrlUnid = @QrCodeUrlUnid \n" + " from t710701 a \n" + " where a.DocCode = @DocCode \n" + " select @@rowcount \n"; try { return this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql,Integer.class) ; }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } } @Override public LiveRoomEntity getLiveRoom(String docCode) { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @DocCode varchar(20) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(docCode)+" \n" + " select a.RoomId,a.RoomName,a.CoverImg,a.LiveStatus,a.StartTime,a.EndTime,\n" + " a.AnchorWechat,a.AnchorName,a.AnchorImg,a.AnchorImgUnid,a.AnchorImgUnidUrl,a.SubAnchorWechat,a.ShopCcCode, \n" + " DATEDIFF(SECOND,getdate(), a.StartTime) as LiveBalanceSecond, \n" + " a.isShowBannerPhotoOnHomePage ,a.BannerPhoto,a.BannerPhotoUrl,a.ShareImg,a.CoverImgUnid,a.CoverImgUnidUrl,a.ShareImgUnid,a.ShareImgUnidUrl, \n" + " a.Type,a.isFeedsPublic,a.FeedsImgUnid,a.FeedsImgUnidUrl,a.ScreenType,a.isCloseLike,a.isCloseGoods,a.isCloseComment,\n" + " a.isCloseReplay,a.isCloseShare,a.isCloseKf,a.QrCodeUrl,a.QrCodeUrlUnid, \n" + " a.DocCode,a.DocDate,a.FormId,a.SubscribeTimes \n" + " from t710701 a \n" + " where a.DocCode = @DocCode \n"; LiveRoomEntity liveRoomEntity = new LiveRoomEntity() ; try { Map map = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForMap(sql) ; if (map != null) { RoomInfo roomInfo = getRoomInfo(map, liveRoomEntity) ; List roomInfoList = new ArrayList(1) ; roomInfoList.add(roomInfo); liveRoomEntity.setRoomInfo(roomInfoList); return liveRoomEntity; } }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } return liveRoomEntity; } @Override public LiveRoomEntity getLiveRoomBannerPhotoList(String shopCcCode) { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @ShopCcCode varchar(50) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(shopCcCode)+" \n" + " select a.RoomId,a.RoomName,a.CoverImg,a.LiveStatus,a.StartTime,a.EndTime,\n" + " a.AnchorWechat,a.AnchorName,a.AnchorImg,a.AnchorImgUnid,a.AnchorImgUnidUrl,a.SubAnchorWechat,a.ShopCcCode, \n" + " DATEDIFF(SECOND,getdate(), a.StartTime) as LiveBalanceSecond, \n" + " a.isShowBannerPhotoOnHomePage ,a.BannerPhoto,a.BannerPhotoUrl,a.CoverImg,a.CoverImgUnid,a.CoverImgUnidUrl,a.ShareImg,a.ShareImgUnid,a.ShareImgUnidUrl, \n" + " a.Type,a.isFeedsPublic,a.FeedsImgUnid,a.FeedsImgUnidUrl,a.ScreenType,a.isCloseLike,a.isCloseGoods,a.isCloseComment,\n" + " a.isCloseReplay,a.isCloseShare,a.isCloseKf,a.QrCodeUrl,QrCodeUrlUnid, \n" + " a.DocCode,a.DocDate,a.FormId,a.EnterCode,a.EnterName,a.EnterDate \n" + " from t710701 a \n" + " where (isnull(@ShopCcCode,'') = '' or a.ShopCcCode = @ShopCcCode) \n" + " and isnull(a.RoomId,0) <> 0 \n" + " order by a.LiveStatus asc,a.StartTime desc,a.EndTime desc \n" ; LiveRoomEntity liveRoomEntity = new LiveRoomEntity() ; try { List> list = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql) ; if (list != null) { List roomInfoList = new ArrayList(list.size()) ; for (int i = 0; i < list.size() ; i ++) { roomInfoList.add(getRoomInfo(list.get(i), liveRoomEntity) ) ; } liveRoomEntity.setTotal(list.size()); liveRoomEntity.setRoomInfo(roomInfoList); } }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } return liveRoomEntity; } @Override public LiveRoomEntity getLiveRoomListForMe(Integer roomId,String shopCcCode,String userCode,String docCode) { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @RoomId int = "+roomId+",@ShopCcCode varchar(50) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(shopCcCode)+" \n" + " declare @UserCode varchar(50) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(userCode)+",@DocCode varchar(20) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(docCode)+" \n" + " declare @DefaultBrand varchar(50),@isStartupLeagueShopCcCode int \n" //+ " select @isStartupLeagueShopCcCode = a.isStartupLeagueShopCcCode from t714001 a \n" + " select top 1 @DefaultBrand = DefaultBrand \n" + " from _sys_LoginUser where UserCode = @UserCode \n" + " select a.RoomId,a.RoomName,a.CoverImg,a.LiveStatus,a.StartTime,a.EndTime,\n" + " a.AnchorWechat,a.AnchorName,a.AnchorImg,a.AnchorImgUnid,a.AnchorImgUnidUrl,a.SubAnchorWechat,a.ShopCcCode, \n" + " DATEDIFF(SECOND,getdate(), a.StartTime) as LiveBalanceSecond, \n" + " a.isShowBannerPhotoOnHomePage ,a.BannerPhoto,a.BannerPhotoUrl,a.ShareImg,a.CoverImgUnid,a.CoverImgUnidUrl,a.ShareImgUnid,a.ShareImgUnidUrl, \n" + " a.Type,a.isFeedsPublic,a.FeedsImgUnid,a.FeedsImgUnidUrl,a.ScreenType,a.isCloseLike,a.isCloseGoods,a.isCloseComment,\n" + " a.isCloseReplay,a.isCloseShare,a.isCloseKf,a.QrCodeUrl,a.QrCodeUrlUnid, \n" + " a.DocCode,a.DocDate,a.FormId,a.EnterCode,a.EnterName,a.EnterDate \n" + " from t710701 a \n" + " where (isnull(@ShopCcCode,'') = '' or a.ShopCcCode = @ShopCcCode) \n" + " and (isnull(@RoomId,0) = 0 or a.RoomId = @RoomId ) \n" + " and (isnull(@DocCode,'') = '' or a.DocCode = @DocCode ) \n" + " and ((isnull(@DefaultBrand,'') = '' and isnull(a.Brand,'')= '') or (isnull(@DefaultBrand,'') <> '' and a.Brand = @DefaultBrand or a.EnterCode = @UserCode)) \n" + " order by a.LiveStatus asc,a.StartTime desc,a.EndTime desc \n" ; LiveRoomEntity liveRoomEntity = new LiveRoomEntity() ; try { List> list = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql) ; if (list != null) { List roomInfoList = new ArrayList(list.size()) ; for (int i = 0; i < list.size() ; i ++) { roomInfoList.add(getRoomInfo(list.get(i), liveRoomEntity) ) ; } liveRoomEntity.setTotal(list.size()); liveRoomEntity.setRoomInfo(roomInfoList); } }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } return liveRoomEntity; } @Override public LiveRoomEntity getLiveRoomListForOpenId(String openId) { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @OpenId varchar(200) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(openId)+" \n" + " select a.RoomId,a.RoomName,a.CoverImg,a.LiveStatus,a.StartTime,a.EndTime,\n" + " a.AnchorWechat,a.AnchorName,a.AnchorImg,a.AnchorImgUnid,a.AnchorImgUnidUrl,a.SubAnchorWechat,a.ShopCcCode, \n" + " DATEDIFF(SECOND,getdate(), a.StartTime) as LiveBalanceSecond, \n" + " a.isShowBannerPhotoOnHomePage ,a.BannerPhoto,a.BannerPhotoUrl,a.CoverImg,a.CoverImgUnid,a.CoverImgUnidUrl,a.ShareImg,a.ShareImgUnid,a.ShareImgUnidUrl, \n" + " a.Type,a.isFeedsPublic,a.FeedsImgUnid,a.FeedsImgUnidUrl,a.ScreenType,a.isCloseLike,a.isCloseGoods,a.isCloseComment,\n" + " a.isCloseReplay,a.isCloseShare,a.isCloseKf,a.QrCodeUrl,a.QrCodeUrlUnid, \n" + " a.DocCode,a.DocDate,a.FormId,a.EnterCode,a.EnterName,a.EnterDate,a.SubscribeTimes \n" + " from t710701 a \n" + " where a.OpenId = @OpenId \n" + " order by a.EnterDate desc,a.StartTime desc,a.EndTime desc \n" ; LiveRoomEntity liveRoomEntity = new LiveRoomEntity() ; try { List> list = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql) ; if (list != null) { List roomInfoList = new ArrayList(list.size()) ; for (int i = 0; i < list.size() ; i ++) { roomInfoList.add(getRoomInfo(list.get(i), liveRoomEntity) ) ; } liveRoomEntity.setTotal(list.size()); liveRoomEntity.setRoomInfo(roomInfoList); } }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } return liveRoomEntity; } @Override public LiveRoomEntity getLiveRoomList(Integer roomId,String shopCcCode,boolean isShowBannerPhotoOnHomePage, boolean isShowOwnerLiveRoom,String userCode,String docCode) { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @RoomId int = "+roomId+",@ShopCcCode varchar(50) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(shopCcCode)+" ,@isShowBannerPhotoOnHomePage int = "+(isShowBannerPhotoOnHomePage?1:0) +" \n" + " declare @isShowOwnerLiveRoom int = "+(isShowOwnerLiveRoom?1:0)+", @UserCode varchar(50) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(userCode)+",@DocCode varchar(20) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(docCode)+" \n" + " declare @DefaultBrand varchar(50),@isStartupLeagueShopCcCode int \n" //+ " select @isStartupLeagueShopCcCode = a.isStartupLeagueShopCcCode from t714001 a \n" + " select top 1 @DefaultBrand = DefaultBrand \n" + " from _sys_LoginUser where UserCode = @UserCode \n" + " select a.RoomId,a.RoomName,a.CoverImg,a.LiveStatus,a.StartTime,a.EndTime,\n" + " a.AnchorWechat,a.AnchorName,a.AnchorImg,a.AnchorImgUnid,a.AnchorImgUnidUrl,a.SubAnchorWechat,a.ShopCcCode, \n" + " DATEDIFF(SECOND,getdate(), a.StartTime) as LiveBalanceSecond, \n" + " a.isShowBannerPhotoOnHomePage ,a.BannerPhoto,a.BannerPhotoUrl,a.ShareImg,a.CoverImgUnid,a.CoverImgUnidUrl,a.ShareImgUnid,a.ShareImgUnidUrl, \n" + " a.Type,a.isFeedsPublic,a.FeedsImgUnid,a.FeedsImgUnidUrl,a.ScreenType,a.isCloseLike,a.isCloseGoods,a.isCloseComment,\n" + " a.isCloseReplay,a.isCloseShare,a.isCloseKf,a.QrCodeUrl,a.QrCodeUrlUnid, \n" + " a.DocCode,a.DocDate,a.FormId,a.EnterCode,a.EnterName,a.EnterDate \n" + " from t710701 a \n" + " where (isnull(@ShopCcCode,'') = '' or a.ShopCcCode = @ShopCcCode) \n" + " and (isnull(@RoomId,0) = 0 or a.RoomId = @RoomId ) \n" + " and (isnull(@DocCode,'') = '' or a.DocCode = @DocCode ) \n" + " and (isnull(@isShowBannerPhotoOnHomePage,0) = 0 or a.isShowBannerPhotoOnHomePage = @isShowBannerPhotoOnHomePage ) \n" + " and (isnull(@isShowOwnerLiveRoom,0) = 0 or (isnull(@isShowOwnerLiveRoom,0) = 1 and (isnull(@DefaultBrand,'') = '' and isnull(a.Brand,'')= '' or isnull(@DefaultBrand,'') <> '' and a.Brand = @DefaultBrand or a.EnterCode = @UserCode) )) \n" + " order by a.LiveStatus asc,a.StartTime desc,a.EndTime desc \n" ; LiveRoomEntity liveRoomEntity = new LiveRoomEntity() ; try { List> list = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql) ; if (list != null) { List roomInfoList = new ArrayList(list.size()) ; for (int i = 0; i < list.size() ; i ++) { roomInfoList.add(getRoomInfo(list.get(i), liveRoomEntity) ) ; } liveRoomEntity.setTotal(list.size()); liveRoomEntity.setRoomInfo(roomInfoList); } }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } return liveRoomEntity; } private RoomInfo getRoomInfo(Map map,LiveRoomEntity liveRoomEntity) { if (map==null ) return null ; RoomInfo roomInfo = RoomInfo() ; roomInfo.setName(map.get("RoomName") == null ? "" : (String)map.get("RoomName")) ; roomInfo.setId(map.get("RoomId") == null ? null : (Integer)map.get("RoomId")) ; roomInfo.setCoverImg(map.get("CoverImg") == null ? "" : (String)map.get("CoverImg")) ; roomInfo.setCoverImgUnid(map.get("CoverImgUnid") == null ? "" : (String)map.get("CoverImgUnid")) ; roomInfo.setCoverImgUnidUrl(map.get("CoverImgUnidUrl") == null ? "" : (String)map.get("CoverImgUnidUrl")) ; roomInfo.setLiveStatus(map.get("LiveStatus") == null ? null : (Integer)map.get("LiveStatus")) ; roomInfo.setStartDateTime(map.get("StartTime") == null ? null : (Date)map.get("StartTime")) ; roomInfo.setEndDateTime(map.get("EndTime") == null ? null: (Date)map.get("EndTime")) ; roomInfo.setStartTime(roomInfo.getStartDateTime()!=null? roomInfo.getStartDateTime().getTime()/1000:null) ; roomInfo.setEndTime(roomInfo.getEndDateTime()!=null? roomInfo.getEndDateTime().getTime()/1000:null) ; roomInfo.setAnchorName(map.get("AnchorName") == null ? "" : (String)map.get("AnchorName")) ; roomInfo.setAnchorImg(map.get("AnchorImg") == null ? "" : (String)map.get("AnchorImg")) ; roomInfo.setAnchorImgUnid(map.get("AnchorImgUnid") == null ? "" : (String)map.get("AnchorImgUnid")) ; roomInfo.setAnchorImgUnidUrl(map.get("AnchorImgUnidUrl") == null ? "" : (String)map.get("AnchorImgUnidUrl")) ; roomInfo.setSubAnchorWechat(map.get("SubAnchorWechat") == null ? "" : (String)map.get("SubAnchorWechat")) ; roomInfo.setShareImg(map.get("ShareImg") == null ? "" : (String)map.get("ShareImg")) ; roomInfo.setShareImgUnid(map.get("ShareImgUnid") == null ? "" : (String)map.get("ShareImgUnid")) ; roomInfo.setShareImgUnidUrl(map.get("ShareImgUnidUrl") == null ? "" : (String)map.get("ShareImgUnidUrl")) ; roomInfo.setShopCcCode(map.get("ShopCcCode") == null ? "" : (String)map.get("ShopCcCode")) ; roomInfo.setLiveBalanceSecond(map.get("LiveBalanceSecond") == null ? 0 : (Integer)map.get("LiveBalanceSecond")) ; roomInfo.setShowBannerPhotoOnHomePage(map.get("isShowBannerPhotoOnHomePage") != null &&map.get("isShowBannerPhotoOnHomePage").equals(1)?true:false) ; roomInfo.setBannerPhoto(map.get("BannerPhoto") == null ? "" : (String)map.get("BannerPhoto")) ; roomInfo.setBannerPhotoUrl(map.get("BannerPhotoUrl") == null ? "" : (String)map.get("BannerPhotoUrl")) ; roomInfo.setType(map.get("Type") == null ? 0 : (Integer)map.get("Type")) ; roomInfo.setAnchorWechat(map.get("AnchorWechat") == null ? "" : (String)map.get("AnchorWechat")) ; roomInfo.setIsFeedsPublic(map.get("isFeedsPublic") == null?0:(Integer)map.get("isFeedsPublic")) ; roomInfo.setFeedsImgUnid(map.get("FeedsImgUnid") == null ? "" : (String)map.get("FeedsImgUnid")) ; roomInfo.setFeedsImgUnidUrl(map.get("FeedsImgUnidUrl") == null ? "" : (String)map.get("FeedsImgUnidUrl")) ; roomInfo.setScreenType(map.get("ScreenType") == null ? 0 : (Integer)map.get("ScreenType")) ; roomInfo.setCloseLike(map.get("isCloseLike") == null?0:(Integer)map.get("isCloseLike")) ; roomInfo.setCloseGoods(map.get("isCloseGoods") == null?0:(Integer)map.get("isCloseGoods")) ; roomInfo.setCloseComment(map.get("isCloseComment") == null?0:(Integer)map.get("isCloseComment")) ; roomInfo.setCloseReplay(map.get("isCloseReplay") == null?0:(Integer)map.get("isCloseReplay")) ; roomInfo.setCloseShare(map.get("isCloseShare") == null?0:(Integer)map.get("isCloseShare")) ; roomInfo.setCloseKf(map.get("isCloseKf") == null?0:(Integer)map.get("isCloseKf")) ; roomInfo.setQrCodeUrl(map.get("QrCodeUrl") == null?"":(String)map.get("QrCodeUrl")) ; roomInfo.setQrCodeUrlUnid(map.get("QrCodeUrlUnid") == null?"":(String)map.get("QrCodeUrlUnid")) ; roomInfo.setDocCode(map.get("DocCode") == null?"":(String)map.get("DocCode")) ; roomInfo.setDocDate(map.get("DocDate") == null?null:(Date)map.get("DocDate")) ; roomInfo.setFormId(map.get("FormId") == null?null:(Integer)map.get("FormId")) ; roomInfo.setEnterCode(map.get("EnterCode") == null?null:(String)map.get("EnterCode")) ; roomInfo.setEnterName(map.get("EnterName") == null?null:(String)map.get("EnterName")) ; roomInfo.setEnterDate(map.get("EnterDate") == null?null:(Date)map.get("EnterDate")) ; roomInfo.setLiveStatus(map.get("LiveStatus") == null?null:(Integer)map.get("LiveStatus")) ; roomInfo.setSubscribeTimes(map.get("SubscribeTimes") == null?0:(Integer)map.get("SubscribeTimes")) ; roomInfo.setRoomQrCodeUrl(map.get("RoomQrCodeUrl") == null?"":(String)map.get("RoomQrCodeUrl")) ; roomInfo.setRoomQrCodeUrlUnid(map.get("RoomQrCodeUrlUnid") == null?"":(String)map.get("RoomQrCodeUrlUnid")) ; return roomInfo; } @Override public LiveReplayVideoEntity getReplayVideo(Integer roomId) { SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @RoomId int = "+roomId+" \n" + " select RoomId,CreateTime,ExpireTime,MediaUrl \n" + " from t710702 a \n" + " order by a.CreateTime asc \n" ; LiveReplayVideoEntity liveReplayVideoEntity = new LiveReplayVideoEntity() ; try { List> list = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql) ; if (list != null) { List liveReplayList = new ArrayList(list.size()) ; for (int i = 0; i < list.size() ; i ++) { Map map = list.get(i); ReplayVideoEntity roomInfo = ReplayVideoEntity() ; roomInfo.setRoomId(map.get("RoomId") == null ? null : (Integer)map.get("RoomId")) ; roomInfo.setCreateDateTime(map.get("CreateTime") == null ? null : (Date)map.get("CreateTime")) ; roomInfo.setExpireDateTime(map.get("ExpireTime") == null ? null : (Date)map.get("ExpireTime")) ; roomInfo.setCreateTime(roomInfo.getCreateDateTime()!=null?format.format(roomInfo.getCreateDateTime()):"") ; roomInfo.setExpireTime(roomInfo.getExpireDateTime()!=null?format.format(roomInfo.getExpireDateTime()):"") ; roomInfo.setMediaUrl(map.get("MediaUrl") == null ? "" : (String)map.get("MediaUrl")) ; liveReplayList.add(roomInfo) ; } liveReplayVideoEntity.setTotal(list.size()); liveReplayVideoEntity.setLiveReplay(liveReplayList); } }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } return liveReplayVideoEntity; } @Override public Integer saveAddGoods(LiveGoodsEntity goodsEntity) { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @MatCode varchar(50) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(goodsEntity.getMatCode())+",@MatName varchar(80),@Special varchar(80),@CoverImgUrl varchar(500) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(goodsEntity.getCoverImgUrl())+" \n" + " declare @PriceType int = "+goodsEntity.getPriceType()+", @Price money = "+goodsEntity.getPrice()+",@Price2 money = "+goodsEntity.getPrice2()+",@URL varchar(200) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(goodsEntity.getUrl())+" \n" + " declare @AuditId bigint = "+goodsEntity.getAuditId()+",@GoodsId bigint = "+goodsEntity.getGoodsId()+",@AuditStatus int = "+goodsEntity.getAuditStatus()+",@ThirdPartyTag int = "+goodsEntity.getThirdPartyTag()+" \n" + " declare @DepositDocCode varchar(50) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(goodsEntity.getDepositDocCode())+", @DepositRowId varchar(20) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(goodsEntity.getDepositRowId())+" \n" + " declare @OpenId varchar(200) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(goodsEntity.getOpenId())+" \n" + " select @MatName = MatName ,@Special = Special from t110503 a where a.MatCode = @MatCode \n" + " if not exists(select 1 from t710703 where MatCode = isnull(@MatCode,'') and DepositDocCode = isnull(@DepositDocCode,'') and DepositRowId = isnull(@DepositRowId,'')) \n" + " begin \n" + " insert into t710703(GoodsId,MatCode,MatName,Special,CoverImgUrl,PriceType,Price,Price2,URL,AuditId,AuditStatus,ThirdPartyTag,DepositDocCode,DepositRowId,OpenId) \n" + " values(@GoodsId,isnull(@MatCode,''),isnull(@MatName,''),isnull(@Special,''),@CoverImgUrl,@PriceType,@Price,@Price2,@URL,@AuditId,@AuditStatus,@ThirdPartyTag,isnull(@DepositDocCode,''),isnull(@DepositRowId,''),@OpenId) \n" + " end \n" + " select @@rowcount \n"; try { return this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql,Integer.class) ; }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } } @Override public Integer updateGoodsAuditStatus(LiveGoodsEntity goodsEntity) { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @CoverImgUrl varchar(500) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(goodsEntity.getCoverImgUrl())+" \n" + " declare @PriceType int = "+goodsEntity.getPriceType()+", @Price money = "+goodsEntity.getPrice()+",@Price2 money = "+goodsEntity.getPrice2()+",@URL varchar(200) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(goodsEntity.getUrl())+" \n" + " declare @AuditId bigint = "+goodsEntity.getAuditId()+",@GoodsId bigint = "+goodsEntity.getGoodsId()+",@AuditStatus int = "+goodsEntity.getAuditStatus()+",@ThirdPartyTag int = "+goodsEntity.getThirdPartyTag()+" \n" + " update a set GoodsId = @GoodsId,CoverImgUrl=@CoverImgUrl,PriceType=@PriceType,Price=@Price,\n" + " Price2=@Price2,URL=@URL,AuditId=@AuditId,AuditStatus=@AuditStatus,ThirdPartyTag=@ThirdPartyTag \n" + " from t710703 a where a.GoodsId = @GoodsId \n" + " select @@rowcount \n"; try { Integer ret = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql,Integer.class) ; return ret ; }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } } @Override public Integer saveUpdateGoods(LiveGoodsEntity goodsEntity) { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @MatCode varchar(50) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(goodsEntity.getMatCode())+",@MatName varchar(80),@Special varchar(80),@CoverImgUrl varchar(500) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(goodsEntity.getCoverImgUrl())+" \n" + " declare @PriceType int = "+goodsEntity.getPriceType()+", @Price money = "+goodsEntity.getPrice()+",@Price2 money = "+goodsEntity.getPrice2()+",@URL varchar(200) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(goodsEntity.getUrl())+" \n" + " declare @AuditId bigint = "+goodsEntity.getAuditId()+",@GoodsId bigint = "+goodsEntity.getGoodsId()+",@AuditStatus int = "+goodsEntity.getAuditStatus()+",@ThirdPartyTag int = "+goodsEntity.getThirdPartyTag()+" \n" + " declare @DepositDocCode varchar(50) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(goodsEntity.getDepositDocCode())+", @DepositRowId varchar(20) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(goodsEntity.getDepositRowId())+" \n" + " declare @OpenId varchar(200) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(goodsEntity.getOpenId())+" \n" + " select @MatName = MatName ,@Special = Special from t110503 a where a.MatCode = @MatCode \n" + " update a set GoodsId = @GoodsId,CoverImgUrl=@CoverImgUrl,PriceType=@PriceType,Price=@Price,\n" + " Price2=@Price2,URL=@URL,AuditId=@AuditId,AuditStatus=@AuditStatus,ThirdPartyTag=@ThirdPartyTag \n" + " from t710703 a where a.GoodsId = @GoodsId \n" + " if @@rowcount = 0 \n" + " begin \n" + " insert into t710703(GoodsId,MatCode,MatName,Special,CoverImgUrl,PriceType,Price,Price2,URL,AuditId,AuditStatus,ThirdPartyTag,DepositDocCode,DepositRowId,OpenId) \n" + " values(@GoodsId,isnull(@MatCode,''),isnull(@MatName,''),isnull(@Special,''),@CoverImgUrl,@PriceType,@Price,@Price2,@URL,@AuditId,@AuditStatus,@ThirdPartyTag,isnull(@DepositDocCode,''),isnull(@DepositRowId,''),isnull(@OpenId,'')) \n" + " end \n" + " select @@rowcount \n"; try { Integer ret = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql,Integer.class) ; return ret ; }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } } @Override public Integer saveResetGoods(Long goodsId) { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @GoodsId bigint = "+goodsId+" \n" + " update a set AuditId= null,AuditStatus = 0 \n" + " from t710703 a \n" + " where a.GoodsId = @GoodsId \n" + " select @@rowcount \n" ; try { Integer ret = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql,Integer.class) ; return ret ; }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } } @Override public Integer saveRepostGoods(Long goodsId,Long auditId) { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @GoodsId bigint = "+goodsId+", @AuditId bigint = "+auditId+" \n" + " update a set AuditId= @AuditId,AuditStatus = 1 \n" //audit_status 0:未审核,1:审核中,2:审核通过,3审核失败 + " from t710703 a \n" + " where a.GoodsId = @GoodsId \n" + " select @@rowcount \n" ; try { Integer ret = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql,Integer.class) ; return ret ; }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } } @Override public Integer saveDeleteGoods(Long goodsId) { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @GoodsId bigint = "+goodsId+" \n" + " delete from t710703 where GoodsId = @GoodsId \n" + " select @@rowcount \n" ; try { Integer ret = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql,Integer.class) ; return ret ; }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } } @Override public List getGoodsListByExpiredDays(Integer expiredDays) { String sql = " set nocount on \n" + " declare @now datetime = getdate(),@ExpiredDays int = "+expiredDays+" \n" + " select a.GoodsId,a.MatCode,a.MatName,a.Special,a.CoverImgUrl,\n" + " a.PriceType,a.Price,a.Price2,a.URL,a.AuditId,a.AuditStatus,a.ThirdPartyTag, \n" + " a.DepositDocCode,a.DepositRowId, \n" + " case when exists(select 1 from t710704 g where a.GoodsId = g.GoodsId) then 1 else 0 end as isAddedToRoom, \n" + " b.DocCode,b.OriginalPrice,b.SalesPrice,b.Title ,b.CoverImage,b.CoverImageUrl,b.FormId,\n" + " b.EffectiveStartDate,b.EffectiveEndDate,b.Status as PanicBuyingStatus,b.VisiteTimes,b.SharedTimes,b.OrderTimes \n" + " from t710703 a \n" + " join t710802H b on a.MatCode = b.DocCode \n" + " where DATEDIFF(day,b.EffectiveEndDate,@now) >= @ExpiredDays and b.Status = 3 \n" + " order by a.MatName asc \n" ; try { List> list = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql) ; List liveGoodsEntities = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; list != null&& i < list.size(); i++) { liveGoodsEntities.add(getGoodsEntity(list.get(i))); } return liveGoodsEntities ; }catch(DataAccessException e ) { if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException){ return null ; }else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } } @Override public List getGoodsListForMe(String openId) { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @OpenId varchar(200) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(openId)+" \n" + " select a.GoodsId,a.MatCode,a.MatName,a.Special,a.CoverImgUrl,\n" + " a.PriceType,a.Price,a.Price2,a.URL,a.AuditId,a.AuditStatus,a.ThirdPartyTag, \n" + " a.DepositDocCode,a.DepositRowId, \n" + " case when exists(select 1 from t710704 g where a.GoodsId = g.GoodsId) then 1 else 0 end as isAddedToRoom, \n" + " b.DocCode,b.OriginalPrice,b.SalesPrice,b.Title ,b.CoverImage,b.CoverImageUrl,b.FormId,\n" + " b.EffectiveStartDate,b.EffectiveEndDate,b.Status as PanicBuyingStatus,b.VisiteTimes,b.SharedTimes,b.OrderTimes \n" + " from t710703 a \n" + " join t710802H b on a.MatCode = b.DocCode \n" + " where a.OpenId = @OpenId \n" + " order by a.MatName asc \n" ; try { List> list = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql) ; List liveGoodsEntities = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; list != null&& i < list.size(); i++) { liveGoodsEntities.add(getGoodsEntity(list.get(i))); } return liveGoodsEntities ; }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } } @Override public LiveGoodsEntity getLiveGoodsEntity(Long goodsId) { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @GoodsId bigint = "+goodsId+" \n" + " select top 1 a.GoodsId,a.MatCode,a.MatName,a.Special,a.CoverImgUrl,\n" + " a.PriceType,a.Price,a.Price2,a.URL,a.AuditId,a.AuditStatus,a.ThirdPartyTag, \n" + " a.DepositDocCode,a.DepositRowId, \n" + " case when exists(select 1 from t710704 g where a.GoodsId = g.GoodsId) then 1 else 0 end as isAddedToRoom, \n" + " b.DocCode,b.OriginalPrice,b.SalesPrice,b.Title ,b.CoverImage,b.CoverImageUrl,b.FormId, \n" + " b.EffectiveStartDate,b.EffectiveEndDate,b.Status as PanicBuyingStatus,b.VisiteTimes,b.SharedTimes,b.OrderTimes \n" + " from t710703 a \n" + " join t710802H b on a.MatCode = b.DocCode \n" + " where a.GoodsId = @GoodsId \n" + " order by a.MatName asc \n" ; try { Map map = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForMap(sql) ; if (map!=null) { return getGoodsEntity(map); }else { return null; } }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } } @Override public List getGoodsListForImportRoom(Integer roomId,String openId) { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @RoomId int = "+roomId+",@OpenId varchar(200) = "+ GridUtils.prossSqlParm(openId)+" \n" + " select a.GoodsId,a.MatCode,a.MatName,a.Special,a.CoverImgUrl,\n" + " a.PriceType,a.Price,a.Price2,a.URL,a.AuditId,a.AuditStatus,a.ThirdPartyTag, \n" + " a.DepositDocCode,a.DepositRowId, \n" + " case when exists(select 1 from t710704 g where a.GoodsId = g.GoodsId) then 1 else 0 end as isAddedToRoom, \n" + " b.DocCode,b.OriginalPrice,b.SalesPrice,b.Title ,b.CoverImage,b.CoverImageUrl,b.FormId, \n" + " b.EffectiveStartDate,b.EffectiveEndDate,b.Status as PanicBuyingStatus,b.VisiteTimes,b.SharedTimes,b.OrderTimes \n" + " from t710703 a \n" + " join t710802H b on a.MatCode = b.DocCode \n" + " where a.OpenId = @OpenId and a.AuditStatus = 2 \n" + " and not exists(select 1 from t710704 c where c.RoomId = @RoomId and a.GoodsId = c.GoodsId) \n" + " order by a.MatName asc \n" ; try { List> list = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql) ; List liveGoodsEntities = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; list != null&& i < list.size(); i++) { liveGoodsEntities.add(getGoodsEntity(list.get(i))); } return liveGoodsEntities ; }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } } @Override public List getGoodsList(Integer roomId,String shopCcCode,String openId) { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @RoomId int = "+roomId+",@ShopCcCode varchar(50) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(shopCcCode)+",@OpenId varchar(200) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(openId)+" ,@DefaultBrand varchar(50) ,@Telephone varchar(50) \n" + " declare @UserId varchar(50) ,@isStartupLeagueShopCcCode int \n" + " select @isStartupLeagueShopCcCode = a.isStartupLeagueShopCcCode from t714001 a \n" + " select top 1 @Telephone = a.Tel from t730102 a where a.OpenId = @OpenId \n" + " if isnull(@Telephone,'') <> '' \n" + " begin \n" + " select top 1 @UserId = UserId from t700107 a where a.Mobile = @Telephone and isnull(a.isAiRadarUser,0) = 1" + " if isnull(@UserId,'') <> '' \n" + " begin \n" + " select top 1 @DefaultBrand = DefaultBrand \n" + " from _sys_LoginUser \n" + " where isnull(WeiXinCorpUserId,'') <> '' and WeiXinCorpUserId = @UserId and inActive<>1 \n" + " end \n" + " end \n" + " select a.GoodsId,a.MatCode,b.MatName,b.Special,b.PhotoPath,a.CoverImgUrl,\n" + " a.PriceType,a.Price,a.Price2,a.URL,a.AuditId,a.AuditStatus,a.ThirdPartyTag, \n" + " a.DepositDocCode,a.DepositRowId, \n" + " case when exists(select 1 from t710704 g where g.RoomId = @RoomId and a.GoodsId = g.GoodsId) then 1 else 0 end as isAddedToRoom \n" + " from t710703 a join t110503 b on a.MatCode = b.MatCode \n" + " where (isnull(@ShopCcCode,'') = '' or b.ShopCcCode = @ShopCcCode ) \n" + " and (isnull(@isStartupLeagueShopCcCode,0) = 0 \n" + " or (isnull(@isStartupLeagueShopCcCode,0) = 1 and (isnull(@DefaultBrand,'') = '' or b.Brand = @DefaultBrand or b.Brand in (select list from getinstr(@DefaultBrand))))) \n" + " and a.AuditStatus = 2 \n" //只取审核通过的商品 + " order by a.MatName asc \n" ; try { List> list = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql) ; List liveGoodsEntities = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; list != null&& i < list.size(); i++) { liveGoodsEntities.add(getGoodsEntity(list.get(i))); } return liveGoodsEntities ; }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } } @Override public Integer updateGoodsSortInRoom(GoodsSortInRoomPamaraterEntity goodsSortInRoomPamaraterEntity) { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @RoomId int = "+goodsSortInRoomPamaraterEntity.getRoomId()+" , @isFound int = 0 \n"; for (int i = 0; goodsSortInRoomPamaraterEntity!=null&&goodsSortInRoomPamaraterEntity.getGoodsSortList()!=null&& i < goodsSortInRoomPamaraterEntity.getGoodsSortList().size(); i++) { GoodsSortInRoomEntity goodsSortInRoomEntity = goodsSortInRoomPamaraterEntity.getGoodsSortList().get(i); sql += " update a set DocItem = " + goodsSortInRoomEntity.getDocItem() + " from t710704 a where a.RoomId = @RoomId and a.GoodsId = " + goodsSortInRoomEntity.getGoodsId() + " \n" + " set @isFound = isnull(@isFound,0) + 1 \n"; } sql += " select @isFound as isFound \n"; try { return this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql,Integer.class) ; }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } } @Override public List getGoodsListInRoom(Integer roomId) { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @RoomId int = "+roomId+" \n" + " select a.DocItem,a.GoodsId,b.MatCode,a.MatName,a.CoverImg,a.Url,\n" + " b.PriceType,a.Price,a.Price2,a.RoomId,a.OnSale, \n" + " c.DocCode,c.OriginalPrice,c.SalesPrice,c.Title ,c.CoverImage,c.CoverImageUrl,c.FormId,\n" + " c.EffectiveStartDate,c.EffectiveEndDate,c.Status as PanicBuyingStatus,c.VisiteTimes,c.SharedTimes,c.OrderTimes \n" + " from t710704 a join t710703 b on a.GoodsId = b.GoodsId \n" + " join t710802H c on b.MatCode = c.DocCode \n" //关联活动表 + " where a.RoomId = @RoomId \n" + " order by a.DocItem asc,a.MatName asc \n" ; try { List> list = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql) ; List liveGoodsEntities = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; list != null&& i < list.size(); i++) { liveGoodsEntities.add(getGoodsEntity(list.get(i))); } return liveGoodsEntities ; }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } } @Override public LiveGoodsEntity getGoodsInRoom(Integer roomId,Long goodsId) { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @RoomId int = "+roomId+" , @GoodsId bigint = "+goodsId+" \n" + " select a.DocItem,a.GoodsId,b.MatCode,a.MatName,a.CoverImg,a.Url,\n" + " b.PriceType,a.Price,a.Price2,a.RoomId,a.OnSale, \n" + " c.DocCode,c.OriginalPrice,c.SalesPrice,c.Title ,c.CoverImage,c.CoverImageUrl,c.FormId,\n" + " c.EffectiveStartDate,c.EffectiveEndDate,c.Status as PanicBuyingStatus,c.VisiteTimes,c.SharedTimes,c.OrderTimes \n" + " from t710704 a join t710703 b on a.GoodsId = b.GoodsId \n" + " join t710802H c on b.MatCode = c.DocCode \n" //关联活动表 + " where a.RoomId = @RoomId and a.GoodsId = @GoodsId \n" + " order by a.DocItem asc,a.MatName asc \n" ; try { Map map = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForMap(sql) ; if (map !=null) { return getGoodsEntity(map) ; }else { return null ; } }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } } @Override public LiveGoodsEntity getGoodsEntity(Long goodsId) { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @GoodsId bigint = "+goodsId+" \n" + " select top 1 a.GoodsId,a.MatCode,b.MatName,b.Special,b.PhotoPath,a.CoverImgUrl,\n" + " a.PriceType,a.Price,a.Price2,a.URL,a.AuditId,a.AuditStatus,a.ThirdPartyTag, \n" + " a.DepositDocCode,a.DepositRowId \n" + " from t710703 a join t110503 b on a.MatCode = b.MatCode \n" + " where a.GoodsId = @GoodsId \n" ; try { Map map = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForMap(sql) ; return getGoodsEntity(map) ; }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } } @Override public List getGoodsEntityForPanicBuyingByAuditing() { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " select a.GoodsId,a.MatCode,a.MatName,a.CoverImgUrl,\n" + " a.PriceType,a.Price,a.Price2,a.URL,a.AuditId,a.AuditStatus,a.ThirdPartyTag,\n" + " a.DepositDocCode,a.DepositRowId \n" + " from t710703 a \n" + " where a.AuditStatus = 0 \n" + " union \n" + " select a.GoodsId,a.MatCode,a.MatName,a.CoverImgUrl,\n" + " a.PriceType,a.Price,a.Price2,a.URL,a.AuditId,a.AuditStatus,a.ThirdPartyTag,\n" + " a.DepositDocCode,a.DepositRowId \n" + " from t710703 a \n" + " where a.AuditStatus = 1 \n" ; try { List liveGoodsList = new ArrayList(); List> list = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql) ; for (int i = 0; list!= null&& i < list.size(); i++) { liveGoodsList.add(getGoodsEntity(list.get(i))) ; } return liveGoodsList ; }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } } @Override public LiveGoodsEntity getGoodsEntityForPanicBuying(String docCode ) { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @MatCode varchar(50) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(docCode)+" \n" + " select top 1 a.GoodsId,a.MatCode,a.MatName,a.CoverImgUrl,\n" + " a.PriceType,a.Price,a.Price2,a.URL,a.AuditId,a.AuditStatus,a.ThirdPartyTag,\n" + " a.DepositDocCode,a.DepositRowId \n" + " from t710703 a \n" + " where a.MatCode = isnull(@MatCode,'') \n" ; try { Map map = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForMap(sql) ; return getGoodsEntity(map) ; }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } } @Override public LiveGoodsEntity getGoodsEntity(String matCode ,String depositDocCode,String depositRowId) { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @MatCode varchar(50) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(matCode)+",@DepositDocCode varchar(50) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(depositDocCode)+", @DepositRowId varchar(20) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(depositRowId)+" \n" + " select top 1 a.GoodsId,a.MatCode,b.MatName,b.Special,b.PhotoPath,a.CoverImgUrl,\n" + " a.PriceType,a.Price,a.Price2,a.URL,a.AuditId,a.AuditStatus,a.ThirdPartyTag,a.DepositDocCode,a.DepositRowId \n" + " from t710703 a join t110503 b on a.MatCode = b.MatCode \n" + " where a.MatCode = isnull(@MatCode,'') and a.DepositDocCode = isnull(@DepositDocCode,'') and a.DepositRowId = isnull( @DepositRowId,'') \n" ; try { Map map = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForMap(sql) ; return getGoodsEntity(map) ; }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } } private LiveGoodsEntity getGoodsEntity(Map map) { if (map == null) return null ; LiveGoodsEntity goodsEntity = new LiveGoodsEntity() ; goodsEntity.setRoomId((Integer)map.get("RoomId")) ; goodsEntity.setGoodsId((Long)map.get("GoodsId")) ; goodsEntity.setMatCode((String)map.get("MatCode")) ; goodsEntity.setMatName((String)map.get("MatName")) ; goodsEntity.setSpecial((String)map.get("Special")) ; goodsEntity.setPhotoPath((String)map.get("PhotoPath")) ; goodsEntity.setCoverImg((String)map.get("CoverImg")) ; goodsEntity.setCoverImgUrl((String)map.get("CoverImgUrl")) ; goodsEntity.setPriceType((Integer)map.get("PriceType")) ; goodsEntity.setPrice(map.get("Price")==null?null:Double.valueOf(map.get("Price").toString())) ; goodsEntity.setPrice2(map.get("Price2")==null?null:Double.valueOf(map.get("Price2").toString())) ; goodsEntity.setUrl((String)map.get("URL")) ; goodsEntity.setAuditId((Long)map.get("AuditId")) ; goodsEntity.setAuditStatus((Integer)map.get("AuditStatus")) ; goodsEntity.setThirdPartyTag((Integer)map.get("ThirdPartyTag")) ; goodsEntity.setDepositAmount(map.get("DepositAmount")==null?null:Double.valueOf(map.get("DepositAmount").toString())) ; goodsEntity.setDepositDocCode((String)map.get("DepositDocCode")) ; goodsEntity.setDepositRowId((String)map.get("DepositRowId")) ; goodsEntity.setAddedToRoom(map.get("isAddedToRoom")!=null&&map.get("isAddedToRoom").equals(1)?true:false) ; goodsEntity.setOnSale(map.get("OnSale")==null?0:(Integer)map.get("OnSale")) ; goodsEntity.setDocItem(map.get("DocItem")==null?0:(Integer)map.get("DocItem")) ; //增加一堆与活动相关的参数 goodsEntity.setDocCode(map.get("DocCode")==null?"":(String)map.get("DocCode")); goodsEntity.setFormId(map.get("FormId")==null?null:(Integer)map.get("FormId")); goodsEntity.setTitle(map.get("Title")==null?"":(String)map.get("Title")); goodsEntity.setCoverImage(map.get("CoverImage")==null?"":(String)map.get("CoverImage")); goodsEntity.setCoverImageUrl(map.get("CoverImageUrl")==null?"":(String)map.get("CoverImageUrl")); goodsEntity.setOriginalPrice(map.get("OriginalPrice")== null?0L:Double.parseDouble(map.get("OriginalPrice").toString())); goodsEntity.setSalesPrice(map.get("SalesPrice")== null?0L:Double.parseDouble(map.get("SalesPrice").toString())); goodsEntity.setNumberOfTeam(map.get("NumberOfTeam")== null?0:(Integer)map.get("NumberOfTeam")); goodsEntity.setEffectiveStartDate(map.get("EffectiveStartDate")==null?null:(Date)map.get("EffectiveStartDate")); goodsEntity.setEffectiveEndDate(map.get("EffectiveEndDate")==null?null:(Date)map.get("EffectiveEndDate")); goodsEntity.setPanicBuyingStatus(map.get("PanicBuyingStatus")==null?null:(Integer)map.get("PanicBuyingStatus")); goodsEntity.setVisiteTimes(map.get("VisiteTimes")==null?0:(Integer)map.get("VisiteTimes")); goodsEntity.setSharedTimes(map.get("SharedTimes")==null?0:(Integer)map.get("SharedTimes")); goodsEntity.setOrderTimes(map.get("OrderTimes")==null?0:(Integer)map.get("OrderTimes")); return goodsEntity; } @Override public Integer updateLiveStatus(Integer roomId ,Integer liveStatus) { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @RoomId int = "+roomId+" ,@LiveStatus int = "+liveStatus+" \n" + " update a set LiveStatus = @LiveStatus \n" + " from t710701 a \n" + " where a.RoomId = @RoomId \n" + " select @@rowcount \n" ; try { Integer ret = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql,Integer.class) ; return ret ; }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } } @Override public LiveRoomEntity getLiveStatus(String shopCcCode ) { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @ShopCcCode varchar(2000) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(shopCcCode)+" \n" + " select RoomId,RoomName,CoverImg,LiveStatus,StartTime,EndTime,AnchorName,AnchorImg,ShopCcCode, \n" + " DATEDIFF(SECOND,getdate(), a.StartTime) as LiveBalanceSecond, \n" + " a.isShowBannerPhotoOnHomePage , a.BannerPhoto,a.BannerPhotoUrl \n" + " from t710701 a \n" + " where (isnull(@ShopCcCode,'') = '' or a.ShopCcCode = @ShopCcCode) \n" + " and a.LiveStatus in (101,102) \n" ; // 只查询状态: 101: 直播中, 102: 未开始 LiveRoomEntity liveRoomEntity = new LiveRoomEntity() ; try { List> list = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql) ; if (list != null) { List roomInfoList = new ArrayList(list.size()) ; for (int i = 0; i < list.size() ; i ++) { roomInfoList.add(getRoomInfo(list.get(i), liveRoomEntity) ) ; } liveRoomEntity.setTotal(list.size()); liveRoomEntity.setRoomInfo(roomInfoList); } return liveRoomEntity ; }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } } @Override public Integer addLiveSubscribeUser(LiveSubscribeUserEntity liveSubscribeUserEntity ) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); try { Date subscribeDateTime = null ; if (liveSubscribeUserEntity.getSubscribeTime() != null) { subscribeDateTime = new Date(liveSubscribeUserEntity.getSubscribeTime()*1000); } else { subscribeDateTime = new Date(); } String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @RoomId int = "+liveSubscribeUserEntity.getRoomId()+",@OpenId varchar(200) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(liveSubscribeUserEntity.getOpenId()) +",@SubscribeTime bigint = "+liveSubscribeUserEntity.getSubscribeTime() +",@SubscribeDateTime datetime = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(subscribeDateTime==null?null:sdf.format(subscribeDateTime)) +",@RoomStatus int = "+liveSubscribeUserEntity.getRoomStatus()+" \n" + " declare @NickName nvarchar(400),@WeiXinAvatarUnid varchar(50) \n" + " declare @myrowcount int \n" + " update a set SubscribeTime = @SubscribeTime,SubscribeDateTime=@SubscribeDateTime,RoomStatus = @RoomStatus \n" + " from t710708 a where a.RoomId = @RoomId and a.OpenId = @OpenId \n" + " select @myrowcount = @@rowcount \n" + " if @myrowcount = 0 \n" + " begin \n" + " select @NickName = a.NickName,@WeiXinAvatarUnid = a.WeiXinAvatarUnid from t730102 a where a.OpenId = @OpenId \n" + " insert into t710708(RoomId,OpenId,NickName,WeiXinAvatarUnid,SubscribeTime,SubscribeDateTime,RoomStatus) \n" + " values(@RoomId,@OpenId,@NickName,@WeiXinAvatarUnid,@SubscribeTime,@SubscribeDateTime,@RoomStatus ) \n" + " select @myrowcount = @@rowcount \n" + " end \n" + " update a set SubscribeTimes = isnull(a.SubscribeTimes,0) + 1 from t710701 a where a.RoomId = @RoomId \n" + " select @myrowcount as myrowcount \n" ; // 订阅或者取消订阅时直播间状态,取值:101(直播中),102(未开始),103(已结束) return this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql,Integer.class) ; }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } } @Override public Integer deleteLiveSubscribeUser(Integer roomId,String openId) { String sql = " set nocount on ; \n" + " declare @RoomId int = "+roomId+",@OpenId varchar(200) = "+GridUtils.prossSqlParm(openId)+" \n" + " declare @myrowcount int \n" + " delete a \n" + " from t710708 a where a.RoomId = @RoomId and a.OpenId = @OpenId \n" + " select @myrowcount = @@rowcount \n" + " update a set SubscribeTimes = isnull(a.SubscribeTimes,0) - 1 from t710701 a where a.RoomId = @RoomId \n" + " select @myrowcount as myrowcount \n" ; // 订阅或者取消订阅时直播间状态,取值:101(直播中),102(未开始),103(已结束) try { return this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql,Integer.class) ; }catch(DataAccessException e){ if (e instanceof EmptyResultDataAccessException) { return null ; } else { throw e ; } }catch(Exception e){ throw e ; } } }