package com.yc.action.grid; import com.yc.exception.ApplicationException; import com.yc.factory.FactoryBean; import com.yc.multiData.SpObserver; import; import com.yc.service.BaseService; import com.yc.utils.Page; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import*; import org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming.SXSSFCell; import org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming.SXSSFRow; import org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming.SXSSFSheet; import org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming.SXSSFWorkbook; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFDataFormat; import; import; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; /** * POI 的 Excel写数据器. * * @author chenlb 2007-10-29 上午10:39:31 */ public class PoiExcelWriter { /** * @param datas 封装着Object[]的列表, 一般是String内容. * @param title 每个sheet里的标题. filed是需要导出的字段 * @throws ParseException */ XSSFDataFormat formatd = null; Map cellStyle = new HashMap();//由于CellStyle创建不能过多,由主要是格式输 出,所以以格式为key,CellStyle为值的map保存来调用避免多次创建相同的对象。 public Map writeExcel(String dbid, String filename, Page page, String[] title, String[] filed, String[] panel_title, String[] panel_filed, List panel, String titles, String local, String exporttitles, String hostUrl) throws ParseException { List datas = page.getData(); if (datas == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("写excel流需要List参数!"); } try { SXSSFWorkbook wb = new SXSSFWorkbook(500); SXSSFSheet ws = wb.createSheet("sheet1"); formatd = (XSSFDataFormat) wb.createDataFormat(); int rowNum = 0; //要写的行 int tempNum = 0; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); //写标题 setCell(titles, ws, 0, 5, null); //取需要导出图片的字段 BaseService baseService = (BaseService) FactoryBean.getBean("BaseService"); ShoppingImageDataIfc shoppingImageIfc = (ShoppingImageDataIfc) FactoryBean.getBean("ShoppingImageDataImpl"); String picFileds = ""; String imageHostUrl; try { SpObserver.setDBtoInstance("_" + dbid); picFileds = baseService.getJdbcTemplate().queryForObject("set nocount on \n" + " select stuff((SELECT ',' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, isnull(fieldid,''))+'' from gField where formid=? and isnull(isExport,0)=1 and (gridcontroltype in(9,19,40) or controltype in(9,19,40)) FOR XML PATH ('')),1,1,'')", String.class, page.getFormid()); imageHostUrl = shoppingImageIfc.getImageHostUrl(hostUrl); } finally { SpObserver.setDBtoInstance(); } //--end rowNum++; if (panel != null) { //1,写面板 if (panel_title != null) { String[] s = local.split(";"); //按行排序再输出 TreeSet set = new TreeSet(); for (int k = 0; k < s.length; k++) { String[] ss = s[k].split("#")[1].split(",");//位置 set.add(new PoiExcelWriter().new Pov(Integer.parseInt(ss[0]), s[k], panel_title[k], panel_filed[k])); } int samRow = 0; int col = 0; Iterator it = set.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Pov p =; int row = rowNum + p.getNum();//行 if (samRow != row) col = 0; //写入标题 setCell(p.getTitle() + ":", ws, row, col == -1 ? 0 : col, null); int rcol = col + 1; String value = putRowC(wb, ws, row, panel.get(0), new String[]{p.getFild()}, rcol, exporttitles, false, picFileds, dbid, imageHostUrl, page.getFormid() + ""); //压一行到sheet if (!"".equals(value)) sb.append(value).append("-"); tempNum = row; col = rcol + 1; samRow = row; } } if (panel_title != null) rowNum = tempNum + 4; } //---------格线内容 if (title != null) { putRow(ws, rowNum, title);//压入标题 rowNum += 1; } for (int i = 0; i < datas.size(); i++, rowNum++) {//写sheet Map map = (Map) datas.get(i); putRowC(wb, ws, rowNum, map, filed, 0, "", false, picFileds, dbid, imageHostUrl, page.getFormid() + ""); //压一行到sheet //处理第三表 try { if (page.getGrid3Data() != null && page.getGrid3Data().size() > 0) { String[] key = page.getKeys().split("_");//分割关联字段 String[] masterkey = key[0].split(";");//分割第二表的关联字段,有可能存在多个的情况 String[] detailkey = key[1].split(";");//分割第三表的关联字段,有可能存在多个的情况 List> list = ((List>) page.getGrid3Data()).stream().filter(x -> { boolean flg = false; for (int j = 0; j < masterkey.length; j++) {//只取符合当前第三表的数据 if (x.get(detailkey[j].toLowerCase()).equals(map.get(masterkey[j].toLowerCase()))) flg = true; } return flg; }).collect(Collectors.toList()); for (Map map2 : list) { putRowC(wb, ws, ++rowNum, map2, filed, 1, "", true, picFileds, dbid, imageHostUrl, page.getFormid() + ""); //压一行到sheet } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ApplicationException("处理第三表数据出错:" + e.getMessage()); } } String ex = page.getExcelTitle().replaceAll("\n", ""); if (!"".equalsIgnoreCase(ex)) { Map param = new HashMap(); String[] tem = ex.split(";"); String[] tbCols=page.getTbColsOut().split("#M#");//#M#是行号docItem,需要排除 String[] values=tbCols[0].split("#p#");; for (String key:tem) { String[] ss = key.split("#"); ExcelPO po = new PoiExcelWriter().new ExcelPO(); po.setKey(ss[0]); //ss[1]格式:汇总类型|自定义汇总公式(其他类型为空)|字段在excel的位置_T_字段在9802的位置|数字格式 String[] indexArry =ss[1].split("\\|")[2].split("_T_"); po.setFum(ss[1]); if(indexArry.length==1){ throw new ApplicationException("汇总列格式已更新,请通过右下角的小助手[点我一键解决]重新生成页面后再操作"); } try { po.setNum(Double.parseDouble(values[Integer.parseInt(indexArry[1])]));//indexArry[1]为汇总列在9802中的真实位置 }catch (Exception e){ po.setNum(0); } param.put(ss[0], po); } prossFormula( wb, ws, rowNum, param);//常规 } //--------end Map map = new HashMap(); sb.append(filename); map.put("wb", wb);//excecl对象 map.put("title", sb.toString());//文件名称 return map; //----------- } catch (Exception e) { throw new ApplicationException(e.getMessage()); } } private boolean fnEquals(Object o1, Object o2) { return o1.equals(o2); } /** * @param flg true表示常常规统计:汇总,计算,...,false表示自定义公式统计 */ private void prossFormula( SXSSFWorkbook wb, SXSSFSheet ws, int rowNum, Map param) {// for (Entry en : param.entrySet()) { ExcelPO po = en.getValue(); double total=po.getNum(); String[] vo = po.getFum().split("\\|");//1,null,5,数字格式; String[] colIndex=vo[2].split("_T_");//取字段在execl的位置 String format = getNumFormat(vo[3]);//数字格式 if (!"".equalsIgnoreCase(format)) { String datetimestyle[] = format.split("-"); if (datetimestyle.length >= 2) { setCellDouble(total, ws, rowNum + 1, Integer.parseInt(colIndex[0]), null); } else { setCellDouble(total, ws, rowNum + 1, Integer.parseInt(colIndex[0]), getCellStyle(format, wb)); } } else { setCellDouble(total, ws, rowNum + 1, Integer.parseInt(colIndex[0]), null); } } } private CellStyle getCellStyle(String format, SXSSFWorkbook wb) { if (cellStyle.containsKey(format)) { //cellStyle=wb.createCellStyle(); return cellStyle.get(format); } else { CellStyle style = wb.createCellStyle(); style.setDataFormat(formatd.getFormat(format.replaceAll("~", "-"))); cellStyle.put(format, style); return cellStyle.get(format); } } class Pov implements Comparable { private int num; private String cont; private String title; private String fild; public String getFild() { return fild; } public void setFild(String fild) { this.fild = fild; } public String getTitle() { return title; } public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; } public Pov(int n, String con, String t, String f) { this.num = n; this.cont = con; this.title = t; this.fild = f; } public int getNum() { return num; } public void setNum(int num) { this.num = num; } public String getCont() { return cont; } public void setCont(String cont) { this.cont = cont; } public int compareTo(Object o) { Pov ss = (Pov) o; //int result = num < ss.num ? 1 : (num == ss.num ? 0 : -1);//降序 int result = num > ss.num ? 1 : (num == ss.num ? 0 : -1);//升序 if (result == 0) { result = cont.compareTo(ss.cont); } return result; } } private static double calculate(String[] RPolishArray) { double result = 0; double[] tempArray = new double[100]; int tempNum = -1; for (int i = 0; i < RPolishArray.length; i++) { Pattern pt = Pattern.compile("\\d"); java.util.regex.Matcher propsMatcher = pt.matcher(RPolishArray[i]); String p = null; while (propsMatcher.find()) { p =; } if (p != null) { tempNum++; tempArray[tempNum] = new Double(RPolishArray[i]); } else { if (RPolishArray[i].equalsIgnoreCase("+")) { result = (tempArray[tempNum - 1] * 1) + (tempArray[tempNum] * 1); tempNum--; tempArray[tempNum] = result; } else if (RPolishArray[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-")) { result = (tempArray[tempNum - 1] * 1) - (tempArray[tempNum] * 1); tempNum--; tempArray[tempNum] = result; } else if (RPolishArray[i].equalsIgnoreCase("*")) { result = (tempArray[tempNum - 1] * 1) * (tempArray[tempNum] * 1); tempNum--; tempArray[tempNum] = result; } else if (RPolishArray[i].equalsIgnoreCase("/")) { if (tempArray[tempNum] * 1 == 0) {//被除数为0的情况 tempNum--; tempArray[tempNum] = 0; } else { result = (tempArray[tempNum - 1] * 1) / (tempArray[tempNum] * 1); tempNum--; tempArray[tempNum] = result; } } } } result = tempArray[tempNum]; return result; } private static double prossFumal(int rowcount, ExcelPO po, int type, List list, String name) { double total; double max = 0;//最大值 double min = 0;//最小值 switch (type) { case 1://汇总 total = po.getNum(); break; case 2://计数 total = rowcount; break; case 3://平均 total = po.getNum() / rowcount; break; case 4://百分比 total = po.getNum() * 100; break; case 6://最大 for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {//检查所有行 Map map = (Map) list.get(i); double temp = Double.parseDouble(map.get(name) == null || map.get(name).equals("") ? "0" : map.get(name) + "");//当前行的字段值 if (max == 0) { //最大 max = temp; } else { if (temp > max) max = temp; } } total = max; break; case 7://最小 for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {//检查所有行 Map map = (Map) list.get(i); double temp = Double.parseDouble(map.get(name) == null || map.get(name).equals("") ? "0" : map.get(name) + "");//当前行的字段值 if (min == 0) { //最小 min = temp; } else { if (min > temp) min = temp; } } total = min; break; default: total = 0; } return total; } public static void getAmount(List selectList, Map param) { if (selectList != null) { if (selectList.size() > 0) { Iterator list = selectList.iterator(); while (list.hasNext()) { Map map = (Map); for (String key : param.keySet()) { ExcelPO num = param.get(key); Object obj = map.get(key); if (obj != null && !"".equalsIgnoreCase(String.valueOf(obj))) { try { //存在有格式化的情况,所以这里需要做转换 44,555.55 String temp = procHy(String.valueOf(obj)); num.setNum(num.getNum() + new Double(temp.replaceAll(",", ""))); } catch (Exception e) { num.setNum(num.getNum() + 0); } } } } } } } class ExcelPO { private double num;//总数 private int col;//所在列 private String key;//键 private String fum;//统计公式类型 public String getFum() { return fum; } public void setFum(String fum) { this.fum = fum; } public double getNum() { return num; } public void setNum(double num) { this.num = num; } public int getCol() { return col; } public void setCol(int col) { this.col = col; } public String getKey() { return key; } public void setKey(String key) { this.key = key; } } private static void setCell(String titles, SXSSFSheet ws, int rowindex, int cellindex, CellStyle cellStyle) { SXSSFRow rows = ws.getRow(rowindex); if (rows == null) rows = ws.createRow(rowindex); SXSSFCell cell = rows.createCell(cellindex); cell.setCellValue(titles); if (cellStyle != null) cell.setCellStyle(cellStyle); } private static void setCellDouble(double d, SXSSFSheet ws, int rowindex, int cellindex, CellStyle cellStyle) { SXSSFRow rows = ws.getRow(rowindex); if (rows == null) rows = ws.createRow(rowindex); SXSSFCell cell = rows.createCell(cellindex); if (cellStyle != null) cell.setCellStyle(cellStyle); cell.setCellValue(d); } private static void putRow(SXSSFSheet ws, int rowNum, Object[] cells) { for (int j = 0; j < cells.length; j++) {//写一行 setCell("" + cells[j], ws, rowNum, j, null); } } private byte[] getImage(String imageHostUrl) throws IOException { final InputStream inputStream = new URL(imageHostUrl).openStream(); ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); byte[] bytes = new byte[1024]; int len = -1; while ((len = != -1) { byteArrayOutputStream.write(bytes, 0, len); } byteArrayOutputStream.close(); inputStream.close(); return byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray(); } private String putRowC(SXSSFWorkbook wb, SXSSFSheet ws, int rowNum, Object cells, String[] filed, int j, String titles, boolean isThreeData, String picFileds, String dbid, String imageHostUrl, String formid) { Map map = (Map) cells; boolean flg = false; if (j > 0 && !isThreeData) flg = true; String value = ""; Pattern p = Pattern.compile("uuid=.*"); for (String s : filed) { String[] fieldTexts = s.split(";"); //---针对图片处理 if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(picFileds) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(GridUtils.prossRowSetDataType_String(map, fieldTexts[0].trim().toLowerCase())) && ("," + picFileds.toLowerCase() + ",").contains("," + fieldTexts[0].trim().toLowerCase() + ",")) { byte[] imgByte = null; String str = GridUtils.prossRowSetDataType_String(map, fieldTexts[0].trim().toLowerCase()); map.put(fieldTexts[0].trim().toLowerCase(), "");//清空附件内容 String[] strArray = str.split(";"); for (int i = 1; i < strArray.length; i++) { String txt = strArray[0] + ";" + strArray[i]; //|/;15522;png|48|48| String imgUrl = null; try { if (txt.contains("|/")) { String[] uuids = txt.split("\\|"); java.util.regex.Matcher propsMatcher = p.matcher(uuids[1]); while (propsMatcher.find()) { txt ="uuid=", ""); } txt = txt.replace(";", "@p@").replace(";", "."); } else { txt = txt.replace(";", "@p@") + ".jpg"; } imgUrl = imageHostUrl + "/uploads/attachment/" + dbid + "/" + formid + "/" + txt; imgByte = getImage(imgUrl); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new ApplicationException(e.getMessage()); } if (imgByte != null && imgByte.length > 0) { SXSSFRow row = ws.getRow(rowNum); if (row == null) row = ws.createRow(rowNum); row.setHeight((short) (1200 * (strArray.length - 1))); //列宽,单位为字符宽度的1/256, 15*256表示15个字符宽度 ws.setColumnWidth(j, 13 * 256); SXSSFCell cell = row.createCell(j); // 图片存在即输出图片 int addPicture = wb.addPicture(imgByte, SXSSFWorkbook.PICTURE_TYPE_JPEG); Drawing drawing = ws.createDrawingPatriarch(); CreationHelper helper = wb.getCreationHelper(); ClientAnchor anchor = helper.createClientAnchor(); anchor.setRow1(rowNum); anchor.setCol1(j); anchor.setAnchorType(ClientAnchor.AnchorType.MOVE_AND_RESIZE); // 指定我想要的长宽 double standardWidth = 80; double standardHeight = 100; // 计算单元格的长宽 double cellWidth = ws.getColumnWidthInPixels(cell.getColumnIndex()); double cellHeight = cell.getRow().getHeightInPoints() / 72 * 96; // 计算需要的长宽比例的系数 double a = standardWidth / cellWidth; double b = standardHeight / cellHeight; Picture picture = drawing.createPicture(anchor, addPicture); if (strArray.length > 2) { picture.resize(0.1); } else { picture.resize(a, b); } } else { setCell("", ws, rowNum, j, null); } //if (!flg) j++; // continue; } } //---- boolean tflg = (";" + titles.trim().toLowerCase() + ";").contains(";" + fieldTexts[0].trim().toLowerCase() + ";"); if (map.containsKey(fieldTexts[0].toLowerCase() + "_expr") && "0".equalsIgnoreCase(map.get(fieldTexts[0].toLowerCase() + "_expr") + "")) { map.put(fieldTexts[0], "*"); } if (map.get(fieldTexts[0]) != null && !"".equals(map.get(fieldTexts[0])) && fieldTexts.length > 1) {//表示有格式 if (fieldTexts[1].startsWith("0") || fieldTexts[1].startsWith(",0") || fieldTexts[1].startsWith(",0.") || fieldTexts[1].startsWith("0.")) { //格式化数字 String format = getNumFormat(fieldTexts[1]); if ((String.valueOf(map.get(fieldTexts[0]))).matches("^[+-]?[\\d]+([\\.][\\d]+)?([Ee][+-]?[\\d]+)?$")) { Double d = Double.parseDouble(String.valueOf(map.get(fieldTexts[0]))); if (tflg) value = d + ""; setCellDouble(d, ws, rowNum, j, getCellStyle(format, wb)); } else { String sd = "" + ((map.get(fieldTexts[0]) == null || "null".equals(map.get(fieldTexts[0]))) ? "" : map.get(fieldTexts[0])); String st = procFont(procHy(sd)); if (tflg) value = st; if (!"".equalsIgnoreCase(st) && st.matches("^^[+-]?[\\d]+([\\.][\\d]+)?([Ee][+-]?[\\d]+)?$$")) setCellDouble(Double.parseDouble(st), ws, rowNum, j, getCellStyle(format, wb)); else setCell(st.replaceAll(" ", " "), ws, rowNum, j, getCellStyle(format, wb)); } } else { if (map.get(fieldTexts[0]) == null || "".equalsIgnoreCase(map.get(fieldTexts[0]).toString().trim())) { setCell("", ws, rowNum, j, null); } else { //格式化日期 SimpleDateFormat formatDate = new SimpleDateFormat(fieldTexts[1].replaceAll("~", "-")); try { String st = formatDate.format(formatDate.parse(map.get(fieldTexts[0]).toString()));//by danaus 17-11-29 还原过来 if (tflg) value = st; setCell(st, ws, rowNum, j, null); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch blockk setCell(map.get(fieldTexts[0]).toString(), ws, rowNum, j, null); //throw new ApplicationException("【"+temp[0]+"】-"+e.getMessage()); } } } } else { //普通字符 // String format = getNumFormat(temp[1]); String sd = "" + ((map.get(fieldTexts[0].toLowerCase()) == null || "null".equals(map.get(fieldTexts[0].toLowerCase()))) ? "" : map.get(fieldTexts[0].toLowerCase())); String st = procFont(procHy(sd)); if (tflg) value = st; setCell(st.replaceAll(" ", " "), ws, rowNum, j, null); } if (!flg) j++; } return value; } final int COL_WIDTH = 13000; final int ROW_HEIGHT = 5000; private static int getAnchorX(int px, int colWidth) { return (int) Math.round(((double) 701 * 16000.0 / 301) * ((double) 1 / colWidth) * px); } private static int getAnchorY(int px, int rowHeight) { return (int) Math.round(((double) 144 * 8000 / 301) * ((double) 1 / rowHeight) * px); } private static int getRowHeight(int px) { return (int) Math.round(((double) 4480 / 300) * px); } private static int getColWidth(int px) { return (int) Math.round(((double) 10971 / 300) * px); } private static String procHy(String str) { //去掉有超链接内容只返回内容 String regex = "<(\\S*?) [^>]*>.*?|<.*? />"; //String regex = "(.*)"; Pattern pt = Pattern.compile(regex); String temp = str.replaceAll("", "a>").replaceAll("
", ""); //保存超链接外的内容 String otherStr = null; Matcher mt = pt.matcher(temp.replaceAll("", "a>"));//.replaceAll("", "a>") StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while (mt.find()) { String s2 = ">.*?";//标题部分 Pattern pt2 = Pattern.compile(s2); Matcher mt2 = pt2.matcher(; if (otherStr == null) { otherStr = temp.replace(, " "); } else { otherStr = otherStr.replace(, " "); } while (mt2.find()) { String tm =">||", ""); sb.append(tm).append(" "); } } return "".equals(sb.toString()) ? str : (otherStr + sb.toString()); } private static String procFont(String str) { //去掉有字体设置内容只返回内容 String regex = ""; //String regex = "(.*)"; Pattern pt = Pattern.compile(regex); Matcher mt = pt.matcher(str); while (mt.find()) { String s2 = ">.*?";//标题部分 Pattern pt2 = Pattern.compile(s2); Matcher mt2 = pt2.matcher(; while (mt2.find()) { return">|", ""); } } return str; } private static String getNumFormat(String temp) { if (temp == null || "".equalsIgnoreCase(temp)) return null; int indx = temp.indexOf(".");//,0.00 String format = null; if (indx > 0) {//有小数位 //有千位 if (temp.startsWith(",")) format = temp.replace(",0.", "#,###0."); else format = temp.replace("0.", "###0."); } else {//整数 if (temp.startsWith(",")) format = temp.replace(",0", "#,###0"); else format = temp.replace("0", "#"); } return format; } }