//检查系统是否停止使用 Added by Johns Wang ,2017-05-26 var maintaince={ dbid:null, isStop:null, checkSysIsExpired:function(){ if (!maintaince.dbid || maintaince.dbid == "" || maintaince.dbid == "null") { location.reload(); return ; } $.post("/shopping/maintaince/maintaince.do?m=info&data_base_id="+maintaince.dbid, function(data){ var isSystemStop = data["isstop"] ; var redirect = data["redirect"]; //处理重定向到 login.jsp 页面 if(isSystemStop && maintaince.isStop && maintaince.isStop != isSystemStop && redirect){ location = redirect; return ; } },"json") } } var messagehint={ //获取系统级提示消息 popupMessageHint:function(){ $.post("/messagehint.do", function(data){ for (i in data["warning"]) { if (data["warning"][i]["messagetxt"]) { var messageType = data["warning"][i]["messagetype"] ; var myMessages = data["warning"][i]["messagetxt"] ; //myMessages += data["warning"][i]["topic"] + "
" ; //替换所有的制表符 myMessages = myMessages.replace(/\t/g,"  "); //替换所有的换行符 myMessages = myMessages.replace(/\r\n/g,"
") myMessages = myMessages.replace(/\n/g,"
"); //替换所有的空格(中文空格、英文空格都会被替换) myMessages = myMessages.replace(/\s/g," "); myMessages +="

" ; myMessages += data["warning"][i]["createusername"] + "  " + data["warning"][i]["createtime"] ; /* //显示提示框 $().toastmessage('showToast', { inEffectDuration:600, stayTime: 100000000, //停留10秒(10000),然后关闭 , text : myMessages, sticky : false, position : 'top-right', type : messageType }); */ $.toast({ text: myMessages, // Text that is to be shown in the toast heading: data["warning"][i]["topic"] , // Optional heading to be shown on the toast showHideTransition: 'plain', // fade, slide or plain allowToastClose: true, // Boolean value true or false hideAfter: false, // false to make it sticky or number representing the miliseconds as time after which toast needs to be hidden stack: 5, // false if there should be only one toast at a time or a number representing the maximum number of toasts to be shown at a time position: 'top-right', // bottom-left or bottom-right or bottom-center or top-left or top-right or top-center or mid-center or an object representing the left, right, top, bottom values bgColor: '#444444', // Background color of the toast textColor: '#eeeeee', // Text color of the toast textAlign: 'left', // Text alignment i.e. left, right or center loader: true, // Whether to show loader or not. True by default loaderBg: '#9ec600', // Background color of the toast loader beforeShow: function () {}, // will be triggered before the toast is shown afterShown: function () {}, // will be triggered after the toat has been shown beforeHide: function () {}, // will be triggered before the toast gets hidden afterHidden: function () {} // will be triggered after the toast has been hidden }); } } },"json") } }