var isLoadSelect = true;// 表示是否是加载的时候选择tab var isLast="";//保存刷新系统前最后选择的页卡 var myFresh={}//关闭页卡获取面板和格线内容是否有改变。 var tabindex=0;//多个页卡的元素,用来区分页卡 myFresh.panel=new Array();//关闭页卡获取面板内容是否有改变。 myFresh.grids={};//关闭页卡获取格线内容是否有改变。 myFresh.formType=0;//关闭页卡排除的窗体类型。 myFresh.clickNode=false;//表示点击了树节点 var copyLink=new Array();//复制对应单据的链接=--- 2018-9-4 17:48:59 xin var hostUrlCopy="";//复制链接用到 var copyUrl=""; //复制链接用到 var panelHeight=0;//tabs页卡里面的panel高度 var tabWidth=0;//设置页卡内容里的页卡(496窗体页卡)的宽度 //针对切换页卡后滚动条被置顶的问题设置两个属性 xin 2020-10-14 09:33:04 var scrollMap = new scrollTopMap(); var subPageScrollHeight=0; var gridFileInputRow={};//针对格线附件控件的属性 xin 2022-3-1 09:19:18 var gridFileInputVal;//针对格线附件控件的值 xin 2022-3-1 09:20:43 var isFileInputImage;//针对附件控件图片放大 xin 2022-3-1 09:20:43 var treeTab=[]; var layoutTitle="自定义控件"; //---end myFresh.type=0; $( function() { $("#nagigation").tabs( { tools : [ { iconCls :'icon-back', handler : function() { $('body').layout('collapse', 'west'); } } ], border :true }); $('#homePageTree') .tree( { animate :true, dnd :false, cascadeCheck :true, url :'/', onBeforeExpand : function(node, param) { // session失效后弹出登录框,flag为true时表示已经失效 if(checkSession()){ return false; } $('#homePageTree').tree('options').url = "/" +; }, onClick : function(node) { var obj = node.attributes; if (obj.formid == "" || obj.formid == "null") return; addTab('', obj.formid, obj.formtype); }, onMouseDown : function(node) {// hq添加新函数 // clickNode=node; }, onMyDorpStart : function() { // if(clickNode!=null) // $('#homePageTree').tree('collapse',; }, onDblClick : function(node) { $('#homePageTree').tree('toggle',; } }); $('#homeJumpHelp') .tree( { animate :true, dnd :false, cascadeCheck :true, url :'/', onBeforeExpand : function(node, param) { $('#homeJumpHelp').tree('options').url = "/" +; }, onClick : function(node) { var obj = node.attributes; if (obj.formid == "" || obj.formid == "null") return; var dbid=$.cookie('dbid'); var hostUrl=$("#hostURL").val(); var url=hostUrl+"/app/"+dbid+"/0/cnzh/"+obj.formid+"/"+obj.formtype+"/help.jsp"; $("#helpIframe").attr("src",url); }, onMouseDown : function(node) {// hq添加新函数 }, onMyDorpStart : function() { }, onDblClick : function(node) { $('#homeJumpHelp').tree('toggle',; 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//----解决页卡切换后 滚动条被置顶的问题 xin 2020-10-14 09:18:13 var val = scrollMap.get(tabindex); if (val!=null && val!=0) { $("#home-tabs > div").eq(1).children("div").eq(tabindex).find("iframe")[0].contentWindow.scrollTo(0,val); } //------end lastTabs = $.grep(lastTabs, function(n, i) { return n != tt; }); // 移除 tt lastTabs.push(tt); // 重新压入,保证 最新的在最上面 var sTab = $("#home-tabs").tabs("getTab", index); let layoutT = tt.split(">");//自定义控件页卡名 xin 2024-4-25 15:00:43 if (layoutT.length > 1) { layoutT = layoutT[1].split("-"); if (layoutT.length > 1) { layoutTitle = layoutT[0] + layoutT[1]; } } if (!isLoadSelect) {// 在循环添加cookie里面的tab改变改值 /* 第一次点击加载 */ // var info=$.cookie("lastSelectedTab"); tabWidth=(this.clientWidth-100);//针对496窗体页卡获取宽度 myFresh.formType=$(sTab).find('iframe').attr("type"); var sContent = $(sTab.panel("options").content); if (isLast && isLast != "" && isLast == sContent.attr("id")) { } else { var url = sContent.attr("url"); if (url && url != "") { sContent.attr("src", url).attr("url", ""); $("#home-tabs").tabs("update", { tab : sTab, options : { content : sContent[0] } }); } } $.cookie("lastSelectedTab", $($.parseHTML(tt)).attr( "frameid"));// 设置最后选择的选项卡到cookie panelHeight=sTab[0].clientHeight;//panel面板高度 } if(treeTab.length>0){ let iframe = $(sTab).find('iframe'); let name = iframe[0].id; let index = $.inArray(name, treeTab); if (index != -1) { $(iframe).attr('src', $(iframe).attr('src')); treeTab.splice(index, 1); } } // var grid=$("#home-tabs > div").eq(1).children("div").eq(tabindex).find("iframe")[0].contentWindow.Grids; // if(grid!=undefined&&grid[0]){ // grid[0].SetScrollTop (grid.currScrollTop); // } // if (sTab){ // var iframe=$(sTab).find('iframe'); // var type=iframe.attr("type"); // if (type!=null && type==496){ // $(iframe).attr('src', $(iframe).attr('src')); //刷新 // } // } }, onBeforeClose : function(title, index) {//当一个标签页面板(tab panel)被关闭前触发,返回 false 就取消关闭动作。 var target = this; if (myFresh.panel[index] != 2 && myFresh.panel[index] != 1 && myFresh.panel[index] != 16 && myFresh.panel[index] != 22 && myFresh.panel[index] != 20 && myFresh.panel[index] != 18 && myFresh.panel[index] != 38 && myFresh.panel[index] != 3 && myFresh.panel[index] != 10) { if (myFresh.panel[index + '-t'] || getGrid(myFresh.grids)) { $.messager.confirm('确认', '页面内容已有改动,关闭操作将会丢失数据,您确定要关闭当前页面吗?', function(r) { if (r) { var opts = $(target) .tabs('options'); var bc = opts.onBeforeClose; opts.onBeforeClose = function() { }; $(target).tabs('close', index); opts.onBeforeClose = bc; approvedDoc.excludeDocs=""//清空排除下一单的单号 xin 2022-7-30 17:30:59 delCTab($($.parseHTML(title)).attr( "frameid")); myFresh.panel[index+'-t']=false; } }); return false; // 阻止关闭 } else { approvedDoc.excludeDocs=""//清空排除下一单的单号 xin 2022-7-30 17:30:59 delCTab($($.parseHTML(title)).attr("frameid")); } } else { approvedDoc.excludeDocs=""//清空排除下一单的单号 xin 2022-7-30 17:30:59 delCTab($($.parseHTML(title)).attr("frameid")); } myFresh.formType = (myFresh.Type == 0 ? myFresh.formType : myFresh.Type); myFresh.Type = 0; }, onAdd:function(title,index){//当一个新的标签页面板(tab panel)被添加时触发复制链接。 var titleCopy=(title.indexOf("-")!=-1?title.split("-")[0].split("=")[1].replace(/\"/g, ""):title); copyLink[index]=hostUrlCopy+"?"+encodeText(copyUrl+"&formname="+titleCopy);//复制对应单据的链接地址-----赋值 2018-9-4 17:48:59 xin copyUrl=""; }, onUnselect:function(title,index) {//当用户未选择一个标签页面板(tab panel)时触发 //解决页卡切换后 滚动条被置顶的问题 xin 2020-10-14 09:50:44 if (tabindex > 0) { scrollMap.put(index, subPageScrollHeight); } // var grid=$("#home-tabs > div").eq(1).children("div").eq(tabindex).find("iframe")[0].contentWindow.Grids; // if(grid!=undefined&&grid[0]){ // grid[0].currScrollTop=grid[0].GetScrollTop(); // } }, onClose:function(title,index){//当用户关闭一个标签页面板(tab panel)时触发。 //console.log("tabs->onClose:"+title); }, onUpdate:function(title,index){ //console.log("tabs->onUpdate:"+title); } }); try{ index = getCookieIndex(); }catch(e){} setTimeout("eachCTab()", 1000);//刷新后执行加载之前打开没关闭的页卡 $("#home_north .easyui-menubutton").hover( function() { $(this).find(".l-btn-text").css("color", "black"); }, function() { $(this).find(".l-btn-text").css("color", "#EBEBEB"); }); $('.menu').hover( function() { if ('mm2'){ $('#home_north #homehelp').find('.l-btn-text').css('color', 'black'); }else{ $('#home_north #shortcuts').find('.l-btn-text').css('color', 'black'); } },function(){ $('#home_north .easyui-menubutton').find('.l-btn-text').css('color', '#EBEBEB'); }); doAddContextMenu2tab(); tabContextMenuEvent(); //智能小助手 2019-12-19 09:41:17 var Dom = { helpIcon: $('.help-icon-container'), // 帮助按钮 helpContent: $('.ai-container'), // 帮助内容层 helpCloseIcon: $('i.close-dialog'), //帮助内容层关闭按钮 msgsList: $('.ai-content .msgs-ul'), //帮助内容层关闭按钮 repairLayout: $('#repairLayout'), // 解决布局等问题开关 reloadLayout: $('#reloadLayout') // } initHelpPosition(); var isDrag = false; // 图标的显隐 Dom.helpIcon.on('mouseup', function () { if (isDrag) return; $(this).fadeOut(300); setTimeout(function () { Dom.helpContent.fadeIn(); },300) }); Dom.helpCloseIcon.on('click', function () { Dom.helpContent.fadeOut(300); setTimeout(function () { Dom.helpIcon.fadeIn(); },300) }); // 帮助图标拖动 Dom.helpIcon.on('mousedown', function (ev) { var disX = ev.clientX - Dom.helpIcon.offset().left; var disY = ev.clientY - Dom.helpIcon.offset().top; var height = $(document).height() - Dom.helpIcon.height(); var width = $(document).width() - Dom.helpIcon.width(); var extentX = 0; var extentY = 0; Dom.helpIcon.css('cursor','move'); $(document).on('mousemove', function (ev) { isDrag = true; extentX = ev.clientX - disX; extentY = ev.clientY - disY; // 限制可移动范围 extentX < 0 ? extentX = 0 : ''; extentX > width ? extentX = width : ''; extentY < 0 ? extentY = 0 : ''; extentY > height ? extentY = height : ''; Dom.helpIcon.css('left',extentX); Dom.helpIcon.css('top',extentY); }); $(document).on('mouseup',function () { $(this).off(); if (isDrag){ // 存储位置 var positionX = extentX; var positionY = extentY; localStorage.setItem('helpPositionX', positionX); localStorage.setItem('helpPositionY', positionY); // console.log('ddd',positionX,positionY); } isDrag = false; Dom.helpIcon.css('cursor','pointer'); }) $(document).on(' mouseout',function () { $(this).off(); }) }); Dom.repairLayout.on('click',function () { // 在这里发送请求处理布局等问题 var Tab = $("#home-tabs").tabs("getTab", tabindex); var loading=$(Tab).find("div"); var iframe=$(Tab).find('iframe'); var formid=iframe.attr("src"); if(formid.indexOf('app/')!=-1){ if(formid.indexOf('/app')==0){ //有些情况是以/app开始 by danaus 2021-9-15 formid=formid.split('/')[5]; }else{ //有些页面是以app/开始,需要区分 formid=formid.split('/')[4]; } }else{//待办事宜进入-xin 2020-3-18 13:49:34 try{ formid=formid.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g,""); if(formid.indexOf('formid=')!=-1){ formid=formid.split('formid=')[1]; formid=formid.split('&')[0]; } }catch(e){ formid=0; } } if(isNaN(formid)){ $(iframe).attr('src', $(iframe).attr('src')); //刷新 var str = '
  • \n' + ' \n' + '
    \n' + ' 当前页面不能操作,请进入具体功能页面操作生成!\n' + '
    \n' + '
  • '; Dom.msgsList.append(str); return; } $.ajax({ url: '/'+formid, dataType: 'html', beforeSend: function() { $(loading).show(); //showLoading(); }, complete: function() { $(loading).hide(); //closeLoading(); }, success: function(data) { var icon="error"; var hider=false; if(data!=null&&data.indexOf("生成成功")>0){ data='生成成功,即将打开页面!'; icon="info"; hider=3000; } $.toast({ text: data, // Text that is to be shown in the toast //text:'生成成功,即将打开页面!', // heading: '提示', // Optional heading to be shown on the toast icon: icon, // Type of toast icon showHideTransition: 'fade', // fade, slide or plain allowToastClose: true, // Boolean value true or false hideAfter: hider, // false to make it sticky or number representing the miliseconds as time after which toast needs to be hidden stack: 5, // false if there should be only one toast at a time or a number representing the maximum number of toasts to be shown at a time position: 'mid-center', // bottom-left or bottom-right or bottom-center or top-left or top-right or top-center or mid-center or an object representing the left, right, top, bottom values textAlign: 'left', // Text alignment i.e. left, right or center loader: true, // Whether to show loader or not. True by default loaderBg: '#9ec600', // Background color of the toast loader beforeShow: function () { }, // will be triggered before the toast is shown afterShown: function () { }, // will be triggered after the toat has been shown beforeHide: function () { }, // will be triggered before the toast gets hidden afterHidden: function () { $(iframe).attr('src', $(iframe).attr('src')); //刷新 replyMsg(); } // will be triggered after the toast has been hidden }); }, error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { alert(thrownError + "\r\n" + xhr.statusText + "\r\n" + xhr.responseText); } }); // console.log('发送请求'); }); Dom.reloadLayout.on('click', function () { // 在这里发送请求处理布局等问题 var Tab = $("#home-tabs").tabs("getTab", tabindex); var loading = $(Tab).find("div"); var iframe = $(Tab).find('iframe'); var formid = iframe.attr("src"); if (formid.indexOf('app/') != -1) { if (formid.indexOf('/app') == 0) { //有些情况是以/app开始 by danaus 2021-9-15 formid = formid.split('/')[5]; } else { //有些页面是以app/开始,需要区分 formid = formid.split('/')[4]; } } else {//待办事宜进入-xin 2020-3-18 13:49:34 try { formid = formid.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, ""); if (formid.indexOf('formid=') != -1) { formid = formid.split('formid=')[1]; formid = formid.split('&')[0]; } } catch (e) { formid = 0; } } if (isNaN(formid)) { $(iframe).attr('src', $(iframe).attr('src')); //刷新 var str = '
  • \n' + ' \n' + '
    \n' + ' 当前页面不能操作,请进入具体功能页面操作生成!\n' + '
    \n' + '
  • '; Dom.msgsList.append(str); return; } $.ajax({ url: '/grid/' + formid, dataType: 'html', beforeSend: function () { $(loading).show(); //showLoading(); }, complete: function () { $(loading).hide(); //closeLoading(); }, success: function (data) { var icon = "error"; var hider = false; if (data != null && data.indexOf("成功") > 0) { data = '还原成功,刷新当前页面!'; icon = "info"; hider = 3000; } //删除表格cookie,by danaus 2024-04-18 15:00 //cookie path:/app/3688/0/cnzh/120255/18 let path=($(iframe[0]).attr("url")+"").replace("/index.jsp",""); deleteCookie(path); $.toast({ text: data, // Text that is to be shown in the toast //text:'生成成功,即将打开页面!', // heading: '提示', // Optional heading to be shown on the toast icon: icon, // Type of toast icon showHideTransition: 'fade', // fade, slide or plain allowToastClose: true, // Boolean value true or false hideAfter: hider, // false to make it sticky or number representing the miliseconds as time after which toast needs to be hidden stack: 5, // false if there should be only one toast at a time or a number representing the maximum number of toasts to be shown at a time position: 'mid-center', // bottom-left or bottom-right or bottom-center or top-left or top-right or top-center or mid-center or an object representing the left, right, top, bottom values textAlign: 'left', // Text alignment i.e. left, right or center loader: true, // Whether to show loader or not. True by default loaderBg: '#9ec600', // Background color of the toast loader beforeShow: function () { }, // will be triggered before the toast is shown afterShown: function () { }, // will be triggered after the toat has been shown beforeHide: function () { }, // will be triggered before the toast gets hidden afterHidden: function () { $(iframe).attr('src', $(iframe).attr('src')); //刷新 replyMsg(); } // will be triggered after the toast has been hidden }); }, error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { alert(thrownError + "\r\n" + xhr.statusText + "\r\n" + xhr.responseText); } }); // console.log('发送请求'); }) function deleteCookie(path){ //--处理单据5,8,496,499类型,需要同时清除列表和明细 let array=path.split('/'); let formType=array[array.length-1]; if(formType==5||formType==9||formType==15||formType==8||formType==496||formType==497||formType==498||formType==499){ $.cookie("Grids",null,{path:path});//只删除对应path的cookie let newFormType=0; switch (parseInt(formType)){ case 5: newFormType=9 break; case 9: newFormType=5 break; case 15: newFormType=8 break; case 8: newFormType=15 break; case 496: newFormType=497 break; case 497: newFormType=496 break; case 498: newFormType=499 break; case 499: newFormType=498 break; } $.cookie("Grids",null,{path:path.replace("/"+formType,"/"+newFormType)}); }else { //非单据 $.cookie("Grids",null,{path:path});//只删除对应path的cookie } } // 初始化帮助图标的位置 function initHelpPosition() { var positionX = localStorage.getItem('helpPositionX'); var positionY = localStorage.getItem('helpPositionY'); Dom.helpIcon.fadeIn(2000); if (positionX && positionY) { let winLeft = document.body.offsetWidth; let winTop = document.body.offsetHeight; if (winLeft != null && winTop != null) { positionX = positionX > winLeft ? (winLeft - 70) : (winLeft - positionX > 70 ? positionX : (winLeft - 70)); positionY = positionY > winTop ? (winTop - 65) : (winTop - positionY > 65 ? positionY : (winTop - 65)); } Dom.helpIcon.css({ left: parseInt(positionX), top: parseInt(positionY) }); } } function replyMsg() { var str = '
  • \n' + ' \n' + '
    \n' + ' 是否解决了您的问题?如果没有请联系我们的人工客服!\n' + '
    \n' + '
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} addTab$(title, '', formType, '', false, url, id, encode, obj,gridObj,panelObj); } } /** **tabs右键菜单start*** */ function doAddContextMenu2tab() { $("body").on('contextmenu',".tabs-inner", function(e) { $('#tabContextMenu').menu('show', { left :e.pageX, top :e.pageY }); var title = $(this).find("span.tabs-title").html(); $('#tabContextMenu').data("currTitle", title); return false; }); } var sysTabTitle = "桌面"; function tabContextMenuEvent() { $("#tabclose").click( function() {// 关闭当前 // var t = getCt(); // if(sysTabTitle!=t){ // closeTabByFrameId($(t).attr("frameid")); // } var ct = getCt(); var t; $('#home-tabs').find(".tabs li").each( function() { t = $(this).find(".tabs-title").html(); if (t == ct) { $(this).find('.tabs-close').click(); } }); }); $("#tabcloseall").click( function() {// 关闭所有 // var t; // $('#home-tabs').find(".tabs li").each(function(){ // t=$(this).find(".tabs-title").html(); // if(sysTabTitle!=t){ // closeTabByFrameId($(t).attr("frameid")); // } // }); $("#home-tabs").find(".tabs-close").each( function(i) { $(this).click(); }); }); $("#tabcloseother").click( function() {// 除此之外关闭所有 var ct = getCt(); var t; $('#home-tabs').find(".tabs li").each( function() { t = $(this).find(".tabs-title").html(); if (sysTabTitle != t && t != ct) { // closeTabByFrameId($(t).attr("frameid")); $(this).find('.tabs-close').click(); } }); }); $("#tabcloseleft").click( function() {// 关闭左侧 var prev = $('#home-tabs').find(".tabs .tabs-selected") .prevAll(); var ct = getCt(); var t; prev.each( function() { t = $(this).find(".tabs-title").html(); if (sysTabTitle != t && t != ct) { $(this).find('.tabs-close').click(); //closeTabByFrameId($(t).attr("frameid")); } }); }); $("#tabcloseright").click( function() {// 关闭右侧 var next = $('#home-tabs').find(".tabs .tabs-selected") .nextAll();//.tabs('getSelected') var ct = getCt(); var t; next.each( function() { t = $(this).find(".tabs-title").html(); if (sysTabTitle != t && t != ct) { $(this).find('.tabs-close').click(); //closeTabByFrameId($(t).attr("frameid")); } }); }); } function getCt() { return $('#tabContextMenu').data("currTitle"); } /** * 获取当前页卡格线是否有内容改动 * @param grids * @returns */ function getGrid(grids){ try{ if(grids!=null){ for(var g=0;g 20) { $.messager.alert("系统提示", '您当前打开了太多的页面,如果继续打开,会造成程序运行缓慢,无法流畅操作!', "error"); } if (tabCount > 20) return; var undf = "undefined"; if (typeof (id) != undf && $.trim(id) != "") { thisFrame = id; } else { index++; thisFrame = "home_ye" + index; } if (isFunc) { // 调用拿选项卡标题的方法 title = getT(para, formType, formId, title); var ti = title; if (ti.length > 10) ti = title.substring(0, 10) + ".."; title = "" + ti + ""; } if (undefined == url || $.trim(url) == "") { url = "/app" + spellPath + formId + "/" + formType + "/index.jsp"; copyUrl=url; if (para != undefined && para != null && para.length > 0) { para = $.trim(para); if (true == isEncode){ url += "?" + encodeText(para); copyUrl=url;//复制链接用到 }else{ copyUrl=url+ "?" + encodeText(para);//复制链接用到 url += "?" + para; } } } else { copyUrl=url; if (!isFunc && true == isEncode){ url = encodeURL(url); copyUrl=encodeURL(url); } } if (title.indexOf("frameid=") == -1 && (typeof (paraObj) == undf || typeof (paraObj.isFlowChart) == undf || !paraObj.isFlowChart)) { title += ""; } if (typeof (paraObj) != undf&¶Obj!=null) { if (typeof (paraObj.isFlowChart) != undf) {// 如果是isFlowChart类型的每次选择都刷新 var tab = $("#home-tabs").tabs("getTab", title); if (tab != null) { $("#home-tabs").tabs("select", title); var selectt = $("#home-tabs").tabs("getSelected"); $("#home-tabs").tabs("update", { tab :selectt, options : { content :selectt.panel("options").content } }); return; } } } /* 解决首次打开cookie里面保存的选项卡时不加载 */ var urlt = ""; if (isLoadSelect) {// 首次加载 urlt = url; //url = "";//by danaus 15/9/8 处理加载最后tab时空白问题 } /* end */ //var tid=Math.round(Math.random()*10000) //设置新页卡的高度为指定高度px(不能使用 100%),如果不设置指定高度px,遇到 chrome 低版本时(如 for xp )时页面只显示上半截 ,Added by Johns Wang,2018-12-04 var iFrameHeight = $('#home-tabs').height() ; //var barHeight = window.innerHeight - document.body.clientHeight ; //AI智能小手指loading xin 2019-12-20 15:11:59 var loading="


    " if(gridObj) { changFrame = gridObj.frameName; T_Grid = gridObj.T_Grid; }else if(panelObj){ changFrame = panelObj.frameName; panelToPost = panelObj.panelToPost; postToThis = panelObj.postToThis; panel_onlyOne=panelObj.panel_onlyOne || ""; }else{ if(T_Grid!=undefined&&T_Grid!=""){ try { var tGrid = JSON.parse(T_Grid); if((tGrid.formP==""&&tGrid.toP=="")||(tGrid.formP=="null"&&tGrid.toP=="null")){ T_Grid=""; } }catch (e){} } } $('#home-tabs').tabs('add', { id:thisFrame, title :title, content :loading+"", closable :true }); changFrame = ""; panelToPost = ""; postToThis = ""; T_Grid = ""; if (isFunc) { addCTab(thisFrame, title, url,formType); setCookieIndex(index); } let treeArr = [2, 3, 4, 9, 17, 20, 30, 238, 497];//特殊窗体 if ($.inArray(parseInt(formType), treeArr) != -1) {//是特殊窗体 xin 2022-4-16 17:31:56 treeTab.push(thisFrame); } } var para1=""; function formNum(num){ para1=num; } // TW_跟据窗体类型加载选项卡的标题:功能名+功能号+列表+(详情)+(单号) function getT(para, formType, formId, title) { var oddnum;// 单号 var numid = parent.numId;//在encode.js中取值 if(numid.indexOf("doccode")!=-1 && numid.trim()!="''" && numid.length<20){ if(numid.substring(numid.indexOf("doccode")+8,numid.indexOf("doccode")+10)!="''"){ oddnum = numid.substring(numid.indexOf("'")+1,numid.length-1); 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// $("#home-tabs").tabs("close",t); $('#home-tabs').find('.tabs-selected').find('.tabs-close').click();// pengbei // add if (typeof fun == "function") { fun(); } else if (typeof fun != "undefined") { alert(fun); } } function closeTabByFrameId(id) { $("#home-tabs").find(".tabs-title>a").each( function() { if (id == $(this).attr("frameid")) { var t = $(this); $("#home-tabs").tabs( "close", "" + t.text() + ""); return false; } }); } function getIframeAttr(str) { var v_ = ""; var select = getTabSelected(); if (select != null) { v_ = select.find("iframe").attr(str); } return v_; } function getTabSelected() { return $("#home-tabs").tabs("getSelected"); } function selectTab(info){ //$("#home-tabs").find(".tabs-title>a").each(function(){ // if(info==$(this).attr("frameid")){ // var t=$(this); //$("#home-tabs").tabs("select",""+t.text()+""); // $(this).click(); // return false; // } //}); $("#home-tabs a[frameid='"+info+"']").click(); } var topFrame = {// 兼容旧系统parent.topFrame.funcLink funcLink : function(f, t, sf, lf, lk, sd, ld, isp, ef, mes, ref, clo, autoSave,sortid,messageTip,rowid) {//rowid 表格当前行id var tempFrame = getTabSelected().find("iframe")[0]; tempFrame.contentWindow.funcLink(f, t, sf, lf, lk, sd, ld, isp, ef, mes, ref, clo, autoSave,sortid,messageTip,rowid); } }; //---------------解决页卡切换后 滚动条被置顶的问题 xin 2020-10-14 09:16:55 $(window).scroll(function(){ //父页面值 if ($(document).scrollTop() > 0) { parent.subPageScrollHeight = $(document).scrollTop(); } }); function scrollTopMap() { var struct = function(key, value) { this.key = key; this.value = value }; var put = function(key, value) { for (var i = 0; i < this.arr.length; i++) { if (this.arr[i].key === key) { this.arr[i].value = value; return } } this.arr[this.arr.length] = new struct(key, value) }; var get = function(key) { for (var i = 0; i < this.arr.length; i++) { if (this.arr[i].key === key) { return this.arr[i].value } } return null }; var remove = function(key) { var v; for (var i = 0; i < this.arr.length; i++) { v = this.arr.pop(); if (v.key === key) { continue } this.arr.unshift(v) } }; var getAllValues = function() { var tmp = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < this.arr.length; i++) { tmp[i] = this.arr[i].value } return tmp }; var getAllKeys = function() { var tmp = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < this.arr.length; i++) { tmp[i] = this.arr[i].key } return tmp }; var size = function() { return this.arr.length }; var isEmpty = function() { return this.arr.length <= 0 }; var removeAll = function() { this.arr = [] }; this.getFirstValue = function() { return this.arr[0].value }; this.getFirstKey = function() { return this.arr[0].key }; this.arr = new Array(); this.get = get; this.put = put; this.remove = remove; this.size = size; this.isEmpty = isEmpty; this.removeAll = removeAll; this.getAllValues = getAllValues; this.getAllKeys = getAllKeys; }; //----------------------------end