From b6cea4a950e92a0f91e06bcc60b4653e1d2709ef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vben <>
Date: 星期一, 01 三月 2021 23:11:12 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] feat(icon-picker): add icon-picker component

 src/settings/projectSetting.ts |  239 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 1 files changed, 136 insertions(+), 103 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/settings/projectSetting.ts b/src/settings/projectSetting.ts
index 117475d..db87780 100644
--- a/src/settings/projectSetting.ts
+++ b/src/settings/projectSetting.ts
@@ -1,143 +1,176 @@
-import type { ProjectConfig } from '/@/types/config';
-import { MenuTypeEnum, MenuThemeEnum, MenuModeEnum, TriggerEnum } from '/@/enums/menuEnum';
-import { ContentEnum, PermissionModeEnum, RouterTransitionEnum } from '/@/enums/appEnum';
-import { primaryColor } from '../../build/config/lessModifyVars';
-import { isProdMode } from '/@/utils/env';
+import type { ProjectConfig } from '/#/config';
+import { MenuTypeEnum, MenuModeEnum, TriggerEnum, MixSidebarTriggerEnum } from '/@/enums/menuEnum';
+import { CacheTypeEnum } from '/@/enums/cacheEnum';
+import {
+  ContentEnum,
+  PermissionModeEnum,
+  ThemeEnum,
+  RouterTransitionEnum,
+  SettingButtonPositionEnum,
+} from '/@/enums/appEnum';
+import { primaryColor, themeMode } from '../../build/config/themeConfig';
 // ! You need to clear the browser cache after the change
 const setting: ProjectConfig = {
   // Whether to show the configuration button
   showSettingButton: true,
-  // 鏉冮檺妯″紡
+  // `Settings` button position
+  settingButtonPosition: SettingButtonPositionEnum.AUTO,
+  // Permission mode
   permissionMode: PermissionModeEnum.ROLE,
-  // 缃戠珯鐏拌壊妯″紡锛岀敤浜庡彲鑳芥偧蹇电殑鏃ユ湡寮�鍚�
-  grayMode: false,
-  // 鑹插急妯″紡
-  colorWeak: false,
-  // 涓婚鑹�
+  // Permission-related cache is stored in sessionStorage or localStorage
+  permissionCacheType: CacheTypeEnum.SESSION,
+  // color
   themeColor: primaryColor,
-  // 鏄惁鍙栨秷鑿滃崟,椤堕儴,澶氭爣绛鹃〉鏄剧ず, 鐢ㄤ簬鍙兘鍐呭祵鍦ㄥ埆鐨勭郴缁熷唴
+  // TODO dark theme
+  themeMode: themeMode,
+  // Website gray mode, open for possible mourning dates
+  grayMode: false,
+  // Color Weakness Mode
+  colorWeak: false,
+  // Whether to cancel the menu, the top, the multi-tab page display, for possible embedded in other systems
   fullContent: false,
   // content mode
   contentMode: ContentEnum.FULL,
-  // 鏄惁鏄剧ずlogo
+  // Whether to display the logo
   showLogo: true,
-  // 澶撮儴閰嶇疆
+  // Whether to show footer
+  showFooter: false,
+  // Header configuration
   headerSetting: {
+    // header bg color
+    bgColor: '#ffffff',
+    // Fixed at the top
     fixed: true,
-    // 鏄惁鏄剧ず椤堕儴
+    // Whether to show top
     show: true,
     // theme
-    theme: MenuThemeEnum.LIGHT,
-    // 寮�鍚攣灞忓姛鑳�
+    theme: ThemeEnum.LIGHT,
+    // Whether to enable the lock screen function
     useLockPage: true,
-    // 鏄剧ず鍒锋柊鎸夐挳
-    showRedo: true,
-    // 鏄剧ず鍏ㄥ睆鎸夐挳
+    // Whether to show the full screen button
     showFullScreen: true,
-    // 鏄剧ず鏂囨。鎸夐挳
+    // Whether to show the document button
     showDoc: true,
-    //  鏄惁鏄剧ずgithub
-    showGithub: true,
-    // 鏄剧ず娑堟伅涓績鎸夐挳
+    // Whether to show the notification button
     showNotice: true,
-  },
-  // 鑿滃崟閰嶇疆
-  menuSetting: {
-    // 鑿滃崟鎶樺彔
-    collapsed: false,
-    // 鎶樺彔鑿滃崟鏃跺�欐槸鍚︽樉绀鸿彍鍗曞悕
-    collapsedShowTitle: false,
-    // 鏄惁鍙嫋鎷�
-    hasDrag: false,
-    // 鏄惁鏄剧ず 娌℃湁dom
-    show: true,
-    // 鏄惁鏄剧ず 鏈塪om
-    hidden: false,
-    // 鏄惁鏄剧ず鎼滅储妗�
+    // Whether to display the menu search
     showSearch: true,
-    // 鑿滃崟瀹藉害
-    menuWidth: 200,
-    // 鑿滃崟妯″紡
-    mode: MenuModeEnum.INLINE,
-    // 鑿滃崟绫诲瀷
-    type: MenuTypeEnum.SIDEBAR,
-    // 鑿滃崟涓婚
-    theme: MenuThemeEnum.DARK,
-    // 鍒嗗壊鑿滃崟
-    split: false,
-    // 椤堕儴鑿滃崟甯冨眬
-    topMenuAlign: 'center',
-    // 鎶樺彔鑿滃崟鏃跺�欓殣钘忔悳绱㈡
-    collapsedShowSearch: false,
-    // 鎶樺彔瑙﹀彂鍣ㄧ殑浣嶇疆
-    trigger: TriggerEnum.HEADER,
-  // 娑堟伅閰嶇疆
-  messageSetting: {
-    // 寮圭獥title
-    title: '鎿嶄綔鎻愮ず',
-    // 鍙栨秷鎸夐挳鐨勬枃瀛�,
-    cancelText: '鍙栨秷',
-    // 纭鎸夐挳鐨勬枃瀛�
-    okText: '纭畾',
-  },
-  // 澶氭爣绛�
-  multiTabsSetting: {
-    // 寮�鍚�
+  // Menu configuration
+  menuSetting: {
+    // sidebar menu bg color
+    bgColor: '#001529',
+    //  Whether to fix the left menu
+    fixed: true,
+    // Menu collapse
+    collapsed: false,
+    // Whether to display the menu name when folding the menu
+    collapsedShowTitle: false,
+    // Whether it can be dragged
+    // Only limited to the opening of the left menu, the mouse has a drag bar on the right side of the menu
+    canDrag: false,
+    // Whether to show no dom
     show: true,
-    // 寮�鍚揩閫熸搷浣�
-    showQuick: true,
-    // 鏄剧ずicon
-    showIcon: false,
-    // 鏍囩椤电紦瀛樻渶澶ф暟閲�
-    max: 12,
+    // Whether to show dom
+    hidden: false,
+    // Menu width
+    menuWidth: 210,
+    // Menu mode
+    mode: MenuModeEnum.INLINE,
+    // Menu type
+    type: MenuTypeEnum.SIDEBAR,
+    // Menu theme
+    theme: ThemeEnum.DARK,
+    // Split menu
+    split: false,
+    // Top menu layout
+    topMenuAlign: 'center',
+    // Fold trigger position
+    trigger: TriggerEnum.HEADER,
+    // Turn on accordion mode, only show a menu
+    accordion: true,
+    // Switch page to close menu
+    closeMixSidebarOnChange: false,
+    // Module opening method 鈥榗lick鈥� |'hover'
+    mixSideTrigger: MixSidebarTriggerEnum.CLICK,
+    // Fixed expanded menu
+    mixSideFixed: false,
-  // 鏄惁寮�鍚疜eepAlive缂撳瓨  寮�鍙戞椂鍊欐渶濂藉叧闂�,涓嶇劧姣忔閮介渶瑕佹竻闄ょ紦瀛�
+  // Multi-label
+  multiTabsSetting: {
+    // Turn on
+    show: true,
+    // Is it possible to drag and drop sorting tabs
+    canDrag: true,
+    // Turn on quick actions
+    showQuick: true,
+    // Whether to show the refresh button
+    showRedo: true,
+    // Whether to show the collapse button
+    showFold: true,
+  },
+  // Transition Setting
+  transitionSetting: {
+    //  Whether to open the page switching animation
+    // The disabled state will also disable pageLoadinng
+    enable: true,
+    // Route basic switching animation
+    basicTransition: RouterTransitionEnum.FADE_SIDE,
+    // Whether to open page switching loading
+    // Only open when enable=true
+    openPageLoading: true,
+    // Whether to open the top progress bar
+    openNProgress: false,
+  },
+  // Whether to enable KeepAlive cache is best to close during development, otherwise the cache needs to be cleared every time
   openKeepAlive: true,
-  // 鑷姩閿佸睆鏃堕棿锛屼负0涓嶉攣灞忋�� 鍗曚綅鍒嗛挓 榛樿0
+  // Automatic screen lock time, 0 does not lock the screen. Unit minute default 0
   lockTime: 0,
-  // 鏄剧ず闈㈠寘灞�
+  // Whether to show breadcrumbs
   showBreadCrumb: true,
-  // 鏄剧ず闈㈠寘灞戝浘鏍�
+  // Whether to show the breadcrumb icon
   showBreadCrumbIcon: false,
-  // 浣跨敤error-handler-plugin
-  useErrorHandle: isProdMode(),
+  // Use error-handler-plugin
+  useErrorHandle: false,
-  //  寮�鍚〉闈㈠垏鎹㈠姩鐢�
-  openRouterTransition: true,
-  // 璺敱鍒囨崲鍔ㄧ敾
-  routerTransition: RouterTransitionEnum.FADE_SIDE,
-  // 鏄惁寮�鍚櫥褰曞畨鍏ㄦ牎楠�
-  openLoginVerify: true,
-  // 鏄惁鐩戝惉缃戠粶鍙樺寲
-  listenNetWork: false,
-  // 鏄惁寮�鍚〉闈㈠垏鎹oading
-  openPageLoading: true,
-  // 鏄惁寮�鍚洖鍒伴《閮�
+  // Whether to open back to top
   useOpenBackTop: true,
-  // 寮�鍚《閮ㄨ繘搴︽潯
-  openNProgress: isProdMode(),
-  //  鏄惁鍙互宓屽叆iframe椤甸潰
+  //  Is it possible to embed iframe pages
   canEmbedIFramePage: true,
-  // 鍒囨崲鐣岄潰鐨勬椂鍊欐槸鍚﹀垹闄ゆ湭鍏抽棴鐨刴essage鍙妌otify
+  // Whether to delete unclosed messages and notify when switching the interface
   closeMessageOnSwitch: true,
-  // 鍒囨崲鐣岄潰鐨勬椂鍊欐槸鍚﹀彇娑堝凡缁忓彂閫佷絾鏄湭鍝嶅簲鐨刪ttp璇锋眰銆�
-  // 濡傛灉寮�鍚�,鎯冲鍗曠嫭鎺ュ彛瑕嗙洊銆傚彲浠ュ湪鍗曠嫭鎺ュ彛璁剧疆
-  removeAllHttpPending: true,
+  // Whether to cancel the http request that has been sent but not responded when switching the interface.
+  // If it is enabled, I want to overwrite a single interface. Can be set in a separate interface
+  removeAllHttpPending: false,
 export default setting;

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