From b5c1614fe473330ceca8b7cff0f1802e19bd5039 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sanakey <>
Date: 星期一, 30 九月 2024 13:39:08 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] feat:添加部分线索接口,完善客户相关页面

--- |  339 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 338 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 528d9aa..0e0d903 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,4 +1,341 @@
-## 2.3.0 (2021-05-25)
+## 2.8.0(2021-11.03)
+### Upgrade Instructions
+- Package manager changed from `yarn` to `pnpm`
+- Delete `node_modules` and `yarn.lock`, install `pnpm` globally
+- Execute `pnpm install`
+### 鉁� Features
+- **Others**
+  - The `VITE_PROXY` configuration in the `.env` file supports single quotes
+  - Remove warnings during build
+### 馃悰 Bug Fixes
+- **BasicTable**
+  - Fix the issue that editable cells cannot be submitted in some cases
+  - Fix the problem that the `inset` attribute does not work
+  - Fix the problem that the performance of `useTable` and `reload` method `await` of `BasicTable` instance are inconsistent
+  - Fix the issue that `clickToRowSelect` would ignore the disabled state of the row selection box
+  - Fix the problem that the page of `BasicTable` will be reset in some cases
+  - Modify the `deleteTableDataRecord` method
+- **BasicModal**
+  - Fixed the problem that `Modal` could not be closed even when clicking on the mask and pressing the `Esc` key
+  - Fixed the issue that clicking the close button and the blank area next to the maximize button would also cause `Modal` to close
+- **BasicTree** Fix the problem that the node slot does not work
+- **CodeEditor** Fix the problem that may cause `Build` failure
+- **BasicForm** Fix the problem that the content width of the custom FormItem component may be out of range
+- **ApiTreeSelect** Fix the problem that the change of `params` failed to trigger the re-request of api data
+- **Others** -Fixed an issue where multiple tabs would not jump to routing when closing tabs in some cases
+  - Fix the issue that some components may cause abnormal hot update
+  - Fix the problem that some sub-components of `antdv` will be reported in the build process when directly `import` part of the `antdv`, such as: TabPane, RadioGroup
+## 2.7.2(2021-09-14)
+### 鉁� Features
+- **BasicForm** New `Divider` in the form component for dividing the area of longer forms
+- **BasicTable**
+  - Cell editor adds submit callback, which will decide whether to submit data to the form based on the result returned by the callback function
+  - Add check method for row editing, allowing only check but not submit value, so asynchronously save data successfully before submit to table
+  - Fix the problem that the `rowClassName` property cannot be used at the same time as `striped`.
+- New component **MarkdownViewer** for displaying rich text in Markdown format
+### 馃悰 Bug Fixes
+- **CodeEditor** Fix JSON editor throwing exception when formatting invalid JSON text
+- **Tinymce** fixes an issue where inline mode throws an exception in some scenarios
+- **BasicTable**
+  - Repair the problem that the editing icon is not displayed when the content of editable cell is empty
+  - Repair the problem that the total row at the end of the table sometimes fails to align with the columns in the main part of the table.
+- **MarkDown** Repair the problem that the value of initial value property does not work.
+- **BasicUpload** Repair the problem that `accept` property does not support `MIME` and suffix name starting with dot.
+- **ApiSelect** Fix the problem of type definition of `value` property.
+- **Other**
+  - Repair the problem that some wrapper components give error when using slots.
+  - Repair the problem that `theme` parameter of `useECharts` does not work.
+  - Repair the problem that when `Token` is invalid, pressing F5 to refresh the page may cause abnormal page loading.
+  - Repair the problem that the improper call of `useRedo` may lead to `path` redirection abnormality.
+  - Repair the problem that `vite` custom mode name does not support underscore.
+## 2.7.1(2021-08-16)
+- Upgrade vue 3.2, if the operation fails, delete node_modules and reinstall it
+### 鉁� Features
+- **BasicTree** Add search function related properties and methods
+- **BasicForm** added `alwaysShowLines` to set the number of lines kept displayed when folding
+### 馃悰 Bug Fixes
+- **Cropper** Fix the problem of failure to destroy in time
+- **BasicTable**
+  - Fix the problem that `CellFormat` cannot use `Map` type data
+  - Fixed an issue where the editable cell failed to display the `0` value correctly
+  - Fixed the issue that selection-change event failed to trigger correctly when unchecked
+  - Fix the problem that the background color of the full screen state under the light theme is incorrect
+  - Fix the problem of obtaining complete data when `getSelectRows` does not support remote data cross-page selection
+  - Fix the issue that the `size` property provided for editing components in `editComponentProps` is invalid
+- **Qrcode** Fixed the problem that the QR code component could not be drawn in time when it was created
+- **BasicModal** Fix the problem that the `helpMessage` property does not work
+- **BasicButton** Fix the problem that the button style performance is inconsistent with the official antd
+- **Others** Fix the problem that `useRedo` (reload the current route) will lose route `params` data
+## 2.7.0(2021-08-03)
+## (Breaking changes) Breaking changes
+- Restore the project `tailwindcss` back to `windicss`, tried `tailwindcss`, there may be a lot of problems, first switch back to `windicss` to improve development efficiency and lower switching costs.
+  - There are currently incompatible areas of the project
+    - The wording of `xl:!m-4` needs to be changed to `!xl:m-4`, note that only `!` is incompatible. If you don鈥檛 use it, you don鈥檛 need to change it.
+    - The memory overflow problem may still exist (low frequency, just restart, restart vite faster)
+### 鉁� Features
+- **Preview** Add new properties and events
+- **Dark Theme** added support for tailwindcss night mode
+- **Others** add setTip method for useLoading
+### 馃悰 Bug Fixes
+- **ApiTreeSelect** Fixed the problem of failing to monitor `params` changes correctly
+- **ImgRotateDragVerify** Fix the problem that the component `resume` method cannot be called
+- **TableAction** Fix the problem that the stopButtonPropagation property does not work in some cases
+- **PageWrapper** Fix the problem of invalid `class` attribute
+- **BasicTree** Fix the problem that the `checkAll` method will affect the `disabled` state node
+- **BasicTable**
+  - Fix the issue that editable cells do not support `ellipsis` configuration
+  - Fixed the problem that the pop-up layer of sub-components (popconfirm and edit components such as select and treeSelect) cannot be seen in full-screen mode
+  - Fixed an issue where when `expandRowByClick` is enabled, clicking non-expandable rows may cause style errors
+  - Fix the problem that the dynamic change of `pagination` property does not take effect
+  - Fix the problem that `getSelectRows` does not support the child data of the tree table -**Dark Theme** Fix the color matching problem under the dark theme
+  - Fix the background color of the selected node of the `Tree` component
+  - Fix the color configuration of the `Alert` component
+  - Fix the problem of the button color of `link` type in the disabled state
+  - Fix the style problem of checked checkboxes in `Tree` -**Others** Fix the problem that useScript failed to automatically remove the script node
+## 2.6.1(2021-07-19)
+### 鉁� Features
+- **NoticeList** Add pagination, auto omit for overlength, title click event, title strikethrough, etc.
+- **MixSider** Optimize the style of the bottom collapse button in the Mix menu layout to be consistent with the style of other menu layouts
+- **ApiTreeSelect** Extend `TreeSelect` component of `antdv` to support remote data source, similar to `ApiSelect`.
+- **BasicTable** New `ApiTreeSelect` editing component
+- Different backend home pages can be specified for different users.
+  - Add `homePath` field (optional) to the user information returned by the `getUserInfo` interface to customize the home page path for the current user
+### 馃悰 Bug Fixes
+- **BasicTable**
+  - Fix scrollbar style issue (removed scroll style patch)
+  - Fix the alignment problem of cells with expanded icons in tree tables
+  - Add `headerTop` slot.
+  - Fix the color display of the operation column button in disabled state.
+  - Repair the problem that the values of editable cells cannot be updated by modifying `dataSource` directly.
+  - Repair the problem of data replay when using `ApiSelect` to edit components.
+  - Repair the problem that editing components may report `onXXX` type error in some scenarios.
+- **TableAction**
+  - Create Tooltip component only if `action.tooltip` exists.
+  - Fix the problem that the content of the round button inside the component is not centered
+- **AppSearch** Fix the problem that the hidden menu may be searched.
+- **BasicUpload** Repair the problem of error when handling non-`array` values.
+- **Form** Repair the `suffix` slot style problem of `FormItem`.
+- **Menu**
+  - Repair the hovering trigger logic of the left mixed menu
+  - Repair the problem that the top bar menu is wrong when displaying menu items that need to be hidden.
+  - Fix the left mixed menu in hover trigger mode will jump to route directly when there is no submenu and it is activated
+- **Breadcrumb** Repair the problem that the menu with redirection cannot be jumped when clicked
+- **Markdown** fixes an initialization exception and an issue where value was not set dynamically correctly
+- **Modal** Make sure props are passed correctly
+- **MultipleTab** fixes an issue that could accidentally create login route tabs
+- **BasicTree** Fix the problem that the search function may cause `checkedKeys` to be lost
+- **CodeEditor** Fix the problem that value does not support v-model usage.
+- **CountdownInput** Fix the problem that `input` slot is not supported.
+- **ApiSelect** Fix the problem that the `options-change` event parameter is not the standard `options` data used by `select
+- **Other**
+  - Fix the problem that the configuration of default menu collapse does not work
+  - Repair the problem that `safari` browser reports an error and the website cannot be opened.
+  - Repair the problem that eslint keeps error due to endOfLine after pulling the code on window.
+  - Fix `Vue Router warn` caused by dynamic routing
+### 馃帿 Chores
+- Add test environment test command
+## 2.6.0(2021-07-04)
+### 鉁� Features
+- **Axios** New `withToken` configuration to control whether the request carries a token or not
+- **BasicUpload**
+  - New `preview-delete` event triggered when deleting a file in preview `Modal`.
+  - `value` supports `v-model` usage
+- **Route configuration**
+  - Add `ignoreRoute` to generate menu only in `ROUTE_MAPPING` or `BACK` permission mode
+  - Add `hidePathForChildren` configuration to ignore this level `path` when generating menus for child items
+- **TableAction** Add `tooltip` configuration to add tooltip hint for button
+- **CropperAvatar**
+  - Added `value` to set the current avatar
+  - Added `onChange` to accept avatar cropping and upload success event
+  - New `btnText`, `btnProps` for customizing the text and properties of the upload button
+  - Add tooltips to the action buttons in `Modal` for cropping
+- **Modal** Add tooltip for action button in top right corner
+### 馃悰 Bug Fixes
+- **Modal**
+  - Fix the problem that the mask cannot be closed by clicking on it.
+  - Fix `setModalProps` does not support setting `defaultFullscreen`.
+- **Table**
+  - Fix the problem that `editComponentProps` doesn't support `onChange`.
+  - Fix the problem that `selection-change` event is not triggered when `clickToRowSelect` is enabled.
+  - Fix the problem that global configuration `fetchSetting` may be accidentally modified by local configuration.
+  - Fix the problem that the parameter of `handleSearchInfoFn` contains redundant blank keys.
+  - Repair the problem that when rowSelection.onChange is provided for table, the selected items of table cannot be changed manually.
+  - Fix the problem that the scrollbar continues to be displayed even when it is not needed to be displayed.
+- **Icon** Repair the problem that SvgIcon is missing some styles.
+- **Menu**
+  - Repair the problem that single-level menu refreshing will not be activated in route mapping mode.
+  - Repair the problem that the collapse customization at the bottom of the side menu is invalid.
+- **Form** Repair the type definition of `submitButtonOptions` and `resetButtonOptions`.
+- **PopConfirmButton** Remove the redundant `title` on `Button`.
+- **Axios** Fix the problem that `params` and `data` data cannot be submitted at the same time when non-`GET` requests are made
+- **Other**
+  - Repair the problem that the lock screen function can skip the lock state by refreshing the page or copying the URL to open a new browser tab
+  - Repair the problem that `Token` won't be synchronized when multiple windows open pages at the same time.
+  - Repair the problem that `hasPermission` does not work in `ROLE` permission mode.
+- **Table** Repair the problem that the parameter of `handleSearchInfoFn` contains extra blank keys.
+- **Tailwindcss** Remove console warning
+## 2.5.2(2021-06-27)
+### 鈿� Performance Improvements
+- **Icon** Remove the global registration of Icon components to prevent hot update issues under certain circumstances
+### 鉁� Features
+- **Menu** Added `permissionMode=PermissionModeEnum.ROUTE_MAPPING` mode
+  - The project is changed to this mode by default, and the original menu file is deleted
+  - If you have written the menu before, you can change to `PermissionModeEnum.ROLE` mode
+## 2.5.1(2021-06-26)
+### 鈿� Performance Improvements
+- Upgrade `vue` and `ant-design-vue` versions to solve compatibility issues
+- **Tree** Performance optimization
+### 馃悰 Bug Fixes
+- **Table** Fix page jitter problem
+- **Upload** Make sure to carry custom parameters
+- **Dropdown** Fix the icon display problem of popConfirm
+- **Table** Fix the problem that the editing event of the tree table is abnormal
+- **Table** Fix the problem that when the table data is empty, the value returned by getDataSource is not the data source used by the table
+## 2.5.0(2021-06-20)
+## (Breaking changes) Breaking changes
+- Change the project `windicss` to `tailwindcss` to solve the memory overflow problem
+  - There are currently incompatible areas of the project
+    - The wording of `!xl:m-4` needs to be changed to `xl:!m-4`, note that only `!` is incompatible. If you don鈥檛 use it, you don鈥檛 need to change it.
+    - The new features of `windicss` itself need to be adjusted, for example, `Attribute` mode is not compatible
+### 鉁� Refactor
+- Remove `useExpose` and use `expose` provided by the component itself instead
+### 鈿� Performance Improvements
+- **Locale** merge multi-language files to reduce the number of files
+- **Utils** Mitt default export is changed from `Class` to `Function`
+- **Axios** `isTransformRequestResult` is renamed to `isTransformResponse`
+### 鉁� Features
+- **CropperImage** `Cropper` Avatar cropping adds circular cropping function
+- **CropperAvatar** Added avatar upload component
+- **Drawer** `useDrawer` added `closeDrawer` function
+- **Preview** Added `createImgPreview` picture preview function
+- **Setup** New guide page example
+- **Tests** Add jest test suite, Vue component single test is not currently supported
+- **Axios** Added `authenticationScheme` configuration to specify the authentication scheme
+- **Setting** Added `sessionTimeoutProcessing` project configuration item, used to configure how to deal with session timeout
+### 馃悰 Bug Fixes
+- **Modal** fix full screen height calculation error
+- **Modal** Fix the problem that the shutdown event is triggered multiple times
+- **PageWrapper** fix the height calculation problem
+- **FlowChart** Repair drag and drop menu missing
+- Fixed Iframe routing error in background mode
+- **PageWrapper** Fix the height calculation problem when footer and global footer are opened at the same time
+- **Menu** Fix the jitter problem of menu folding animation
+- **Store** fixed type error after pinia version upgrade
+## 2.4.2(2021-06-10)
+### 鉁� Refactor
+- `CountTo` component refactoring
+### 鉁� Features
+- `radioButtonGroup` supports `boolean` value
+- `useModalInner` added `redoModalHeight` to reset the height of `Modal` inside Modal
+- `useECharts` added `getInstance` to obtain instances of `echart`
+- `TableAction` added `stopButtonPropagation` to prevent the action button click event from bubbling
+- `BasicTable` in the row edit mode, you can get or set the value of other editing components in the column
+- The `ApiSelect` component will automatically re-fetch the data after the `params` is changed
+- `TableImg` component improvement
+- `BasicTable` added `columns-change` event to monitor the user to change the sorting, display, and fixed status of columns
+- `Tinymce` supports dynamic modification readonly
+- `BasicTable` added `updateTableDataRecord` method to update the specified row data
+- `useModal` added `closeModal` method to close `Modal`
+### 馃悰 Bug Fixes
+- Fix the problem that `redoModalHeight` cannot reduce the height
+- Fix the problem that the schema data of `BasicForm` does not take effect
+- Fix the problem that multiple tags may cause `KeepAlive` to fail
+- Fix the problem that the default `axios` interceptor cannot handle custom code
+- Fix the height issue of the lock screen pop-up window
+- Fixed the problem that the half-selected state of the `Column Display` checkbox of `BaiscTable` was incorrectly displayed
+- Fixed the problem that the preview list of the `BasicUpload` component could not be displayed in some cases
+- Fix the problem that the `options` setting of `RadioButtonGroup``disabled` does not take effect
+- Fix the problem that the button for uploading pictures in the read-only mode of the `Tinymce` component is still available
+- Fix the stuttering problem of `BasicForm` under certain circumstances
+- Fix the problem that "directory" routing does not work
+## 2.4.1(2021-06-01)
+### 鉁� Features
+- Add `DatePicker` and `TimePicker` components to editable tables
+- Added `defaultExpandLevel` configuration to `Tree` component
+### 鈿� Performance Improvements
+-Menu search default focus
+### 馃悰 Bug Fixes
+- Fix known issues of `CodeEditor`
+- Fix the issue of `i18n` console warning
+- Fix the problem that the editable table `align` configuration does not take effect
+- Ensure that `axios` only processes `Object` parameters
+- Fix the failure of the `defaultExpandAll` configuration of the `Tree` component
+- Fix the problem of missing dividing line in `TableAction`
+- Fix the known issues of the table
+- Fix that the lang attribute of HTML will not be set when reloading due to the first loading or changing the language
+## 2.4.0 (2021-05-25)
 ### 鉁� Features

Gitblit v1.8.0