From 67287bef3ec9abbaab297ad732ae56cbcfc0f2e7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: huangyinfeng <>
Date: 星期四, 12 九月 2024 11:28:52 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] 邮件配置内容

--- |  307 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 307 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 41ddf1f..1653df5 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,3 +1,310 @@
+## [2.11.5]( (2024-05-31)
+### Bug Fixes
+- 璺敱鍙傛暟瀛樺湪闈炶嫳鏂囧瓧绗︾殑鎯呭喌涓� 浼氱敓鎴愪竴涓柊鐨則ab 鑰岄潪杩斿洖鍘熸湁tab ([#3832]( ([1fee161](
+- 淇琛ㄥ崟閲嶇疆鍚庯紝椤甸潰鍙樺寲浜嗭紝浣嗘槸鐢变簬寮傛闂瀵艰嚧琛ㄥ崟鍐呴儴鐨勭姸鎬佹病鏈夊強鏃跺悓姝� ([#3882]( ([5d36b1a](
+- **Application:** search menu now correctly lowercases input keys ([#3842]( ([144cdd4](
+- **BasicForm:** 淇FormSchema涓娇鐢╥fShow闅愯棌瀛楁鏃讹紝榛樿琛ㄥ崟鏌ヨ閲嶇疆鎸夐挳浣嶇疆鍋忕Щ閲忚绠楅棶棰� ([#3830]( ([478802b](
+- **BasicForm:** setFieldsValue not work in form when use date comp ([#3819]( ([7538c57](
+- **BasicForm:** when value is 0 or false resetFields is not work ([#3828]( ([22052f1](
+- **Breadcrumb:** if hideBreadcrumb is true and hidden ([#3821]( ([b66a0de](
+- **imgUpload:** disabled not effect in the form ([#3809]( ([4348d21](
+- **Loading:** 澶勭悊v-loading鎸囦护鍜寀seLoading鐨勫唴瀛樻硠闇� ([#3861]( ([bcd98ee](
+- **loading:** useLoading is not working as expected ([#3877]( ([c89417f](
+- **useDataSource:** state mutations in computed getters should be avoided ([#3859]( ([fee8081](
+### Features
+- add devtools plugin instead of inspector plugin ([#3856]( ([e69dd1e](
+- **BasicForm:** add prefix slot for schema ([#3840]( ([265627f](
+- **codeEditor:** add type and config && add use case ([#3829]( ([0ee7211](
+- **Demo:** add ScreenShot page demo ([#3826]( ([5a2d742](
+- **form:** add valueFormat for schema ([#3873]( ([0bc01d8](
+### Performance Improvements
+- **BasicForm:** fix invaild defaultValue && split-setdefault-setvalue ([#3815]( ([88e77db](
+- **form->util:** duplicate judge ([#3865]( ([dcba0ca](
+- **menu->search:** highlight match chars when search menu ([#3880]( ([d5fed8a](
+## [2.11.4]( (2024-05-06)
+### Bug Fixes
+- **BasicForm:** 淇 SetFieldsValue 璁剧疆鍊兼椂锛屼細灏� Number 绫诲瀷鐨勫�艰浆涓� string ([#3802]( ([08a1f7b](
+- **breadcrumb:** if hideChildrenInmenu is true & hidden dropdown-menu ([#3807]( ([2af93c9](
+- **docker:** update node version of dockerfile ([#3788]( ([338d077](
+- **imgupload:** resultField causing with error display && setField uncertain ([#3798]( ([06018ad](
+### Features
+- **upload->previewColumns:** Adapt functions && chore upload demo ([#3799]( ([29ef0d3](
+### Performance Improvements
+- **util:** remove handleInputNumberValue ([#3806]( ([ba5b8f8](
+## [2.11.3]( (2024-04-24)
+### Bug Fixes
+- **deps:** lock vue version to 3.4.23 ([#3785]( ([2f655c2](, closes [#3783](
+- **upload:** disabled prop not effect to upload in the form ([#3780]( ([69a6e90](
+### Features
+- **BasicForm->Components:** add beforeFetch & afterFetch to apicomp && perf the code ([#3786]( ([7ae2ec0](
+- **demo:** use Tour component replace dirverjs ([#3777]( ([49c4dc6](
+## [2.11.2]( (2024-04-23)
+### Bug Fixes
+- **BasicForm:** solve the error about setFieldValue array ([#3775]( ([f5cd3ad](
+- **ci:** use for package-manager-strict ([d53a5b2](
+## [2.11.1]( (2024-04-20)
+### Bug Fixes
+- the form not working when setFieldsValue through form-groups and add a demo with form groups ([#3765]( ([65e5e71](
+# [2.11.0]( (2024-04-20)
+### Bug Fixes
+- (demo->page>form>high) expose getDataSource close [#3529]( ([#3530]( ([0c1235e](
+- [#2744](閫夐」鍗℃覆鏌撻棶棰橈紝浠ュ強瀹屽杽璺敱涓璦ffix=true鏃跺鐞嗛�昏緫銆� ([#3127]( ([b43d306](
+- [#3077]( 鏈�鏂颁唬鐮� ApiTransfer缂栬緫鍚庢棤娉曟甯告樉绀烘暟鎹� ([#3083]( ([c0c3116](
+- [#3144]( Drawer鐨刦ooter鏍峰紡閿欎綅闂 ([#3148]( ([8e9d4f0](
+- 1.淇ImageUpload鐩存帴浣跨敤鏃舵棤娉曟甯稿洖浼爒alue 2.淇ImageUpload鏃犳硶姝e父鍒濆鍖栫涓�娆′紶鍊� ([#3704]( ([b5c87cf](
+- 鑿滃崟鎼滅储鍔熻兘淇 ([#3688]( ([c1809cd](
+- 褰揟ableAction鐨刟ctions灞炴�т腑鐨凙ctionItem浼犻�掍簡color灞炴�ф椂锛孭opConfirm鐨勬寚绀虹澶撮鑹插紓甯搁棶棰� ([#3597]( ([e6a7384](
+- 澶氶�夋蹇呭~閫変腑鏍¢獙寮傚父锛宑lose [#3097]( ([#3103]( ([18f5583](
+- 瑙e喅 'Cannot find module uncss' 鐨勯棶棰� ([#3334]( ([3a5f406](
+- 瑙e喅table澶嶉�夋鐐瑰嚮鏃犳硶鍕鹃�夌姸鎬侀棶棰� ([#3370]( ([dde3652](
+- 璁剧疆 baseurl 鍚庝笉鐢熸晥鐨勯棶棰� ([#3318]( ([4305f58](
+- 浣跨敤suffix鏃讹紝label娌℃湁鍨傜洿灞呬腑 ([#3384]( ([6b6b790](
+- 淇琛ㄥ崟鎸夐挳鐨勭被鍨嬪畾涔夊閮ㄦ棤娉曚慨鏀归噸缃垨鑰呮彁浜ゆ寜閽殑鏂囧瓧鐨勯棶棰� ([141f3bd](
+- 淇琛ㄥ崟璁捐鐨勫彸渚у睘鎬ч厤缃潰鏉夸腑閮ㄥ垎琛ㄥ崟閿欎贡鐨勯棶棰� ([#3300]( close [#3268]( ([cb13986](
+- 淇鑿滃崟鍦∕IX_SIDEBAR妯″紡涓媡itle鏄剧ず涓簄ame鐨勯棶棰� ([#3682]( ([264f34e](
+- 淇榛戞殫妯″紡涓嬩竴浜涙牱寮忛棶棰� ([#3201]( ([054a476](
+- 淇纭寮瑰嚭妗嗘牱寮忛敊涔辩殑闂 ([#3742]( ([a00725b](
+- 淇璁剧疆鎶藉眽寮规婊氬姩鏉℃牱寮忓紓甯� ([#3193]( ([4755017](
+- 淇BasicForm浣跨敤componentProps鍑芥暟杩斿洖valueFormat鏃禗atePicker鏃犳硶姝g‘鏍煎紡鍖栫殑闂 ([#3357]( ([beee351](
+- 淇index.html鍔犺浇鏂囧瓧鍋忕Щ鐨勯棶棰� ([#3306]( ([c715d35](
+- 淇Modal.confirm鐨勮繑鍥炵被鍨嬮棶棰橈紝闇�瑕佹湁destroy锛寀pdate鐨勬柟娉� ([#3161]( ([a0e43ab](
+- 淇notice鏍峰紡缁戝畾璺緞閿欒 ([#3218]( ([ee8ec9e](
+- 淇rule validator绫诲瀷榛樿涓簊tring锛屽鑷� radio 绛夌粍浠跺湪 setFormValues 鏃讹紝濡傛灉鍊间笉鏄痵tring绫诲瀷锛屾彁绀烘牎楠岄敊璇� ([a63a10c](
+- 鑻辨枃鐗堟湰鏃舵彁绀轰腑鐨勫崟璇嶆病鏈夊垎寮� ([eb26650](
+- **ApiCascader:** apiParamKey not working ([c42ba1c](
+- **ApiCascader:** wrong api reload ([#3536]( resolve [#3534]( ([83f16da](
+- **ApiSelect:** 绉婚櫎watchEffect寮曞彂鐨勯噸澶嶈姹� ([#3107]( ([1519f47](
+- **ApiSelect:** 淇鐩戝惉涓嶅埌params鐨勫彉鍔� ([ccf4027](
+- **ApiSelect:** ApiSelect鐨刬sFirstLoaded璧嬪�奸�昏緫锛屽彧鏈夊綋鍔犺浇鎶ラ敊鏃舵墠鑳芥仮澶嶆湭鍒濇鍔犺浇鐘舵�� ([#3671]( ([3d733de](
+- **ApiSelect:** BasicForm emit ield-value-change twice ([0f2c2ea](
+- **ApiSelect:** Incorrect value type definition. close [#3168]( ([0cf79d4](
+- **ApiSelect:** type warning ([8f6153f](
+- ApiTransfer 涓嶆敮鎸乨isabled ([#3149]( ([95ca2c3](
+- **ApiTree:** 澶氳Е鍙戜竴娆nchange ([882270d](
+- **ApiTree:** Modify Trigger Selection Event Name ([094a33c](
+- async validator ([#3194]( ([405ef9e](
+- **BackTop:** repair BackTup comp ([#3581]( ([6f4bdae](
+- basemodal 鏃犳硶閫忎紶 attributes 鑷� Modal.tsx ([#3637]( ([89830ec](
+- **BasicDrawer:** remove toRaw props ([#3399]( ([57e6e4f](
+- **BasicForm->ApiRadioGroup:** when options click, duplicate requests. resolve [#3387]( ([fdde6f0](
+- **BasicForm->FormItem:** model should update before event call ([#3573]( resolve [#3570]( ([43aa743](
+- **BasicForm:** 淇 useComponentRegister 鏂规硶鏃犳硶娣诲姞鑷畾涔夌殑缁勪欢锛屾坊鍔犳椂鐖嗙被鍨嬮敊璇殑闂 ([#3483]( ([98e2e4c](
+- **BasicForm:** script setup defineExpose ([#3316]( ([f58ef67](
+- **BasicForm:** type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite. ([#3128]( ([5a388be](
+- **BasicForm:** useForm 涓� scheme 閫夐」 slot 涓� component鍐茬獊 ([#3133]( ([0bb76a8](
+- **BasicForm:** validate Form tip height ([#3286]( close [#3281]( ([100f3cf](
+- **BasicModal:** 淇BasicModal娣诲姞wrapClassName鏍峰紡寮傚父闂 ([#3726]( ([13b031e](
+- **BasicTable->rowKey&scroll:** declear and usage about rowKey and scroll ([#3541]( ([e23e338](
+- **BasicTable->useColumns:** handle deep colunm hidden ([#3561]( resolve [#3559]( ([54af5bb](
+- **BasicTable:** 婊戝姩琛ㄦ牸鍐呭鍚堣琛屼笉璺熼殢婊戝姩bug ([#3438]( resolve [#2166]( ([7ba83e7](
+- **BasicTable:** 淇BasicTable鏁版嵁涓虹┖鏃讹紝閲嶇疆鍚庨珮搴︿笉鑳借嚜閫傚簲闂 ([#3724]( ([6054fa2](
+- **BasicTable:** avoid select when edit cell ([#3484]( ([2f921cf](
+- **BasicTable:** BasicTable resize wrong in modal ([#3549]( ([a121b32](
+- **BasicTable:** column setting about action fixed and default not cache ([#3441]( ([86ecb27](
+- **BasicTable:** ColumnSetting about selectedRowKeys override ([#3446]( ([65122ea](
+- **BasicTable:** ColumnSetting mistake when use setColumns ([#3408]( ([fec67b4](
+- **BasicTable:** getSelectRows return duplicate records ([#3545]( ([974c1fa](
+- **BasicTable:** headerCell slot title not exist ([8df2590](
+- **BasicTable:** index still show when set showIndexColumn false ([#3455]( ([75f5b7a](
+- **BasicTable:** keep rowSelection onChange call outside ([#3461]( resolve [#3453]( ([a7b2f14](
+- **BasicTable:** pagination exceeds page height. close [#3185]( ([41451f4](
+- **BasicTable:** ref table ([#3327]( ([c8744a0](
+- **BasicTable:** selection wrong by click input when cross pages ([#3540]( resolve [#3539]( ([69c3602](
+- **BasicTable:** showIndexColumn/showRowSelection cache should by route name ([#3489]( ([d88f455](
+- **BasicTable:** table琛ㄦ牸瀹藉害鑷�傚簲锛岄殣钘忕殑鍒楀鑷村搴﹀鍔� ([#3388]( ([bca5154](
+- **BasicTree:** not inherit slot and not show icon slot. close [#1902]( ([a0b2a9e](
+- breadcrumb is displayed despite the menu being hidden ([#3733]( ([e8a86ec](, closes [#3690](
+- **breadcrumb:** 淇闈㈠寘灞戣烦杞閾炬椂锛屽鑷村綋鍓嶉〉闈�404闂 ([#3337]( close [#3336]( ([895352a](
+- breakpoint ([#3242]( ([b6f8379](
+- bug RangePicker with componentProps valueFormat ('YYYY-MM-DD') does not return the formatted value when using form validate() method [#3690]( ([#3691]( ([09f795e](
+- change salesProductPie.vue's data name to '鎴愪氦鍗犳瘮'. ([#3524]( ([0589458](
+- checkedKeys use unref bug ([#3198]( ([ae61fa1](
+- **ci:** update node version for linter ([a5565bf](
+- **ci:** update use pnpm version for deploy ([83455a0](
+- column setting index column sort ([#3463]( ([fc002d3](
+- **component->markdown:** 娴忚鍣ㄥ獟浣撹幏鍙栧吋瀹� ([#3470]( ([f0ca8d5](
+- **component:** insertNextAt is not a function ([#3656]( ([#3657]( ([c827ffb](
+- **component:** resolve the defaultValue error in setting the date type ([#3652]( ([d42acb4](, closes [#3651](
+- **component:** resolve the error when clicking on a row when clickRowToExpand is true ([#3714]( ([38d58ab](
+- **component:** resolve the issue of "vxe-table" export function not being able to be used ([#3646]( ([bc5e5fa](, closes [#3614](
+- **component:** resovle fullscreen content issues with "fixedHeight" and "contentFullHeight" combined ([#3721]( ([212e78f](
+- **components->Upload:** 淇鏂囦欢涓婁紶杩囩▼涓垹闄ゆ枃浠剁粓姝笂浼犳椂锛屼笂浼犵姸鎬佹湭鏀瑰彉涓嶈兘鍏抽棴Modal鐨刡ug ([#3761]( ([04d4c5c](
+- **config:** vite:html warning ([#3518]( ([6978517](
+- content fixed mode with blank page ([#3523]( ([49fdb6c](
+- contextmenu location not right when body with scroll ([#3516]( ([c2c9f4f](
+- Correct spelling error in comments ([#3678]( ([54f8584](
+- **CropperAvatar:** wrong type about the prop size ([#3635]( ([aef90aa](
+- **CropperModal:** beforeUpload should return false ([#3601]( ([b6bcf8d](
+- **customExport:** Failure to export ([#3137]( ([4d02205](
+- **dark:** fix --text-color light color not work ([#3228]( ([2e632e4](
+- **DatePicker:** date show is wrong and setup script defineExpose ([#3324]( ([f62043b](
+- **DatePicker:** zh-CN is not work in DatePicker ([#3273]( ([6d047fb](
+- defaultValue绫诲瀷涓簄umber鏃剁殑bug ([#3288]( ([3b2760c](
+- **demo->customerForm:** FormItem涓嬫湁澶氫釜鍙楁帶缁勪欢鎺у埗鍙版樉绀洪敊璇彁绀虹殑bug ([#3238]( ([ec646c5](
+- **demo:** 淇寮曞椤垫枃浠跺悕闂 ([#3352]( ([be935eb](
+- **demo:** 淇form demo鐨勮繙绋嬫悳绱笉浼氳Е鍙戠殑bug ([#3770]( ([44b1877](
+- **demo:** account page table without dept ([#3164]( ([40aac65](
+- **demo:** useForm涓璂atePicker锛孯angePicker 鏃ユ湡鎺т欢浣嶇疆涓嶅 ([ae58ada](
+- **dept:** no parentDept can edit parentDept ([#3255]( ([2142506](
+- Docker 鎵撳寘閫昏緫鏀硅繘锛屽交搴曡В鍐崇紦瀛橀棶棰� ([#3473]( ([dcbe551](
+- EditableCell about checked/unChecked Value, getDisable, rowKey missing for updating ([#3418]( resolve [#3419]( ([404a472](
+- **EditCellTable:** 琛ㄦ牸缂栬緫琛屽湪浣跨敤Switch,checkedValue涓烘暟瀛楁椂鏃犳硶鍒囨崲寮�鍏�.close [#2560]( ([71c4394](
+- **Editor:** ts绫诲瀷閿欒 ([8b13f62](
+- Failed to resolve component EllipsisText ([#3330]( ([42e9de5](
+- FormItem won't render when a component is not provided ([9e055ad](
+- **FormItem:** use getPopupContainer default value ([#3215]( ([ed267d9](
+- **FormTable:** Invert select bug ([#3412]( ([595b1ce](
+- **full-screen:** dom fullscreen status text ([#3130]( ([e161c14](
+- fullscreen-modal width wrong ([#3321]( ([617b013](
+- handleFormValues 涓嶅啀灏嗘墍鏈夌┖瀛楃涓茶浆鎹负undefined ([#3496]( ([6fbb576](
+- **koa->upload:** fix the error that occurs when uploading files in the `test server` of Koa. ([#3698]( ([954f04f](
+- **layout->menu:** can`t hover when menu is colappsed ([#3499]( resolve [#3492]( ([7ffe172](
+- **layout->user-dropdown:** resolve warning "Invalid prop name: key is a reserved property" ([#3640]( ([eae68bb](, closes [#3639](
+- **layout:** 淇鍒囨崲瀵艰埅鏍忔ā寮�,鍒嗗壊鑿滃崟鐨勭姸鎬佷笉鍚屾,瀵艰嚧椤甸潰鍐呭鍖哄煙瀛樺湪琚伄鎸$殑闂 ([#3519]( ([50276cb](
+- **LayoutSidre:** resolve the breakpoint conflict. resolve [#3605]( ([1a7ae0e](
+- **LockModal:** Cannot unlock ([#3143]( ([cdac147](
+- **Login:** avoid infinite loop when query redirect to next route redirect ([#3630]( resolve [#3620]( [#3627]( ([ab55cbf](
+- **Menu:** tab鏍囩鍒囨崲閫変腑鐘舵�佺劍鐐归噸澶�. fix [#1681]( ([2ec5f63](
+- **menu:** top menu and breadcrumb show wrong ([#3703]( ([573fd53](
+- modal open logic missing ([#3462]( ([cc97f06](
+- **Modal:** 淇BasicModal璺熷師鐢烳odal鏍峰紡鍐茬獊闂 ([#3720]( ([ade6d4c](
+- modalElIterator鍙兘涓虹┖锛屽鑷存姤閿� ([#3738]( ([162a0d0](
+- navigator.clipboard 鍏煎闂 [#3372]( ([#3403]( ([d3600da](
+- **PageWrapper:** 淇headerSticky鏍峰紡 ([#3569]( ([778ebe1](
+- **PopConfirmButton:** avoid type lint error ([#3600]( ([5ec4446](
+- remove duplicate code ([#3674]( ([c33ee66](
+- repair login about redirect query ([#3592]( ([236ddf3](
+- resolve conflicts between eslint and prettier and bump prettier-plugin-packagejson version to 2.4.6([#3328]( ([8a00070](
+- **router:** resolve menu loading failure when permission is in "role mode" ([#3660]( ([c7631fe](, closes [#3655](
+- **router:** resolve the next function being called twice ([#3643]( ([7ec9344](, closes [#3642](
+- **router:** the issue of blank page navigation during repair of non-LAYOUT first-level route component ([#3764]( ([c58c192](
+- scroll back to top when tab switch ([#3498]( resolve [#3490]( ([d709dd6](
+- scrollbar is obscured ([#3331]( ([3f65baf](
+- ScrollContainer鐨勪竴涓棶棰� [#3046]( ([#3119]( ([aa03c87](
+- **ScrollContainer:** enable x scroll ([#3564]( ([a1e862b](
+- **SimpleMenuTag:** SimpleMenuTag鐨勫紩鐢ㄩ兘鏀逛负鍔ㄦ�佺粍浠跺紩鐢�,浠ユ秷闄ゆ墦鍖呰鍛�.close [#3121]( ([6e33c26](
+- **StrengthMeter:** change浜嬩欢搴旈殢handleChange涓�璧锋姏鍑恒�俢lose [#3118]( ([f5ce480](
+- **style:** 淇榛戞殫妯″紡涓嬪脊妗嗐�乨emo鐩綍涓嬨�佹寜閽牱寮忛棶棰� ([#3208]( ([06a6c94](
+- tabel鍙栨秷缂栬緫鍗曞厓鏍煎悗浼氬洖鍒板垵濮嬪��. close [#2739]( ([#3108]( ([9864305](
+- table height calc when fullcontent and footer visible change ([#3392]( ([20698c0](
+- table index column width is not enough in english ([#3342]( ([0f13758](
+- TableAction璁剧疆icon鏄剧ずiconify鍏抽敭瀛� ([#3608]( ([b233973](
+- **test-server:** test-server can not lanuch ([#3554]( ([e679704](
+- **tree:** remove expandedKeys prop default value ([#3184]( ([92875cb](
+- turbo run lint ([#3332]( ([064922d](, closes [#3277](
+- **type:** type:check error ([#3309]( ([2cd5a40](
+- typo in locale ([#3659]( ([a4cc1d5](
+- typo substract -> subtract ([#3551]( ([f3fbb57](
+- **typo:** fileservice class name ([#3625]( ([b794469](
+- Update TableAction.vue ([#3619]( ([76ffd8f](
+- **Upload:** The file name is too long bug ([#3182]( ([e7fbd74](
+- **useFormEvent:** 淇琛ㄥ崟椤瑰瓨鍦╠efaultValue鏃�,updateSchema鏂规硶浼氬皢setFieldsValue璁剧疆鐨勫�艰鐩栭棶棰� ([#3287]( ([72ef3df](
+- **useFormEvents:** 淇setFieldsValue 鏂规硶璁剧疆瀹屽�煎悗锛屽嚱鏁� componentProps涓㈠けformActionType 鐨刡ug ([#3301]( ([82671d0](
+- **util:** resolve executing retry even when HTTP status code is 401 ([#3756]( ([3627402](
+- validateFields await missing ([#3254]( ([71c3fea](
+- **VFormDesign:** findIndex === -1 ([#3305]( ([d7472b8](
+- **vxe-table:** theme dark is not work ([#3239]( ([031d613](
+- watch open logic lost after build ([#3421]( ([089a989](
+### Features
+- 瑙e喅Form updateSchema鍚庢墽琛宻etProps瀵艰嚧schemaRef琚噸缃殑闂 ([#3354]( ([b0e8154](
+- 鏂板琛ㄥ崟鍙鍔熻兘 ([#3335]( ([342328c](
+- 淇 vxetable 瀹炰緥涓己灏戠殑 getRefMaps 鍜� getComputeMaps 鏂规硶 ([#3361]( ([2376e8f](
+- 澧炲姞鏂囨湰鐪佺暐缁勪欢 ([#3180]( ([8722471](
+- 鏀寔璁剧疆澶氶噸姘村嵃锛屽鍔犳竻闄ゆ墍鏈夋按鍗版柟娉�. close [#2610]( ([#3084]( ([64b8128](
+- add pinia persist plugin ([#3173]( ([2152b3f](
+- **ApiTree:** 瀹屽杽ApiTree缁勪欢鐨勯噸缃洖鏄惧姛鑳�. close [#2307]( ([a0d4b10](
+- **BasicButton:** BasicButton缁勪欢鏀寔icon鎻掓Ы. close [#1377]( ([5aac032](
+- **BasicForm:** 鏂板鐩戝惉琛ㄥ崟鏀剁缉鏂规硶浼犲�艰繘琛屽垽鏂� ([#3745]( ([e9c6dd8](
+- **BasicForm:** Improve ts types for BasicForm ([#3426]( ([6bb7918](
+- **BasicTable:** 鏂板琛ㄦ牸鎼滅储鑾峰彇鍙傛暟鐨勬柟娉� ([#3715]( ([de5f9e3](
+- **BasicTable:** table enable accordion expand ([#3533]( resolve [#3525]( ([abae7f3](
+- **BasicTree:** BasicTree缁勪欢鏆撮湶treeData鏁版嵁 ([caf1783](
+- ColumnSetting and SizeSetting persist ([#3398]( ([f4df2d5](
+- **components->Upload:** 淇鍥剧墖涓婁紶缁勪欢鍏佽鑷畾涔変笂浼犳牸寮忛檺鍒� ([#3755]( ([302e212](
+- **demo->BasicTable:** add TableSelectionBar and enable checkbox rowSelection demo ([#3477]( ([816553b](
+- **demo->useRequest:** 鏇存柊閿欒閲嶈瘯绀轰緥 ([#3456]( ([7fa2578](
+- **demo->useRequest:** 鏇存柊useRequest 渚濊禆 Effect 鍑芥暟妗堜緥 ([#3460]( ([b57d9fc](
+- **demo:** hooks useRequest 寮傛鏁版嵁绠$悊 ([#3447]( ([d6d1120](
+- **deps:** update vite version to 5.x ([#3508]( ([e6c7b5f](
+- fix ellipsis bug ([#3644]( ([9372f1d](
+- **Form:** 鏂板Transfer銆丆ropperAvatar銆丅asicTitle 缁勪欢鑷矲orm涓紝骞舵坊鍔犺嚦婕旂ず椤甸潰 ([#3362]( ([f6147fa](
+- **Form:** 鍦‵orm灏咮asicTitle璇嗗仛涓篋ivider涓�鏍风殑澶勭悊 ([#3371]( ([cd71e60](
+- Form澧炲姞ImageUpload缁勪欢 ([#3172]( ([b776ac4](
+- **hooks:** useWatermark娣诲姞姘村嵃闃茬鏀瑰姛鑳�([#3395]( ([#3397]( ([0a1a5ff](
+- **IconPicker:** IconPicker could allowClear and readonly for form ([#3414]( ([e23f294](
+- iframe expose postmessage function ([#3368]( ([05bc4ac](
+- **input:** add auto-trimming for vxe-table input components ([#3684]( ([9882e8d](
+- **layout->tabs:** support insert new tab after current tab ([#3471]( ([1e34d3e](
+- **layout:** move setting button to tabs when fold ([#3264]( ([83426b5](
+- **Menu:** Add custom images to menu ([#3158]( ([b3a6ef6](
+- **menu:** Restore side bar settings and added menu mouse move in mode light style ([#3295]( ([003a951](
+- **MultipleTab:** add tabs auto collapse interaction in fold mode and setting ([#3256]( ([191e809](
+- pinia persist plugin custom serializer ([#3244]( ([ea51c49](
+- RefForm椤甸潰鏂板鍙鍔熻兘鎸夐挳 ([#3346]( ([97b76ea](
+- **search:** adjust the menu search function to recognize lowercase input ([#3736]( ([96ac362](
+- **Table-> CustomerCell:** helpMessage鏀寔浼犻�� tsx 鍜� h鍑芥暟鐨勬暟鎹� ([c373ffd](
+- table鎼滅储琛ㄥ崟鍊煎彂鐢熸敼鍙樺彲浠ヨЕ鍙憆eload ([#3378]( ([1ca3f7c](
+- **treeTable:** add function collapseRows and demo ([#3375]( ([e656b5d](
+- **type->api:** resultField鎺ㄦ柇api鐨勮繑鍥炲�煎簲璇ュ寘鍚玶ecordbale绫诲瀷 ([#3699]( ([c7ab4a5](
+- **Upload:** file list add drag func ([#3227]( resolve [#3179]( ([beed7f2](
+- **VirtualScroll:** 铏氭嫙婊氬姩澧炲姞婊氬姩鍒伴《閮�, 搴曢儴, 鎸囧畾椤规柟娉� ([#3687]( ([7c52f08](
+- vxeTable searchInfo demo ([#3223]( close [#3011]( ([59145ad](
+- **vxetable:** 鏂板 clearEdit 鏂规硶 ([#3369]( ([522e892](
+- **watermark:** support custom style ([#3634]( ([ca3ddd1](
+### Performance Improvements
+- 瑙e喅ts鏂囦欢閫氳繃alias寮曞叆vue鏂囦欢鍚�, vscode璋冭浆涓嶅埌姝g‘vue鏂囦欢璺緞 ([#3099]( ([033d882](
+- 浼樺寲姘村嵃鍦ㄦ帶鍒跺彴鍙互hide鐨勯棶棰� ([#3732]( ([9784cdc](
+- **BasicTree:** 鑾峰彇treeData鏀瑰啓鎴愬嚱鏁� ([748b99b](
+- **BasicTree:** 澶栭儴鑾峰彇treeData涓嶅繀閫氳繃treeDataRef.value ([#3353]( ([943f500](
+- **breakpointEnum:** 淇敼enum涓巄reakpoint.less鍐呬竴鑷� ([#3276]( ([8932318](
+- **component:** formItem: label鏀寔鍑芥暟娓叉煋 ([#3504]( ([e6a7e4c](
+- **ConfigProvider:** 閰嶇疆antdv涓婚鑹�, 浣垮叾涓巑odifyVars閰嶇疆涓�鑷� ([#3219]( ([bb3d5b8](
+- **darkMode:** 娣辫壊妯″紡棰滆壊瀹氫箟浠ュ強鍒囨崲鏂瑰紡浼樺寲 ([#3436]( ([b008c44](
+- **darkMode:** 浼樺寲娣辫壊妯″紡棰滆壊鍒囨崲鐩稿叧鏂规硶; 澧炲姞鏍规嵁涓婚鏇存柊鑷畾涔夐鑹叉柟娉曞拰绀轰緥 ([#3216]( ([e497721](
+- **IconPicker:** input trigger popover by click ([#3278]( ([2bbc2d2](
+- **ImageUpload:** 鏍规嵁瀹樻柟绀轰緥璁剧疆鍥剧墖鍥炴樉鏍煎紡 ([#3252]( ([2991bb1](
+- Modify i18 file format to JSON ([#3171]( ([c24e0ef](
+- **useForm:** If the args of the setFieldsValue is empty, it will not be executed. close [#3209]( ([8f90087](
+### Reverts
+- Revert "chore(deps): update ant-design-vue version to 4.1.0. resolve #3495" ([f9fc369](, closes [#3495](
+- Revert "feat: table鎼滅储琛ㄥ崟鍊煎彂鐢熸敼鍙樺彲浠ヨЕ鍙憆eload (#3378)" (#3407) ([2828ed3](, closes [#3378]( [#3407](
+- Revert "chore: update `unplugin-config` (#3116)" (#3117) ([f0550f2](, closes [#3116]( [#3117](
+- Revert "chore: Update Dependencies" ([ae09d3c](
+- Revert "refactor: use `unplugin-config` (#3106)" ([694dead](, closes [#3106](
 ## [2.8.0]( (2021-11-03)
 ### Bug Fixes

Gitblit v1.8.0