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✨ Features

  • NoticeList Add pagination, auto omit for overlength, title click event, title strikethrough, etc.
  • MixSider Optimize the style of the bottom collapse button in the Mix menu layout to be consistent with the style of other menu layouts
  • ApiTreeSelect Extend TreeSelect component of antdv to support remote data source, similar to ApiSelect.
  • BasicTable New ApiTreeSelect editing component
  • Different backend home pages can be specified for different users.
  • Add homePath field (optional) to the user information returned by the getUserInfo interface to customize the home page path for the current user

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • BasicTable
  • Fix scrollbar style issue (removed scroll style patch)
  • Fix the alignment problem of cells with expanded icons in tree tables
  • Add headerTop slot.
  • Fix the color display of the operation column button in disabled state.
  • Repair the problem that the values of editable cells cannot be updated by modifying dataSource directly.
  • Repair the problem of data replay when using ApiSelect to edit components.
  • Repair the problem that editing components may report onXXX type error in some scenarios.
  • TableAction
  • Create Tooltip component only if action.tooltip exists.
  • Fix the problem that the content of the round button inside the component is not centered
  • AppSearch Fix the problem that the hidden menu may be searched.
  • BasicUpload Repair the problem of error when handling non-array values.
  • Form Repair the suffix slot style problem of FormItem.
  • Menu
  • Repair the hovering trigger logic of the left mixed menu
  • Repair the problem that the top bar menu is wrong when displaying menu items that need to be hidden.
  • Fix the left mixed menu in hover trigger mode will jump to route directly when there is no submenu and it is activated
  • Breadcrumb Repair the problem that the menu with redirection cannot be jumped when clicked
  • Markdown fixes an initialization exception and an issue where value was not set dynamically correctly
  • Modal Make sure props are passed correctly
  • MultipleTab fixes an issue that could accidentally create login route tabs
  • BasicTree Fix the problem that the search function may cause checkedKeys to be lost
  • CodeEditor Fix the problem that value does not support v-model usage.
  • CountdownInput Fix the problem that input slot is not supported.
  • ApiSelect Fix the problem that the options-change event parameter is not the standard options data used by `select
  • Other
  • Fix the problem that the configuration of default menu collapse does not work
  • Repair the problem that safari browser reports an error and the website cannot be opened.
  • Repair the problem that eslint keeps error due to endOfLine after pulling the code on window.
  • Fix Vue Router warn caused by dynamic routing

🎫 Chores

  • Add test environment test command


✨ Features

  • Axios New withToken configuration to control whether the request carries a token or not
  • BasicUpload
  • New preview-delete event triggered when deleting a file in preview Modal.
  • value supports v-model usage
  • Route configuration
  • Add ignoreRoute to generate menu only in ROUTE_MAPPING or BACK permission mode
  • Add hidePathForChildren configuration to ignore this level path when generating menus for child items
  • TableAction Add tooltip configuration to add tooltip hint for button
  • CropperAvatar
  • Added value to set the current avatar
  • Added onChange to accept avatar cropping and upload success event
  • New btnText, btnProps for customizing the text and properties of the upload button
  • Add tooltips to the action buttons in Modal for cropping
  • Modal Add tooltip for action button in top right corner

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Modal
  • Fix the problem that the mask cannot be closed by clicking on it.
  • Fix setModalProps does not support setting defaultFullscreen.
  • Table
  • Fix the problem that editComponentProps doesn't support onChange.
  • Fix the problem that selection-change event is not triggered when clickToRowSelect is enabled.
  • Fix the problem that global configuration fetchSetting may be accidentally modified by local configuration.
  • Fix the problem that the parameter of handleSearchInfoFn contains redundant blank keys.
  • Repair the problem that when rowSelection.onChange is provided for table, the selected items of table cannot be changed manually.
  • Fix the problem that the scrollbar continues to be displayed even when it is not needed to be displayed.
  • Icon Repair the problem that SvgIcon is missing some styles.
  • Menu
  • Repair the problem that single-level menu refreshing will not be activated in route mapping mode.
  • Repair the problem that the collapse customization at the bottom of the side menu is invalid.
  • Form Repair the type definition of submitButtonOptions and resetButtonOptions.
  • PopConfirmButton Remove the redundant title on Button.
  • Axios Fix the problem that params and data data cannot be submitted at the same time when non-GET requests are made
  • Other
  • Repair the problem that the lock screen function can skip the lock state by refreshing the page or copying the URL to open a new browser tab
  • Repair the problem that Token won't be synchronized when multiple windows open pages at the same time.
  • Repair the problem that hasPermission does not work in ROLE permission mode.
  • Table Repair the problem that the parameter of handleSearchInfoFn contains extra blank keys.
  • Tailwindcss Remove console warning


⚡ Performance Improvements

  • Icon Remove the global registration of Icon components to prevent hot update issues under certain circumstances

✨ Features

  • Menu Added permissionMode=PermissionModeEnum.ROUTE_MAPPING mode
  • The project is changed to this mode by default, and the original menu file is deleted
  • If you have written the menu before, you can change to PermissionModeEnum.ROLE mode


⚡ Performance Improvements

  • Upgrade vue and ant-design-vue versions to solve compatibility issues
  • Tree Performance optimization

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Table Fix page jitter problem
  • Upload Make sure to carry custom parameters
  • Dropdown Fix the icon display problem of popConfirm
  • Table Fix the problem that the editing event of the tree table is abnormal
  • Table Fix the problem that when the table data is empty, the value returned by getDataSource is not the data source used by the table


(Breaking changes) Breaking changes

  • Change the project windicss to tailwindcss to solve the memory overflow problem
  • There are currently incompatible areas of the project
    • The wording of !xl:m-4 needs to be changed to xl:!m-4, note that only ! is incompatible. If you don’t use it, you don’t need to change it.
    • The new features of windicss itself need to be adjusted, for example, Attribute mode is not compatible

✨ Refactor

  • Remove useExpose and use expose provided by the component itself instead

⚡ Performance Improvements

  • Locale merge multi-language files to reduce the number of files
  • Utils Mitt default export is changed from Class to Function
  • Axios isTransformRequestResult is renamed to isTransformResponse

✨ Features

  • CropperImage Cropper Avatar cropping adds circular cropping function
  • CropperAvatar Added avatar upload component
  • Drawer useDrawer added closeDrawer function
  • Preview Added createImgPreview picture preview function
  • Setup New guide page example
  • Tests Add jest test suite, Vue component single test is not currently supported
  • Axios Added authenticationScheme configuration to specify the authentication scheme
  • Setting Added sessionTimeoutProcessing project configuration item, used to configure how to deal with session timeout

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Modal fix full screen height calculation error
  • Modal Fix the problem that the shutdown event is triggered multiple times
  • PageWrapper fix the height calculation problem
  • FlowChart Repair drag and drop menu missing
  • Fixed Iframe routing error in background mode
  • PageWrapper Fix the height calculation problem when footer and global footer are opened at the same time
  • Menu Fix the jitter problem of menu folding animation
  • Store fixed type error after pinia version upgrade


✨ Refactor

  • CountTo component refactoring

✨ Features

  • radioButtonGroup supports boolean value
  • useModalInner added redoModalHeight to reset the height of Modal inside Modal
  • useECharts added getInstance to obtain instances of echart
  • TableAction added stopButtonPropagation to prevent the action button click event from bubbling
  • BasicTable in the row edit mode, you can get or set the value of other editing components in the column
  • The ApiSelect component will automatically re-fetch the data after the params is changed
  • TableImg component improvement
  • BasicTable added columns-change event to monitor the user to change the sorting, display, and fixed status of columns
  • Tinymce supports dynamic modification readonly
  • BasicTable added updateTableDataRecord method to update the specified row data
  • useModal added closeModal method to close Modal

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix the problem that redoModalHeight cannot reduce the height
  • Fix the problem that the schema data of BasicForm does not take effect
  • Fix the problem that multiple tags may cause KeepAlive to fail
  • Fix the problem that the default axios interceptor cannot handle custom code
  • Fix the height issue of the lock screen pop-up window
  • Fixed the problem that the half-selected state of the Column Display checkbox of BaiscTable was incorrectly displayed
  • Fixed the problem that the preview list of the BasicUpload component could not be displayed in some cases
  • Fix the problem that the options setting of RadioButtonGroup``disabled does not take effect
  • Fix the problem that the button for uploading pictures in the read-only mode of the Tinymce component is still available
  • Fix the stuttering problem of BasicForm under certain circumstances
  • Fix the problem that "directory" routing does not work


✨ Features

  • Add DatePicker and TimePicker components to editable tables
  • Added defaultExpandLevel configuration to Tree component

⚡ Performance Improvements

-Menu search default focus

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix known issues of CodeEditor
  • Fix the issue of i18n console warning
  • Fix the problem that the editable table align configuration does not take effect
  • Ensure that axios only processes Object parameters
  • Fix the failure of the defaultExpandAll configuration of the Tree component
  • Fix the problem of missing dividing line in TableAction
  • Fix the known issues of the table
  • Fix that the lang attribute of HTML will not be set when reloading due to the first loading or changing the language

2.4.0 (2021-05-25)

✨ Features

-New graphical editor example -New code editor (including Json editor) -Added JsonPreviewJson data viewing component -The fields of the data column and actionColumn of the table can be controlled according to the authority and business. -Added an example of a permission control table (AuthColumn.vue) -Added user login expiration example

⚡ Performance Improvements

-Consolidate some language files to reduce the number of files

🐛 Bug Fixes

-Fix the flashing white screen when the dark theme refreshes -Fix the problem that other functions are invalid when the tab is closed -Fix known issues in the form -Fix the automatic lock screen failure

2.3.0 (2021-04-10)

(Breaking changes) Breaking changes

  • Use pinia to replace vuex, vuex-module-decorators.

-Impact, if you used vuex-module-decorators yourself before, you need to transform it to pinia.

  • the reason: -pinia is basically similar to vuex5api and is easy to understand. -Subsequent switching to vuex5 has a very low cost and can also be used as a third-party state management library

  • Remove useKeyPress and use vueuse-onKeyStroke instead

  • Remove useDebounceFn and use vueuse-useDebounceFn instead
  • Remove useThrottle and use vueuse-useThrottleFn instead

✨ Features

  • Tabs support persistent storage

✨ Refactor

  • Remove useElResize

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Login page style fix
  • Fix the known problems of the menu
  • Fix the problem of theme style switching

2.2.0 (2021-04-06)

✨ Features

  • Added headerTitle slot
  • New printing example
  • Added about interface

✨ Refactor

  • Remove useFullScreen function
  • tinymce changed from Cdn to npm (the package size is too large)
  • Dashboard refactoring
  • Remove ApexCharts and examples

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Make sure the breadcrumbs are displayed correctly
  • Fixed the issue of tinymce upload button disappearing in full screen mode
  • Make sure that the title changes normally after logging in again
  • Ensure that the background mode login is normal
  • Fix TableAction click event issue

2.1.1 (2021-03-26)

✨ Features

  • Added hideChildrenInMenu configuration for routing. Used to hide submenu
  • Built-in expand/collapse all functions in the tree form

✨ Refactor

  • Refactor the routing multi-layer mode to solve the problem of multiple implementations of nested keepalives

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Ensure that the CountDownInput component is reset to the empty value
  • Fix the display problem on the small screen in split mode
  • Fix table height calculation problem
  • Fix the problem that components cannot be obtained by background routing
  • Fix Modal component loadingTip configuration does not take effect
  • Fix the background permission command does not take effect
  • Make sure the progress bar is closed properly
  • Fix the problem of invalid table check column configuration
  • Ensure that the first level menu can be hidden
  • Ensure that the hidden fields of the form are verified properly

🎫 Chores

  • Remove ls-lint

🎫 Chores

  • 移除 ls-lint

2.1.0 (2021-03-15)

✨ Features

  • Added svg mode to icon selector
  • Added time component
  • Added AutoNavi/Baidu/Google Map example

✨ Refactor

  • Refactor the project to solve the hot update problem caused by circular dependencies
  • Remove vueHelper/useClickoutside, use @vueuse/core instead

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Ensure that the value of table action is updated correctly
  • Fix the animation of page switching cannot be closed
  • Fix PageWrappertitle not showing
  • Fix the known issues of the table
  • Fix the problem that the BasicTree component can't customize the title
  • Fix the button style problem after theme switching

2.0.3 (2021-03-07)

✨ Features

  • BasicTree added clickRowToExpand, used to click tree node to expand
  • Added SvgIcon plugin and examples
  • Add the department tree on the left side of the account management interface·

⚡ Performance Improvements

  • Pagination parameters are no longer carried when the table is closed
  • The login page monitors the carriage return event to log in
  • When the adaptive size of the table is set, the height is filled according to the screen.
  • Tree scroll bar optimization
  • Optimize the loading speed of local development

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix known issues with Description
  • Fix known issues with BasicForm
  • Fix the logic problem of show attribute of ActionItem under BasicTree
  • Fix the style error of the tree component demo example
  • Repair account management to add new but not cleared old data
  • The form component should allow the setFieldsValue method to be null or undefined
  • Ensure that the single-level breadcrumbs jump correctly
  • Ensure that the Form component does not verify hidden form items

2.0.2 (2021-03-04)

✨ Refactor

  • Refactored multi-language modules to support lazy loading and remote loading

✨ Features

  • axios supports form-data format request
  • Added icon selector component (support local and online methods)
  • Added WebSocket examples and service scripts
  • Added the renderIcon property to the Tree component to control the display of level icons
  • Tree->actionItem added show attribute, used to dynamically control button display
  • New toolbar/title/search function for Tree
  • Added department management/password modification/account management/role management/menu management sample interface

⚡ Performance Improvements

  • Optimized login interface animation
  • Fix the problem of excessively large github warehouse.
  • Hide table full screen button by default
  • crypto-es is changed to crypto-js to reduce the package size
  • types directory moved to the root directory, compatible with other directory global types

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix the warning problem of verification code component
  • Fix the table cannot get the selected row correctly
  • Fixed modal height calculation error in full screen state
  • Fix some table style issues
  • Fix the invalidation of the tree form indentSize setting

2.0.1 (2021-02-21)

✨ Refactor

  • Refactored login page, new registration page/reset password page/mobile phone login/QR code login

✨ Features

  • Added the settingButtonPosition configuration item for configuring the position of the settings button
  • modal can switch the full screen by double-clicking the head
  • Added CountDownInput component

⚡ Performance Improvements

  • Optimize the editable center style and the width of the drop-down box is too short
  • The edit-change event listener when the table is added and edited

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix image preview style error
  • Fix icon style problem
  • Fix the drop-down echo problem of editable table

2.0.0 (2021-02-18)

Breaking changes

  • echarts is upgraded to 5.0 and introduced on demand (just use useECharts).

✨ Refactor

  • Removed global.less, mixin.less, design/helper, replaced by windicss, and need to modify the corresponding styles if they are useful

✨ Features

  • useModal adds the return value function redoModalHeight, which is used to refresh the modal height when the modal is dynamic content
  • Upgrade husky to 5.0
  • Added brotli|gzip compression and related test commands
  • Re-introduction of windicss (same as tailwind). Faster in speed

⚡ Performance Improvements

  • Adjust the return value of the interface to obtain user information in array format
  • Fix the error-log list as the system route

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix the issue of upload component maxNumber invalid
  • Fix package sourcemap error report
  • Fix code debugger location display error
  • Fix the issue of mock plugin post request error
  • Fix some themes color value error
  • Fix the table in editable row status and press Enter to confirm

🎫 Chores

  • Documentation update
  • Upgrade ant-design-vue to 2.0.0
  • Upgrade vite to 2.0.0

2.0.0-rc.18 (2021-02-05)

✨ Features

  • ApiSelect adds numberToString property, which is used to convert all the value of number into string
  • Added theme color switch
  • Packed image compression

⚡ Performance Improvements

When mock is not used, move mock.js out of the package file

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix modal height calculation error
  • Fix the pop-up menu when the menu is clicked on the tab when the menu is collapsed
  • Fix the problem that the initial value of form is 0
  • Fix table wrapping problem
  • Fix the menu outside link does not jump
  • Fix the display problem at the top of the menu
  • Fix the issue of modifyVars configuration failure

2.0.0-rc.17 (2020-01-18)

✨ Refactor

  • Added SimpleMenu component to replace the left menu component (the top menu is not replaced, the function should be as simple as possible without stuck). Solve the menu stuck problem.
  • The ant-design-vue component is no longer registered globally. In order to better coordinate with the introduction of css on demand. If you need to register globally, you need to add it yourself

✨ Features

  • css import on demand

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix TableAction icon problem
  • Fix the problem of missing menu folding buttons
  • Fix menu related issues
  • Fix moment multilingual issue

2.0.0-rc.16 (2020-01-12)

✨ Refactor

  • Independent component configuration to /@/settings/componentsSetting
  • colorSetting and designSetting are now merged into designSetting
  • ant-design-vue component registration moved to components/registerComponent
  • Remove the setup folder
  • Upgrade to vite2
  • Image preview is changed to Image component implementation, temporarily removing functional usage

✨ Features

  • Added mixSideTrigger configuration. Used to configure how to open the mixed mode menu on the left. Optional hover, default click
  • Added mixSideFixed configuration. Used to fix the left mixed mode menu
  • Added height and min-height properties to the modal component
  • Added PageWrapper component. And applied to the sample page
  • Added tab folding function
  • Compatible with older browsers
  • tinymce new image upload

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix known issues with table column configuration
  • Restore the isTreeTable property of the table
  • Fix table memory overflow problem
  • Fix the function of layout shrinking and expanding in split mode
  • Fix modal height calculation error
  • Fix file upload error

2.0.0-rc.15 (2020-12-31)

✨ Table destructive update

  • Refactored editable cells and editable rows. See examples for details. The writing has changed. For editable tables.

  • Form editing supports form validation

  • Added the following configuration in the table column configuration


  # Whether to display columns by default. Those that are not displayed can be opened in the column configuration
  defaultHidden?: boolean;
  # Help text on the right side of the column header
  helpMessage?: string | string[];
  # Custom formatting Cell content. Support time/enumeration automatic conversion
  format?: CellFormat;

  # Editable
  # Is it an editable cell
  edit?: boolean;
  # Is it an editable line
  editRow?: boolean;
  # Edit status.
  editable?: boolean;
  # Edit component
  editComponent?: ComponentType;
  # The parameters of the corresponding component
  editComponentProps?: Recordable;
  # Check
  editRule?: boolean | ((text: string, record: Recordable) => Promise<string>);
  # Value enumeration conversion
  editValueMap?: (value: any) => string;
  # Trigger editing Zhenghang
  record.onEditRow?: () => void;

✨ Table reconstruction

  • Added clickToRowSelect attribute. Used to control whether the clicked row is checked or not
  • Monitor row click event
  • Add column drag and drop and column fix function for the table column configuration button.
  • Added defaultHidden attribute to table column configuration. Used to hide by default. You can configure the tick display in the table column
  • More powerful column configuration
  • useTable: Support for dynamically changing parameters. You can pass in Ref type and Computed type for dynamic changes
  • useTable: Added return function getForm. Can be used to manipulate forms in the form Fix known issues in the table

✨ Features

  • Added v-ripple water ripple command
  • Added the left menu mixed mode
  • Add an example of markdown embedded in the form
  • Add an example of a page outside the main frame
  • route.meta added currentActiveMenu, hideTab, and hideMenu parameters to control the display and hide of the crumb-level menu on the detail page.
  • Added breadcrumb navigation example
  • form: Added suffix attribute to configure suffix content
  • form: Added remote drop-down ApiSelect and examples
  • form: Add autoFocusFirstItem configuration. Used to configure whether to focus on the first input box of the form
  • useForm: Support for dynamically changing parameters. You can pass in Ref type and Computed type for dynamic changes

⚡ Performance Improvements

  • Optimize the scroll bar components of modal and drawer
  • table: remove the isTreeTable attribute
  • Import less files globally. No need to manually re-introduce the component

🎫 Chores

  • Upgrade ant-design-vue to 2.0.0-rc.7
  • Upgrade vue to 3.0.5

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue of missing scroll bars in mixed mode
  • Fix the invalid configuration of environment variables and the logo address problem in history mode
  • Fix the calculation error of width and height caused by switching page of chart library
  • Fixed the issue of multi-language configuration Locale.show causing the configuration not to take effect
  • Fix routing type error
  • Fix the problem of invalid permissions when the menu is split
  • Iframe loads early when closing multi-tab pages
  • Fix known issues with modal and drawer
  • Fix the problem of mixing mode adaptation in the left menu

2.0.0-rc.14 (2020-12-15)

✨ Features

-Remove the left menu search, add the top menu search function -Layout mobile terminal adaptation. Business page is not adapted -axios join the joinTime configuration. Control whether the response includes a timestamp

⚡ Performance Improvements

-Import components asynchronously -Optimize the overall structure -Replace the default scroll bar of the menu as a scroll component -Menu performance optimization

🎫 Chores

-Return to the top to adjust the style to avoid covering other elements -Upgrade ant-design-vue to 2.0.0-rc.5 -Refresh button layout adjustment -route.meta removes the externalLink attribute

✨ Refactor

-openModal and openDrawer third parameter openOnSet is set to true by default

🐛 Bug Fixes

-Fixed an issue where multi-level routing cache caused components to render multiple times -Fixed the problem of disappearing after switching the map chart -Fix the issue of successful login and notify disappearing -Modify the names of VirtualScroll and ImportExcel components as VScroll and ImpExcel to temporarily solve the memory overflow of components containing keywords in the vue template -Fix axios case problem -Fix button style problem -Fix the problem of menu split mode -Fix the issue of invalid data transmission when using emits in Modal and Drawer components -Fix the known problems of the menu -Fix the issue of upload component api failure -Fix the problem of invalid menu permission filtering

2.0.0-rc.13 (2020-12-10)

(Breaking changes) Breaking changes

-Route reconstruction, the previous format is no longer supported. Change to support the original default structure of vue-router, the specific format can be changed by referring to the example. Realize multi-level route caching, and no longer convert routes to level 2. -Refactor breadcrumbs and use antd's breadcrumbs component. The previous component has been deleted

✨ Features

-Restore the default loading of antdv, refactor the Loading component, and add useLoading and v-loading instructions. And add examples -i18n supports vscode i18n-ally plugin -New examples of increased routing cache -Packaged code split (experimental) -Extract upload address to global variable, package can be dynamically configured

✨ Refactor

-Tree component ref function call to delete $ -Reconstruction and beautification of the lock screen interface, delete unnecessary background pictures

⚡ Performance Improvements

-Page switching loading logic modification. Regardless of whether the loaded page is closed or not, loading will not be displayed when opened again (pages that have been opened are opened again faster, and loading is not required, and the logic of the top progress bar is the same), and it will be restored after refreshing.

🎫 Chores

-First screen loading modification -Upgrade vue to 3.0.4 -Upgrade ant-design-vue to 2.0.0-rc.3 -Re-introduction of vueuse -Remove the afterCloseLoading attribute in route meta -Documentation update

🐛 Bug Fixes

-Fix form i18n error -Fix the inconsistent size of menu icons -Fix the calculation of the top menu width -Fix table tabSetting problem -Repair file upload and delete invalidation -Fix the problem of editing and saving table rows

2.0.0-rc.12 (2020-11-30)

(破坏性更新) Breaking changes

  • The ClickOutSide component import method is changed from import ClickOutSide from'/@/components/ClickOutSide/index.vue' to import {ClickOutSide} from'/@/components/ClickOutSide'
  • Button component import method changed from import Button from'/@/components/Button/index.vue' to import {Button} from'/@/components/Button'
  • StrengthMeter component import method is changed from import StrengthMeter from'/@/components/StrengthMeter' to import {StrengthMeter} from'/@/components/StrengthMeter'
  • In addition to the examples, the global internationalization function is added, supporting Chinese and English

✨ Refactor

  • Refactor the overall layout. Change the code implementation method. Code is more streamlined
  • Configuration item reconstruction
  • Remove messageSetting configuration
  • BasicTitle component showSpan=> span

✨ Features

  • The cache can be configured to encrypt or not, and Aes encryption is enabled in the production environment by default
  • Add tab drag and drop sort
  • Added LayoutFooter. The default display, can be closed in the configuration

⚡ Performance Improvements

  • Optimized the problem that the full screen animation of Modal component is not smooth

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • tree: Fix the problem that the text exceeds the operation button
  • useRedo: Fix the problem of missing parameters when refreshing the page through useRedo
  • form: Fix the problem that the form verification is first set in the verification and the console error message
  • modal&drawer fix the problem of component passing array parameters
  • form: fix updateSchema does not take effect when the value contains []
  • table: Fix the display problem of the table TableAction icon
  • table: fix table column settings not displayed by setColumns setting

🎫 Chores

  • Update antdv to 2.0.0-rc.2
  • Update vue to 3.0.3
  • Update vite to 1.0.0.rc13
  • Temporarily delete @vueuse/core. After it is stable, it will be integrated. It is currently not stable.

2.0.0-rc.11 (2020-11-18)

✨ Features

  • Added base64 file stream download
  • Optimize upload components and examples
  • New editable row example
  • Add a personal page
  • New form page
  • Add details page
  • Integrate upload components into form by default

🎫 Chores

  • Update antdv to 2.0.0-rc.1 (temporarily restore to beta15, rc1 menu freezes too seriously.)
  • Add some notes

✨ Refactor

  • Removed receiveDrawerDataRef and transferDrawerData properties of useModal and useDrawer
  • openModal and openDrawer corresponding to useModal and useDrawer extend the third parameter. Used to open the trigger callback again

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Repair form inputNumber verification error
  • Fix the error of setting the default value of the form
  • Fix the problem of occupying position when the menu collapse button is hidden
  • Fix the form baseColProps does not take effect

2.0.0-rc.10 (2020-11-13)

✨ Refactor

  • Refactor hook, introduce @vueuse, delete existing hook, optimize existing hook
  • ʻUseEventrenamed ->ʻuseEventListener
  • Delete the four types SelectOptGroup, SelectOption, Transfer, and Radio from the form ComponentType. Modify the RadioButtonGroup component

✨ Features

  • componentsProps support function type of form item
  • Added tag display to the menu, supporting 4 types of colors and dot display
  • New menu and top bar color selection color matching
  • Add sample result page
  • New file download example

⚡ Wip

  • Upload components (not completed, testing...)

⚡ Performance Improvements

  • Optimize settingDrawer code
  • Optimize the switching speed of multiple tabs
  • Add form customization and dynamic capabilities

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed multiple rich text editors showing only one
  • Fixed the problem of not redirecting to the original page after logging in again after expiration
  • Fix window system dynamic introduction error
  • Fix page type error
  • Fixed an error when the form switch and checkBox were used separately

2.0.0-rc.9 (2020-11-9)

✨ Features

  • Menu trigger can select location
  • Add an example of rich text embedded form
  • Added required attribute to form component schema. Simplified configuration
  • The second parameter of openModal and openDrawer can be passed internally instead of transferModalData
  • Routes with parameters can be cached

✨ Refactor

  • Refactored the logic of the menu generated by the background
  • Route Module structural transformation

⚡ Performance Improvements

  • Menu performance continues to be optimized and smoother
  • Optimize lazy loading components and examples
  • layout style fine-tuning

🎫 Chores

  • Delete menu background image
  • Update the version of ʻant-design-vuetobeta15`
  • Update vite version to rc.9
  • Exception page adjustment
  • BasicTitle Color blocks are not displayed by default

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix table type problem after upgrade
  • Fix the problem that the last submenu continues to be displayed when the menu is divided and there is no data in the left menu
  • Fix the issue of ʻuseMessage` type
  • Fix the problem that the form item setting disabled does not take effect
  • Fix that ʻuseEChartscan't adapt whenresize`, and an error is reported
  • Fix that resize is not deleted after ʻuseWatermark` is cleared
  • Fix form verification problem
  • Fixed the problem that the multi-level header configuration does not take effect

2.0.0-rc.8 (2020-11-2)

✨ Features

  • Global loading add text
  • Right-click menu supports multiple levels

🎫 Chores

  • Login cache changed from sessionStorage to LocalStorage

⚡ Performance Improvements

  • Update ʻant-design-vuetobeta.12`
  • Layout interface layout style adjustment
  • Optimize lazy loading components
  • Optimize table rendering performance
  • Add animation to form folding search icon
  • routeModule can ignore the layout configuration. Convenient to configure the first-level menu

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix table type error
  • Fix bug in mock paging tool
  • Fix the folding problem of the search form when the table is opened
  • Fix the problem of fixed column style when the table size is samll
  • Fixed the error report when closing multiple tabs
  • Fix message type error

2.0.0-rc.7 (2020-10-31)

✨ Features

  • The form component now supports directly passing in the model to directly perform the set operation, please refer to Component -> Popup Extension -> Open Popup and Pass Data

  • The useModalInner of modal now supports the incoming callback function to receive the value passed in from the external transferModalData

  • Used to handle the setting values ​​of components such as forms when the pop-up window is opened. Refer to Component -> Popup Extension -> Open Popup and Pass Data

  • The value of receiveModalDataRef is temporarily reserved. Use as little as possible. It may be deleted later.
  • The drawer’s useDrawerInner now supports the incoming callback function to receive the value passed in from the external transferModalData,,

  • Used to handle the setting values ​​of components such as forms for opening the drawer Refer to Component->Drawer Extension->Open the drawer and transfer data
  • The value of receiveModalDataRef is temporarily reserved. Use as little as possible. It may be deleted later.

✨ Refactor

  • Form code optimization and reconstruction

⚡ Performance Improvements

  • Modal slot can be overwritten
  • Optimize table embedding height calculation problem

🎫 Chores

  • Add some notes
  • pwa icon supplement
  • Type adjustment
  • Upgrade ʻant-design-vuetobeta.11`, and modify the known issues brought about, and some issues will be resolved after discovery

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix the timeout error of local proxy post interface to https address
  • Fix modal full screen height calculation problem when footer is not displayed
  • Fix the error that the verification information is not deleted when the form is reset
  • Fix the style problem of the split mode of the top menu
  • Fix the invalidation of table expansion icon animation

2.0.0-rc.6 (2020-10-28)

✨ Features

  • Added pwa function, which can be turned on in .env.production
  • Button component extends preIcon and postIcon attributes to add icons before and after the text
  • Restore the breadcrumb display icon function

🎫 Chores

  • Upgrade vite version to v1.0.0.rc8
  • vite.config.ts internal plugins extraction
  • Build directory structure adjustment
  • Dependency update
  • Documentation update
  • Modify the default route switching animation

⚡ Performance Improvements

  • setTitle logic adjustment
  • The sessionStorage and LocalStorage cache settings used by the system expire in 7 days by default

✨ Refactor

  • Separate vite-plugin-html and modify the logic of inserting html

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix the warning problem of multiple registration components during hot update
  • Fix the login tab page appears after login
  • Fix the problem of routing switch parameter disappearance
  • Fix the useMessage icon style problem

# 2.0.0-rc.5 (2020-10-26)

✨ Features

  • Update component documentation
  • Breadcrumbs support display icon
  • Added tinymce rich text component
  • Add submitOnReset to the form to control whether to re-initiate the request when reset
  • Added sortFn to the table to support custom sorting
  • Added animation components and examples
  • Added lazy loading/delay loading components and examples

✨ Refactor

  • The detailType of the Drawer component is changed to isDetail

🎫 Chores

  • Remove the optional chain syntax in the code
  • Form reset logic modification
  • Turn off multi-tab page tabs animation
  • Upgrade vite version to v1.0.0.rc6
  • Delete Chinese path warning. rc6 has been fixed

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix the automatic height and display footer display problems of drawer components
  • Reset to default value after repairing form query
  • Fix the problem of displaying the collapsed menu when there are no child nodes
  • Fix the problem of breadcrumb display style
  • Fixed the problem of multiple open drag and drop failure when destroyOnClose=true in modal
  • Fixed multiple action columns in the table

2.0.0-rc.4 (2020-10-21)

✨ Features

  • New configuration toolbar for tables
  • New message notification module

🎫 Chores

  • The table does not show borders by default
  • Dependency update
  • Update vue to v3.0.2
  • Interface style fine-tuning

⚡ Performance Improvements

  • Optimize the size of the first screen
  • Optimize the TableAction component
  • Reduce the folding width of the menu

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix the problem of the menu name when the first level menu is folded
  • Fix the problem that the preview command is not packaged
  • Fix the problem that the form actionColOptions parameter does not take effect
  • Fix the problem that the loading does not take effect when refreshing the form

2.0.0-rc.3 (2020-10-19)

✨ Features

  • Added excel component and excel/xml/csv/html export example
  • Added excel import example
  • Added global error handling
  • Added markdown components and examples
  • The menu name can be displayed when adding a new folding menu


  • add project doc

🎫 Chores

  • update deps

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix the adaptive problem of the top menu
  • Fix window system packaging error

2.0.0-rc.2 (2020-10-17)

✨ Features

  • Package can be configured to output gizp
  • Package can be configured to delete console
  • Routes and menus do not need to be imported manually, they are imported automatically

🎫 Chores

  • Upgrade vue to 3.0.1
  • Change vite version to daily build version

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix menu error
  • Fix the problem of table adaptive height
  • Fix the issue of error reporting when executing script in window system
  • Fix the problem of folding components

⚡ Performance Improvements

  • Remove menu to minimize background
  • Prevent page refresh and re-render menu
  • Some other details are optimized

2.0.0-rc.1 (2020-10-14)

✨ Features

  • Add a tab with parameters

⚡ Performance Improvements

  • Optimized menu folding
  • Page details optimization
  • Compress html after packaging
  • Functional reconstruction of preview components and right-click menu
  • The preview component operation column is centered

🎫 Chores

  • update deps
  • Added README.en-US.md
  • Added CHANGELOG.en-US.md

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix page refresh and jump to landing page

2.0.0-beta.7 (2020-10-12)

⚡ Performance Improvements

  • The existing tab switching no longer displays animation and progress bar

✨ Features

  • Added CountTo component and sample demo
  • Added closeMessageOnSwitch and removeAllHttpPending to the project configuration file
  • The production environment has a separate configuration file for dynamic configuration project configuration
  • Added ʻuseEchartsand ʻuseApexChart to facilitate the use of charts, and added related demos
  • New workbench interface
  • New analysis page interface

🎫 Chores

  • Update dependencies

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix routing switch, tab inactive problem

2.0.0-beta.6 (2020-10-11)

💄 Styles

  • Menu style adjustment

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix the problem that editable forms cannot be entered
  • Repair packaging errors, no proxy is required in the production environment

⚡ Performance Improvements

  • Optimize the switching speed of multi-tab pages
  • First screen loading animation

2.0.0-beta.5 (2020-10-10)

♻ Code Refactoring

  • Delete tailwind css

⚡ Performance Improvements

  • Optimize page switching speed

🎫 Chores

  • Add .vscode and .github configuration
  • Change menu icon
  • Added .env configuration file
  • Update readme.md

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix the failure of Tree component check event

2.0.0-beta.4 (2020-10-08)

🎫 Chores

  • Remove redundant dependencies

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix page refresh blank
  • Fix the invalid table style in the production environment

2.0.0-beta.3 (2020-10-07)

✨ Features

  • Added ʻopenNProgress` to the project configuration file to control whether to open the top control bar
  • Add Table component and demo

🎫 Chores

  • Add github workflows

2.0.0-beta.2 (2020-10-07)

✨ Features

  • Added image preview component

🔧 Continuous Integration

  • Add githubAction script


🎫 Chores

  • Migrate some code from 1.0
  • Add README.md description file

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix the problem of form, animation and packaging failure