2023-03-30 665b0603d09890014f982fdfbd6ec47938f504b0
提交 | 用户 | age
25ab64 1 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
F 2 // Functions for deleting rows
3 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 MS.Delete;
5 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 // Marks row as deleted, helper function to DeleteRow, due recursion
7 // If noshow == true, dows not color the row
8 // Type = 0 all Deleted = 1,  = 1 Deleted==0 => Deleted=2, =2 Deleted==2 => Deleted=0
9 TGP.MarkRowDeleted = function(row,del,noshow,remove,recur){
10 if(!recur && !this.MasterGrid) this.UndoStart();
11 for(var r=row.firstChild;r;r=r.nextSibling) this.MarkRowDeleted(r,del,noshow,remove,1);
12 if(recur && (del && row.Deleted || !del && row.Deleted!=2)) return;
13 if(recur && del) del = 2;
14 if(!this.MasterGrid) {
15    var n = row.parentNode.Page ? this.GetNextSibling(row) : row.nextSibling;
16    this.AddUndo({ Type:"Delete",Row:row,Del:del,Deleted:row.Deleted,Expanded:row.Expanded,Def:row.Def.Name,ParentId:row.parentNode.id,NextId:n?n.id:null,Page:row.parentNode.Page,Removed:remove });
17    }
18 if(this.SaveOrder && !Is(row,"NoUpload") && !row.CPage) this.SetChange({ Row:row.id,Deleted:del });
19 var par = row.parentNode;
20 if(!del && !par.Page && Get(par,"DefParent") && !this.HasNDChildren(par)) this.ChangeDef(par,Get(par,"DefParent"),!noshow,2);
21 row.Deleted = del;
22 if(this.ClearSelected&1){
23    if(row.Selected&this.SelAnd) {
24       row.Deleted = 0;
25       if(this.CanSelect(row)) this.SelectRow(row,0,0,1);
26       row.Deleted = del;
27       }
28    if(this.ShowDeleted) this.UpdatePanel(row);
29    }
30 if(del && !par.Page && Get(par,"DefEmpty") && !this.HasNDChildren(par)) this.ChangeDef(par,Get(par,"DefEmpty"),!noshow,2);
31 if(del && Grids.OnRowDelete) Grids.OnRowDelete(this,row,del);
32 if(!del && Grids.OnRowUndelete) Grids.OnRowUndelete(this,row);
33 MS.Pivot; 
34 if(this.PivotGrid) this.DelPivotRow(row,del); 
35 if(this.PivotDetail) for(var id in this.PivotDetail) this.PivotDetail[id].DelPivotDetailRow(row,del);
36 ME.Pivot;
37 MS.Gantt; MS.GanttDependencies; 
38 if(del && this.GanttDelDep) {
39    this.DeleteDependencies(this.GetDependencies(row,this.GanttDelDep)); 
40    var gc = this.GetFirstGantt();
41    var anc = this.GetGanttCol(row,gc,"Ancestors"); if(anc && row[anc]) this.SetValue(row,anc,this.CheckGantt(row,anc,""),1); 
42    var des = this.GetGanttCol(row,gc,"Descendants"); if(des && row[des]) this.SetValue(row,des,this.CheckGantt(row,des,""),1);
43    }
44 ME.GanttDependencies; ME.Gantt;
45 if(!noshow && this.ColorState&2) this.ColorRow(row);
46 MS.Master; if(!noshow && row.DetailRow) this.MarkDetailRowDeleted(row,del); ME.Master;
47 if(!noshow && this.GanttDependency) this.Recalculate(row,null,!noshow); 
48 if(!recur && !this.MasterGrid) this.UndoEnd();
49 }
50 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
51 MS.Master;
52 TGP.MarkDetailRowDeleted = function(row,del){
53 for(var i=0;i<row.DetailRow.length;i++) {
54    if(row.DetailRow[i].Page) continue;
55    row.DetailRow[i].Deleted = del; 
56    if(row.DetailGrid[i].ColorState&2) row.DetailGrid[i].ColorRow(row.DetailRow[i]);
57    if(row.DetailRow[i].DetailRow) this.MarkDetailRowDeleted(row.DetailRow[i],del);
58    }
59 }
60 ME.Master;
61 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
62 MS.Undo;
63 TGP.DeleteRowUndo = function(row,del,refresh,upd){
64 if(typeof(row.Def)=="string") row.Def = this.Def[row.Def];
65 if(del!=="") row.Deleted = del;
66 if(this.RowIndex && (this.ShowDeleted||row.Visible) && !(this.RowIndexType&1)) this.UpdateRowIndex();
67 if(refresh){ 
68    this.Recalculate(row,null,1);
69    if(!this.ShowDeleted){ 
70       if(!row.Deleted) this.ShowRow(row,null,null,1);
71       else this.HideRow(row,null,null,1);
72       }
73    if(this.ClearSelected&1) this.UpdatePanel(row);
74    if(this.ColorState&2) this.ColorRow(row);
75    if(del==="") this.UploadChanges(row);
76    }
78 MS.Gantt; if(!upd && this.GanttDependency && !this.ShowDeleted){ this.RefreshGantt(17); } ME.Gantt;    
79 MS.Master; if(row.DetailRow) for(var j=0;j<row.DetailRow.length;j++) if(!row.DetailRow[j].Page) row.DetailGrid[j].DeleteRowUndo(row.DetailRow[j],del,refresh,upd); ME.Master;
80 }
81 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
82 TGP.DeleteRowRedo = function(row,del,refresh,upd,rem){
83 row.Deleted = del;
84 if(this.RowIndex && this.ShowDeleted && !(this.RowIndexType&1)) this.UpdateRowIndex();
85 if(refresh){ 
86    this.Recalculate(row,null,1);
87    if(!this.ShowDeleted){ 
88       if(!row.Deleted) this.ShowRow(row,null,null,1);
89       else this.HideRow(row,null,null,1);
90       }
91    if(this.ClearSelected&1) this.UpdatePanel(row);
92    if(this.ColorState&2) this.ColorRow(row);
93    }
95 MS.Gantt; if(!upd && this.GanttDependency && !this.ShowDeleted){ this.RefreshGantt(17); } ME.Gantt;    
96 if(row.DetailRow) for(var j=0;j<row.DetailRow.length;j++) if(!row.DetailRow[j].Page) row.DetailGrid[j].DeleteRowRedo(row.DetailRow[j],del,refresh,upd,rem);
97 if(rem) this.DelRow(row);
98 }
99 ME.Undo;
100 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
101 // Deletes given row
102 // type = 0 - no, 1 - confirm deletion, 2 - delete, 3 - undelete
103 TGP.DeleteRow = function(row,type,test,remove){
104 if(!row || !this.Deleting || !Is(row,"CanDelete") || row.Kind=="Header" || this.Locked["delrow"]) return false;
105 var del = row.Deleted-0; 
106 if(!type) type = del ? 3 : 1;
107 if(type==3 && row.parentNode.Deleted-0) return false;  
c35f05 108 if(type==1 && (test || this.DeleteMessage==0||this.DeleteMessage==1 && this.ShowDeleted&&!remove && !this.AutoUpdate || !this.GetAlert("DelRow"))) type = 2;
25ab64 109 if(Grids.OnCanRowDelete) { var tmp = Grids.OnCanRowDelete(this,row,type); if(tmp!=null) type = tmp; }
c35f05 110 if(type==1) { var txt = this.GetAlert("DelRow"); type = test || !txt || this.Confirm(txt.replace("%d",this.GetName(row))) ? 2 : 0; }
25ab64 111 if(type<=1) return false;
F 112 if((type==2 && del || type==3 && !del) && !remove) return false; 
113 if(test) return true;
114 if(row==this.ERow && this.EditMode) this.EndEdit();
115 MS.Gantt; 
116 MS.GanttDependencies; 
117 if(this.GanttDependency) { 
118    var col = this.GetFirstGantt(); 
119    var P = type==2 ? this.SeparateTasks(row,col)[0] : null; 
120    this.GanttDelDep = this.Cols[col].GanttDeleteDependencies||this.AutoUpdate ? col : null; 
121    if(this.GanttDelDep && type==2 && row.firstChild) this.GanttStart();
122    } 
123 ME.GanttDependencies; 
124 ME.Gantt; 
125 this.UndoStart();
126 this.DeleteRowT(row,type,null,remove,1); 
127 if(this.RowIndex && this.ShowDeleted && (!(this.RowIndexType&1)||remove)) this.UpdateRowIndex();
128 //***删除时的行号处理
129    if(row["docitem"]!=undefined&&row["docitem"]>=this.docitem){
130       this.docitem-=10;
131       this.docitemFlag=true;
132     if (this.docitem==0 ) this.docitem=0;
133   }else{//记录删除了多少次
134        this.docitemPer=row["docitem"];
135       this.docitemNum+=1;
136   }
137 this.UndoEnd();
138 MS.Gantt; 
139 MS.GanttDependencies; 
140 if(this.GanttDelDep && type==2 && row.firstChild) { this.GanttEnd(); this.RefreshGantt(249); this.CalculateSpaces(1); } 
141 if(this.GanttDependency) this.CorrectDependencies(row,this.GetFirstGantt(),null,P); 
142 ME.GanttDependencies; 
143 if(this.HasResources) this.RefreshGantt(129); 
144 ME.Gantt;  
145 MS.Animate; if(this.AnimRow(row,(type==2?"Delete":"Undelete")+(this.ShowDeleted&&!remove?"Visible":""),1,type==2&&!this.ShowDeleted||remove?this.ClearRow.bind(this,row,remove):null)) return true; ME.Animate;
146 if(type==2&&!this.ShowDeleted||remove) this.ClearRow(row,remove);
147 return true;
148 }
149 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
150 TGP.ClearRow = function(row,del){
151 if(del) this.DelRow(row);
152 else {
153    if(row.Hasch) this.DeleteChildren(row); 
154    this.TableDelRow(row);
155    }
156 }
157 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
158 TGP.ClearRows = function(A,del){
159 for(var i=0;i<A.length;i++) this.ClearRow(A[i],del);
160 }
161 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
162 // Deletes row
163 // For noshow = true does not display changes => re-render is needed
164 TGP.DeleteRowT = function(row, type, noshow, remove, noclear, noupload, master, notree){
165 if(this.ShowDeleted&&!remove){
167    this.MarkRowDeleted(row,type==2);
169    }
170 else { 
171    MS.Show;
172    if(type==2){
173       if(!row.Page) this.HideFRow([row]); 
174       this.MarkRowDeleted(row,1,noshow,remove);
175       if(row.Hasch&&!noclear) this.DeleteChildren(row); 
177       if(row.parentNode.Count) row.parentNode.Count--; 
178       if(row.Page && master){ 
179          for(var r=row.firstChild;r;r=r.nextSibling) this.HideRow(r,true,noshow,1);
180          }
181       else {
182          this.HideRow(row,!noclear,noshow,1,this.Undo);
183          MS.Undo;
184          if(remove && this.Undo&6 && this.OUndo){ 
185             var OU = this.OUndo, p = OU.Pos-1; while(p>=0&&OU[p].Type=="End") p--;
186             if(OU[p].Type!="Delete") for(var i=p-1;i>=0;i--) if(OU[i].Type=="Delete"){ OU.splice(p,0,OU.splice(i,1)[0]); break; }
187             }
188          ME.Undo;
189          }
191       MS.Group;
192       if(row.Def.Group){ 
193          function hide(row){
194             for(var r=row.firstChild;r;r=r.nextSibling){
195                if(r.Def.Group) hide(r);
196                else r.Visible=0;
197                }
198             }
199          hide(row);
200          }
201       ME.Group;
202       }
203    else if(type==3){
204       this.MarkRowDeleted(row,0,noshow,remove);
206       row.Deleted=0;
207       if(row.Page && master && this.ShowDetail){; 
208          this.MasterGrid.ShowDetail(row.MasterRow,this.id);
209          }
210       else this.ShowRow(row,noshow,null,1);
211       }
212    if(!notree) this.CalcTreeWidth();
213    MX.Show;
214    NoModule("Show");
215    ME.Show;   
216    }
218 MS.Master;   
219 if(master!=1 && row.MasterRow){ 
220    this.MasterGrid.DeleteRowT(row.MasterRow,type,noshow,remove,noclear,1,row);
221    }
222 if(row.DetailRow){ 
223    for(var i=0;i<row.DetailRow.length;i++) if(row.DetailRow[i]!=master && !row.DetailRow[i].Page) row.DetailGrid[i].DeleteRowT(row.DetailRow[i],type,noshow,remove,noclear,1,1);
224    }
225 ME.Master;
227 MS.Gantt;
228 if(this.ResourcesGrid){
229    var G = this.ResourcesGrid, N = row[this.GanttResourcesName];
230    if(type==2) delete G.Resources[N]; 
231    else G.Resources[N] = { Name: N, Type: Get(row,this.GanttResourcesType), Price: Get(row,this.GanttResourcesPrice), Availability: Get(row,this.GanttResourcesAvailability) }; 
232    if(!noupload) G.Calculate(1);
233    }
234 if(this.Gantt) this.RefreshGanttPage(row,this.GetFirstGantt(),!noshow,1);
235 ME.Gantt;
237 if(!noshow) this.Recalculate(row,null,!noshow);
239 MS.Chart; if(!noshow && this.Charts) this.UpdateCharts(row); ME.Chart;
241 if(remove) {
242    if(noclear) row.Removed = -1;
243    else this.DelRow(row);
244    }
245 else if(!noshow && !noupload) { 
246    this.UploadChanges(row.firstChild?null:row);
247    if(this.SaveValues) this.SaveCfg();
248    }
249 if(!noshow){
250    this.HideMessage();
251    if(!this.ShowDeleted||remove){ 
253       MS.Paging;
254       if(!this.GetFirstVisible() && this.Paging!=3) this.UpdatePager(); 
255       ME.Paging;
256       this.Update();
257       }
258    }
259 }
260 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
261 // Changes value of ShowDeleted
262 // Returns true if re-render is needed
263 TGP.ChangeShowDeleted = function(){
264 MS.Show;
265 var cnt = 0, noshow = false, C = this.Cols;
266 this.ShowDeleted = !this.ShowDeleted;
267 this.Rendering = true;
268 for(var r=this.GetFirst();r;r=this.GetNext(r)) if(r.Deleted){ cnt++; if(cnt>30){ noshow = true; break; }   }
269 if(!noshow) for(var c in C) if(C[c].Deleted) { cnt += 10; if(cnt>30){ noshow = true; break; } }
270 if(this.ShowDeleted){
271    for(var r=this.GetFirst(null,1);r;r=this.GetNext(r,1)) if(r.Deleted && !r.Filtered) this.ShowRow(r,noshow,null,1);
273    for(var r=this.GetFirst();r;r=this.GetNext(r)) if(r.Deleted && !r.Filtered && !r.Visible) { 
275       if(!noshow){
276          var p = r.parentNode;
277          if(p.r1 && !(p.State<4) && this.HasChildren(p)){ 
278             var n = this.GetNextVisible(p);
279             if(n && n.parentNode==p && n.r1) { 
280                r.Visible = true;
281                this.TableShowRow(r);
282                this.UpdateRowIcons(r,true);
283                }
284             }
285          if(p.r1){ r.Visible = true; this.UpdateIcon(p); }
286          }
287       r.Visible = true;
288       }
289    var F = this.GetFixedRows(); for(var r=0;r<r.length;r++) if(r.Deleted) this.ShowRow(r,null,null,1);
290    if(noshow && this.Paging>0 && this.Paging<3) this.CreatePages(); 
291    if(noshow && this.MainCol) this.UpdateAllLevelImg(0,1);
292    for(var c in C) if(C[c].Deleted) { if(noshow) C[c].Visible = 1; else this.ShowCol(c); }
293    }
294 else {
295    for(var r=this.GetFirst();r;r=this.GetNext(r)) if(r.Deleted && !r.Filtered) this.HideRow(r,true,noshow,1);
296    var F = this.GetFixedRows(); for(var r=0;r<r.length;r++) if(r.Deleted && !r.Filtered) this.HideRow(r,true,null,1);
297    for(var c in C) if(C[c].Deleted) { if(noshow) C[c].Visible = 0; else this.HideCol(c); }
298    }
299 this.Rendering = false;
300 if(noshow) return 1;
302 MS.Gantt; if(this.GanttDependency){ this.RefreshGantt(17); } ME.Gantt;    
303 MS.Chart; if(this.Charts) this.UpdateCharts(); ME.Chart;
304 this.UpdateHidden();
305 this.Update();
306 return 0;
307 MX.Show;
308 NoModule("Show");
309 ME.Show;
310 }
311 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
312 TGP.ActionDeleteRow = function(F,T){ return this.DeleteRow(this.GetARow(F),1,T); } 
313 TGP.ActionUndeleteRow = function(F,T){ return this.DeleteRow(this.GetARow(F),3,T); } 
314 TGP.ActionRemoveRow = function(F,T){ return this.DeleteRow(this.GetARow(F),1,T,1); } 
315 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
316 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
317 // Deletes all selected rows
318 TGP.ActionDeleteOrUndeleteRows = function(F,T,del,sel){
319 if(!this.Deleting || this.Locked["delrow"]) return false;
320 var R = sel ? this.GetSelRows(0,"CanDelete") : this.GetARows(F), A = [];
321 if(sel){
322    if(del==null){
323       var D = []; 
324       for(var i=0;i<R.length;i++) if(R[i].Deleted==1) D[D.length] = R[i]; else if(!R[i].Deleted) A[A.length] = R[i];
325       if(!D.length) del = 1; else { del = 0; A = D; }
326       }
327    else if(del==1) { for(var i=0;i<R.length;i++) if(!R[i].Deleted) A[A.length] = R[i]; }
328    else if(!del) { for(var i=0;i<R.length;i++) if(R[i].Deleted==1) A[A.length] = R[i]; }
329    else for(var i=0;i<R.length;i++) A[A.length] = R[i];
330    }
331 else if(del==null){
332    var D = []; 
333    for(var id in R) if(R[id].Deleted==1) D[D.length] = R[id]; else if(!R[id].Deleted) A[A.length] = R[id];
334    if(!D.length) del = 1; else { del = 0; A = D; }
335    }
336 else if(del==1) { for(var id in R) if(!R[id].Deleted) A[A.length] = R[id]; }
337 else if(!del) { for(var id in R) if(R[id].Deleted==1) A[A.length] = R[id]; }
338 else for(var id in R) A[A.length] = R[id];
339 if(T||!A.length) return A.length;
340 if(Grids.OnDeleteAll && Grids.OnDeleteAll(this,del)) return false;
341 if(del){
342    var txt = this.GetAlert("DelSelected");
343    if(txt && (this.DeleteMessage==2||this.DeleteMessage==1 && (!this.ShowDeleted || del==2 || this.AutoUpdate)) && !this.Confirm(txt.replace("%d",A.length)))  { Grids.Alert = 0; return false; }
344    }
345 if(this.RowCount<this.SynchroCount) { this.DeleteRows(A,del); return true; }
346 this.ShowMessage(this.GetText("DelSelected"));
347 T = this; setTimeout(function(){ T.DeleteRows(A,del); },10);
348 return true;   
349 }
350 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
351 // Deletes selected rows, called from DeleteSelectedRows in timeout
352 // del = 0 undelete, 1 delete, 2 remove
353 TGP.DeleteRows = function(R,del){
354 var A = []; if(del==null) del = 1;
355 for(var i=0;i<R.length;i++) {
356    var d = del, can = R[i].CanDelete; if(can==null) can = R[i].Def.CanDelete; if(!can) continue;
357    if(Grids.OnCanRowDelete) { var tmp = Grids.OnCanRowDelete(this,R[i],del?2:3,R); if(tmp!=null) d = tmp==2?(del==2?1:2):(tmp==3?0:-1); }
358    if(d!=-1&&(d==2||(d?!R[i].Deleted:R[i].Deleted==1))) A[A.length] = R[i];
359    }
360 var len = A.length; if(!len) return 0;
361 MS.Gantt; 
362 MS.GanttDependencies; 
363 if(this.GanttDependency) { 
364    var col = this.GetFirstGantt(), P = []; 
365    if(del) P = this.SeparateTasks(null,col,null,A); 
366    this.GanttDelDep = this.Cols[col].GanttDeleteDependencies||this.AutoUpdate ? col : null;
367    if(this.GanttDelDep && del) this.GanttStart();
368    }
369 ME.GanttDependencies; 
370 ME.Gantt;  
371 if(len>1) {
372    if(len<this.SynchroCount) this.StartUpdate();
373    else this.UndoStart();
374    MS.Pivot;
375    if(this.PivotDetail) for(var id in this.PivotDetail){ var G = this.PivotDetail[id]; if(G && !G.Loading && !G.Cleared && !G.Rendering && G.PivotUpdate>=2) G.StartUpdate(); }
376    if(this.PivotGrid && this.PivotUpdate>=1) { this.StartUpdate(); this.PivotGrid.StartUpdate(); }
377    ME.Pivot;
378    }
379 else this.UndoStart();
380 for(var i=0;i<len;i++) this.DeleteRowT(A[i],del?2:3,A[i].Fixed?false:len>=this.SynchroCount,del==2,1,len>1,null,1);
381 if(this.RowIndex && this.ShowDeleted && !(this.RowIndexType&1)) this.UpdateRowIndex();
382 if(len>1){
383    MS.Pivot;
384    if(this.PivotDetail) for(var id in this.PivotDetail){ var G = this.PivotDetail[id]; if(G && !G.Loading && !G.Cleared && !G.Rendering && G.PivotUpdate>=2) G.EndUpdate(); }
385    if(this.PivotGrid && this.PivotUpdate>=1) { this.EndUpdate(); this.PivotGrid.EndUpdate(); }
386    ME.Pivot;
387    if(len<this.SynchroCount) this.EndUpdate();
388    else {
389       this.UndoEnd();
390       if(this.AutoUpdate) this.UploadChanges();
391       }
392    }
393 else this.UndoEnd();
394 this.CalcTreeWidth();
395 MS.Gantt; 
396 MS.GanttDependencies; 
397 if(this.GanttDelDep && del) { this.GanttEnd(); this.RefreshGantt(249); } 
398 if(this.GanttDependency) {
399    if(!del) P = this.SeparateTasks(null,col,null,A); 
400    for(var i=0;i<P.length;i++) this.CorrectDependencies(null,col,null,P[i]); 
401    }
402 ME.GanttDependencies; 
403 MS.GanttResources; 
404 if(this.HasResources) this.RefreshGantt(129); 
405 if(len>1 && this.ResourcesGrid) this.ResourcesGrid.Calculate(1);
406 ME.GanttResources; 
407 ME.Gantt;
408 if(this.SaveValues) this.SaveCfg();
409 if(len>this.SynchroCount){ this.Calculate(2,1); this.RenderBody(); }
410 else {
411    this.HideMessage();
412    MS.Animate; if(this.AnimRows(A,(del?"Delete":"Undelete")+(this.ShowDeleted&&del!=2?"VisibleRows":"Rows"),1,del&&!this.ShowDeleted||del==2?this.ClearRows.bind(this,A,del==2):null)) return true; ME.Animate;
413    if(del&&!this.ShowDeleted||del==2) this.ClearRows(A,del==2);
414    }
415 return len;
416 }
417 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
418 TGP.ActionDeleteRows = function(F,T){ return this.ActionDeleteOrUndeleteRows(F,T,1); }
419 TGP.ActionUndeleteRows = function(F,T){ return this.ActionDeleteOrUndeleteRows(F,T,0); }
420 TGP.ActionRemoveRows = function(F,T){ return this.ActionDeleteOrUndeleteRows(F,T,2);}
421 TGP.ActionDeleteSelected = function(F,T){ return F||this.EventObject.Type!=1||this.ARow&&(this.ARow.Selected||this.ARow.Kind!="Data") ? this.ActionDeleteOrUndeleteRows(0,T,1,1) : 0; }
422 TGP.ActionUndeleteSelected = function(F,T){ return F||this.EventObject.Type!=1||this.ARow&&(this.ARow.Selected||this.ARow.Kind!="Data") ? this.ActionDeleteOrUndeleteRows(0,T,0,1) : 0; }
423 TGP.ActionRemoveSelected = function(F,T){ return F||this.EventObject.Type!=1||this.ARow&&(this.ARow.Selected||this.ARow.Kind!="Data") ? this.ActionDeleteOrUndeleteRows(0,T,2,1) : 0; }
425 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
426 MS.Select;
427 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
428 // Deletes all selected rows
430 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
431 ME.Select;
432 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
433 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
434 ME.Delete;