2023-03-30 665b0603d09890014f982fdfbd6ec47938f504b0
提交 | 用户 | age
25ab64 1 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
F 2 // Functions for row manipulations - adding, deleting
3 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 // Add new row to parent before row nex
6 // If next==null add it as the last row of parent's children
7 // If next and parent are null, adds row to last of actual page
8 // If show==true, shows the in row in table
9 // if id is set, does not generate id, but sets it
10 // If set Def uses this name
11 MS.Add;
12 TGP.AddRow = function(par,next,show,id,Def,src,master,test,A,old,noundo){
13 if(next) par = next.parentNode;
14 if(!par){
15    if(!this.AllPages) par = GetNode(this.XB,this.FPage);
16    else par = this.XB.lastChild;
17    }
19 if(!src && !Def && !par.Page && Is(par,"AddParent")) return this.AddRow(par.parentNode,Get(par,"AddParent")==2?null:par,show,id,Def,src,master,test);
20 if(next && par.Page && this.Root.AddParent==2) next = null;
22 var D;
23 if(src) D = this.Def[src.Def.Name];
24 if(D) { if(!src.CPage && !this.TestDef(par,D.Name)&&(!old||typeof(old)!="object")) return null; } 
25 else {
26    var def = Def; if(!def) { def = Get(par.Page?this.Root:par,"CDef"); if(!def) return null; } 
27    D = this.Def[def]; if(!D) {
28       MS.Debug; if(!test) this.Debug(1,"Not defined default row ",def,", cannot add new row to this grid"); ME.Debug; 
29       return null;
30       }
31    }
33 MS._Free;
34 MS._Debug;if(0){ ME._Debug; 
35 var cnt = 26+7;
36 for(var r=this.GetFirst();r;r=this.GetNext(r),cnt--) if(cnt<=1) return null;
37 MS._Debug;} ME._Debug; 
38 ME._Free;
40 if(!this.HasChildren(par)) par.State = 4;
41 if(par.State<2) return null; 
42 if(test&&this.Group&&!this.MainColGroup&&par.Def&&!par.Def.Group&&this.GroupMoveFree!=2) return null; 
43 if(test) return true;
44 if(!par.Page && Get(par,"DefParent") && !this.HasNDChildren(par)) this.ChangeDef(par,Get(par,"DefParent"),1,2);
45 var r = old&&typeof(old)=="object" ? old : Dom.createElement("I"); if(r.Removed) delete r.Removed;
46 if(next) par.insertBefore(r,next);
47 else {
48    if(this.Paging==3 && par.tagName=="BR") par = this.UpdateTagName(par); 
49    par.appendChild(r);
50    }
51 r.Def = D;
52 r.Expanded = D.Expanded ? D.Expanded-0 : 0;
53 r.Kind = D.Kind;
54 r.Calculated = D.Calculated ? 1 : 0;
55 r.Visible = D.Visible ? 1 : 0;
56 r.Spanned = D.Spanned ? 1 : 0;
57 if(r.Spanned) this.UpdateSpan(r);
58 r.Level = par.SPage ? par.Level : par.Level+1;
60 r.Added = 1;
61 r.Visible = 0;
62 r.State = r.Expanded ? 4 : 2;
63 r.DetailCol = D.DetailCol;
64 for(var c in this.Cols) if(c!="Panel" && !Get(r,c)) r[c] = this.GetValue(r,c); 
65 if(this.DefaultSortPos) r[this.DefaultSort] = this.DefaultSortPos++;
66 this.LoadedCount++;
69 MS.Master;
70 if(D.EditCols){
71    var EC = (D.EditCols+"").split(',');
72    for(var i=0;i<EC.length;i++){
73       var c = EC[i];
74       if(c=="Main" || c=="MainCol"){
75          MS.Tree;
76          MS.Group;
77          if(this.Group){
78             var gc = this.GetGroupCol(r);
79             if(gc){
80                r[this.MainCol+"CopyTo"] = "Children,"+gc;
81                r[this.MainCol+"CanEdit"] = 1;
82                r[this.MainCol] = Get(r,gc);
83                }
84             }
85          ME.Group;   
86          ME.Tree;
87          }
88       else {
89          r[c+"CopyTo"] = "Children,"+c;
90          r[c+"CanEdit"] = 1;
91          }
92       }
93    r.HasCopyTo = 1;
94    }
95 if(par.Def && (par.Def.Group || par.Def.HasCopyTo) || par.HasCopyTo) this.UpdateCopyTo(r,par); 
96 ME.Master;
98 if(src){
99    var N = {DetailRow:1,DetailGrid:1,MasterRow:1,Def:1,r0:1,r1:1,r2:1,Count:1,Hasch:1,id:1,Level:1,LevelImg:1,Added:1,Filtered:1,HasIndex:1,Updated:1};
100    if(src.RowSpan) for(var c in this.Cols) { N[c+"RowSpan"] = 1; N.RowSpan = 1; }
101    if(this.RowIndex) N[this.RowIndex] = 1;
102    if(D!=src.Def && (!Grids.OnRowCopyDef||!Grids.OnRowCopyDef(this,r,src,src.WillMove?1:0))) for(var i in src.Def) if(!Grids.INames[i] && !N[i] && src.Def[i]!=null) r[i] = src.Def[i]; 
103    if(this.EditAttrs){ 
104       if(!A) A = this.GetEditAttrs(3,null,{RowSpan:1}); var al = A.length;
105       if(al) for(var c in this.Cols) for(var i=0;i<al;i++) r[c+A[i]] = src[c+A[i]];
106       }
107    else for(var i in src) if(!Grids.INames[i] && !N[i] && src[i]!=null) r[i] = src[i]; 
108    r.Selected = 0; r.Visible = 0; r.Hasch = 0; r.State = 4;
109    }
110 if(id) { 
111    r.id = id; 
112    if(this.SetIds) this.SetRowsId(r); 
113    }
114 else if(src){
116    if(!Grids.OnRowCopyId || !Grids.OnRowCopyId(this,r,src,src.WillMove?1:0)) this.SetRowId(r);
117    else if(this.SetIds) this.SetRowsId(r); 
118    }
119 else this.SetRowId(r);
120 if(this.AllSelected && !r.Selected && this.CanSelect(r)) {
121    if(this.SelectAllType&16) r.Selected = 1;
122    else this.SetAllSelected(0);
123    }
125 MS.Undo;   
126 if(!this.MasterGrid&&!noundo) { 
127    this.AddUndo({ Type:"Add",Row:r,Parent:par,Next:next,Id:r.id,Def:r.Def.Name,Src:src,SrcVisible:src?src.Visible:null });
128    if(this.SaveOrder && !Is(r,"NoUpload")) this.SetChange({ Row:r.id,Parent:par.id?par.id:par.Pos,Next:next?next.id:null,Added:1,Copy:src?src.id:"" },1);
129    }
130 ME.Undo;
132 var mergeundo = 0;
133 MS.Group; if(this.Group && this.Grouped && this.GroupChangeMoved) if(this.UpdateRowGroups(r,0)) mergeundo++; ME.Group;
135 MS.Tree;
136 if(D.Children && !src && !old){
137    for(var i=0;i<D.Children.length;i++){
138       var d = D.Children[i];
139       if(d.Def==D) continue; 
140       var ch = this.AddRow(r,null,false,null,d.Def.Name); mergeundo++;
141       for(var j in d) if(j!="id" && !this.IdTypes[j]) ch[j] = d[j];
142       }
143    this.UpdateChildrenLevelImg(r);
c35f05 144    MS.RowSpan; 
F 145    if(this.RowSpan&&r.firstChild) {
146       var chg = 0;
147       for(var col in this.SpanCols) if(this.CreateRowSpan(r,col)) chg++;
148       if(chg&&!noundo&&this.Undo&1) this.AddUndo({ Type:"CreateRowSpan", Row:r });
149       }
150    ME.RowSpan;
25ab64 151    r.State = 2;
F 152    }
153 ME.Tree;
155 MS.Undo;   
156 while(mergeundo--) this.MergeUndo();
157 ME.Undo;   
159 MS.RowSpan; 
160 if(this.RowSpan) { 
161    var O = {}, U = null; 
162    if(this.Undo&1&&this.OUndo) U = this.GetUndoSpan(O);
163    this.AddRowSpan([r],O,U); 
164    if(U) this.AddUndo({ Type:"AddSpan",Data:U },1);
165    for(var ro in O) this.RefreshRow(O[ro]); 
166    } 
167 ME.RowSpan;
169 MS.CPages;
170 if(par.CPage) this.UpdateCPages(par.parentNode,show);
171 ME.CPages;
173 MS.Gantt;
174 MS.GanttResources; 
175 if(this.ResourcesGrid){
176    var G = this.ResourcesGrid, N = r[this.GanttResourcesName]; if(N==null) N = D[this.GanttResourcesName];
177    G.Resources[N] = { Name: N, Type: Get(r,this.GanttResourcesType), Price: Get(r,this.GanttResourcesPrice), Availability: Get(r,this.GanttResourcesAvailability) };
178    r[this.GanttResourcesChart+"GanttChartResource"] = N;
179    G.Calculate(1);
180    }
181 ME.GanttResources; 
182 ME.Gantt;
184 if(show&4 && !master){
185    if(Grids.OnRowAdd) Grids.OnRowAdd(this,r);
186    if(src && Grids.OnRowCopy) Grids.OnRowCopy(this,r,src);
187    }
188 if(show&3 && (!src||Is(src,"Visible"))){ 
189    if(this.MainTable) this.ShowRow(r);
190    else r.Visible = 1;
191    this.UpdateRowIcons(r);
192    if(show&2) this.ExpandParents(r);
193    }
194 //**-----------
195     if(!this.isCopy){//add
197      this.setdoctiemNum();
198      this.InitSetValue(r);//在显示行之前增加初始值 by 2011-4-26
199      this.setMuts(r);
200      this.setCpLtRow(r);//插入时从上行复制
201       this.prossExpr(true,r); 
202      this.RefreshRow(r);
203     //if(flg==undefined)  this.setColFocus(r);//flg=true表示是tab键触发,不需要设置焦点
204     }else{//update
205             this.isCopy=false
206             this.setdoctiemNum();
207           this.delcopyfields(r);
208           this.setMuts(r);
209           this.isCS=true;
210           this.setCpLtRow(r);//插入时从上行复制
211           this.RefreshRow(r);
212     }
213 //**------
214 MS.Master;
215 if(!(master&1) && par.MasterRow){ 
216    var nr = this.MasterGrid.AddRow(par.MasterRow,next?next.MasterRow:null,show&~2,id,Def,src,2);
217    r.MasterRow = nr;
218    if(nr){ 
219       if(nr.DetailRow) { nr.DetailRow[nr.DetailRow.length] = r; nr.DetailGrid[nr.DetailGrid.length] = this; }
220       else { nr.DetailRow = [r]; nr.DetailGrid = [this]; }
221       }
222    }
223 if(par.DetailRow&&!(master&2)) this.AddInDetail(r,show,master?src:null); 
225 ME.Master;
227 MS.Pivot; if(this.PivotGrid) this.AddPivotRow(r,src); ME.Pivot;
229 if(show&4) {
230    MS.Gantt; if(this.GanttDependency) this.TaskChanged |= 16; ME.Gantt;
231    this.Recalculate(r,null,true);
232    if(!this.MasterGrid) this.UploadChanges(r);
233    if(this.SaveValues) this.SaveCfg();
234    }
235  if(r.docitem!=undefined&&r.docitem=="") {//****** by2014-7-23 增加对行号的处理,
236         this.docitem+=10;
237     this.SetValue(r, "docitem",this.docitem , true);
238     }
239     this.newRow=r;//*****保存增加行到变量里面,以便通过快捷键Ins能重新排序放到最后
240 return r;
241 }
242 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
243 TGP.AddRows = function(cnt,par,next,focus,test,noupload,id,paste,src){ 
244     this.cpRow=this.GetLastRow();
245         if(!this.isCopy){//***不是复行时,增加面板检查
246         if(typeof(panMain)!="undefined"&& panMain[panIndex].checkToGrid){ 
247             if(!panMain[panIndex].checkToGrid()) return false;
248           }
249     } 
250 if(!this.Adding||this.Locked["addrow"] || this.Detail && !this.XB.firstChild.MasterRow) return null;
c35f05 251 if(Grids.OnCanRowAdd) { 
F 252    var tmp = Grids.OnCanRowAdd(this,par,next); 
253    if(!tmp&&tmp!=null) return null; 
254    if(tmp&&typeof(tmp)=="object"){
255       if(tmp[0]!=null) par = tmp[0];
256       if(tmp[1]!=null) next = tmp[1];
257       }
258    }
25ab64 259 if(this.Group&&!this.MainColGroup&&par&&par.Def&&!par.Def.Group&&this.GroupMoveFree!=2) return null; 
F 260 //*****增加树+格线,没选择树节点时候增加提示
261         var treefl=true;
262   if (typeof (isclick) != "undefined") {
263         if (isclick != undefined && isclick == false) {
264             alert(this.GetText("treeNode"));
265           treefl=false;
266           test=true;
267         }
268     }
269 //*****
665b06 270 if(test){
F 271     this.isCopy=false;
272     return this.AddRow(par,next,null,null,null,null,null,1) ? 1 : 0;
25ab64 274 MS.Animate; this.FinishAnimations(); ME.Animate; 
F 275 this.UndoStart();
276 this.StartUpdate();
277 var A = [], p = 0;
278 for(var i=cnt?cnt:1,fr=null;i>0;i--){
279    var r = this.AddRow(par,next,(noupload?1:5)+(paste?0:2),id,null,src);
280    if(!r){  
281       this.EndUpdate();
282       this.ShowMessageTime(par&&!par.Page?this.GetText("ErrAdd").replace("%1",this.GetName(par)):this.GetText("ErrAddRoot"),this.EditErrorsMessageTime?this.EditErrorsMessageTime:1000);
283       return null;
284       }
285    if(Grids.OnRowAdded) Grids.OnRowAdded(this,r,paste);
286    A[p++] = r;
287    }
288 this.EndUpdate(A.length==1?A[0]:null);
289 if(focus) {
290    var r1 = A[0], r2 = A[A.length-1], G = this;
291    while(r1&&r1.DetailRow&&r2.DetailRow&&!r1.DetailRow[0].Page) { 
293       G = r1.DetailGrid[0]; r1 = r1.DetailRow[0]; r2 = r2.DetailRow[0]; 
294       }
295    G.FocusRows(r1,r2);
296    }
297 this.UndoEnd();
298 this.CalcTreeWidth();
299 //MS.Animate; if(cnt>1) this.AnimRows(A,"AddRows",1); else this.AnimRow(A[0],"Add",1); ME.Animate;//***在另一个页卡选择返回填充当前treegrid时在frieFox上会出现只填充一行,其他行隐藏不显示的问题,所以这里暂时去掉
300 return cnt?A:A[0];
301 }
302 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
303 TGP.GetActualPage = function(){ 
304 if(!this.Paging) return this.XB.firstChild;
305 MS.Paging;
306 if(this.AllPages){
307    if(this.FRow && !this.FRow.Fixed) return this.GetRowPage(this.FRow);
308    var A = this.GetShowedPages();
309    return GetNode(this.XB,A[0]);
310    }
311 else return this.FPage!=null ? GetNode(this.XB,this.FPage) : null;
312 ME.Paging;
313 }
314 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
315 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
316 TGP.DoAddRows = function(F,T,S,below){ 
317 if(!this.Adding||this.Locked["addrow"]) return false;
318 if(this.EditAttrsEmpty) return S&4 ? this.CopyRow2(F,1,1,0,T) : this.CopySelectedRows(F,0,1,below?1:0,S&1,T);
319 var row = this.GetARow(F&5?F&5:5,below?2:1); 
320 MS.Master; if(F&1&&!row&&this.FocusNested(T)&&this.LastFocus[0].Adding&&!(this.LastFocus[0].Locked["addrow"])) row = this.Rows[this.LastFocus[1]]; ME.Master;
321 if(!row||row.Fixed) return false;
322 var cnt = 0;
323 if(!S) cnt = 1;
324 else {
325    var R = this.GetARows(S);
326    for(var id in R) if(!R[id].Deleted) cnt++;
327    }
328 if(!cnt) return cnt;
329 var A = this.AddRows(cnt,row.parentNode,below?row.nextSibling:row,1,T); if(!A) return false;
330 if(T) return cnt;
331 if(!below && row==this.ARow) this.ARow = A[0];
332 return true;
333 }
334 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
335 TGP.ActionAddRow = function(F,T){ return this.DoAddRows(F,T,0,0); }
336 TGP.ActionAddRowBelow = function(F,T){ return this.DoAddRows(F,T,0,1); }
337 TGP.ActionAddRows = function(F,T){ return this.DoAddRows(F,T,F&~5|1,0); }
338 TGP.ActionAddRowsBelow = function(F,T){ return this.DoAddRows(F,T,F&~5|1,1); }
339 TGP.ActionAddSelected = function(F,T){ return this.DoAddRows(F,T,F&~5|2,0); }
340 TGP.ActionAddSelectedBelow = function(F,T){ return this.DoAddRows(F,T,F&~5|2,1); }
341 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
342 TGP.ActionAddRowEndPage = function(F,T){ 
343 MS.Master; if(F&1&&this.FocusNested(T)&&this.LastFocus[0].Adding&&!(this.LastFocus[0].Locked["addrow"])) return this.LastFocus[0].ActionAddRowEndGrid(0,T); ME.Master;
344 return !!this.AddRows(1,this.GetActualPage(),null,1,T); 
345 }
346 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
347 TGP.ActionAddRowEndGrid = function(F,T){ 
348 MS.Master; if(F&1&&this.FocusNested(T)&&this.LastFocus[0].Adding&&!(this.LastFocus[0].Locked["addrow"])) return this.LastFocus[0].ActionAddRowEndGrid(0,T); ME.Master;
349 var b = this.XB.lastChild;
350 if(T) return this.AddRows(1,b,null,1,T);
351 if(this.Paging && !this.AllPages && this.FPage!=this.XB.childNodes.length-1) this.GoToPage(b);
352 if(b.State!=4){
353    if(this.AllPages && (b.State==2||b.State==0)) { this.GoToPage(b); this.ShowPages(); } 
354    T = this;
355    setTimeout(function(){T.ActionAddRowEndGrid();},100);
356    return true;
357    }   
358 return !!this.AddRows(1,b,null,1); 
359 }
360 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
361 TGP.ActionAddRowEnd = function(F,T){ 
362     this.isCopy=false; //****
363 return this.AllPages ? this.ActionAddRowEndGrid(F,T) : this.ActionAddRowEndPage(F,T);
364 }
365 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
366 TGP.AddChild = function(F,type,test){ 
367 var row = this.GetARow(F);
368 MS.Master; if(F&1&&!row&&this.FocusNested(test)&&this.LastFocus[0].Adding&&!(this.LastFocus[0].Locked["addrow"])) row = this.Rows[this.LastFocus[1]]; ME.Master;
369 if(row==null || row.Fixed || row.Page || !this.MainCol || !Is(row,"AcceptChild")) return false;
370 var next = type ? null : row.firstChild;
371 if(this.AddChildType&1) type = 1;
372 MS.Paging;
373 var fc = row.firstChild;
374 if(fc && fc.CPage || !fc && row.Count) { 
376    if(!row.Expanded && !row.Page && !test) this.Expand(row);
377    if(row.State<4 && !test){ 
378       var T = this;
379       setTimeout(function(){ T.AddChild(F,type); },100);
380       return true; 
381       }
382    MS.CPages;   
383    if(fc){ 
384       if(type) row = row.lastChild;
385       else { row = fc; next = fc.firstChild; }
386       }
387    ME.CPages;   
388    }
389 ME.Paging;
390 //****保存上一级的rowid,到时给当前行的parentrowid用。以便建立关系
391 this.treeParentRowid=row.rowid||"";
392 if(!this.AddRows(1,row,next,1,test)) return false;
393 if(test) return row.Count ? row.Count+1 : row.childNodes.length+1;
394 return true;
395 }
396 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
397 TGP.ActionAddChild = function(F,T){ return this.AddChild(F,0,T); }
398 TGP.ActionAddChildEnd = function(F,T){ return this.AddChild(F,1,T); }
399 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
400 ME.Add;
402 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
403 MS.Master;
404 TGP.UpdateCopyTo = function(row,par,refresh){
405 var ppar = par.parentNode, D = par.Def;
406 if(ppar && ppar.Def && ppar.Def.Group) this.UpdateCopyTo(row,ppar,refresh);
407 for(var cc in this.Cols) {
408    var cp = par[cc+"CopyTo"]; if(cp==null) cp = D[cc+"CopyTo"];
409    if(!cp) continue;
410    cp = cp.split(',');
411    for(var i=0;i<cp.length;i+=2){
412       var s = cp[i].split('_');
413       if(s[0]=="Child") {
414          if(s[1]-0+""==s[1]) n = GetNode(par,s[1]-0);
415          else for(var n=par.firstChild;n;n=n.nextSibling) if(n.Def==s[1]) break;
416          if(n!=row) continue;
417          }
418       else if(s[0]!="Children") continue;
419       if(refresh) this.SetValue(row,cp[i+1],Get(par,cc),1);
420       else row[cp[i+1]] = Get(par,cc); 
421       }
422    }
423 }
424 ME.Master;
425 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
426 MS.Group;
427 TGP.UpdateRowGroups = function(row,show){
428 var G = this.Group.split(","), rows = [], M = this.MainCol;
429 if(row.Def.Group){
430    for(var p=row;p&&p.Def.Group;p=p.firstChild);
431    while(p){ rows[rows.length] = p; p = p.nextSibling; }
432    }
433 else rows[0] = row;   
434 if(!rows.length) return false;
435 for(var p=rows[0].parentNode;p&&p.Def&&!p.Def.Group;p=p.parentNode);
436 var v = {}; for(var i=0;i<G.length;i++) v[G[i]] = "";
437 for(;p&&p.Def&&p.Def.Group;p=p.parentNode) if(!p.SPage){
438    var c = this.GetGroupCol(p);
439    if(c) v[c] = v[c] ? p[M] + this.Cols[c].GroupChar + v[c] : p[M];
440    }
441 this.UndoStart();   
442 for(var i=0;i<rows.length;i++) {
443    for(var c in v) this.SetValue(rows[i],c,v[c],show);   
444    if(rows[i]!=row && rows[i].firstChild) this.UpdateRowGroups(rows[i],show);
445    }
446 this.UndoEnd();
447 return true;
448 }   
449 ME.Group;
450 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
451 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
452 // Deletes row from table, and also all references to it
453 MS.Show;
454 TGP.DelRow = function(row,nonested){
455 if(row.Removed && row.Removed!=-1) return;
c35f05 456 if(Grids.OnRowRemove && Grids.OnRowRemove(this,row)) return;
25ab64 457 row.Deleted = 0; 
F 458 if(row.r1){
459    row.Removed = 1; 
460    if(!row.Visible) this.ClearRow(row);
461    else if(this.HideRow(row,1,null,1)==-1) return; 
462    row.Removed = 0;
463    }
464 if(row.parentNode.Count) row.parentNode.Count--;
465 for(var r=row.firstChild;r;) { var n = r.nextSibling; this.DelRow(r,nonested); r = n; } 
467 this.UndoStart();
469 MS.RowSpan; 
470 if(row.RowSpan) { 
471    var O = {}, U = null, oldprev = row.previousSibling; 
472    if(this.Undo&1&&this.OUndo){ U = this.GetUndoSpan(O); if(oldprev) U.UpdateRowSpan[oldprev.id] = 1; }
473    for(var col in this.SpanCols) if(row[col+"RowSpan"]>1) this.SplitSpanned(row,col);
474    this.RemoveRowSpan([row],O,U); if(U) this.AddUndo({ Type:"RemoveSpan",Data:U });
475    for(var ro in O) this.RefreshRow(O[ro]); 
476    } 
477 ME.RowSpan;
479 MS.Master;
480 if(row.DetailRow) for(var i=0;i<row.DetailRow.length;i++){
481    if(!row.DetailRow[i].Page) row.DetailGrid[i].DelRow(row.DetailRow[i]); 
482    else if(!nonested) this.RefreshDetail(row.DetailGrid[i],1); 
483    else continue;
484    i--; 
485    if(!row.DetailRow) break;
486    }
487 if(row.MasterRow) this.DelDetail(row);
488 ME.Master;
490 MS.Gantt;
491 if(this.Gantt){ 
492    var C = this.Cols[this.GetFirstGantt()];
493    if(C && C.GanttRunSelect && C.Sel[row.id]) delete C.Sel[row.id];
494    }
495 ME.Gantt;
496 MS.Undo; if(this.Undo) { var n = row.parentNode.Page ? this.GetNextSibling(row) : row.nextSibling, p = row.parentNode; this.AddUndo({Type:"Remove",Row:row,NextId:n?n.id:null,ParentId:p.id,Page:p.Page,Removed:1}); } ME.Undo;
497 if(this.SetIds) delete this.Rows[row.id];
498 row.parentNode.removeChild(row);
499 MS.RowSpan; if(row.RowSpan && oldprev) this.UpdateRowSpan(oldprev,1); ME.RowSpan;
500 this.UndoEnd(); this.MergeUndo(); 
501 row.Removed = 1;
502 this.LoadedCount--;
503 }
504 TGP.RemoveRow = TGP.DelRow;
505 ME.Show;
506 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------