2021-03-11 9cf04defb14e2ea4851887742c22e9ecbbb60835
提交 | 用户 | age
a6a76f 1 package com.yc.service.panel;
F 2
3 import com.yc.entity.FormLoadParameterEntity;
4 import com.yc.factory.FactoryBean;
5 import;
6 import com.yc.service.BaseService;
7 import com.yc.service.impl.DBHelper;
8 import com.yc.utils.SessionKey;
10 import;
12 import;
13 import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
14 import org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException;
15 import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
16 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
17 import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
18 import;
19 import;
20 import java.sql.SQLException;
21 import java.util.*;
22 import java.util.regex.Matcher;
23 import java.util.regex.Pattern;
24 import;
26 /**
27  * 
28  * @author pengbei
29  * 
30  */
31 @Service("PanelManage")
32 public class PanelManageImpl implements PanelManageDao {
33     @Autowired
34     SqlDBHelperIfc sqlDBHelperIfc;
35     @Autowired
36     SystemSettingsDao systemSettingsBo;
37     @Autowired
38     GfieldApprovedButtonIfc gButtonIfc;
40     // 针对多表
41     private List<Map<String, Object>> multiList = new ArrayList<>();
43     /**
44      * 获得页面上真正显示的Id (不是数据库的列字段了)
45      * 
46      * @param filed    匹配数控字段的map集合的Key
47      * @param mapValue 数据库字段
48      * @return 网页的控件Id
49      */
50     public String getMapsKay(Map<String, Map<String, String>> maplist, String filed, String mapValue) {
51         String yeId = "";
52         for (String key : maplist.keySet()) {
53             if (maplist.get(key).get(filed).trim().equals(mapValue)) {
54                 yeId = key;
55                 break;
56             }
57         }
58         return yeId;
59     }
61     /**
62      * 加载单据信息
63      */
64 //    @Override
65     public List<Map<String, Object>> getFromEnd(String sql, String tableis, String where, int formType,
66             HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {
67         HttpSession session = request.getSession();
68         sql = getRepSql(sql);
69         List<Map<String, Object>> listInfo = null;
70         Map<String, Object> mapDoc = null;
71         String lookUpSql = "";
72         try {
73             where = isSpecialChar(where) ? URLEncoder.encode(where, "UTF-8") : where; // xin 2020-5-19 10:14:20
74             where = URLDecoder.decode(where, "utf-8");// by danaus 2020/5/1 23:02
75         } catch (Exception e) {// 出错表示不需要解码
76         }
77         if (";22;18;19;7;".indexOf(";" + String.valueOf(formType) + ";") != -1) {// 类型窗体处理
78             try {
79                 listInfo = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();
80                 where = where.replaceAll("like", ";pb#").replaceAll("=", ";pb#").replace("@~", "").replaceAll("'", "");
81                 String[] valueS = where.split("and");
82                 String[] cols = null;
83                 HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
84                 for (int i = 0; i < valueS.length; i++) {
85                     cols = valueS[i].split(";pb#");
86                     if (cols.length > 1) {
87                         map.put(cols[0].trim().toLowerCase(), cols[1].trim());
88                     } else {
90                     }
91                 }
92                 map.put("doc_size", 0);// 让其赋默认值
93                 listInfo.add(map);
94             } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {// 数组越界异常捕获
95                 throw e;
96             } catch (Exception e) {
97                 throw e;
98             }
99         } else {
100             try {
101                 lookUpSql = sql + tableis + ((where != null && !where.equals("")) ? " where " + where : "");
102                 lookUpSql = lookUpSql.replace("!", "");
103                 listInfo = sqlDBHelperIfc.getHashMapObj(lookUpSql);// 获取对应单号数据
104                 mapDoc = (listInfo != null && listInfo.size() > 0) ? listInfo.get(0) : new HashMap<String, Object>();
105                 Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\w+doccode\\s*=");
106                 if (";5;8;16;496;498;".indexOf(";" + String.valueOf(formType) + ";") != -1) {// 加入同一筛选条件下的上下单号
107                     if (listInfo.size() > 0) {
108                         String nextSql = "";
109                         Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(lookUpSql.toLowerCase());
110                         if (matcher.find()) {
111                             lookUpSql = lookUpSql.toLowerCase().replace(, "doccode=");
112                         }
113                         StringBuffer docAndDoc = new StringBuffer();
114                         // 去掉空格,by danaus 2020/12/3 16:02
115                         nextSql = lookUpSql.toLowerCase().replaceAll("doccode\\s*=\\s*'.*?'", "1=1")
116                                 .replaceFirst("top\\s*\\d*\\s*\\*", "top 1 doccode ") + " order by doccode asc ";
117                         docAndDoc.append(getSqlDoc(nextSql, session));// 第一单
119                         nextSql = lookUpSql.toLowerCase().replaceAll("doccode\\s*=\\s*", "doccode < ")
120                                 .replaceFirst("top\\s*\\d*\\s*\\*", "top 1 doccode ") + " order by doccode desc ";
121                         docAndDoc.append(";").append(getSqlDoc(nextSql, session));// 上一单
123                         nextSql = docAndDoc.toString();
124                         mapDoc.put("updoc", nextSql);
125                         docAndDoc.delete(0, docAndDoc.length());
127                         nextSql = lookUpSql.toLowerCase().replaceAll("doccode\\s*=\\s*\\S*", "1=1")
128                                 .replaceFirst("top\\s*\\d*\\s*\\*", "top 1 doccode ") + " order by doccode desc ";
129                         docAndDoc.append(getSqlDoc(nextSql, session));// 最后一单
131                         nextSql = lookUpSql.toLowerCase().replaceAll("doccode\\s*=\\s*", "doccode > ")
132                                 .replaceFirst("top\\s*\\d*\\s*\\*", "top 1 doccode ") + " order by doccode asc ";
133                         docAndDoc.append(";").append(getSqlDoc(nextSql, session));// 下一单
134                         nextSql = docAndDoc.toString();
135                         mapDoc.put("nextdoc", nextSql);
136                         docAndDoc = null;
137                     } else {
138                         if (where.indexOf("1=2") == -1) {// 是否是新单据状态
139                             // 上面的方法没有查到该单据并且不是新单据后,这里执行是否有权限查看或单据已经不存在的返回提示---xin
140                             // 2015-9-22 14:43:37
141                             try {
142                                 List<Map<String, Object>> isDoc = null;
143                                 String w = "1=2";
144                                 Pattern pattern1 = Pattern.compile("and\\s*\\(\\s*");// 去掉and后面在()里的权限条件
145                                 Matcher matcher = pattern1.matcher(where.toLowerCase());
146                                 if (matcher.find()) {
147                                     w = where.toLowerCase().split("and\\s*\\(\\s*")[0];
148                                 } else {
149                                     pattern1 = Pattern.compile("doccode\\s*=\\s*\\S*");
150                                     matcher = pattern1.matcher(where.toLowerCase());
151                                     if (matcher.find()) {
152                                         w = where;
153                                     }
154                                 }
155                                 String isDoccode = sql + tableis + " where " + w;// 组装没有权限限制的sql
156                                 isDoccode = isDoccode.replace("!", "");
157                                 isDoc = sqlDBHelperIfc.getHashMapObj(isDoccode);// 查询是否存在数据
158                                 if (isDoc != null && isDoc.size() > 0) {// 返回提示
159                                     throw new Exception("提示:你没有权限查看【" + w.split("'")[1] + "】的内容,请联系制单人【"
160                                             + DBHelper.getValue(isDoc.get(0), "entername") + "】");
161                                 }
162                             } catch (Exception e) {
163                                 throw e;
164                             }
165                         }
166                         // if (tableis.equals("_sys_formid_Help")) {
167                         // }
168                         mapDoc.put("updoc", ";");// mapDoc 中都为小写key
169                         mapDoc.put("nextdoc", ";");
170                     }
171                 }
172                 mapDoc.put("doc_size", listInfo.size());// 判断单据需要
173                 mapDoc.put("yic", "t");// 这一个字段已经没有用处,新的模板里已经删除。这个字段以后需要删除掉 xin
174                                         // 2019-3-1 10:10:44
175                 listInfo.clear();
176                 listInfo.add(mapDoc);
177             } catch (SQLException | BadSqlGrammarException ee) {
178                 throw ee;
179             } catch (Exception e) {
180                 throw e;
181             } finally {
182             }
183         }
184         return listInfo;
185     }
187     /**
188      * 获得单号
189      * 
190      * @param sqlString 获得单号sql
191      * @return 单号
192      * @throws SQLException
193      */
194     private String getSqlDoc(String sqlString, HttpSession session) throws SQLException {
195         List<Map<String, Object>> listInfoDoc = null;
196         try {
197             // SpObserver.setDBtoInstance("_" +
198             // session.getAttribute(SessionKey.DATA_BASE_ID));
199             listInfoDoc = sqlDBHelperIfc.getHashMapObj(sqlString);
200         } catch (Exception e) {
201             throw e;
202         } finally {
203             // SpObserver.setDBtoInstance();
204         }
205         return listInfoDoc.size() > 0
206                 ? (listInfoDoc.get(0).get("doccode") == null ? "" : listInfoDoc.get(0).get("doccode").toString())
207                 : "";
208     }
210     /**
211      * 替换掉sql语句中如:&formid&=9801之类的&formid&写法 此时直接可以为 formid 解决设置冲突而这样写时的错误
212      * 
213      * @param sql
214      * @return
215      */
216     private String getRepSql(String sql) {
217         Map<String, String> parm = new HashMap<String, String>();
218         List<String> list = DBHelper.getStrRepInfo(sql, "&");
219         boolean bol = ((sql.indexOf("'&") != -1 && sql.indexOf("&'") != -1) ? true : false);
220         for (String id : list) {
221             parm.put((bol ? "'" : "") + "&" + id + "&" + (bol ? "'" : ""), id);
222         }
223         sql = DBHelper.getRep(parm, sql);
224         return sql;
225     }
227     /**
228      * 复单的时候进入
229      */
230     @Override
231     public List<Map<String, Object>> getFromEnd(String sql, String tableis, String where, int formType, String copy,
232             HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {
233         List<Map<String, Object>> lics = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();
234         List<Map<String, Object>> lic = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();
235         try {
236             lic = getFromEnd(sql, tableis, where, formType, request);
237             if (copy.equals("1") && DBHelper.getValueInt(lic.get(0), "formid") != 0) {// 复单时候进入
238                 lics = systemSettingsBo.selectAll(Integer.parseInt(lic.get(0).get("formid").toString()), 0);
239                 @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
240                 Iterator iter = lic.get(0).entrySet().iterator();
241                 while (iter.hasNext()) {
242                     @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
243                     Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
244                     Object key = entry.getKey();
245                     for (int c = 0; c < lics.size(); c++) {
246                         if ((key.toString().toLowerCase())
247                                 .equals(lics.get(c).get("fieldid").toString().toLowerCase())) {
248                             if (lics.get(c).get("iscopyexclude") == null) {//复单时是否排除
249                                 lics.get(c).put("iscopyexclude", "0");
250                             }
251                             if (Integer.parseInt(lics.get(c).get("iscopyexclude").toString()) == 1) {
252                                 lic.get(0).put(key.toString(), "");
253                             }
254                             break;
255                         }
256                     }
257                 }
258             }
259             lic.get(0).put("doccode", "");
260             lic.get(0).put("docstatus", 0);
261         } catch (Exception e) {
262             throw new Exception("复单出错:" + e.getMessage());
263         }
264         return lic;
265     }
267     /**
268      * 返回单据状态
269      * 
270      */
271     @Override
272     public String getDocstatus(String where, int formid, String tabs, HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {
273         String docStatus = "0";
274         String docSql = "select top 1 docstatus from " + tabs + " where " + where;
275         try {
276             List<Map<String, Object>> docList = sqlDBHelperIfc.getHashMapObj(docSql);
277             docStatus = DBHelper.getValueInt(docList.get(0), "docstatus") + "";
278         } catch (Exception e) {
279             return docStatus;
280         } finally {
281         }
282         return docStatus;
283     }
285     @Override
286     public int getCancelButton(String sql) {
287         BaseService b = (BaseService) FactoryBean.getBean("BaseService");
288         int ex = 0;
289         // try{
290         ex = b.getSimpleJdbcTemplate().queryForObject(sql, Integer.class);
291         // }catch(Exception e){
292         // }
293         return ex;
294     }
296     /**
297      * 针对496全是面板加载问题 wherePan 加载时得到的条件 where 9770功能号设置的关联关系 map 各个面板的集合 以功能号为key
298      * map为值
299      */
300     @Override
301     public String getMultiTableWhere(String wherePan, int FT, String FK, String SeekGroupID, Boolean bol)
302             throws Exception {
303         try {
304             if (bol) {
305                 for (Map<String, Object> docMap : multiList) {
306                     if (DBHelper.getValueInt(docMap, "formid") == FT) {
307                         wherePan = SeekGroupID + "='" + DBHelper.getValue(docMap, FK) + "'";
308                         break;
309                     }
310                 }
311             } else {
312                 multiList.clear();
313             }
314         } catch (Exception e) {
315             return wherePan;
316         } finally {
318         }
319         return wherePan;// 返回关联关系后的where条件。
320     }
322     @Override
323     public void getMultiTableList(Map<String, Object> multi) {
324         this.multiList.add(multi);
325     }
327     /**
328      * 判断是否含有特殊字符
329      *
330      * @param str
331      * @return true为包含,false为不包含
332      */
333     public static boolean isSpecialChar(String str) {
334         String regEx = "[ _`~!@#$%^&*()+=|{}':;',\\[\\].<>/?~!@#¥%……&*()——+|{}【】‘;:”“’。,、?]|\n|\r|\t";
335         Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regEx);
336         Matcher m = p.matcher(str);
337         return m.find();
338     }
340     /**
341      * 加载功能号数据信息  xin 2021-1-26 09:32:34
342      */
343     @Override
344     public List<Map<String, Object>> getFormLoad(FormLoadParameterEntity formLoad) throws Exception {
345         try {
346             List<Map<String, Object>> formList = new ArrayList<>();
347             Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
348             // 特定类型窗体处理
349             if (";22;18;19;7;".indexOf(";" + formLoad.getFormType() + ";") != -1 && !formLoad.isHasCopy()) {
350                 try {
351                     String where = formLoad.getSqlWhere();
352                     where = where.replaceAll("like", ";pb#").replaceAll("=", ";pb#");
353                     where = where.replaceAll("@~", "").replaceAll("'", "");
354                     String[] s = where.split("and");
355                     String[] p = null;
356                     for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
357                         p = s[i].split(";pb#");
358                         if (p.length > 1) {
359                             map.put(p[0].trim().toLowerCase(), p[1].trim());
360                         } else {
362                         }
363                     }
364                     map.put("doc_size", 0);// 让其赋默认值
365                     formList.add(map);
366                     return formList;
367                 } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
368                     throw new Exception("加载功能号数据信息【" + formLoad.getFormType() + "】类型时,条件值出现数组越界。");
369                 } catch (Exception e) {
370                     throw new Exception("加载功能号数据信息【" + formLoad.getFormType() + "】类型时出错。");
371                 }
372             }
373             boolean hasData = ((";5;8;16;496;498;".indexOf(";" + formLoad.getFormType() + ";") != -1) ? true : false);// 是否为单据类型数据
374             // 表示已读 xin 2021-1-26 16:29:16
375             String readSql = "set nocount on \n "
376                     + "update a set a.isread=1 from t219001 a where a.usercode='"
377                     + formLoad.getSession().getAttribute(SessionKey.USERCODE) + "' " + "and a.formid="
378                     + formLoad.getFormId() + " and a.formtype=" + formLoad.getFormType() + " and a.doccode='"
379                     + formLoad.getDoccode() + "' \n ";
381             String sql = formLoad.getSql() + formLoad.getTableName()
382                     + (!"".equals(formLoad.getSqlWhere()) ? " where " + formLoad.getSqlWhere() : "");
383             sql = sql.replace("!", "");
384             List<Map<String, Object>> list = sqlDBHelperIfc.getHashMapObj((hasData ? readSql : "") + sql);// 获取对应单号数据信息
385             if (list != null && list.size() > 0) {// 查询到单据信息的时候
386                 map.putAll(list.get(0));// 把数据信息赋给map
387                 // 如果是复单进入
388                 if (formLoad.isHasCopy() && formLoad.getFormId() != 0) {
389                     List<Map<String, Object>> fieldList = systemSettingsBo.selectAll(formLoad.getFormId(), 0);
390                         for(Map<String, Object> fMap : fieldList) {
391                                 //iscopyexclude表示复单时是否排除这个字段,1表示需要排除掉
392                                 if(DBHelper.getValueInt(fMap, "iscopyexclude")==1) {
9cf04d 393                                     String value=DBHelper.getValue(map, DBHelper.getValue(fMap, "fieldid"));
X 394                                     if(!"".equals(value)){
395                                         map.put(DBHelper.getValue(fMap, "fieldid").toLowerCase(), "");//直接赋空值
396                                     }
a6a76f 397                                 }
F 398                             }
399                     map.put("doccode", "");
400                     map.put("docstatus", 0);
401                     formList.add(map);
402                     return formList;
403                 }
404                 // 是单据类型数据
405                 if (hasData) {
406                     String nextSql = "";
407                     Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\w+doccode\\s*=");
408                     Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(sql.toLowerCase());
409                     if (matcher.find()) {
410                         sql = sql.toLowerCase().replace(, "doccode=");
411                     }
412                     StringBuffer docAndDoc = new StringBuffer();
413                     // 去掉空格,by danaus 2020/12/3 16:02
414                     nextSql = sql.toLowerCase().replaceAll("doccode\\s*=\\s*'.*?'", "1=1")
415                             .replaceFirst("top\\s*\\d*\\s*\\*", "top 1 doccode ") + " order by doccode asc ";
416                     docAndDoc.append(getSqlDoc(nextSql, formLoad.getSession()));// 第一单
418                     nextSql = sql.toLowerCase().replaceAll("doccode\\s*=\\s*", "doccode < ")
419                             .replaceFirst("top\\s*\\d*\\s*\\*", "top 1 doccode ") + " order by doccode desc ";
420                     docAndDoc.append(";").append(getSqlDoc(nextSql, formLoad.getSession()));// 上一单
422                     nextSql = docAndDoc.toString();
423                     map.put("updoc", nextSql);
424                     docAndDoc.delete(0, docAndDoc.length());
426                     nextSql = sql.toLowerCase().replaceAll("doccode\\s*=\\s*\\S*", "1=1")
427                             .replaceFirst("top\\s*\\d*\\s*\\*", "top 1 doccode ") + " order by doccode desc ";
428                     docAndDoc.append(getSqlDoc(nextSql, formLoad.getSession()));// 最后一单
430                     nextSql = sql.toLowerCase().replaceAll("doccode\\s*=\\s*", "doccode > ")
431                             .replaceFirst("top\\s*\\d*\\s*\\*", "top 1 doccode ") + " order by doccode asc ";
432                     docAndDoc.append(";").append(getSqlDoc(nextSql, formLoad.getSession()));// 下一单
433                     nextSql = docAndDoc.toString();
434                     map.put("nextdoc", nextSql);
435                 } else {// 查询不到单据信息
436                     if (!"".equals(formLoad.getDoccode())) {// 有单号。但是查询不到数据
437                         sql = formLoad.getSql() + formLoad.getTableName() + " where doccode='" + formLoad.getDoccode()
438                                 + "'";
439                         List<Map<String, Object>> docList = sqlDBHelperIfc.getHashMapObj(sql);// 获取对应单号数据信息
440                         if (docList != null && docList.size() > 0) {// 单号能查询到数据,说明之前的查询设置了权限。当前的账号没权限查看
441                             throw new Exception("提示:你没有权限查看【" + formLoad.getDoccode() + "】的内容,请联系制单人【"
442                                     + DBHelper.getValue(docList.get(0), "entername") + "】");
443                         }
444                     }
445                 }
446             }
447             map.put("doc_size", list.size());// 判断单据需要
448             formList.add(map);
449             return formList;
450         } catch (Exception e) {
451             throw e;
452         }
453     }
455     /**
456      * OA审核加载新界面数据 xin 2021-2-1 09:33:18
4bfacf 457      * @param formId
a6a76f 458      * @param docState
F 459      * @param doccode
460      * @param request
461      * @return
462      * @throws Exception
463      */
464     public List<Object> getOAVerifyMethod(int formId, int docState, String doccode,
465             HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {
466         try {
467             List<Object> lMap = new ArrayList<>();
468             List<Map<String, Object>> bList = gButtonIfc.getTopOaButton(formId);// 获取审核按钮集合
469             if (bList != null && bList.size() > 0) {
470                 List<List<Map<String, Object>>> oList = new ArrayList<>();// 存放排序好的审核按钮
471                 List<Map<String, Object>> listInfo = new ArrayList<>();// 存放当前单据的详细信息数据
472                 String but = "declare ";// 声明属性
473                 String sql = "";// 查询当前单据能显示出来的审核按钮
474                 String gets = "";// 返回声明的属性值
475                 String HDTable = "";// 当前单据查询的表
476                 String upId = "";
477                 for (Map<String, Object> butMap : bList) { // 这里对审核按钮进行排序组装处理
478                     String id = DBHelper.getValue(butMap, "fieldid");
479                     if (!upId.equals(id)) {
480                         List<Map<String, Object>> fList = new ArrayList<>();
481                         fList = -> id.equals(b.get("fieldid"))).collect(Collectors.toList());
482                         if (fList.size() > 0) {
483                             oList.add(fList);
484                             upId = id;
485                         }
486                     }
487                 }
488                 Map<String, Object> sysMap = systemSettingsBo.getFormIdInTable(formId);// 获取审核的单据表名
489                 if (sysMap != null) {
490                     HDTable = DBHelper.getValue(sysMap, "HDTable").trim();// 获取表名
491                     // 获取当前单据的详细信息数据
492                     listInfo = sqlDBHelperIfc
493                             .getHashMapObj("select * from " + HDTable + " where doccode='" + doccode + "'");
494                 }
495                 // 遍历组装需要查询的审核按钮
496                 for (int i = 0; i < bList.size(); i++) {
497                     Map<String, Object> map = bList.get(i);
498                     but += "@but" + DBHelper.getValue(map, "buttonID") + " int";
499                     sql += "@but" + DBHelper.getValue(map, "buttonID") + "= (case when "
500                             + (DBHelper.getValueInt(map, "editStatus") == 0 ? ""
501                                     : "DocStatus in (" + DBHelper.getValueInt(map, "editStatus") + ") and ")
502                             + (!"".equals(DBHelper.getValue(map, "showItemExpression"))
503                                     ? DBHelper.getValRepShi(formId, DBHelper.getValue(map, "showItemExpression"),
504                                             request.getSession(), listInfo.get(0), false)// 这里需要对设置有会话值或替换值进行处理
505                                     : "curchecker like '%," + request.getSession().getAttribute(SessionKey.USERCODE)
506                                             + ",%'")
507                             + " then 1 else 0 end ) \n";
508                     gets += "@but" + DBHelper.getValue(map, "buttonID") + " as '" + DBHelper.getValue(map, "buttonID")
509                             + "'";
510                     if ((i + 1) < bList.size()) {
511                         but += ",";
512                         sql += ",";
513                         gets += ",";
514                     }
515                 }
516                 // 组装sql语句
517                 sql = but + "\n set nocount on \n select " + sql + " from " + HDTable + " where DocCode='" + doccode
518                         + "' \n" + "select " + gets;
519                 // 获取到当前单据显示出来的审核按钮 。0表示不需要显示,1表示要显示。
520                 List<Map<String, Object>> listbut = sqlDBHelperIfc.getHashMapObj(sql);
521                 if (listbut != null && listbut.size() > 0) {
522                     // 组装
523                     lMap = getButList(oList, listbut.get(0), listInfo.get(0), request);
524                 }
525                 return lMap;
526             } else {
527                 throw new Exception("获取不到当前单据的审核按钮信息。");
528             }
529         } catch (Exception e) {
530             throw e;
531         }
532     }
534     /**
535      * 组装审核按钮
536      * @param oList
537      * @param mapbut
538      * @param mapInfo
539      * @param request
540      * @return
541      */
542     private List<Object> getButList(List<List<Map<String, Object>>> oList,Map<String, Object> mapbut, Map<String, Object> mapInfo,
4bfacf 543             HttpServletRequest request) throws SQLException {
a6a76f 544         try {
F 545             String userCode = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute(SessionKey.USERCODE);
546             List<Object> buttons = new ArrayList<>();
547             List<Object> nameList = new ArrayList<>();
548             List<Object> oaButList = new ArrayList<>();
549             List<Object> dataList = new ArrayList<>();
550             Boolean bol = false;
551             for (List<Map<String, Object>> butList : oList) {
552                 List<String> name = new ArrayList<>();
553                 List<Object> clickList = new ArrayList<>();
554                 List<Object> date = new ArrayList<>();
555                 List<Map<String, Object>> but = new ArrayList<>();
556                 String ccusercodes = "";
4bfacf 557                 String id="";
a6a76f 558                 for (Map<String, Object> buttonMap : butList) {
F 559                     int state = DBHelper.getValueInt(mapbut, DBHelper.getValue(buttonMap, "buttonID"));// 按状态,0表示不显示,1表示显示。
560                     if (state == 1) {// 显示状态进入
561                         // 是当前审核人的话 bol=true
562                         bol = (DBHelper.getValueInt(buttonMap, "editStatus") == DBHelper.getValueInt(mapInfo,
563                                 "DocStatus") ? true : bol);
564                         // 当前审核人审核结束后,但是撤销按钮有显示的话 bol=true
565                         if(DBHelper.getValue(mapInfo, "CurChecked").contains(userCode) && !DBHelper.getValue(mapInfo, "CurChecker").contains(userCode)) {
566                             bol=true;
567                         }
568                         if (name.size() == 0) {
4bfacf 569                             String namev=DBHelper.getValue(buttonMap, "fieldName");
X 570                             if(namev.indexOf("!")!=-1){//有查询
571                                 String sql=DBHelper.getValRepShi(namev, request.getSession(), mapInfo, false);
572                                 List<Map<String, Object>> listbut = sqlDBHelperIfc.getHashMapObj(sql.replace("!", ""));
573                                 name.add(DBHelper.getValue(listbut.get(0), ""));// 显示的审核名
574                             }else{
575                                 name.add(namev);// 显示的审核名
576                             }
a6a76f 577                         }
F 578                         if (clickList.size() == 0) {// 显示当前审核页卡的按钮
579                             clickList.add((bol ? "layui-show" : ""));
4bfacf 580                             id=DBHelper.getValue(buttonMap, "fieldid").toLowerCase();
X 581                             clickList.add(id);// 字段
a6a76f 582                             ccusercodes = DBHelper.getValue(buttonMap, "fieldid").toLowerCase().replace("memo",
F 583                                     "ccusercodes");
584                             clickList.add(ccusercodes);// 抄送字段
585                         }
586                         // 查询按钮集合中是否有当前字段,有则在此上加按钮
587                         String onclick = "";
588                         String pawString = (DBHelper.getValueInt(buttonMap, "isShowPwdEdit") == 1) ? "true" : "false";// 弹出密码框
589                         String ReturnCurChecker = DBHelper.getValue(buttonMap, "ReturnCurChecker");
590                         String ReturnCurCheckerName = DBHelper.getValue(buttonMap, "ReturnCurCheckerName");
591                         boolean isInspection = (DBHelper.getValueInt(buttonMap, "isInspection") == 1 ? true : false);// 是否禁止必录检查
592                         String getBtnStr = pawString + ",'" + DBHelper.getValueInt(buttonMap, "formid") + "'," + "'"
593                                 + SettingKey.getHostUrl(request) + "/',this," + isInspection + ",'"
594                                 + DBHelper.getValue(buttonMap, "ExternalURL") + "',"
595                                 + DBHelper.getValueInt(buttonMap, "UrlShowLocation") + ","
596                                 + DBHelper.getValue(buttonMap, "buttonID");
597                         String url1 = DBHelper.getValueInt(buttonMap, "FT") + "/"
598                                 + DBHelper.getValueInt(buttonMap, "FTFormType") + "/index.jsp";
599                         switch (DBHelper.getValueInt(buttonMap, "SelectChecker")) {
600                         case 0:
601                             onclick = "window.parent.getBtn(" + getBtnStr + ");";
602                             break;
603                         case 1:
604                             onclick = "window.parent.createPopSelect('" + ReturnCurChecker + "','"
605                                     + ReturnCurCheckerName + "'," + getBtnStr + ");";
606                             break;
607                         case 2:
608                             onclick = "window.parent.mulChoice2('" + DBHelper.getValue(buttonMap, "FK") + "','"
609                                     + DBHelper.getValue(buttonMap, "SeekGroupID") + "','"
610                                     + DBHelper.getValue(buttonMap, "sPremissField") + "','"
611                                     + DBHelper.getValue(buttonMap, "dPremissField") + "','"
612                                     + DBHelper.getValue(buttonMap, "FKeFilter") + "','" + SettingKey.getHostUrl(request)
613                                     + "/app'+spellPath+'" + url1 + "'," + getBtnStr + ");";
614                             break;
615                         default:
616                             break;
617                         }
618                         String par = DBHelper.getValue(buttonMap, "fieldid").toLowerCase() + ";"
619                                 + DBHelper.getValue(buttonMap, "docitem");
620                         Map<String, Object> parMap = new HashMap<>();
621                         parMap.put("click",
4bfacf 622                                 "getccusercodes('"+id+"','" + ccusercodes + "');window.parent.setOa('" + par + "');" + onclick);
a6a76f 623                         parMap.put("butname", DBHelper.getValue(buttonMap, "ButtonName"));
F 624                         parMap.put("iocn", getIocnText(DBHelper.getValueInt(buttonMap, "docitem")));
625                         parMap.put("id", DBHelper.getValueInt(buttonMap, "buttonID"));
626                         but.add(parMap);
627                     }
628                     if (date.size() == 0) {// 显示流程跟踪
4bfacf 629                         String namev=DBHelper.getValue(buttonMap, "fieldName");
X 630                         if(namev.indexOf("!")!=-1){//有查询
631                             String sql=DBHelper.getValRepShi(namev, request.getSession(), mapInfo, false);
632                             List<Map<String, Object>> listbut = sqlDBHelperIfc.getHashMapObj(sql.replace("!", ""));
633                             date.add(DBHelper.getValue(listbut.get(0), ""));
634                         }else{
635                             date.add(namev);
636                         }
a6a76f 637                         String userName = DBHelper.getValue(mapInfo,
F 638                                 DBHelper.getValue(buttonMap, "fieldid").toLowerCase().replace("memo", "username"));
639                         String dates = DBHelper.getValue(mapInfo,
640                                 DBHelper.getValue(buttonMap, "fieldid").toLowerCase().replace("memo", "date"));
641                         date.add(bol ? "" : userName);
642                         date.add(bol ? "" : dates);
643                         date.add(bol ? "" : "process-active");
644                         date.add(bol ? "" : DBHelper.getValue(mapInfo, DBHelper.getValue(buttonMap, "fieldid")));
645                     }
646                 }
647                 if (name != null && name.size() == 1) {
648                     name.add((bol ? "layui-this" : ""));// 显示当前审核页卡
649                     nameList.add(name);
650                 }
651                 if (clickList != null && clickList.size() > 0) {
652                     clickList.add(but);
653                     oaButList.add(clickList);
654                 }
655                 if (date != null && date.size() > 0) {
656                     dataList.add(date);
657                 }
658             }
659             // 下面的顺序不能乱,会影响界面显示
660             buttons.add(nameList);
661             buttons.add(oaButList);
662             buttons.add(dataList);
663             return buttons;
664         } catch (Exception e) {
665             throw e;
666         }
667     }
669     /**
670      * 获取审核按钮图标
671      * @param docitem
672      * @return
673      */
674     private String getIocnText(int docitem) {
675         String iocn = "";
676         switch (docitem) {
677         case 10:
678             iocn="icon-tongguo";//通过
679             break;
680         case 20:
681             iocn="icon-bohui";//驳回
682             break;
683         case 30:
684             iocn="icon-bohuidao";//驳回上一级
685             break;
686         case 40:
687             iocn="icon-chexiao";//撤销
688             break;
689         case 50:
690             iocn="icon-baocun";//保存
691             break;
692         default:
693             break;
694         }
695         return iocn;
696     }
697 }