2024-08-09 7204e3dff0490732e861ccd1338e3e3c31d768c6
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0924c5 1 package com.yc.action.grid;
F 2
3 import com.yc.action.BaseAction;
4 import com.yc.exception.ApplicationException;
5 import com.yc.factory.FactoryBean;
6 import com.yc.multiData.SpObserver;
7 import com.yc.sdk.shopping.util.SettingKey;
8 import com.yc.service.BaseService;
9 import com.yc.service.grid.GridServiceIfc;
10 import com.yc.utils.Page;
11 import com.yc.utils.SessionKey;
12 import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
13 import org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming.SXSSFWorkbook;
14 import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
15 import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope;
16 import org.springframework.jdbc.core.BeanPropertyRowMapper;
17 import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
19 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
20 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
21 import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
22 import java.util.*;
23 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
24 import java.util.stream.Collectors;
26 /**
27  * 处理496多表excel导出
28  */
29 @Component()
30 @Scope("prototype")
31 public class Export496 extends BaseAction {
32     @Autowired
33     GridServiceIfc gridService;
34     @Autowired
35     GTGrid gtGrid;
36     public void export(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse resp,Page page) {
37         if(request.getSession().getAttribute(SessionKey.USERCODE)==null){
38             this.printJson(resp, "error;会话过期,请重新登录!");
39             return;
40         }
41         //以9676为例
42         //1--读取9771的配置信息,决定如何加载子功能号数据
43         BaseService baseService = (BaseService) FactoryBean.getBean("BaseService");
c1439b 44         List<T9771Entity> list9771 = baseService.getJdbcTemplate().query("set nocount on \n" +
F 45                 " declare @formid int=?,@myCount int\n" +
46                 " select @myCount=count(1) from  _sys_TabPageFormid where formid=@formid \n" +
47                 " if @myCount=0  \n" +
48                 "  begin \n" +
49                 "    raiserror('%d功能号在9771查找不到有对应主功能号,请到9771维护',16,1,@formid)\n" +
50                 "    return\n" +
51                 "   end \n" +
52                 " if @myCount>1  \n" +
53                 "  begin \n" +
54                 "    raiserror('%d功能号在9771存在多条对应主功能号记录',16,1,@formid)\n" +
55                 "    return\n" +
56                 "   end \n" +
57                 " select mainformid,mainformname,sortBy,a.formid,a.formname,formtype,labelName,a.fT,a.fK,a.seekGroupID,tabID,\n" +
0924c5 58                 " case when a.ft=mainformid then 1   else 0 end as alone,b.hdtable\n" +
F 59                 " from _sys_TabPageFormid a join gform b on a.formid=b.formid \n" +
c1439b 60                 " where mainformid=(select top 1 mainformid from  _sys_TabPageFormid where formid=@formid) and isnull(Actived,0)=1  order by SortBy asc\n", new BeanPropertyRowMapper<>(T9771Entity.class),page.getFormid());
0924c5 61         if(list9771!=null&&list9771.size()>0){
F 62             //2---取所有功能号id,取出对应9802数据
b34175 63             final StringJoiner formidsJoiner = new StringJoiner(",");//取得9676,9677,9678,9679
F 64             final StringBuilder mainKey = new StringBuilder(";");//主功能号的主键
65             //处理关联功能号之间的字段和主功能号不同的情况,虽要取得主功能号里对应的数据传给子功能号进行where条件查询
66             final StringBuilder mainPk = new StringBuilder();
67             list9771.stream()
68                     .forEach(x -> {
69                         formidsJoiner.add(x.getFormid() + "");
70                         if (x.formid.equals(x.mainformid)) {
0924c5 71                             mainKey.append(x.fK);
b34175 72                             mainPk.append(x.fK);
0924c5 73                         }
F 74                     });
75             List<T9802Entity> list9802 = baseService.getJdbcTemplate().query(" select a.formid,a.fieldid,a.fieldname,gridcaption,displayformat,isnull(gridControlType,0) as gridControlType,isnull(controlType,0) as controlType,isnull(rowNo,0) as rowNo,isnull(colNo,0) as colNo,isnull(lengthNum,0) as lengthNum,isnull(heightNum,0) as heightNum,isnull(exportTitle,0) as exportTitle,showFieldValueExpression,isnull(sumField,0) as sumField,isnull(activefuns,0) as activefuns,funclinkname,b.index1 from gField a join gform b on a.formid=b.formid\n" +
76                     " where a.formid in(" + formidsJoiner.toString() + ") and isnull(isExport,0)=1 and isnull(headflag,0)=0 \n" +
77                     " order by a.formid,a.StatisID asc", new BeanPropertyRowMapper<>(T9802Entity.class));
78             //3---取list9771中alone=1的功能号
79           final List<Exprot496Entiry> exprot496list=new ArrayList<>();
80             list9771.stream()
81                     .filter(x->x.getAlone()==1)
b34175 82                     .forEach(alone-> {
0924c5 83
b34175 84                         //     if(!alone.formid.equals(alone.mainformid)) {
F 85                         //不是第一个主功能号,取所有关联子功能数据,关联字段名称一起查询
86                         StringJoiner MainfkKey = new StringJoiner(",");
87                         list9771.stream().forEach(z -> {
88                             if (alone.formid.equals(z.fT)) {
89                                 MainfkKey.add(z.fK);
90                             }
91                         });
92                         alone.subFkKey = MainfkKey.toString();
93                         //  }
97a11f 94                         Exprot496Entiry entiry = loadData(request, list9802, alone, page, mainPk, exprot496list,null);
b34175 95                         //判断是否有关联的子功能,有则全都加载过来
F 96                         if (!alone.formid.equals(alone.mainformid)) {
0924c5 97                             //不是第一个主功能号,取所有关联子功能数据
F 98                             list9771.stream().forEach(z -> {
99                                 if (alone.formid.equals(z.fT)) {
b34175 100                                     //表示所属的子功能号,需要取数
F 101                                     //判断关联的主外键情况:
102                                     // 1,一种情况是主功能号用的主键在如果下面的子功能号都存在,取数可以直接用这个主键把所有相关的数据都取回来,再过滤。这样查数只需要一次性取回来。提高性能
103                                     //2--子功能号的主外键关系没用到主功能号的主键,这种情况需要从已查出来的数据取得所有相关的主键数据,再一次性取数回来
104                                     String finalWhere = page.getWhere();
0924c5 105                                   if(!z.fK.contains(mainKey.toString())){
F 106                                       //判断是否存在多个键值 acccode;rowid,因为rowid是限制匹配取数,需要去掉
107                                       String[] fkKey = z.fK.toLowerCase().split(";");//主功能号字段
108                                       String[]  pKKey = z.seekGroupID.toLowerCase().split(";");//子功能号字段
109                                       String subFkKey="";
110                                       String subPkKey="";
111                                       if(fkKey.length!=pKKey.length){
112                                           throw new ApplicationException(String.format("9771中功能号%s【FK,seekGroupID】参数个数不相等",z.formid));
113                                       }
114                                       if(fkKey.length==1){
115                                           //默认数目要相等
116                                           subFkKey=fkKey[0];
117                                           subPkKey=pKKey[0];
118                                       }else {
119                                           //多个key,则去掉rowid,detailrowid等特定字段
120                                           String fk=z.fK.toLowerCase();
121                                           String pk=z.seekGroupID.toLowerCase();
122                                           for (int i = 0; i < fkKey.length; i++) {
123                                               if (fkKey[i].equals("rowid")||fkKey[i].equals("detailrowid")) {
124                                                   fk=fk.replace(fkKey[i],"");
125                                                   pk=pk.replace(fkKey[i],"");
126                                               }
127                                           }
128                                           fk=fk.replaceAll(";","");
129                                           pk=pk.replaceAll(";","");
130                                           subFkKey=fk;
131                                           subPkKey=pk;
132                                       }
133                                       final String finalSubKey=subFkKey;
134                                       final StringJoiner valuekeys=new StringJoiner(",");
135                                         entiry.data.stream().map(x->x.get(finalSubKey)).forEach(sub->{
136                                             valuekeys.add("'"+sub+"'");
137                                         });
138                                        finalWhere=subPkKey+" in("+ valuekeys.toString()+")";
139                                     }
140                                   page.setWhere(finalWhere);
97a11f 141                                     Exprot496Entiry subList = loadData(request, list9802, z, page, mainPk, exprot496list,entiry);
0924c5 142                                   entiry.subList.add(subList);
F 143                               }
144                             });
146                         }
147                             exprot496list.add(entiry);
149                     });
150             toExcel(request,resp,exprot496list);
151         }
152     }
154     /**
155      * 导出为excel文件
156      */
157     private  void toExcel(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse resp,List<Exprot496Entiry> exprot496list){
159         SXSSFWorkbook wb = new SXSSFWorkbook(500);
160         String hotsUrl=SettingKey.getHostUrl(request);;
161         String dbid =request.getSession().getAttribute(SessionKey.DATA_BASE_ID)+"";
162             for (Exprot496Entiry entiry : exprot496list) {
163                 PoiExcelWriter poi = new PoiExcelWriter();
164                 poi.writeExcelBy496(wb, entiry, hotsUrl, dbid);
165             }
166         String fileName = exprot496list.get(0).mainFormName;
167         Integer formid = exprot496list.get(0).mainFormid;
168        Page page= exprot496list.get(0).getPage();
169         exprotExcelFile(request, resp, formid,"496", page,wb, fileName);
170     }
173     /**
174      * 根据9771,9802定义,拼接得到sql,取数
b34175 175      *
F 176      * @param where
0924c5 177      * @param list9802
F 178      * @param alone
b34175 179      * @param mainPk
F 180      * @param exprot496list
0924c5 181      * @return
F 182      */
97a11f 183     private Exprot496Entiry loadData(HttpServletRequest request, List<T9802Entity> list9802, T9771Entity alone, Page page, StringBuilder mainPk, List<Exprot496Entiry> exprot496list,Exprot496Entiry currentExprot496Entiry) {
0924c5 184         //取9676字段列表数据
b34175 185         final StringJoiner fieldsJoiner = new StringJoiner(",");//字段列表
F 186         final StringJoiner expressionJoiner = new StringJoiner(";");//权限表达式
187         final StringJoiner picFields = new StringJoiner(";");//图片字段
188         final StringJoiner titleToFile = new StringJoiner(";");//图片字段作为文件名称
189         final StringJoiner tbColsJoiner = new StringJoiner(",");//计算用-汇总列字段
190         final StringJoiner tbColsExcelJoiner = new StringJoiner(";");//excel导出用-汇总列字段
0924c5 191         //---排序
b34175 192         final StringJoiner orderByJoiner = new StringJoiner(",");//排序字段
F 193         final StringJoiner fristField = new StringJoiner("");
0924c5 194         AtomicInteger fumIndex = new AtomicInteger();//标记导出时候字段位置
F 195         AtomicInteger tabColIndex = new AtomicInteger();//标记导出字段在汇总列的位置
196         fumIndex.set(0);
197         tabColIndex.set(0);
198         Exprot496Entiry entiry=new Exprot496Entiry();
199         List<T9802Entity> collect = list9802.stream().filter(z -> z.getFormid().equals(alone.getFormid())).collect(Collectors.toList());
200         Map<String, String> dyTitleBy496 = getDyTitleBy496(page, alone.formtype.equals(16) ? 0 : 1, alone.formid);//取得当前功能号的标题
201         collect.forEach(k->{
202                     fieldsJoiner.add(k.fieldid.toLowerCase());
203                     if(
204                             (k.gridControlType!=null&&(k.gridControlType.equals(9)||k.gridControlType.equals(19)||k.gridControlType.equals(40)))
205                             ||
206                             (k.controlType!=null&&(k.controlType.equals(9)||k.controlType.equals(19)||k.controlType.equals(40)))
207                     ) {
208                         //面板或表格设置了图片类型
209                         picFields.add(k.fieldid);
210                     }
211             //处理动态标题
212                     if(StringUtils.isNotBlank((dyTitleBy496.get(k.fieldid.toLowerCase())))){
213                         k.fieldname=dyTitleBy496.get(k.fieldid.toLowerCase());
214             }else {
215                         k.fieldname=StringUtils.isNotBlank(k.gridcaption)?k.gridcaption:k.fieldname;
216                     }
217                     //exportTitle==1表示以字段名称作为文件名
218             if(k.exportTitle.equals(1)){
219                 titleToFile.add(k.fieldid);
220             }
221             //--处理排序
222             if(orderByJoiner.length()==0) {
223                 if (tabColIndex.get() == 0 && StringUtils.isBlank(k.index1)) {
224                     fristField.add(k.fieldid);
225                     orderByJoiner.add(k.fieldid+" ");
226                 } else if (tabColIndex.get() == 0 && StringUtils.isNotBlank(k.index1)) {
227                     fristField.add(k.fieldid);
228                     orderByJoiner.add(k.index1+" ");
229                 }
230             }
231             //--处理汇总列
232             if(k.activefuns==1&&k.sumField!=0){
233                 //生效且选了汇总方式
234                 //SumFieldInfo.append(id.toLowerCase()).append("#").append(SumField).append("|").append(funclinkname).append("|").append(fumIndex).append("_T_").append(tabColIndex-1).append("|").append((displayformat != null && !displayformat.isEmpty()) ? displayformat.replaceAll("-", "~") : "0").append(";");
235                 tbColsJoiner.add(k.fieldid.toLowerCase()+"#"+k.sumField+":"+ (StringUtils.isNotBlank(k.funclinkname)?k.funclinkname.replaceAll(",", "@p@"):""));
236                 tbColsExcelJoiner.add(k.fieldid.toLowerCase()+"#"+k.sumField+"|"+ (StringUtils.isNotBlank(k.funclinkname)?k.funclinkname.replaceAll(",", "@p@"):"")+"|"+fumIndex.getAndIncrement()+"_T_"+tabColIndex.getAndIncrement()+"|"+(StringUtils.isNotBlank(k.displayformat)?k.displayformat.replaceAll("-", "~"):",0.00"));
237             }else {
238                 fumIndex.getAndIncrement();
239             }
240             //处理权限表达式
b34175 241             if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(k.showFieldValueExpression)) {
F 242                 expressionJoiner.add(k.fieldid.toLowerCase() + "|" + k.showFieldValueExpression);
0924c5 243             }
b34175 244         });
0924c5 245         //1,当前功能号是子功能号:把关联的字段也放进去查询,避免这些字段没选上导出,到时处理不了关系
F 246         //2--当前功能号是主功能号,需要提前把子功能号的fk字段取回来,让主功能号查询
247         //需要去重处理
b34175 248         if (fieldsJoiner.length() == 0) {
F 249             //没设置导出字关段则取关联字段作为导出字段
250             fieldsJoiner.add(alone.seekGroupID.replaceAll(";", ","));
0924c5 251
b34175 252         }
F 253         String tempFields = "," + fieldsJoiner.toString().toLowerCase() + ",";
254         if (!tempFields.contains("," + alone.seekGroupID.toLowerCase() + ",")) {
255             fieldsJoiner.add(alone.seekGroupID.replaceAll(";", ","));
256         }
257         if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(alone.subFkKey)) {
97a11f 258             String[] subFkKeys = alone.subFkKey.replaceAll(";", ",").split(",");
b34175 259             for (String subFkKey : subFkKeys) {
F 260                 tempFields = "," + fieldsJoiner.toString().toLowerCase() + ",";
261                 if (!tempFields.contains("," + subFkKey.toLowerCase() + ",")) {
262                     fieldsJoiner.add(subFkKey);
263                 }
264             }
265         }
266         if (mainPk != null && mainPk.length() > 0) {
267             //判断当前功能号的where是否需要替换
268             if (!alone.seekGroupID.equalsIgnoreCase(mainPk.toString())) {
269                 //不相同,需要从主功能号里取数拼接where, 第一个是主功能号数据
270                 if (exprot496list.size() > 0) {
97a11f 271                     String[] seekGroup= alone.seekGroupID.toLowerCase().replaceAll("rowid","").replaceAll("detailrowid","").split(";");//去掉rowid,detailrowid,因为这些只是限制条件,实际导出所有,所以取数可以过滤这些特定字段(rowid,detailrowid)
F 272                     StringJoiner where=new StringJoiner(" and ");
273                     Exprot496Entiry entiry496=exprot496list.get(0);
274                     if(currentExprot496Entiry!=null){
275                         entiry496=currentExprot496Entiry;
276                     }
277                     for(String str:seekGroup) {
278                       where.add(str+ "=" + GridUtils.prossSqlParm(entiry496.data.get(0).get(str) + ""));
279                     }
280                     page.setWhere(where.toString());
b34175 281                 }
F 282             }
0924c5 283         }
F 284         String sqlList = Arrays.stream(fieldsJoiner.toString().split(",")).distinct().collect(Collectors.joining(","));
285         //--处理权限表达式
b34175 286         Page newpage = new Page();
0924c5 287         newpage.setExpr(expressionJoiner.toString());
F 288         newpage.setTbCols(Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(tbColsJoiner.toString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)));
289         newpage.setTbCols(gridService.proccTbCols(newpage));
b34175 290         String sql = "[" + sqlList.replaceAll(",", "],[") + "]";
F 291         sql = this.exprTOSql(newpage, sql);
0924c5 292         //取9676的数据
F 293         try {
294             SpObserver.setDBtoInstance("_" + env.get(SessionKey.DATA_BASE_ID));
295             newpage.setUserCode(page.getUserCode());
296             newpage.setUserName(page.getUserName());
297             newpage.setSql(sql);
298             newpage.setTableName(alone.getHdtable());
299             String dataGroup = gtGrid.prossDataGroup(request, page.getFormid(), 0);//数据组权限
300             newpage.setWhere(page.getWhere()+dataGroup);
301             newpage.setFormid(alone.getFormid());
302             newpage.setPageSize(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
3b6cb4 303             newpage.setAutopaging(2);//不分页
0924c5 304             newpage.setId(fristField.toString());
F 305             newpage.setPageNum(1);
97a11f 306             newpage.setOrderBy(orderByJoiner.length() > 0 ? orderByJoiner.toString().replaceAll(";", ",") : alone.seekGroupID.replaceAll(";",","));
0924c5 307             gridService.loadAll(newpage);// 第二步,调用相对应业务类取得数据,分页功能
c1439b 308         }catch (Exception ex) {
F 309             throw ex;
310         }finally {
0924c5 311             SpObserver.setDBtoInstance();
F 312         }
313     //    List<Map<String, Object>> list = baseService.getJdbcTemplate().queryForList(" select " + sql+ " from " + alone.getHdtable() + " " + where);
315         entiry.data=newpage.getData();//自身数据
316         entiry.page=newpage;
b34175 317         entiry.metaData = collect;
F 318         entiry.mainFormName = alone.mainformname;
319         entiry.mainFormid = alone.mainformid;
320         entiry.picFields = picFields.toString();
321         entiry.formid = alone.formid;
322         entiry.formName = StringUtils.isNotBlank(alone.labelName) ? alone.labelName : alone.formname;
323         entiry.titleToFileName = titleToFile.toString();
324         entiry.fk = alone.fK;
325         entiry.seekGroupID = alone.seekGroupID;
7204e3 326         entiry.sheetName = StringUtils.isBlank(alone.labelName) ? alone.formname : alone.labelName;
b34175 327         if (entiry.sheetName.contains("/")) {
F 328             entiry.sheetName = entiry.sheetName.replaceAll("/", "-");
329         }
330         entiry.exprotType = alone.formtype.equals(16) ? ExprotType.Panel : ExprotType.Grid;
331         entiry.tbCols = tbColsExcelJoiner.toString();
0924c5 332         return entiry;
F 333     }
334 }