2022-05-13 2e60c6034fdfbcfbc4d7a91f0a84926688a50009
提交 | 用户 | age
a6a76f 1 package com.yc.action.panval;
F 2
3 import com.yc.action.BaseAction;
4 import com.yc.exception.CallBackMessage;
5 import com.yc.factory.FactoryBean;
5e6d26 6 import com.yc.multiData.SpObserver;
F 7 import com.yc.open.mutual.entity.T120201Entity;
8 import com.yc.open.mutual.schedule.DeleteThread;
9 import com.yc.open.mutual.service.MutualServiceIfc;
a6a76f 10 import com.yc.service.BaseService;
F 11 import com.yc.service.impl.DBHelper;
12 import com.yc.service.panel.SqlDBHelperIfc;
13 import com.yc.service.panel.SystemSettingsDao;
14 import com.yc.utils.SessionKey;
2e60c6 15 import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
5e6d26 16 import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
F 17 import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException;
3a6b5b 18 import org.springframework.dao.IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException;
5e6d26 19 import org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor;
F 20 import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
21 import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
23 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
24 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
25 import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
26 import java.io.IOException;
27 import java.io.PrintWriter;
28 import java.net.URLDecoder;
29 import java.sql.SQLException;
30 import java.util.*;
a6a76f 31
F 32 /**
33  * 
34  * @author pengbei
35  * 
36  */
37 @Controller
38 public class PanelCommitAction extends BaseAction {
39     boolean returnIs = false;
40     @Autowired
41     SystemSettingsDao sDao;
42     @Autowired
43     SqlDBHelperIfc sDbHelperIfc;
5e6d26 44     @Autowired
F 45     ThreadPoolTaskExecutor threadPoolExecutor;
46     @Autowired
47     MutualServiceIfc mutualServiceIfc;
a6a76f 48     /**
F 49      * 判断凭证状态
50      * 
51      * @param request
52      * @param response
53      * @return void
54      * @throws IOException
55      * @throws SQLException
56      */
57     @RequestMapping("/panState.do")
58     private void state(String docdate, int formid, String periodtype, String companyId, HttpServletRequest request,
59             HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, SQLException {
60         response.setContentType("text/html;charset=utf-8");
61         docdate = URLDecoder.decode(docdate, "utf-8");
62         periodtype = URLDecoder.decode(periodtype, "utf-8");
63         companyId = URLDecoder.decode(companyId, "utf-8");
64         PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
65         String mesString = ((formid != 0) ? "" : "状态检查时功能号没有获得到;pb;0#")
66                 + ((!docdate.equals("")) ? "" : "状态检查时docdate确定时间没有得到;pb;0#")
67                 + ((!periodtype.equals("")) ? "" : "状态检查时periodtype没有得到;pb;0#");
68         out.print(mesString);
69         String docdate1 = docdate.substring(0, docdate.length() - 3);
70         try {
71             if (mesString.equals("")) {// 确保有参数才去判断底下sql
72                 returnIs = false;
74                 String sql = "select 'code'=case when  dbo.getperiodid(" + formid + ",'" + companyId + "','" + docdate
75                         + "')=dbo.getperiodid(+" + formid + ",'" + companyId
76                         + "',convert(varchar(10), getdate(),120) )  then 1 else -1 end";
77                 if (!returnIs && Integer.parseInt(sDbHelperIfc.getHashMap(sql).get(0).get("code")) == -1) {
78                     Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
79                     String date[] = docdate.split("-");
80                     out.print("今天是" + (cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1) + "月" + cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) + "日,"
81                             + "您的单据日期是" + date[0] + "年" + date[1] + "月" + date[2] + "日,是否正确?\n\n"
82                             + "(点击“确定”继续,点“取消”返回修改);pb;1#\n");
83                     // 您是否录入了正确的单据日期,请仔细检查\n"+
84                     // "(经系统检查,您所录入的单据日期与系统当前日期不在同一个期间,并请确认该期间是打开状态)\n\n"+
85                     // "操作提示:\n"+
86                     // "如果要返回修改此单据日期或取消此操作,请按“取消”;\n"+
87                     // "如果确定是正确的单据日期,请点击“确定”;;pb;1#
88                     returnIs = true;
89                 }
91                 sql = "declare @myPeriodid varchar(10);  select @myPeriodid = dbo.getPeriodid(" + formid + ",'"
92                         + companyId + "','"// 还有这个参数不能确定@companyid
93                         + docdate + "'); select state,periodid from gperiod with (nolock)  where companyid ='"
94                         + companyId + "' and periodtype ='" + periodtype// 期间类型
95                         + "' and Periodid = @myPeriodid;";
96                 List<HashMap<String, String>> staList = sDbHelperIfc.getHashMap(sql);
97                 String stateStr = "";
98                 String periodid = "";
99                 if (staList != null && staList.size() > 0) {
100                     stateStr = staList.get(0).get("state");
101                     periodid = staList.get(0).get("periodid");
102                 } else {
103                     out.print("当前单据所属【" + periodtype + "】期间" + docdate1 + "已关闭或未打开,请与相关人员联系。;pb;0#");
104                     stateStr = null;
105                 }
106                 switch (Integer.parseInt(DBHelper.isNull(stateStr, 3))) {
107                 case 0: // docdate1修改时间:2015-4-27 14:48:13
108                     out.print("当前单据所属【" + periodtype + "】期间" + periodid + "未打开,请与相关人员联系。;pb;0#");
109                     break;
110                 case 2: // docdate1
111                     out.print("当前单据所属【" + periodtype + "】期间" + periodid + "已关闭,请与相关人员联系。;pb;0#");
112                     break;
113                 default:
114                     returnIs = true;
115                     break;
116                 }
118             }
119         } catch (Exception e) {
120             if (e.getCause() != null) {
121                 out.print(e.getCause().getMessage() + ";pb;0#");
122             } else {
123                 out.print(e.getMessage() + ";pb;0#");
124             }
125         }
126         out.flush();
127         out.close();
128     }
130     /**
131      * 删除单据
132      * 
133      * @param request
134      * @param response
135      * @return boolean
136      * @throws IOException
137      */
138     @RequestMapping("/panDelete.do")
139     public void deleteDoc(String formid, String doccode, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
140             throws IOException, DataAccessException {
141         response.setContentType("text/html;charset=utf-8");
142         Map<String, String> env=this.initEnv(request,Integer.parseInt(formid),doccode,false);
143         String dbid= (String) request.getSession().getAttribute(SessionKey.DATA_BASE_ID);
144         HttpSession session = request.getSession();
145         String userName = session.getAttribute("@username").toString();
146         String userCode = session.getAttribute("@usercode").toString();
147         PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
148         String msg =PostDeleteDocSql(formid,doccode,
149                 request.getParameter("docstatus"),dbid,
150                 request.getParameter("formtype"),
151                 userName,userCode,
152                 request.getParameter("no"),env
153                 );
154         out.println(msg);
155         out.flush();
156         out.close();
157     }
159     /**
160      *解除和环境绑定,方便其他地方调用
161      * by danaus 2020/10/30 9:41
162      * @param formid
163      * @param doccode
164      * @param docstatus
165      * @param dbid
166      * @param formtype
167      * @param userName
168      * @param userCode
169      * @param no
170      * @param env
171      * @return
172      */
173     public String PostDeleteDocSql(String formid, String doccode,String docstatus,String dbid,String formtype,
174                                 String userName,String userCode,String no,Map<String, String> env) {
175         Map<String, Object> map =null;
2e60c6 176         CallBackMessage callBackMessage=new CallBackMessage();
a6a76f 177         try {
F 178             SpObserver.setDBtoInstance("_"+dbid);
179             map = sDao.getFormIdInTable(Integer.parseInt(formid));
2e60c6 180         }catch (Exception e){
F 181             return callBackMessage.sendErrorMessage(e.getCause() != null ? e.getCause().getMessage():e.getMessage());
182         }
183         finally {
a6a76f 184             SpObserver.setDBtoInstance();
2e60c6 185         }
F 186         if(StringUtils.isBlank(doccode)){
187             return callBackMessage.sendErrorMessage("不能删除单号为空的单据!");
a6a76f 188         }
F 189         env.put("doccode",doccode);
190         List<String> listSql=new ArrayList<String>();
191         String HDTable = DBHelper.getValue(map, "hdtable");// 主表
192         String DTTable = DBHelper.getValue(map, "dttable");// 明细表
5a1e81 193         String deletesql = " set nocount on ; \n"
J 194                 + " exec pSaveRecForDeleted @UserCode='" + userCode
a6a76f 195                 + "',@UserName='" + userName + "'," + "@OrgDocCode = '" + doccode + "',    @OrgFormID = " + formid
F 196                 + ",@OrgFormName='" + map.get("formname").toString() + "'," + "@SqlWhere = 'doccode=''" + doccode
197                 + "'''\r\n";
198         listSql.add(deletesql);
199         String strTi=formtype;
200         int formType_int = (strTi != null) ? Integer.parseInt(strTi) : 0;//
201         strTi = no;
202         int no496 = (strTi != null) ? Integer.parseInt(strTi) : -1;// 针对499相同类型
2e60c6 203
a6a76f 204         try {
F 205             SpObserver.setDBtoInstance("_"+dbid);
206             List<Map<String, Object>> selshandan = sDbHelperIfc.getselectshandan("select  1 from " + HDTable
207                     + " where doccode='" + doccode + "' " + (docstatus.equals("") ? "" : "and docstatus=" + docstatus));
209             if (selshandan.size() > 0) {
210                 List<Map<String, Object>> execS = sDbHelperIfc.getHashMapObj("select * from _sys_FormProc where formid="
211                         + formid + " and isnull(inactive,0)=0  and action='delete' and objectType='header'");
212                 List<Map<String, Object>> detailList = sDao.getDetailTable(Integer.parseInt(formid), formType_int, no496);
213                 String exeString = "";
214                 for (Map<String, Object> mapExec : execS) {
215                     exeString = DBHelper.getValue(mapExec, "procname").toLowerCase();// execproc
216                     // 替换单号,及功能号, 先替换session中的变量
217                     exeString = DBHelper.getRep(env, exeString);
218                     // 添加sql
219                     //sql += "\r\nexec " + exeString.replaceAll(";", ",");// 执行存储过程
5a1e81 220                     listSql.add("\r\n exec " + exeString.replaceAll(";", ","));
a6a76f 221                 }
F 222                 int i = 0;
223                 String sql = " declare @refcode varchar(20), @rowcount int ";
224                 do {
225                     // ---by danuas 增加在三表的情况下,删除第三表功能 2013-7-1
226                     BaseService base = (BaseService) FactoryBean.getBean("BaseService");
227                     try {
228                         SpObserver.setDBtoInstance("_"+dbid);
5a1e81 229                         formType_int = base.getJdbcTemplate().queryForObject("select formtype from _sysmenu where formid=?", Integer.class,
J 230                                 new Object[]{formid});
3a6b5b 231                     }catch (IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException e) {
F 232                         return callBackMessage.sendErrorMessage("在9810发现有多个"+formid+"定义,不能执行删除");
a6a76f 233                     }finally {
F 234                         SpObserver.setDBtoInstance();
235                     }
236                     if (formType_int == 8 || formType_int == 15) {
237                         try {
238                             SpObserver.setDBtoInstance("_"+dbid);
239                             Map<String, Object> m = base.getJdbcTemplate().queryForMap(
240                                     "select DetailFormID,MasterKeys,DetailKeys from _sysmasterdetail where FormID=? and FormID<>DetailFormID",
241                                     formid);
242                             Map<String, Object> ms = sDao.getFormIdInTable((Integer) m.get("DetailFormID"));
243                             String tab = DBHelper.getValue(ms, "hdtable");
244                             sql += "\r\n delete from " + tab + " where doccode ='" + doccode + "' and "
245                                     + DBHelper.getValue(m, "DetailKeys") + " in(select "
246                                     + DBHelper.getValue(m, "MasterKeys") + " from " + DTTable + " where doccode ='"
247                                     + doccode + "')";// 删除表单
248                         } finally {
249                             SpObserver.setDBtoInstance();
250                         }
251                     }
252                     // -----end---------
253                     if (DTTable != null && !DTTable.equals("")) {// 先删从表
254                         sql += "\r\n delete from " + DTTable + " where doccode ='" + doccode + "'";// 删除表单
255                     } else {
256                         if (DTTable.equals("") && (formType_int == 496 || formType_int == 497)) {// 针对496删单问题(从表)
257                             List<Map<String, Object>> sheMap =null;
258                             Map<String, Object> rowdelmap =null;
259                             try {
260                                 SpObserver.setDBtoInstance("_"+dbid);
261                                 sheMap = sDbHelperIfc.getTabPageDetail(formid);// 获取从表的集合。
262                                 sheMap.remove(0).get(formid);
263                                 rowdelmap = sDbHelperIfc.gethdtable(formid);
264                                 for (int j = 0; j < sheMap.size(); j++) {// 组装从表删除sql语句。
265                                     Map<String, Object> tmMap = sDbHelperIfc
266                                             .gethdtable(sheMap.get(j).get("formid").toString());// 获取功能号对应的表名
267                                     boolean bol = sDbHelperIfc.getdocstaut(tmMap.get("hdtable").toString());// 是否是视图表
268                                     if (!bol) {
269                                         if (rowdelmap.get("rowDelFormids") != null) {
270                                             if (rowdelmap.get("rowDelFormids").toString()
271                                                     .indexOf(sheMap.get(j).get("formid").toString()) == -1)
272                                                 sql += "\r\n delete from " + tmMap.get("hdtable").toString()
273                                                         + " where doccode ='" + doccode + "'";// 删除表单
274                                         } else {
275                                             sql += "\r\n delete from " + tmMap.get("hdtable").toString()
276                                                     + " where doccode ='" + doccode + "'";// 删除表单
277                                         }
278                                     }
279                                 }
280                             }finally {
281                                 SpObserver.setDBtoInstance();
282                             }
283                         }
284                     }
285                     if (detailList != null && i < detailList.size()) {
286                         DTTable = DBHelper.getValue(detailList.get(i), "hdtable");
287                         i++;
288                     } else {
289                         DTTable = null;
290                     }
291                 } while (DTTable != null);
292                 if (HDTable != null && !HDTable.equals("")) {// 主表删除
293                     sql += insDelHis("删除单据", formid, doccode, HDTable, userName)
294                             + " \r\n select @refcode = refcode from " + HDTable + " with (nolock)  where doccode ='"
295                             + doccode + "' and blclosed = -1  " + "\r\n if isnull(@refcode,'') <> ''\r\nbegin\r\n"
296                             + " update " + HDTable
297                             + " set cleardoccode = null ,blclosed = 0  where doccode =@refcode and blclosed = 1 "
298                             + "\r\n end\r\n delete from " + HDTable + " where doccode ='" + doccode + "' "
299                             + (docstatus.equals("") ? "" : ("and docstatus = " + docstatus))
5a1e81 300                             + "\r\n select @rowcount =@@rowcount\r\n if @rowcount = 0 begin raiserror('删除单据 " + doccode
a6a76f 301                             + " 出错,或者不存在此单据',  16,1)  return  end ";
F 302                 }
303                 // 删除三个对应的表数据(待办事宜, 弹窗提醒,日历管制) 2015-4-14
5a1e81 304                 sql += "\r\n begin\r\n delete  from _sys_fullcalendar where title like '%" + doccode
a6a76f 305                         + "%' or description like '%" + doccode + "%' or fullname like '%" + doccode + "%'";// 日历管制表
F 306                 sql += " \r\n delete from t219001 where doccode='" + doccode + "'";// 待办事宜表
307                 sql += " \r\n delete from spickorderlog where doccode='" + doccode + "'";// 删除流程跟踪
308                 sql += " \r\n delete from t112002 where refformid =" + formid +" and refdoccode='"+doccode+"'";// 二维码 by danaus 2020/7/22 16:43
309                 sql += " \r\n delete from _sysMessage where messagetxt like '%" + doccode + "%'\r\n end\r\n";// 弹窗提醒表
310                 listSql.add(sql);
311                 try {
312                     //执行删除单据
313                     //sql = deletesql + sql;
314                     SpObserver.setDBtoInstance("_"+dbid);
5bdd9a 315                      T120201Entity entity =null;
F 316                     if("120201".equals(formid)) {
317                         //只针对120201
318                         entity = mutualServiceIfc.getT120201ByDistributor(doccode);
319                     }
a6a76f 320                     sDbHelperIfc.doSql(listSql);
5bdd9a 321                     if(entity!=null) {
F 322                         //----增加内部对接推送处理,删除销售订单同时需要把推送到总部的销售订单也要删除  by danaus 2021/6/16 10:47
323                         threadPoolExecutor.execute(new DeleteThread(Integer.parseInt(formid), formType_int, entity, dbid));
324                     }
a6a76f 325                     return callBackMessage.sendSuccessMessage("成功");
F 326                 } catch (DataAccessException e2) {
5a1e81 327                     e2.printStackTrace();
J 328                     return callBackMessage.sendErrorMessage(e2.getCause()!=null?e2.getCause().getMessage():e2.getMessage());
a6a76f 329                 }catch (Exception e1) {
5a1e81 330                     e1.printStackTrace();
J 331                     return callBackMessage.sendErrorMessage(e1.getCause()!=null?e1.getCause().getMessage():e1.getMessage());
a6a76f 332                 }finally {
F 333                     SpObserver.setDBtoInstance();
334                 }
335             } else {
336                 return callBackMessage.sendErrorMessage("无法删除该单据,请检查该单据的状态是否已被改变或已删除。");
337             }
338         } catch (Exception e) {
5a1e81 339             e.printStackTrace();
3a6b5b 340             return callBackMessage.sendErrorMessage(e.getCause()!=null?e.getCause().getMessage():e.getMessage());
a6a76f 341         }
F 342
343     }
344     /**
345      * 获取单据信息 info按钮
346      * @param request
347      * @param response
348      * @throws IOException
349      */
350     @RequestMapping("/showInfo.do")
351     public void  showInfo(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
352             throws IOException {
353         response.setContentType("text/html;charset=utf-8");
354          PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
355          String formid=request.getParameter("formid");
356          String doccode=request.getParameter("doccode");
7f7112 357          String mess="";//"<table>";
a6a76f 358              try {
F 359                  if (formid == null || "".equals(formid)|| "0".equals(formid)) {
360                      return ;
361                 }
362                  if (doccode == null || "".equals(doccode)) {
363                      return ;
364                 }
365                  Map<String, Object> map = sDao.getFormIdInTable(Integer.parseInt(formid));
366                   String HDTable = DBHelper.getValue(map, "hdtable");// 主表
367                   String sql="select entername,enterdate,modifyname,modifydate,postname,postdate,readerusercodes "
368                           + "from "+HDTable+" where doccode='"+doccode+"'";
369                  List<Map<String, Object>> linfo = sDbHelperIfc.getHashMapObj(sql);
370                  if(linfo.size()>0){
371                  Map<String, Object> info =linfo.get(0);
7f7112 372                     mess +="<ul><li >制单人:</li><li>"+DBHelper.getValue(info, "entername")+"</li></ul>";
X 373                     mess +="<ul><li >制单时间:</li><li>"+valDate(DBHelper.getValue(info, "enterdate"))+"</li></ul>";
374                     mess +="<ul><li >最后修改人:</li><li>"+DBHelper.getValue(info, "modifyname")+"</li></ul>";
375                     mess +="<ul><li >最后修改时间:</li><li>"+valDate(DBHelper.getValue(info, "modifydate"))+"</li></ul>";
376                     mess +="<ul><li >确认人:</li><li>"+DBHelper.getValue(info, "postname")+"</li></ul>";
377                     mess +="<ul><li >确认时间:</li><li>"+valDate(DBHelper.getValue(info, "postdate"))+"</li></ul>";
378                     mess +="<ul><li >私有权限:</li><li>"+(DBHelper.getValue(info, "readerusercodes")==""?"无":"有")+"</li></ul>";
379                     mess +="<ul><li ><a>复制链接</a></li></ul>";
380 //                 mess +="<tr><td align=\"right\"><font size=\"2\">制单人:</font></td><td><font size=\"2\">"+DBHelper.getValue(info, "entername")+"</font></td></tr>";
381 //                mess +="<tr><td align=\"right\"><font size=\"2\">制单时间:</font></td><td><font size=\"2\">"+valDate(DBHelper.getValue(info, "enterdate"))+"</font></td></tr>";
382 //                mess +="<tr><td align=\"right\"><font size=\"2\">最后修改人:</font></td><td><font size=\"2\">"+DBHelper.getValue(info, "modifyname")+"</font></td></tr>";
383 //                mess +="<tr><td align=\"right\"><font size=\"2\">最后修改时间:</font></td><td><font size=\"2\">"+valDate(DBHelper.getValue(info, "modifydate"))+"</font></td></tr>";
384 //                mess +="<tr><td align=\"right\"><font size=\"2\">确认人:</font></td><td><font size=\"2\">"+DBHelper.getValue(info, "postname")+"</font></td></tr>";
385 //                mess +="<tr><td align=\"right\"><font size=\"2\">确认时间:</font></td><td><font size=\"2\">"+valDate(DBHelper.getValue(info, "postdate"))+"</font></td></tr>";
386 //                mess +="<tr><td align=\"right\"><font size=\"2\">私有权限:</font></td><td><font size=\"2\">"+(DBHelper.getValue(info, "readerusercodes")==""?"无":"有")+"</font></td></tr>";
387 //                mess +="<tr><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><font size=\"2\"><a href=\"javascript:copyLink();\">复制链接</a></font></td></tr>";
388 //                mess +="</table>";
a6a76f 389                  }else{
F 390                      mess="未能找到该单据信息!";
391                  }
392                 out.println(mess);
393             } catch (Exception e) {
394                 out.println("此单据加载信息错误!SQL查询出现了错误:【"+e.getCause() != null ? e.getCause().getMessage():e.getMessage()+"】");//+e
395             }        
396     }
398     /**
399      * 作废单据
400      * 
401      * @param request
402      * @param response
403      * @param doccode 单据号
404      * @return Boolean
405      * @throws IOException
406      */
407     @RequestMapping("/panDiscard.do")
408     public void discard(String formid, String doccode, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
409         response.setContentType("text/html;charset=utf-8");
410         Map<String, Object> map = sDao.getFormIdInTable(Integer.parseInt(formid));
411         String HDTable = DBHelper.getValue(map, "hdtable");
412         HttpSession session = request.getSession();
413         String docstatus = request.getParameter("docstatus");
414         String userName = session.getAttribute("@username").toString();
415         PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
416         int returnNum = 0;
417         String sql = "";
418         try {
419             sql = insDelHis("作废单据", formid, doccode, HDTable, userName) + " update " + HDTable + " set blScrap = 1  where doccode ='" + doccode + "' "+(docstatus.equals("")?"":("and docstatus = " + docstatus ))+ " and isnull(blscrap,0) = 0   if @@rowcount <> 1 raiserror('无法作废该单据" + doccode + ",或者无这单据' ,16,1) ";
420             returnNum = sDbHelperIfc.execSql(sql); // DBHelper.getResult(DBHelper.sql)
421             // > 0 ? 1 : 0;
422             out.print(returnNum);
423         } catch (Exception e) {
424             out.print(e.getCause().getMessage());
425         }
426         out.flush();
427         out.close();
428     }
430     /**
431      * 添加(删除,作废...)操作 历史信息
432      * 
433      * @param chuli 事件描述
434      * @param formid 功能号
435      * @param doccode 单号
436      * @param HDTable 主表
437      * @param userName 用户名
438      * @return 处理日志的sql语句
439      * @throws Exception 抛出信息
440      */
441     public String insDelHis(String chuli, String formid, String doccode, String HDTable, String userName) throws Exception {
442     String sql = " insert into gdocmodifylog" + "(DocFormID,EventFormID,DocCode,DocDate, PreDocStatus,PostDocStatus,UserName,Event,EventTime ) " + "  select formid ,'" + formid + "',doccode,docdate,docstatus, docstatus , '" + userName + "','" + chuli + "',getdate()" + "  from " + HDTable
443         + " with (nolock) " + " where doccode ='" + doccode + "';";
444     return sql;
445     }
447     /**
448      * 时间格式处理
449      * @param value
450      * @return
451      */
452     public String valDate(String value){
453         try {
454             if (value.indexOf(".")!=-1) {
455                 return value.substring(0, value.indexOf(".")-3);
456             }            
457         } catch (Exception e) {
458             return "";
459         }
460             return value;
461     }
463 }