2023-06-26 2e5389660d216dabf6ebee15e7a3fa6eab73d01d
提交 | 用户 | age
a6a76f 1 package com.yc.action.login;
F 2
10a409 3 import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSON;
a6a76f 4 import com.google.gson.Gson;
F 5 import com.yc.action.BaseAction;
6 import com.yc.action.grid.GridUtils;
a9a8e7 7 import com.yc.api.bean.Gfrom;
a6a76f 8 import com.yc.api.bean.QrScanType;
a9a8e7 9 import com.yc.api.bean.attendance.AppSalesSetting;
F 10 import com.yc.api.controller.QrCodeController;
a6a76f 11 import com.yc.api.service.QrServiceIfc;
F 12 import com.yc.api.utils.VersionUtils;
2f46cc 13 import com.yc.app.v2.entity.SysUserConfigEntity;
a6a76f 14 import com.yc.entity.*;
F 15 import com.yc.entity.attachment.AttachmentEntity;
a9a8e7 16 import com.yc.exception.ApplicationException;
a6a76f 17 import com.yc.exception.CallBackMessage;
F 18 import com.yc.factory.FactoryBean;
19 import com.yc.factory.InitSystem;
2e5389 20 import com.yc.im.util.RedisSocket;
10a409 21 import com.yc.jpush.JpushAction;
a6a76f 22 import com.yc.listener.SessionListener;
F 23 import com.yc.multiData.MultiDataSource;
24 import com.yc.multiData.SpObserver;
10a409 25 import com.yc.open.utils.HttpClientUtil;
3c1697 26 import com.yc.sdk.WebSocketMessage.action.WebSocketMessageServer;
F 27 import com.yc.sdk.WebSocketMessage.entity.MessageInfo;
28 import com.yc.sdk.WebSocketMessage.entity.MessageType;
2e5389 29 import com.yc.sdk.WebSocketMessage.entity.WsMessageUserEntity;
ba6749 30 import com.yc.sdk.gaodemap.action.GdMapServiceInit;
F 31 import com.yc.sdk.gaodemap.api.GdMapService;
7433a6 32 import com.yc.sdk.gaodemap.entity.GdErrorException;
ba6749 33 import com.yc.sdk.gaodemap.entity.RegeoCodeEntity;
a6a76f 34 import com.yc.sdk.password.action.ChangePassword;
3c1697 35 import com.yc.sdk.shopping.action.VerificationCodes;
a6a76f 36 import com.yc.sdk.shopping.action.api.InvitationCode;
3c1697 37 import com.yc.sdk.shopping.service.sms.SendSMSMessagesIfc;
c321e2 38 import com.yc.sdk.shopping.util.SettingKey;
ba6749 39 import com.yc.sdk.weixinmp.util.UserAgentUtil;
a6a76f 40 import com.yc.sdk.weixinopen.entity.OpenComponentAppSetting;
a9a8e7 41 import com.yc.service.BaseService;
a6a76f 42 import com.yc.service.demo.DemoIfc;
F 43 import com.yc.service.role.RoleIfc;
44 import com.yc.service.upload.AttachmentIfc;
29126a 45 import com.yc.service.user.EquipmentEntry;
3c1697 46 import com.yc.service.user.LoginEquipmentIfc;
a6a76f 47 import com.yc.service.user.LoginRecordIfc;
F 48 import com.yc.service.user.UserAccountServiceIfc;
49 import com.yc.utils.*;
ba6749 50 import eu.bitwalker.useragentutils.UserAgent;
a6a76f 51 import me.chanjar.weixin.common.util.http.URIUtil;
555202 52 import okio.Source;
a6a76f 53 import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
10a409 54 import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse;
F 55 import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
56 import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;
57 import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;
a6a76f 58 import org.slf4j.Logger;
F 59 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
60 import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
61 import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException;
62 import org.springframework.data.redis.core.RedisTemplate;
a9a8e7 63 import org.springframework.jdbc.core.BeanPropertyRowMapper;
ba6749 64 import org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor;
a6a76f 65 import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
F 66 import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
68 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
69 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
70 import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
71 import java.io.File;
72 import java.io.IOException;
73 import java.io.PrintWriter;
74 import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
75 import java.util.*;
76 import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
10a409 77 import java.util.stream.Collectors;
a6a76f 78
F 79 //@Scope("request")
80 @Controller
81 public class LoginAction extends BaseAction {
82     @Autowired
83     private UserAccountServiceIfc userAccountService;
84     @Autowired
85     private LoginRecordIfc record;
86     @Autowired
87     private RoleIfc rIfc;
88     @Autowired
89     private DemoIfc demoIfc;
ba6749 90     @Autowired
F 91     ThreadPoolTaskExecutor threadPoolExecutor;
3c1697 92     @Autowired
F 93     LoginEquipmentIfc loginEquipmentIfc;
94     @Autowired
95     SendSMSMessagesIfc sms ;
96     @Autowired
97     RedisTemplate redisTemplate;
a6a76f 98     final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
F 99     private static String attachment_server = AttachmentConfig.get("attachment.server");
3c1697 100
a6a76f 101
F 102     private int prossSN(String cltsn) {
103         List<Map<String, Object>> list = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();
104         try {
105             SpObserver.setDBtoDemo();
106             list = demoIfc.getInfoByCltSn(cltsn);
107         } finally {
108             SpObserver.setDBtoInstance();
109         }
110         int r = 0;
111         if (list != null && list.size() > 0) {
112             r = 1;
113         }
114         return r;
115     }
ba6749 117     @RequestMapping("/login.do")
a6a76f 118     public String login(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
F 119         String userCode = request.getParameter("account");
120         if (userCode == null || "".equals(userCode)) {
121             userCode = (request.getAttribute("account") == null ? "" : (String) request.getAttribute("account"));
122         }
123         String password = request.getParameter("pwd");
124         if (password == null || "".equals(password)) {
125             password = (request.getAttribute("pwd") == null ? "" : (String) request.getAttribute("pwd"));
126         }
127         if (password != null && !"".equals(password)) {
128             password = EncodeUtil.replaceUrlChar(password);
129         }
131         String code = request.getParameter("code");
132         if (code == null || "".equals(code)) {
133             code = (request.getAttribute("code") == null ? "" : (String) request.getAttribute("code"));
134         }
135         boolean ch_userid = (request.getAttribute("isch_userid") == null ? false
136                 : (Boolean) request.getAttribute("isch_userid"));
137         if (ch_userid)
138             password = "***";// 避开与密码相关
139         String dbId = "";
140         String dataBaseDis = "";
141         String isone = "";
142         Boolean isApp = false;
143         CallBackMessage callBackMessage = new CallBackMessage();
144         if (request.getParameter("isApp") != null || request.getAttribute("isApp") != null) {
145             isApp = true;// 手机app传过来 ;
146         }
147         String redirect = request.getParameter("redirect"); // 登录后重定向页面,Added by Johns Wang, 2016-02-17
148         // 处理通行证的情况
149         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
150         String cltsn = request.getParameter("cltsn");
151         if (cltsn == null)
152             cltsn = (String) request.getAttribute("cltsn"); // Added by Johns Wang, 2015-12-06。。……。。……..……
153         if (cltsn != null && !"".equalsIgnoreCase(cltsn)) {
154             int k = this.prossSN(cltsn);
155             if (k == 0) {
156                 callBackMessage.setError("通行证已失效,请联络服务提供商!");
157                 this.printJson(response, callBackMessage.toString());
158                 return null;// 验证出错返回'
159             }
160         } else {
162             dbId = request.getParameter("dataName");// 数据源id
163             dataBaseDis = request.getParameter(SessionKey.DATABASE_DIS);
164             isone = request.getParameter("isone");// 只有一个数据源的情况
165             if (dbId == null)
166                 dbId = (String) request.getAttribute("dataName"); // Added by Johns Wang, 2015-12-06
167             if (dataBaseDis == null)
168                 dataBaseDis = (String) request.getAttribute(SessionKey.DATABASE_DIS); // Added by Johns Wang, 2015-12-06
170             // 从数据源取 系统名称 dataBaseDis ,added by Johns Wang, 2017-07-02
171             if (dataBaseDis == null) {
172                 DataSourceEntity dataSourceEntity = MultiDataSource.getDataSourceMap(dbId);
173                 if (dataSourceEntity != null) {
174                     dataBaseDis = dataSourceEntity.getSystemID();
175                 }
176             }
178             if (isone == null)
179                 isone = (String) request.getAttribute("isone"); // Added by Johns Wang, 2015-12-06
180         }
181         if (userCode != null && userCode.length() > 30) {//解密为明文
182             try {
183                 userCode = ChangePassword.getDecryptPassword(EncodeUtil.replaceUrlChar(userCode));
184             } catch (Exception e) {
185                 e.printStackTrace();
186                 print2(response, this.getErrorMsg(e), redirect, isApp);
187                 return null;// 验证出错返回'
189             }
190         }
191         HttpSession session = request.getSession();
192         String domain = request.getParameter("domain") != null ? request.getParameter("domain")
193                 : (String) request.getAttribute("domain");
194         UserAccountEntity userAccount = null;
195         // -------处理原生APP登录,通过手机号,注册时的密码 by danaus 2018-8-24
196         // 1---有dbid的情况表明是通过选择一个数据源进行登录操作
3c1697 197         if (VersionUtils.getAPPTypeName(request) != null) {// ios,android调用
a6a76f 198             try {
F 199                 InvitationCode invitationCode = (InvitationCode) FactoryBean.getBean("invitationCode");
200                 // userCode代表手机号 (在方法 invitationCode.getDbList() 切换数据源 )
a53114 201
a6a76f 202                 invitationCode.checkPasswordByTelephone(userCode, password, dbId);
F 203                 // 通过数据源id和手机号取得用户usercode进行登录,这时候不需要密码验证
204                 SpObserver.setDBtoInstance("_" + dbId);
205                 userAccount = userAccountService.getUserInfoByTelephone(userCode);//userCode 手机号
206                 if (userAccount != null) {
fbcd37 207                     if(userAccount.isInActive()){
F 208                         print2(response, "【" + userCode + "】手机号码已被停用,禁止登录本系统", redirect, isApp);
209                         return null;// 验证出错返回
210                     }
3c1697 211                     userAccount.setApp_userCode(userCode);//手机号
a6a76f 212                     userAccount.setApp_Password(password);
F 213                     userCode = userAccount.getUserCode();//转成ERP的usercode进行登陆
214                     password = userAccount.getPassword();//转成ERP的密码进行登陆
215                     ch_userid = true;
10a409 216                     //---处理极光别名绑定过多(>10个)的情况,需要查询绑定数量,超过8个则需要删除最后一个,以保证客户端别名设置没问题
fe2b91 217                     this.processJiguangAliases(userCode,dbId);
a6a76f 218                 } else {
fbcd37 219                     print2(response, "【" + userCode + "】手机号码未开通ERP系统服务,登录失败", redirect, isApp);
a6a76f 220                     return null;// 验证出错返回'
F 221                 }
222             } catch (DataAccessException e) {
223                 e.printStackTrace();
224                 print2(response, e.getCause() != null ? e.getCause().getMessage() : e.getMessage(), redirect, isApp);
225                 return null;
226             } catch (Exception e) {
227                 e.printStackTrace();
228                 print2(response, e.getCause() != null ? e.getCause().getMessage() : e.getMessage(), redirect, isApp);
229                 return null;
230             } finally {
231                 SpObserver.setDBtoInstance();
232             }
233         }
234         //这里是短信登录 xin 2020-8-20 11:25:59
3c1697 235        String phone = request.getParameter("telephone");
ba6749 236         phone = (phone == null ? "" : phone);
F 237         String phoneCode = request.getParameter("phoneCode");
238         phoneCode = (phoneCode == null ? "" : phoneCode);
239         if (StringUtils.isBlank(userCode) && !StringUtils.isBlank(phone) && !StringUtils.isBlank(phoneCode)) {
240             try {
241                 if (!redisTemplate.hasKey("CODE:" + phone + ":" + dbId)) {
242                     print2(response, "验证码已失效,请重新获取验证码。", redirect, isApp);
243                     return null;
244                 }
245                 if (!phoneCode.equals(redisTemplate.opsForValue().get("CODE:" + phone + ":" + dbId) + "")) {
246                     print2(response, "验证码错误,请输入正确的验证码", redirect, isApp);
247                     return null;
248                 }
249                 redisTemplate.delete("CODE:" + phone + ":" + dbId);//删除
250                 SpObserver.setDBtoInstance("_" + dbId);
a6a76f 251                 userAccount = userAccountService.getUserInfoByTelephone(phone);//phone 手机号
F 252                 if (userAccount != null) {
fbcd37 253                     if(userAccount.isInActive()){
F 254                         print2(response, "【" + phone + "】手机号码已被停用,禁止登录本系统", redirect, isApp);
255                         return null;// 验证出错返回'
256                     }
a6a76f 257                     userCode = userAccount.getUserCode();//转成ERP的usercode进行登陆
F 258                     password = userAccount.getPassword();//转成ERP的密码进行登陆
ba6749 259                 } else {
fbcd37 260                     print2(response, "【" + phone + "】手机号码未开通ERP系统服务,登录失败", redirect, isApp);
ba6749 261                     return null;// 验证出错返回'
a6a76f 262                 }
ba6749 263             } catch (Exception e) {
fbcd37 264                 print2(response, this.getErrorMsg(e), redirect, isApp);
ba6749 265                 return null;// 验证出错返回'
F 266             } finally {
267                 SpObserver.setDBtoInstance();
268             }
a6a76f 269         }
F 270         //----------------
271         // --------
272         if (StringUtils.isBlank(dbId) && StringUtils.isBlank(isone)) {
273             sb.append("请选择一个系统!\\n");
274         } else {
275             if (!StringUtils.isBlank(isone))
276                 dbId = isone;
277             session.setAttribute(SessionKey.DATA_BASE_ID, dbId);
278             session.setAttribute(SessionKey.DATABASE_DIS, dataBaseDis);
c321e2 279             // 如果domain为空,则取默认的域名 by danaus 2021/4/12 11:18
ba6749 280             if (org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isBlank(domain)) {
F 281                 domain = SettingKey.getHostUrl(request);
c321e2 282             }
a6a76f 283             session.setAttribute(SessionKey.DOMAIN, domain);
F 284         }
285         if (StringUtils.isBlank(userCode)) {
286             sb.append("账号不能为空\\n");
287         }
288         if (StringUtils.isBlank(password)) {
289             sb.append("密码不能为空\\n");
290         }
292         // 判断进行验证码校验*********************
293         boolean isValidateLogin = "true".equals(SystemConfig.getInstanse().get("isEnableValidateCode"));
294         ;
295         if (isValidateLogin) {// 是否进行验证码验证
296             if (StringUtils.isBlank(code)) {
297                 sb.append("验证码不能为空\\n");
298             } else {
299                 String rand = (String) session.getAttribute("rand");// 对照验证码
300                 if (!code.equalsIgnoreCase(rand)) {
301                     sb.append("验证码不相符\\n");
302                 }
303             }
304         }
305         // 判断进行验证码校验*********************
307         if (sb.length() > 0) {
308             print2(response, sb.toString(), redirect, isApp);
309             return null;// 验证出错返回'
310         }
311         try {
312             // --------------------
314             // 判断是否超出人数限制
315             if (SessionListener.checkUserLimit(request, dbId)) {
316                 String s = "当前登录人数已超过系统最大登录人数,如有需要增加登录人数,请联系软件公司";
317                 print2(response, s, redirect, isApp);
318                 session.invalidate();
319                 return null;// 验证出错返回'
320             }
321             // *** start ******* 读取加密锁的授权店铺数
323 //             int scount=0;
324 //             if(session.getAttribute(SessionKey.HAsP_sHOPCOUNT)!=null)
325 //             scount=(Integer)session.getAttribute(SessionKey.HAsP_sHOPCOUNT);
326 //             if(scount>0){
327 //             // by danaus 13-5-4
328 //             int shop=record.getShopCount();
329 //             if(shop>scount){
330 //             this.print(response, "<script>alert('检测到系统店铺数量超出所授权的店铺数量!');window.history.back();</script>");
331 //             return null;//验证出错返回'
332 //             }
333 //             }
335             // *** end ***********
336             int recordeCount = 0;
337             try {
338                 SpObserver.setDBtoInstance("_" + dbId);
339                 recordeCount = record.getRecordCountIn10min(userCode); // 10分钟内不能登录
340             } finally {
341                 SpObserver.setDBtoInstance();
342             }
343             String ip = IPUtil.getIpAddr(request);
344             if (recordeCount >= 5) {
345                 try {
346                     SpObserver.setDBtoInstance("_" + dbId);
347                     record.loginRecord(userCode, password, ip);// 登录次数过多再行登陆作为登录失败处理
348                 } finally {
349                     SpObserver.setDBtoInstance();
350                 }
351                 print2(response, userCode + "在短时间内登录错误次数过多!请耐心的等10分钟后再登录!", redirect, isApp);
352                 return null;// 验证出错返回
353             }
354             // 检查限制用户登录时间和登录IP
355             int s = 0;
356             try {
357                 SpObserver.setDBtoInstance("_" + dbId);
358                 s = userAccountService.checkUserLoginTimeAndIp(userCode, ip);
359             } finally {
360                 SpObserver.setDBtoInstance();
361             }
362             if (s == 0) {
363                 print2(response, "该用户只能在工作时间或固定场所使用本系统[" + ip + "]", redirect, isApp);
364                 return null;
365             }
366             //
367             // 设置session
368             try {
369                 if (userAccount == null) {
370                     SpObserver.setDBtoInstance("_" + dbId);
371                     userAccount = userAccountService.getUserInfoByUserCode(userCode);
373                     if (userAccount == null) {
374                         userAccount = userAccountService.getUserInfoByTelephone(userCode);   //允许电话登录
375                     }
377                     if (userAccount == null) {
378                         userAccount = userAccountService.getUserInfoByEmail(userCode);   //允许邮箱号登录
379                     }
380                 }
a53114 381             }catch (Exception e){
F 382                 this.print2(response, this.getErrorMsg(e), request.getParameter("redirect"), isApp);
383                 return null;
384             }finally {
a6a76f 385                 SpObserver.setDBtoInstance();
F 386             }
387             if (userAccount == null) {
388                 try {
389                     SpObserver.setDBtoInstance("_" + dbId);
390                     record.loginRecord(userCode, password, IPUtil.getIpAddr(request));// 记录登录登录失败的信息
a53114 391                 }catch (Exception e){
F 392                     this.print2(response, this.getErrorMsg(e), request.getParameter("redirect"), isApp);
393                     return null;
a6a76f 394                 } finally {
F 395                     SpObserver.setDBtoInstance();
396                 }
397                 if (ch_userid) {
fbcd37 398                     return "{\"ch_error\":\"ch_user_error\",\"info\":\"未开通ERP系统服务,登录失败!\"}";
a6a76f 399                 } else {
fbcd37 400                     this.print2(response, "未开通ERP系统服务,登录失败!", request.getParameter("redirect"), isApp);
a6a76f 401                     return null;
F 402                 }
403             }
404             try {
405                 if (!ch_userid && !userAccount.checkPassword(password)) {
406                     try {
407                         SpObserver.setDBtoInstance("_" + dbId);
408                         record.loginRecord(userCode, password, IPUtil.getIpAddr(request));// 记录登录登录失败的信息
a53114 409                     }catch (Exception e){
F 410                         this.print2(response, this.getErrorMsg(e), request.getParameter("redirect"), isApp);
411                         return null;
a6a76f 412                     } finally {
F 413                         SpObserver.setDBtoInstance();
414                     }
415                     this.print2(response, "用户密码不正确!", request.getParameter("redirect"), isApp);
416                     return null;
417                 }
418             } catch (Exception ex) {
419                 this.print2(response, ex.getMessage(), request.getParameter("redirect"), isApp);
420                 return null;
421             }
0a03f9 422             // 判断用户登录时是否禁用
F 423             if (userAccount.isInActive()) {
424                 this.print2(response, "用户账号已禁止登录!如有问题,请联系管理员", request.getParameter("redirect"), isApp);
a6a76f 425                 return null;
F 426             }
ba6749 427             if (isApp) {
F 428                 session.setAttribute(SessionKey.USER_LOGIN_TYPE, SessionKey.USER_LOGIN_TYPE_APP);//app 类型
3c1697 429                 //判断当前登录设备是否与最新一次登录设备是一样,不一样需要返回给前端,输出短信进行验证登录
F 430
ba6749 431             } else if (redirect != null && !"".equals(redirect)) { // 增加登录后重定向页面功能,added by Johns Wang, 2016-02-17
F 432                 session.setAttribute(SessionKey.USER_LOGIN_TYPE, SessionKey.USER_LOGIN_TYPE_MINIAPP);//miniapp 类型
433             } else {
434                 session.setAttribute(SessionKey.USER_LOGIN_TYPE, SessionKey.USER_LOGIN_TYPE_WEB);//web 类型
435             }
3c1697 436             final DataSourceEntity dataSourceMap = MultiDataSource.getDataSourceMap(dbId);
F 437             //---------------------------------
439             if(dataSourceMap.isLoginOnceForOneUserCode()) {
440             //开启了账号只能在相同类型设备上登录一个,禁止多方登录
441             if (isApp) {
442                 //---验证当前设备是否为上一次登录设备
cdc83b 443                 //---1,检查是否有发送SMS验证的标记,有则不需要查,表明之前已查过,跳过下面checkSameEquipmentByLastLogin方法
F 444                 final Object object = request.getAttribute("loginByCode");
3c1697 445                 if(object==null){
29126a 446                     EquipmentEntry equipmentEntry=null;
3c1697 447                     try {
F 448                         SpObserver.setDBtoDemo();
29126a 449                          equipmentEntry = loginEquipmentIfc.checkSameEquipmentByLastLogin(userAccount.getApp_userCode(), request.getHeader("x-app-uniqueIdentifier"));
F 450                     }catch (Exception e){
cdc83b 451                         printJson(response, callBackMessage.sendErrorMessage(this.getErrorMsg(e)));
F 452                         return null;
29126a 453                     }finally {
3c1697 454                         SpObserver.setDBtoInstance();
F 455                     }
29126a 456                     if(equipmentEntry!=null&& org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isNotBlank(equipmentEntry.getEquipmentName())) {
cdc83b 457                         //log.info(JSON.toJSONString("equipmentEntry:"+equipmentEntry));
F 458                         //2----不相同,则需要SMS进行验证登录
3c1697 459                         session.invalidate();//删除当前会话
29126a 460                         String error=String.format("已在另一台设备%s登录,登录时间%s,如果需要在本机登录,则需要验证您的身份。",equipmentEntry.getEquipmentName(),equipmentEntry.getLastLogonDate());
F 461                         printJson(response, callBackMessage.sendErrorMessage(error,-1005));
3c1697 462                         return null;
F 463                     }
555202 464                 }else{
F 465                     this.singleAccount(isApp ? "2" : "1", dbId, userAccount, request);
3c1697 466                 }
555202 467             }else {
F 468                 //限制多设备登录
3c1697 469                 this.singleAccount(isApp ? "2" : "1", dbId, userAccount, request);
555202 470             }
3c1697 471             }
ba6749 472             processLoginUserToSessionV2(ip, dbId, request, userAccount);
3c1697 473             //-------------------------------
2f46cc 474             //--APP用户配置组装成对象输出
F 475             SysUserConfigEntity sysUserConfigEntity=new SysUserConfigEntity();
476             sysUserConfigEntity.setSwitchToPageWhenLogonApp(session.getAttribute(SessionKey.SWITCHTOPAGEWHENLOGONAPP)+"");
477             sysUserConfigEntity.setSelectNextDocumentWhenApproved(session.getAttribute(SessionKey.SELECTNEXTDOCUMENTWHENAPPROVED)==null?0:Integer.parseInt(session.getAttribute(SessionKey.SELECTNEXTDOCUMENTWHENAPPROVED)+""));
478             sysUserConfigEntity.setIsStartupPopupMessages(session.getAttribute(SessionKey.ISSTARTUPPOPUPMESSAGES)==null?0:Integer.parseInt(session.getAttribute(SessionKey.ISSTARTUPPOPUPMESSAGES)+""));
479             session.setAttribute("userConfig",sysUserConfigEntity);
a6a76f 480             if (isApp) {
ba6749 481                 QrServiceIfc qrServiceIfc = (QrServiceIfc) FactoryBean.getBean("qrService");
87daf8 482                 try {
F 483                     SpObserver.setDBtoInstance("_" + dbId);
ba6749 484                     AppSalesSetting appSalesSetting = qrServiceIfc.getAppSalesOrderStyle();
87daf8 485                     //加到会话
ba6749 486                     session.setAttribute(SessionKey.APP_SALESORDER_MATCODE_LIST, appSalesSetting.getAppSalesOrderMatCodeList());
F 487                     session.setAttribute(SessionKey.APP_SALESORDER_STYLE, appSalesSetting.getAppSalesOrderStyle());
488                 } catch (Exception e) {
87daf8 489                     e.printStackTrace();
F 490                     throw new ApplicationException(e.getMessage());
ba6749 491                 } finally {
87daf8 492                     SpObserver.setDBtoInstance();
F 493                 }
a6a76f 494                 Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
F 495                 map.put("success", "ok");
496                 map.put("sessionid", session.getId());
497                 map.put("userName", userAccount.getUserName());
498                 String avatarUnid = "";
499                 if (userAccount.getAvatarUnid() != null && !"".equals(userAccount.getAvatarUnid())) {
500                     try {
501                         SpObserver.setDBtoInstance("_" + dbId);
502                         AttachmentIfc attachmentIfc = (AttachmentIfc) FactoryBean.getBean("AttachmentImpl");
503                         String[] unids = userAccount.getAvatarUnid().split(";");
504                         final AttachmentEntity attachmentEntity = attachmentIfc.getAttachmentEntity(unids[0], unids[1]);
505                         avatarUnid = userAccount.getAvatarUnid() + ";" + attachmentEntity.getFileType();
506                     } catch (Exception ex) {
507                         callBackMessage.sendErrorMessage(ex.getMessage());
508                         this.printJson(response, callBackMessage.toString());
509                         return null;
510                     } finally {
511                         SpObserver.setDBtoInstance();
512                     }
513                 }
514                 map.put("avatarUnid", avatarUnid);
515                 map.put("attachment_server", attachment_server);
516                 map.put("url", domain == null ? "" : domain);
517                 if (request.getAttribute("postTokenV2") == null) {
518                     map.put("token", genToken(userAccount.getApp_Password(), userAccount.getApp_userCode(), Integer.parseInt(dbId)));
519                 }
521                 //---增加扫码显示方式
a9a8e7 522
ba6749 523                 QrScanType qrScanType = null;
a9a8e7 524                 //显示下单图标
ba6749 525                 int appSalesMenuIcon = 0;
a6a76f 526                 try {
F 527                     SpObserver.setDBtoInstance("_" + dbId);
ba6749 528                     qrScanType = qrServiceIfc.getQrScanType(userAccount.getUserCode(), userAccount.getUserName());
a9a8e7 529
ba6749 530                 } catch (Exception e) {
a6a76f 531                     e.printStackTrace();
a9a8e7 532                     throw new ApplicationException(e.getMessage());
ba6749 533                 } finally {
a6a76f 534                     SpObserver.setDBtoInstance();
F 535                 }
37ae33 536                 //---增加是否可以显示下单图标
ba6749 537                 try {
37ae33 538                     SpObserver.setDBtoInstance("_" + dbId);
ba6749 539                     BaseService baseService = (BaseService) FactoryBean.getBean("BaseService");
F 540                     List<Gfrom> list = baseService.getJdbcTemplate().query("select a.formid,a.formname from gform a where exists(select 1 from gfield b where a.formid = b.formid and b.fieldid in ( 'matcode','barcode','qrcode') and b.ScanCodeField = 1 )", new BeanPropertyRowMapper<>(Gfrom.class));
a9a8e7 541
ba6749 542                     if (list != null && list.size() > 0) {
F 543                         QrCodeController qrCodeController = (QrCodeController) FactoryBean.getBean("qrCodeController");
544                         List tempList = qrCodeController.procFormLimit(request, list);
545                         if (tempList != null && tempList.size() > 0) {
546                             appSalesMenuIcon = 1;
37ae33 547                         }
F 548                     }
ba6749 549                 } catch (Exception e) {
37ae33 550                     e.printStackTrace();
F 551                     throw new ApplicationException(e.getMessage());
ba6749 552                 } finally {
37ae33 553                     SpObserver.setDBtoInstance();
F 554                 }
a6a76f 555                 map.put("sessionInfo", getSessionInfo(session));
6fe1e6 556                 map.put("userType", session.getAttribute(SessionKey.USERTYPE));
F 557                 map.put("isStopSystem", session.getAttribute(SessionKey.isStopSystem));
ba6749 558                 map.put("isAdmin", ("SuperUser".equalsIgnoreCase(session.getAttribute(SessionKey.USERTYPE) + "") || "DeveloperUser".equalsIgnoreCase(session.getAttribute(SessionKey.USERTYPE) + "")) ? 1 : 0);//非普通用户都有所有权限
F 559                 map.put("isShowAttendance", dataSourceMap.isShowAttendanceButton() ? 1 : 0);//打卡
a6a76f 560                 map.put("qrDisplayType", qrScanType.getScanMeterialAction());//扫码显示方式
a9a8e7 561                 map.put("appSalesMenuIcon", appSalesMenuIcon);//是否显示下单图标,0不显示,1显示
a6a76f 562                 map.put("isRelatingMaterialWhenNewCustomer", qrScanType.getIsRelatingMaterialWhenNewCustomer());//是否关联客户
ba6749 563                 OpenComponentAppSetting openComponentAppSetting = OpenComponentAppSetting.defaultSettings();
F 564                 map.put("mobileAppId", openComponentAppSetting == null ? null : openComponentAppSetting.getMobileAppId());//小程序id
565                 map.put("mobileAppSecret", openComponentAppSetting == null ? null : openComponentAppSetting.getMobileAppSecret());//小程序MobileAppSecret
a6a76f 566                 map.put("miniAppOrgId", dataSourceMap.getMiniAppOrgId());//小程序miniAppOrgId
F 567                 map.put("isModifyPriceWhenScanQrCode", session.getAttribute(SessionKey.ISMODIFYPRICEWHENSCANQRCODE));
625716 568                 map.put("isModifyPriceWhenSalesOrder", session.getAttribute(SessionKey.ISMODIFYPRICEWHENSALESORDER));
F 569                 map.put("isModifyPriceWhenPurchaseOrder", session.getAttribute(SessionKey.ISMODIFYPRICEWHENPURCHASEORDER));
21e5fd 570                 map.put("switchToPageWhenLogonApp", session.getAttribute(SessionKey.SWITCHTOPAGEWHENLOGONAPP));
fe0a59 571                 map.put("selectNextDocumentWhenApproved", session.getAttribute(SessionKey.SELECTNEXTDOCUMENTWHENAPPROVED));
2f46cc 572                 map.put("userConfig", sysUserConfigEntity);
a6a76f 573                 map.put("perssion", session.getAttribute(SessionKey.PERSSION));
F 574                 this.printJson(response, GridUtils.toJson(map));
575                 return null;
576             } else if (redirect != null && !"".equals(redirect)) { // 增加登录后重定向页面功能,added by Johns Wang, 2016-02-17
577                 //return "redirect:" + redirect;
578                 callBackMessage.sendSuccessMessage("登录成功");
579                 callBackMessage.setData("{\"redirect\":\"" + redirect + "\"}");
580                 this.printJson(response, callBackMessage.toString());
581                 return null;
582             } else {
583                 if (ch_userid)
584                     return "{\"ok\":\"ch_user_ok\",\"info\":\"" + userCode + "\"}";
585                 else {
586                     callBackMessage.sendSuccessMessage("登录成功");
587                     this.printJson(response, callBackMessage.toString());
588                     return null;
589                 }
590             }
7433a6 591         }catch (IllegalStateException e) {
a6a76f 592             e.printStackTrace();
a53114 593             if (e.getMessage()!=null&&e.getMessage().contains("Session already invalidated")) {
a6a76f 594                 sb.append("会话已过期,请关闭浏览器再重新登录系统\\n");
F 595                 print2(response, sb.toString(), redirect, isApp);
596                 System.out.println(this.getClass() + " sessionid:" + session.getId());
597                 return null;// 会话已过期返回
598             } else {
599                 e.printStackTrace();
600                 print2(response, this.getErrorMsg(e), redirect, isApp);
601                 return null;
602             }
603         } catch (DataAccessException e) {
604             e.printStackTrace();
605             //SQLException sql = (SQLException) e.getCause();
606             //return "/403.jsp?info=" + sql.getMessage();
607             this.print2(response, e.getCause() != null ? e.getCause().getMessage() : e.getMessage(), request.getParameter("redirect"), isApp);
608             return null;
609         } catch (NullPointerException e) {// 不存在此账号
610             e.printStackTrace();
611             proccError(userCode, password, request, response);
612             return null;
613         } catch (RuntimeException e) {
614             e.printStackTrace();
a53114 615             if (e.getLocalizedMessage()!=null&&e.getMessage().equals(SessionKey.DEMO_REF)) {
a6a76f 616                 session.setAttribute(SessionKey.DEMO_REF, SessionKey.DEMO_REF);
F 617                 this.print(response, "<script>alert('请生成正确的配置信息');window.location.href='/demo/demoList.jsp';</script>");
d75ad0 618             }else{
F 619                 this.print2(response, this.getErrorMsg(e), request.getParameter("redirect"), isApp);
a6a76f 620             }
F 621             return null;
7433a6 622         }catch (GdErrorException e) {// 不存在高德地图apiKey
F 623             e.printStackTrace();
624             this.print2(response, "高德地图KEY不存在,请在数据源里维护好", request.getParameter("redirect"), isApp);
625             return null;
626         }
627         catch (Exception e) {// 不存在此账号
a6a76f 628             e.printStackTrace();
F 629             proccError(userCode, password, request, response);
630             return null;
631         }
632     }
3c1697 633 private void singleAccount(String userFromType,String dbId, UserAccountEntity userAccount, HttpServletRequest request){
F 634         HttpSession session = request.getSession();
635     List<OnlineUserEntity> onLineUser = SessionListener.getOnLineUser(request, dbId);//tomcat集群是采用会话复制,所以每个tomcat里的会话信息是一样,取到同一数据源所有会话,从中取到当前用户的会话
636     if(onLineUser!=null&&onLineUser.size()>0) {
637         for(OnlineUserEntity entity:onLineUser){
638                 if(entity.getUserCode().equalsIgnoreCase(userAccount.getUserCode())
639                         &&userFromType.equalsIgnoreCase(entity.getLoginType()+"")//指明是PC,还是APP端
640                         &&!session.getId().equalsIgnoreCase(entity.getSessionId())//排除当前的会话,取同账号的之前会话
641                 ){
555202 642                 //只要会话存在,发webSocket回到登录界面
F 643                 //---通知webscoket
644                 MessageInfo messageInfo = new MessageInfo();
645                 messageInfo.setDbId(Integer.parseInt(dbId));
646                 messageInfo.setMsgType(MessageType.RETURN_LOGIN_PAGE);
647                 messageInfo.setUserFromType(userFromType);
648                 messageInfo.setUserCode(entity.getUserCode());
649                 messageInfo.setSessionId(entity.getSessionId());
650                 if(userFromType.equalsIgnoreCase("1")) {//PC端
651                     messageInfo.setMsg("您的账号已在其他地方登录");
652                 }else{
653                     messageInfo.setMsg("您的账号已在其他设备登录");
3c1697 654                 }
555202 655                 WebSocketMessageServer.publishMessageToRedis(messageInfo);
F 656             }
3c1697 657         }
F 658     }
555202 659
3c1697 660 }
a6a76f 661
F 662     private String genToken(String pwd, String usercode, int dbid) {
663         TokenInfo tokenInfo = new TokenInfo();
664         tokenInfo.setUsercode(usercode);
665         tokenInfo.setDbid(dbid);
666         try {
667             String key = "Lg_Token:" + tokenInfo.getDbid() + ":" + tokenInfo.getUsercode();
3c1697 669
a6a76f 670             Object object = redisTemplate.opsForValue().get(key);
F 671             //if (object == null) {
672             //不存在则加到redis里,过期时间设置为12小时
673             final int OVERTIME = 12;
674             redisTemplate.opsForValue().set(key, pwd, OVERTIME, TimeUnit.HOURS);
675             //}
677             String token = AESUtils.encrypt(GridUtils.toJson(tokenInfo));//dbid+usercode加密返回给APP客户端保存
678             return token;
679         } catch (Exception ex) {
680             ex.printStackTrace();
681             return "";
682         }
683     }
685     public boolean processLoginUserToSession(String ip, String dbId, HttpSession session, UserAccountEntity userAccount) throws Exception {
686         // 设置权限
687         PerssionEntity perssionEntity = new PerssionEntity();
688         try {
689             SpObserver.setDBtoInstance("_" + dbId);
690             perssionEntity.setRole(rIfc.getRole(userAccount.getUserCode()));
691         } finally {
692             SpObserver.setDBtoInstance();
693         }
694         try {
695             SpObserver.setDBtoInstance("_" + dbId);
696             perssionEntity.setPerssion(userAccountService.getUserProfiles(userAccount.getUserCode()));
697             // 保存会话 session信息
698             setSessionValues(dbId, userAccount, session, perssionEntity);
699             // 登录成功清除登录错误信息
700             record.clearLoginRecord(userAccount.getUserCode());
702             // 记录登录信息
703             userAccountService.loginLog(userAccount.getUserCode(), userAccount.getUserName(), ip, session.getId());
704         } finally {
705             SpObserver.setDBtoInstance();
706         }
707         if (userAccount.getDefaultSet() != null && !"".equals(userAccount.getDefaultSet())) {
708             try {
709                 SpObserver.setDBtoInstance("_" + dbId);
710                 perssionEntity.setDefaultSet(userAccountService.getDefaultSet(userAccount.getDefaultSet()));
711             } finally {
712                 SpObserver.setDBtoInstance();
713             }
714         }
715         return true;
717     }
ba6749 719     public boolean processLoginUserToSessionV2( String ip,  String dbId, HttpServletRequest request, UserAccountEntity userAccount) throws Exception {
F 720             HttpSession session = request.getSession();
721             // 设置权限
3c1697 722         LoginUserEntity userEntity = new LoginUserEntity();
29126a 723         final DataSourceEntity dataSourceMap = MultiDataSource.getDataSourceMap(dbId);
3c1697 724         try {
29126a 725             userEntity.setDbid(dbId);
F 726             userEntity.setSystemDescribe(dataSourceMap.getSystemDescribe());
727             userEntity.setLogonDomain(request.getHeader("host"));
ba6749 728                 if (request.getParameter("isApp") != null || request.getAttribute("isApp") != null) {
F 729                     // 手机app传过来
730                     userEntity.setOSType(request.getHeader("x-app-type"));//ios,android
731                     String equipmentCode = request.getHeader("x-app-equipmentCode");
d9236e 732                     String appVersion = request.getHeader("x-app-version");//app版本号
29126a 733                     String  uniqueIdentifier = request.getHeader("x-app-uniqueIdentifier");//设备唯一码
3c1697 734                     userEntity.setUniqueIdentifier(uniqueIdentifier);
d9236e 735                     userEntity.setAppVersion(appVersion);
ba6749 736                     userEntity.setEquipmentModel(equipmentCode);//设备型号
F 737                     userEntity.setUserLoginType("app");
738                     //--从设备型号提取生产商名称,
739                     if (org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isNotBlank(equipmentCode)) {
740                         String[] equipment = equipmentCode.split("\\s+?");//空格分隔,取第一个作为生产商
741                         userEntity.setManufacturer(equipment[0]);
742                     }
744                 } else {
745                     //pc ,小程序
b0744c 746                     int userLoginType = session.getAttribute(SessionKey.USER_LOGIN_TYPE)==null?1:Integer.parseInt(session.getAttribute(SessionKey.USER_LOGIN_TYPE)+"");
F 747                     if (userLoginType==3) {
ba6749 748                         userEntity.setUserLoginType("minapp");
F 749                     } else {
750                         userEntity.setUserLoginType("web");
751                     }
752                     String userAgentString = UserAgentUtil.getUaInfo(request);  // request.getHeader("User-Agent");
753                     UserAgent userAgent = UserAgent.parseUserAgentString(userAgentString);
754                     String os = userAgent.getOperatingSystem().getGroup().getName();
755                     //String osName = userAgent.getOperatingSystem().getName() ;
756                     String manufacturer = userAgent.getOperatingSystem().getManufacturer().getName();
757                     String model = UserAgentUtil.getPhoneModel(userAgentString);
758                     //String mobileOS = UserAgentUtil.getMobileOS(userAgentString);
759                     userEntity.setOSType(os);
760                     userEntity.setManufacturer(manufacturer);
761                     userEntity.setEquipmentModel(model);
762                     userEntity.setUserAgent(userAgentString);
763                 }
764                 String longitude = request.getHeader("x-app-longitude");
765                 String latitude = request.getHeader("x-app-latitude");
a53114 766
ba6749 767                 //---通过经纬度,IP 获取地理信息(国,省,市,区)
e3dd14 768                 if(org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isNotBlank(dataSourceMap.getGeoWebApiKey())) {
J 769                     GdMapService gdMapService = GdMapServiceInit.getGdMapService(dataSourceMap.getGeoWebApiKey());
770                     final RegeoCodeEntity regeo = gdMapService.getRegeoV2(longitude, latitude, ip);
771                     if (regeo != null) {
772                         userEntity.setCountryName(regeo.getCountry());
773                         userEntity.setProvinceName(regeo.getProvince());
774                         userEntity.setCityName(regeo.getCity());
775                         userEntity.setCountyName(regeo.getDistrict());
776                     }
ba6749 777                 }
F 778                     userEntity.setLongitude(longitude);
779                     userEntity.setLatitude(latitude);
780                     userEntity.setIp(ip);
782                 PerssionEntity perssionEntity = new PerssionEntity();
783                 SpObserver.setDBtoInstance("_" + dbId);
784                 perssionEntity.setRole(rIfc.getRole(userAccount.getUserCode()));
785                 perssionEntity.setPerssion(userAccountService.getUserProfiles(userAccount.getUserCode()));
786                 if (userAccount.getDefaultSet() != null && !"".equals(userAccount.getDefaultSet())) {
787                     perssionEntity.setDefaultSet(userAccountService.getDefaultSet(userAccount.getDefaultSet()));
788                 }
a53114 789
ba6749 790                 // 保存会话 session信息
F 791                 setSessionValues(dbId, userAccount, session, perssionEntity);
792                 // 登录成功清除登录错误信息
793                 record.clearLoginRecord(userAccount.getUserCode());
794                 // 记录登录信息
795                 userAccountService.loginLogV2(userAccount, userEntity, session.getId());
a53114 796
ba6749 797             } finally{
F 798                 SpObserver.setDBtoInstance();
799             }
185287 800        // if (dataSourceMap.isLoginOnceForOneUserCode() &&request.getAttribute("loginByCode") != null) {
555202 801             //启用限制多设备登录,且通过短信二次验证登录
3c1697 802             try {
F 803                 SpObserver.setDBtoDemo();
804                 userEntity.setTelePhone(userAccount.getApp_userCode());//手机号
805                 loginEquipmentIfc.updateUserLoginEquipmentInfo(userEntity);
806             } finally {
807                 SpObserver.setDBtoInstance();
808             }
185287 809        // }
3c1697 810         return true;
ba6749 811     }
3c1697 812
ba6749 813
a6a76f 814     /**
F 815      * APP 自动登录接口
816      *
817      * @param request
818      * @param response
819      */
820     @RequestMapping("/autoLogin.do")
821     public String autoLogin(String token, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
822         if (token == null || "".equalsIgnoreCase(token)) {
823             this.printJson(response, "{\"error\":\"token不能为空\"}");
824             return "";
825         }
826         try {
827             String value = AESUtils.decrypt(EncodeUtil.replaceUrlChar(token));//解密
828             Gson gson = new Gson();
829             TokenInfo tokenInfo = gson.fromJson(value, new com.google.gson.reflect.TypeToken<TokenInfo>() {
830             }.getType());
3c1697 832
a6a76f 833             Object object = redisTemplate.opsForValue().get("Lg_Token:" + tokenInfo.getDbid() + ":" + tokenInfo.getUsercode());
F 834             if (object == null) {
835                 this.printJson(response, "{\"error\":\"token已失效,请重新登录\"}");
836                 return "";
837             }
839             String[] tokenStr = ((String) object).split("#");//0是密码,1是随机数
840             //进行登录操作
841             tokenInfo.setPwd(tokenStr[0]);
842             request.setAttribute("account", tokenInfo.getUsercode());
843             request.setAttribute("pwd", tokenInfo.getPwd());
844             request.setAttribute("isApp", "1");
845             request.setAttribute("dataName", tokenInfo.getDbid() + "");
846             request.setAttribute("isone", tokenInfo.getDbid() + "");
847         } catch (Exception ex) {
848             this.printJson(response, "{\"error\":\"" + this.getErrorMsg(ex) + "\"}");
849             return "";
850         }
851         return login(request, response);
852     }
854     @RequestMapping("/autoLoginV2.do")
855     /**
856      * by danaus 2020/1/13 9:59
857      */
858     public String autoLoginV2(String token, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
859         CallBackMessage callBackMessage = new CallBackMessage();
860         if (token == null || "".equalsIgnoreCase(token)) {
861             this.printJson(response, callBackMessage.sendErrorMessage("token不能为空", -1));
862             return "";
863         }
864         try {
865             String value = AESUtils.decrypt(EncodeUtil.replaceUrlChar(token));//解密
866             Gson gson = new Gson();
867             TokenInfo tokenInfo = gson.fromJson(value, new com.google.gson.reflect.TypeToken<TokenInfo>() {
868             }.getType());
3c1697 869
a6a76f 870             //System.out.println("aaaaaa>>>>"+value);
F 871             //System.out.println("bbbbb>>>>"+InvitationCode.TOKEN_STR + tokenInfo.getDbid() + ":" + tokenInfo.getUsercode());
872             Object object = redisTemplate.opsForValue().get(InvitationCode.TOKEN_STR + tokenInfo.getDbid() + ":" + tokenInfo.getUsercode());
873             //System.out.println("cccc>>>>"+object);
874             if (object == null) {
875                 //设置会话失效
876                 request.getSession().invalidate();
877                 this.printJson(response, callBackMessage.sendErrorMessage("token已失效,请重新登录", -1002));
878                 return "";
879             }
880             //405调用需要刷新过期时间
ba6749 881             if (request.getParameter("refresh") != null && "1".equalsIgnoreCase(request.getParameter("refresh"))) {
a6a76f 882                 //刷新key过期时间
F 883                 redisTemplate.opsForValue().getOperations().expire(InvitationCode.TOKEN_STR + tokenInfo.getDbid() + ":" + tokenInfo.getUsercode(), 12, TimeUnit.HOURS);
884             }
885             //验证token合法性,对比随机数
886             String[] tokenStr = ((String) object).split("#");//0是密码,1是随机数 by danaus 2020/9/24 10:18
887 //            if (tokenStr[1] == null || "".equals(tokenStr[1]) || tokenInfo.getRand() != Double.parseDouble(tokenStr[1])) {
888 //                this.printJson(response, callBackMessage.sendErrorMessage("不是合法的token", -1001));
889 //                return null;
890 //            }
5012fc 891             //检查数据源是否已禁用
F 892             final DataSourceEntity dataSourceMap = MultiDataSource.getDataSourceMap("" + tokenInfo.getDbid());
893             if(dataSourceMap!=null){
894                 Integer expiredMinute = (dataSourceMap.getExpiredMinute() == null ? null : (Integer) dataSourceMap.getExpiredMinute());//过期时间:null或负数表示未过期,正数表示已过期
895                 boolean actived = dataSourceMap.getActived();
896                 if ((expiredMinute != null && expiredMinute.intValue() > 0) || !actived) {
897                     throw  new ApplicationException("系统已过期,请联络服务提供商");
898                 }
899             }
a6a76f 900             //进行登录操作
F 901             tokenInfo.setPwd(tokenStr[0]);
902             request.setAttribute("account", tokenInfo.getUsercode());
903             request.setAttribute("pwd", tokenInfo.getPwd());
904             request.setAttribute("isApp", "1");
905             request.setAttribute("dataName", tokenInfo.getDbid() + "");
906             request.setAttribute("isone", tokenInfo.getDbid() + "");
907             request.setAttribute("postTokenV2", "1");//说明是通过V2版提交,之后在登录成功后就不返回token。
cdc83b 908             if(org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isNotBlank(request.getParameter("loginByCode"))) {
F 909                 request.setAttribute("loginByCode", 1);//限制设备功能新增
910             }
5012fc 911
a6a76f 912         } catch (Exception ex) {
5012fc 913             this.printJson(response, callBackMessage.sendErrorMessage(this.getErrorMsg(ex)));
a6a76f 914             return "";
F 915         }
916         return login(request, response);
917     }
3c1697 919     /**
F 920      * SMS验证码进行登录
921      * @param code
922      * @param request
923      * @param response
924      * @return
925      */
926     @RequestMapping("/api/loginByCode.do")
cdc83b 927     public String loginByCode(String tel, String code, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
3c1697 928         CallBackMessage callBackMessage = new CallBackMessage();
F 929         if (org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isBlank(code)) {
930             this.printJson(response, callBackMessage.sendErrorMessage("验证码不能为空", -1));
931             return "";
932         }
933        String verifyCode = (String) redisTemplate.opsForValue().get(VerificationCodes.getCodeKey(tel));
934         if (verifyCode==null) {
935             printJson(response, callBackMessage.sendErrorMessage("验证码已失效,请重新获取验证码。",-1));
936             return "";
937         }
938         if (!code.equals(verifyCode)) {
939             printJson(response, callBackMessage.sendErrorMessage("验证码错误,请输入正确的验证码",-1));
940             return "";
cdc83b 941         }else {
F 942             redisTemplate.delete(VerificationCodes.getCodeKey(tel));//删除
943             printJson(response, callBackMessage.sendSuccessMessageByDefault());
3c1697 944             return "";
F 945         }
946     }
10a409 947     /**
F 948      * 处理极光别名
949      * 先查询当前别名已绑定的设备数,如果超过8个则删除最后一个别人
950      * @param usercode
951      * @param dbid
952      */
953     public   void processJiguangAliases(String usercode,String dbid){
954         try {
955             //查询别名绑定的设备列表
956             String aliase=dbid+"_"+usercode;
957             String url = JpushAction.URL + "/v3/aliases/"+aliase+"?new_format=true";
958             final HttpGet httpGet = HttpClientUtil.CreateHttpGetByAuthorization(url, null, JpushAction.appKey, JpushAction.masterSecret);
959             CloseableHttpResponse response = HttpClientUtil.getClient().execute(httpGet);
960             if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200) {
961                 final Map map = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity(), "UTF-8"), Map.class);
963                  List<JiGuangAliaseEntity> list= JSON.parseArray(map.get("data") + "",JiGuangAliaseEntity.class);
964               if(list!=null&&list.size()>8){
965                   //--处理为只保留最新活跃天数的8个设备
966                   StringJoiner joiner=new StringJoiner(",");
967                   int index=0;
968                  list= list.stream().sorted(Comparator.comparing(JiGuangAliaseEntity::getLast_online_date).reversed()).collect(Collectors.toList());
969                  for (JiGuangAliaseEntity entity:list){
970                       if(index>8){
971                           joiner.add("\""+entity.getRegistration_id()+"\"");
972                       }
973                       index++;
974                   };
975                  //---解绑多出来的设备
976             url=JpushAction.URL+"/v3/aliases/"+aliase;
977             String data="{\n" +
978             "  \"registration_ids\":{\"remove\": ["+joiner.toString()+"]}\n" +
979             "}";
3c1697 980
10a409 981             final HttpPost httpPost = HttpClientUtil.CreateHttpPostByAuthorization(url, data, false, JpushAction.appKey, JpushAction.masterSecret);
F 982             response = HttpClientUtil.getClient().execute(httpPost);
983             if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() !=200) {
3c1697 984                 log.info(usercode+"需要删除的极光别名关联设备ID:"+data);
F 985                String msg= EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity(), "UTF-8");
986                 throw new ApplicationException("删除极光别名关联设备出错:"+msg);
10a409 987             }
F 988               }
989             } else {
990                 throw new ApplicationException("获取极光别名出错:" + response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() + "[" + response.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase() + "]");
991             }
993         }catch (Exception e){
994             System.out.println(e.getCause()==null?e.getMessage():e.getCause().getMessage());
995         }
996 }
a6a76f 997     private void print2(HttpServletResponse response, String sb, String redirect, Boolean isApp) {
F 998         CallBackMessage callBackMessage = new CallBackMessage();
999         // redirect Added by Johns Wang, 2016-03-06
1000         if (redirect != null && !"".equals(redirect)) {
1001             redirect = URIUtil.encodeURIComponent(redirect);
1002             callBackMessage.setData("{\"redirect\":\"" + redirect + "\"}");
1003         }
1004         callBackMessage.sendErrorMessage(sb);
1005         if (isApp != null && isApp) {
ba6749 1006             if ("密码错误".equalsIgnoreCase(sb)) {
a6a76f 1007                 //密码不正确 以状态码为-1004返回给app,弹出登录界面
ba6749 1008                 callBackMessage.sendErrorMessage(sb, -1004);
a6a76f 1009             }
F 1010             this.print(response, callBackMessage.toString());
1011         } else {
1012             this.print(response, callBackMessage.toString());
1013         }
1014 //            // this.print(response, "<script>
1015 //            // alert('"+sb+"');window.history.back();</script>");
1016 //            if (redirect == null || redirect.equals(""))
1017 //                this.print(response, "<script> alert('" + sb + "');window.history.back();</script>");
1018 //            else
1019 //                this.print(response, "<script> alert('" + sb + "');window.location='/login.jsp?redirect=" + redirect
1020 //                        + "';</script>");
1021 //        }
1022     }
1024     private Map<String, Object> getSessionInfo(HttpSession session) {
1025         Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
1026         map.put(SessionKey.HRCODE.replace("@", ""), session.getAttribute(SessionKey.HRCODE));
1027         map.put(SessionKey.HRNAME.replace("@", ""), session.getAttribute(SessionKey.HRNAME));
1028         map.put(SessionKey.USERNAME.replace("@", ""), session.getAttribute(SessionKey.USERNAME));
1029         map.put(SessionKey.USER_NAME.replace("@", ""), session.getAttribute(SessionKey.USER_NAME));
1030         map.put(SessionKey.ORIGINAL_USERNAME.replace("@", ""), session.getAttribute(SessionKey.ORIGINAL_USERNAME));
1031         map.put(SessionKey.USER.replace("@", ""), session.getAttribute(SessionKey.USER));
1032         map.put(SessionKey.ORIGINAL_USERCODE.replace("@", ""), session.getAttribute(SessionKey.ORIGINAL_USERCODE));
1033         map.put(SessionKey.USERCODE.replace("@", ""), session.getAttribute(SessionKey.USERCODE));
1034         map.put(SessionKey.COMPANY_ID.replace("@", ""), session.getAttribute(SessionKey.COMPANY_ID));
1035         map.put(SessionKey.COMPANY_NAME.replace("@", ""), session.getAttribute(SessionKey.COMPANY_NAME));
1036         map.put(SessionKey.COMPANYMEMO.replace("@", ""), session.getAttribute(SessionKey.COMPANYMEMO));
1037         map.put(SessionKey.VERSION_ID.replace("@", ""), session.getAttribute(SessionKey.VERSION_ID));
1038         map.put(SessionKey.DEPARTMENT.replace("@", ""), session.getAttribute(SessionKey.DEPARTMENT));
1039         map.put(SessionKey.CCCODE.replace("@", ""), session.getAttribute(SessionKey.CCCODE));
1040         map.put(SessionKey.CCNAME.replace("@", ""), session.getAttribute(SessionKey.CCNAME));
1041         map.put(SessionKey.SUPPER_USER.replace("@", ""), session.getAttribute(SessionKey.SUPPER_USER));
1042         map.put(SessionKey.ROLE_NAME.replace("@", ""), session.getAttribute(SessionKey.ROLE_NAME));
1043         map.put(SessionKey.DEFAULT_SET.replace("@", ""), session.getAttribute(SessionKey.DEFAULT_SET));
1044         map.put(SessionKey.LOGIN_TYPE.replace("@", ""), session.getAttribute(SessionKey.LOGIN_TYPE));
1045         map.put(SessionKey.isStopSystem.replace("@", ""), session.getAttribute(SessionKey.isStopSystem));
1046         map.put(SessionKey.OPEN_ID.replace("@", ""), session.getAttribute(SessionKey.OPEN_ID));
1047         map.put(SessionKey.CURRENCY.replace("@", ""), session.getAttribute(SessionKey.CURRENCY));
1048         map.put(SessionKey.SHOP_CCCDOE.replace("@", ""), session.getAttribute(SessionKey.SHOP_CCCDOE));
1049         ;
1050         map.put(SessionKey.SYSTEM_LANGUAGE.replace("@", ""), session.getAttribute(SessionKey.SYSTEM_LANGUAGE));
1051         map.put(SessionKey.DEFAULT_STCODE.replace("@", ""), session.getAttribute(SessionKey.DEFAULT_STCODE));
1052         map.put(SessionKey.DEFAULT_ACCTCODE.replace("@", ""), session.getAttribute(SessionKey.DEFAULT_ACCTCODE));
1053         map.put(SessionKey.UserCodePermission.replace("@", ""), session.getAttribute(SessionKey.UserCodePermission));
1054         map.put(SessionKey.COMPANY_PERMISSION.replace("@", ""), session.getAttribute(SessionKey.COMPANY_PERMISSION));
1055         map.put(SessionKey.AT_TODAY.replace("@", ""), session.getAttribute(SessionKey.AT_TODAY));
1056         map.put(SessionKey.AT_NOW.replace("@", ""), session.getAttribute(SessionKey.AT_NOW));
1057         map.put(SessionKey.DEFAULT_BRAND.replace("@", ""), session.getAttribute(SessionKey.DEFAULT_BRAND));
1058         map.put(SessionKey.CCCODEPERMISSION.replace("@", ""), session.getAttribute(SessionKey.CCCODEPERMISSION));
1059         map.put(SessionKey.USERTYPE.replace("@", ""), session.getAttribute(SessionKey.USERTYPE));
1060         map.put(SessionKey.ISMODIFYPRICEWHENSCANQRCODE, session.getAttribute(SessionKey.ISMODIFYPRICEWHENSCANQRCODE));
625716 1061         map.put(SessionKey.ISMODIFYPRICEWHENSALESORDER, session.getAttribute(SessionKey.ISMODIFYPRICEWHENSALESORDER));
21e5fd 1063         map.put(SessionKey.SWITCHTOPAGEWHENLOGONAPP, session.getAttribute(SessionKey.SWITCHTOPAGEWHENLOGONAPP));
fe0a59 1064         map.put(SessionKey.SELECTNEXTDOCUMENTWHENAPPROVED, session.getAttribute(SessionKey.SELECTNEXTDOCUMENTWHENAPPROVED));
2f46cc 1065         map.put(SessionKey.ISSTARTUPPOPUPMESSAGES, session.getAttribute(SessionKey.ISSTARTUPPOPUPMESSAGES));
a6a76f 1066         map.put("day", DateUtil.getDay(0));
F 1067         map.put("month", DateUtil.getMonth(0));
1068         map.put("year", DateUtil.getYear(0));
1069         return map;
1071     }
1073     private void proccError(String account, String pwd, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
d75ad0 1074         Boolean isApp = Boolean.valueOf((request.getParameter("isApp") == null&&request.getAttribute("isApp") == null) ? false : true);// 手机app传过来
a6a76f 1075         try {
F 1076             SpObserver.setDBtoInstance("_" + request.getSession().getAttribute(SessionKey.DATA_BASE_ID));
1077             record.loginRecord(account, pwd, IPUtil.getIpAddr(request));// 记录登录登录失败的信息
1078         } catch (Exception e2) {
d75ad0 1079             e2.printStackTrace();
a6a76f 1080             this.print2(response, e2.getMessage().replace("\"", ""), request.getParameter("redirect"), isApp);
F 1081         } finally {
1082             SpObserver.setDBtoInstance();
1083         }
1084         this.print2(response, "用户账号或密码错误!", request.getParameter("redirect"), isApp);
1085     }
1087     @RequestMapping("/logout.do")
1088     public void logout(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
1089         try {
1090             HttpSession session = request.getSession();
1091             session.invalidate();
1092             this.printJson(response, "{\"success\":\"ok\"}");
1093         } catch (Exception e) {
1094             e.printStackTrace();
1095             this.printJson(response, "{\"error\":\"" + e.getMessage() + "\"}");
1096         }
1097     }
1100     @RequestMapping("/GetLoginUser.do")
1101     public void getLoginUser(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
1102         int pageSize = 0;
1103         int curPage = 0;
1104         int total = 0;
1105         List<Map<String, Object>> list = null;
1106         try {
1107             pageSize = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("rows"));// 每页大小
1108             curPage = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("page")); // 当前页
1109         } catch (Exception e) {
1110             return;
1111         }
1113         // 搜索条件
1114         String companyname = request.getParameter("companyname");
1115         String usercode = request.getParameter("usercode");
1116         String username = request.getParameter("username");
1117         try {
1118             SpObserver.setDBtoInstance("_" + request.getSession().getAttribute(SessionKey.DATA_BASE_ID));
1119             if (StringUtils.isBlank(companyname) && StringUtils.isBlank(usercode) && StringUtils.isBlank(username)) {
1120                 total = userAccountService.getUserTotal();
1121                 list = userAccountService.getLoginUser(curPage, pageSize);
1122             } else {
1123                 total = userAccountService.getUserTotal(companyname, usercode, username);
1124                 list = userAccountService.getLoginUser(curPage, pageSize, companyname, usercode, username);
1125             }
1126         } finally {
1127             SpObserver.setDBtoInstance();
1128         }
1129         Gson gson = new Gson();
1130         String data = gson.toJson(list);
1132         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
1133         sb.append("{\"total\":").append(total).append(",\"rows\":").append(data).append("}");
1135         try {
1136             printText(response, sb.toString());
1137         } catch (IOException e) {
1138             e.printStackTrace();
1139         }
1141         data = null;
1142         sb = null;
1143         list = null;
1144         gson = null;
1145     }
1147     /**
1148      * 输出信息到客户端
1149      *
1150      * @param response
1151      * @param str
1152      * @throws IOException
1153      */
1154     public void printText(HttpServletResponse response, String str) throws IOException {
1155         response.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8");
1156         PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
1157         out.write(str);
1158         out.flush();
1159         out.close();
1160     }
1162     /**
1163      * 设置session 相关值(添加新的session标识符时应在切换用户功能添加相应的session标识符com.yc.action.login.SwitchUserCodeAction)
1164      *
1165      * @param dbId
1166      * @param userAccount
1167      * @param session
1168      * @return
1169      * @throws Exception
1170      */
1171     public static String setSessionValues(String dbId, UserAccountEntity userAccount, HttpSession session,
1172                                           PerssionEntity perssionEntity) throws Exception {
1173         // ------------用SessionKey类来存储session标识符 避免大小写或者忘记session标识符的情况-------
1174         Map<String, Object> role = perssionEntity.getRole(); // rIfc.getRole(userAccount.getUserCode());
1175         String userCode = (String) userAccount.getUserCode();
1176         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.HRCODE, ((String) userAccount.getHrCode()).replaceAll("\\s", ""));// 用户ID
1177         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.HRNAME, ((String) userAccount.getHrName()).replaceAll("\\s", ""));// 用户ID
1178         String userName = (String) userAccount.getUserName();// 用户名
1179         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.USERNAME, userName.replaceAll("\\s", ""));
1180         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.USER_NAME, userName.replaceAll("\\s", ""));
1181         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.PASSWORD, userAccount.getPassword());
1182         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.ORIGINAL_USERNAME, userName.replaceAll("\\s", ""));
1183         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.USER, userCode.replaceAll("\\s", ""));// 用户ID
1184         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.ORIGINAL_USERCODE, userCode.replaceAll("\\s", ""));
1185         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.USERCODE, userCode.replaceAll("\\s", ""));// 用户ID
1186         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.COMPANY_ID, userAccount.getCompanyId());// 公司代码
1187         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.COMPANY_NAME, userAccount.getCompanyName());// 公司代码
1188         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.COMPANYMEMO, userAccount.getCompanyMemo());// 适合于多公司
1189         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.VERSION_ID, 0);// 版本号
1190         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.DEPARTMENT, userAccount.getCcName());
1191         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.CCCODE, userAccount.getCcCode());
1192         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.CCNAME, userAccount.getCcName());
3c1697 1193         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.USER_TELE_PHONE, userAccount.getApp_userCode());//手机号
a6a76f 1194         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.SUPPER_USER,
ba6749 1195                 ("SuperUser".equalsIgnoreCase(userAccount.getUserType()) || "DeveloperUser".equalsIgnoreCase(userAccount.getUserType())) ? "1" : "0");// 系统管理员
a6a76f 1196         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.isStopSystem, userAccount.isStopSystem() ? "1" : "0");
F 1197         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.OPEN_ID, userAccount.getOpenId());// openid号
1198         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.CURRENCY, userAccount.getCurrency());
1199         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.SHOP_CCCDOE, userAccount.getShopCcCode());// shopcccode
1200         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.COMPANY_PERMISSION, userAccount.getCompanyPermission());// CompanyPermission
1202         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.ROLE_NAME,
1203                 role == null ? "未设置" : role.get("RoleName") == null ? "" : role.get("RoleName"));// 如超级用户
1205         // 根据账号获取相关权限集合
1206         Map<String, Map<String, Object>> perssion = perssionEntity.getPerssion(); // userAccountService.getUserProfiles(userCode);
1208         // 获得缺省集合
1209         if (userAccount.getDefaultSet() != null && !"".equals(userAccount.getDefaultSet())) {
1210             // DefaultSet.defaultSet2Session(userAccountService.getDefaultSet(userAccount.getDefaultSet()),
1211             // session);
1212             DefaultSet.defaultSet2Session(perssionEntity.getDefaultSet(), session);
1213         }
1215         // 构建账号对应的系统菜单
1216         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.PERSSION, perssion);// 权限集合
1217         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.LOGIN_TYPE, userAccount.getLogonType() + "");
1218         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.SYSTEM_LANGUAGE, "cnzh");// 设置语言
1219         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.DIBANG, userAccount.isEnableLoadCollection() ? "1" : "0");// 设置地磅权限
1220         // 添加地磅需要信息 默认先给空白
1221         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.LOADER_NAME, "");
1222         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.IP_ADDRESS, "");
1223         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.HOSTNAME, "");
1224         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.MAC_ADDRESS, "");
1225         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.AT_TODAY, DateUtil.toDayDate());
1226         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.AT_NOW, DateUtil.toDay());
1227         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.DEFAULT_STCODE, userAccount.getDefaultStcode());
1228         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.DEFAULT_ACCTCODE, userAccount.getDefaultAcctCode());
1229         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.UserCodePermission, userAccount.getUserCodePermission());
1230         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.DEFAULT_BRAND, userAccount.getDefaultBrand());
1231         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.CCCODEPERMISSION, userAccount.getCcCodePermission());
1232         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.ISMODIFYPRICEWHENSCANQRCODE, userAccount.getIsModifyPriceWhenScanQrCode());
625716 1233         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.ISMODIFYPRICEWHENSALESORDER, userAccount.getIsModifyPriceWhenSalesOrder());
F 1234         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.ISMODIFYPRICEWHENPURCHASEORDER, userAccount.getIsModifyPriceWhenPurchaseOrder());
21e5fd 1235         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.SWITCHTOPAGEWHENLOGONAPP, userAccount.getSwitchToPageWhenLogonApp());
fe0a59 1236         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.SELECTNEXTDOCUMENTWHENAPPROVED, userAccount.getSelectNextDocumentWhenApproved());
2f46cc 1237         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.ISSTARTUPPOPUPMESSAGES, userAccount.getIsStartupPopupMessages());
ba6749 1238         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.USERTYPE, userAccount.getUserType());
a6a76f 1239
F 1240         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.PAGE_PATH,
1241                 File.separator + "app" + File.separator + session.getAttribute(SessionKey.DATA_BASE_ID) + File.separator
1242                         + session.getAttribute(SessionKey.VERSION_ID) + File.separator
1243                         + session.getAttribute(SessionKey.SYSTEM_LANGUAGE));
1244         String realpath = session.getServletContext().getRealPath("/") + session.getAttribute(SessionKey.PAGE_PATH);
1245         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.REAL_PATH, realpath.replaceAll("\\\\", "/"));
1246         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.DATA_PATH,
1247                 File.separator + "app" + File.separator + session.getAttribute(SessionKey.DATA_BASE_ID) + File.separator
1248                         + session.getAttribute(SessionKey.VERSION_ID) + File.separator
1249                         + session.getAttribute(SessionKey.SYSTEM_LANGUAGE));
1250         InitSystem.getInstance().setMailSavePath(session.getServletContext()
1251                 .getRealPath(File.separator + "WEB-INF" + File.separator + "MAIL" + File.separator));
1252         // 结束地磅所需信息
1253         // 增加读取授权门店数
1254         DataSourceEntity dataSourceEntity = MultiDataSource.getDataSourceMap(dbId);
1255         if (dataSourceEntity != null) {
1256             session.setAttribute(SessionKey.LimitDepartmentNumber, dataSourceEntity.getLimitDepartmentNumber());
1257             session.setAttribute(SessionKey.DATACHECK_PAGENUM, dataSourceEntity.getDataCheckPageNum());
1258         }
1259         SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");//设置日期格式
1260         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.LOGIN_TIME, df.format(new Date()));//登录时间 xin 2020-8-31 11:35:22
e3dd14 1261         
J 1262         session.setAttribute(SessionKey.WEIXIN_USERID,userAccount.getWeiXinCorpUserId());   //企业微信登录userid ,Added by Johns Wang,2022-12-23
a6a76f 1263         return userName;
F 1264
1265     }
1267     public void setRecord(LoginRecordIfc record) {
1268         this.record = record;
1269     }
1271     // 检查session是否失效
1272     @RequestMapping("/checkSession.do")
1273     public void sessionCheck(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
1274         HttpSession session = request.getSession();
1275         String result = "";
1276         if (session.getAttribute(SessionKey.HRCODE) == null) {
1277             // userAccountService.doQuitLog(request.getParameter("usercode")); by 2014-8-5
1278             // danaus 会话失效写插进数据无意义且会出错
1279             result = "fail";
1280         } else {
1281             result = "success";
1282         }
1283         printText(response, "{\"status\":\"" + result + "\"}");
1284     }
1286     /**
1287      * session失效后弹出登录框登录
1288      *
1289      * @param request
1290      * @param response 2012-09-20
1291      */
1292     @RequestMapping("/againLogin.do")
1293     public String againLogin(String usercode, String password, String dbid, String dbstr, String domain,
1294                              HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
1295         // System.out.println("againLogin..."+request.getSession().getId()+",时间:"+request.getSession().getCreationTime());
1296         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
1297         HttpSession session = request.getSession();
1298         CallBackMessage callBackMessage = new CallBackMessage();
1299         if (dbid == null || "".equals(dbid)) {
1300             List<DataSourceEntity> dataSourceList = MultiDataSource.getDataSourceMapsByDomain(domain);
1301             if (dataSourceList != null && dataSourceList.size() > 0) {
1302                 dbid = dataSourceList.get(0).getDbId() + "";
1303             }
1304         }
1305         try {
1306             if (dbid == null || "".equals(dbid)) {
1307                 sb.append("数据库ID不能为空\\n");
1308             }
1310             if (StringUtils.isBlank(usercode)) {
1311                 sb.append("账号不能为空\\n");
1312             }
1313             if (StringUtils.isBlank(password)) {
1314                 sb.append("密码不能为空\\n");
1315             }
1316             if (sb.length() > 0) {
1317                 callBackMessage.sendErrorMessage(sb.toString());
1318                 this.printJson(response, callBackMessage.toString());
1319                 return null;// 验证出错返回'
1320             }
1322             session.setAttribute(SessionKey.DATA_BASE_ID, dbid);
1323             session.setAttribute(SessionKey.DATABASE_DIS, dbstr);
1324             session.setAttribute(SessionKey.DOMAIN, request.getParameter("domain"));
1326             // --------------------
1327             // 判断是否超出人数限制
1329             if (SessionListener.checkUserLimit(request, dbid)) {
1330                 String s = "当前登录人数已超过系统最大登录人数,如有需要增加登录人数,请联系软件公司";
1331                 this.print2(response, s, null, null);
1332                 session.invalidate();
1333                 return null;// 验证出错返回'
1334             }
1335             Boolean isApp = Boolean.valueOf(request.getParameter("isApp") == null ? false : true);// 手机app传过来
1336             if (usercode != null && usercode.length() > 30) {//解密为明文
1337                 try {
1338                     usercode = ChangePassword.getDecryptPassword(usercode);
1339                 } catch (Exception e) {
1340                     e.printStackTrace();
1341                     print2(response, this.getErrorMsg(e), null, isApp);
1342                     return null;// 验证出错返回'
1344                 }
1345             }
1346             // ----------------
1347             // String dbid=session.getAttribute(SessionKey.DATA_BASE_ID)+"";
1348             int recordeCount = 0;
1349             try {
1350                 SpObserver.setDBtoInstance("_" + dbid);
1351                 recordeCount = record.getRecordCountIn10min(usercode);
1352             } finally {
1353                 SpObserver.setDBtoInstance();
1354             }
1355             if (recordeCount >= 5) {
1356                 try {
1357                     SpObserver.setDBtoInstance("_" + dbid);
1358                     record.loginRecord(usercode, password, IPUtil.getIpAddr(request));// 登录次数过多再行登陆作为登录失败处理
1359                 } finally {
1360                     SpObserver.setDBtoInstance();
1361                 }
1362                 this.print2(response, usercode + "在短时间内登录错误次数过多!请耐心的等10分钟后再登录!", null, null);
1363                 return null;// 验证出错返回
1364             }
1366             // session.setAttribute(SessionKey.ONLINE_USERS, new
1367             // OnLineUser(usercode,userName,dbid,request.getParameter("domain")));//在线人数统计
1368             // 设置session
1369             String ip = IPUtil.getIpAddr(request);
1370             // 检查限制用户登录时间和登录IP
1371             int s = 0;
1372             try {
1373                 SpObserver.setDBtoInstance("_" + dbid);
1374                 s = userAccountService.checkUserLoginTimeAndIp(usercode, ip);
1375             } finally {
1376                 SpObserver.setDBtoInstance();
1377             }
1378             if (s == 0) {
1379                 print2(response, "该用户只能在工作时间或固定场所使用本系统[" + ip + "]", null, isApp);
1380                 return null;
1381             }
1382             //
1383             // --------------
1384             // String ucode = usercode + Math.random();// 是为了区分用户重复问题,同一用户可以多人使用。
1385             // session.setAttribute(SessionKey.SAIL_USERCODE, ucode);
1386             // OnLineUser.setOnlineUser(dataString, ucode, session);
1387             // session.setAttribute(SessionKey.ONLINE_USERS, new OnLineUser());// 在线人数统计
1388             // ------------------
1391             UserAccountEntity userAccount = null;
1392             try {
1393                 SpObserver.setDBtoInstance("_" + dbid);
1394                 userAccount = userAccountService.getUserInfoByUserCode(usercode);
1395                 if (userAccount == null) {
1396                     userAccount = userAccountService.getUserInfoByTelephone(usercode);   //允许电话登录
1397                 }
1399                 if (userAccount == null) {
1400                     userAccount = userAccountService.getUserInfoByEmail(usercode);   //允许邮箱号登录
1401                 }
1402             } finally {
1403                 SpObserver.setDBtoInstance();
1404             }
1406             if (userAccount == null) {
1407                 try {
1408                     SpObserver.setDBtoInstance("_" + dbid);
1409                     record.loginRecord(usercode, password, IPUtil.getIpAddr(request));// 记录登录登录失败的信息
1410                 } finally {
1411                     SpObserver.setDBtoInstance();
1412                 }
fbcd37 1414                 this.print2(response, usercode+"未开通ERP系统服务,登录失败", request.getParameter("redirect"), isApp);
a6a76f 1415                 return null;
fbcd37 1416             }else {
F 1417                 if(userAccount.isInActive()){
1418                     this.print2(response, usercode+"已被停用,禁止登录本系统!", request.getParameter("redirect"), isApp);
1419                     return null;
1420                 }
a6a76f 1421             }
F 1422             try {
1423                 if (!userAccount.checkPassword(password)) {
1424                     try {
1425                         SpObserver.setDBtoInstance("_" + dbid);
1426                         record.loginRecord(usercode, password, IPUtil.getIpAddr(request));// 记录登录登录失败的信息
1427                     } finally {
1428                         SpObserver.setDBtoInstance();
1429                     }
1430                     this.print2(response, "用户密码不正确!", request.getParameter("redirect"), isApp);
1431                     return null;
1432                 }
1433             } catch (Exception ex) {
1434                 this.print2(response, ex.getMessage(), request.getParameter("redirect"), isApp);
1435             }
2e5389 1436             if (isApp) {
F 1437                 session.setAttribute(SessionKey.USER_LOGIN_TYPE, SessionKey.USER_LOGIN_TYPE_APP);//app 类型
1438                 //判断当前登录设备是否与最新一次登录设备是一样,不一样需要返回给前端,输出短信进行验证登录
1440             } else {
1441                 session.setAttribute(SessionKey.USER_LOGIN_TYPE, SessionKey.USER_LOGIN_TYPE_WEB);//web 类型
1442             }
1443             final DataSourceEntity dataSourceMap = MultiDataSource.getDataSourceMap(dbid);
1444             //---------------------------------
1445             if(dataSourceMap.isLoginOnceForOneUserCode()) {
1446                 //限制多设备登录
1447                 this.singleAccount(isApp ? "2" : "1", dbid, userAccount, request);
1448             }
a6a76f 1449             // 设置权限
ba6749 1450             processLoginUserToSessionV2(ip, dbid, request, userAccount);
2e5389 1451             //把新会话id替换websocket中对应用户的会话id,
F 1452             //--同一用户重新连接,如果存在已有会话是打开状态,则删除这个会话,启用新会话
1453             if(WebSocketMessageServer.getOnlineUserList()!=null&&WebSocketMessageServer.getOnlineUserList().size()>0) {
1454                 String key = RedisSocket.CHANEL_WS_MESSAGES + ":" + dbid + ":1:" + usercode + ":";
1455                 for (Map.Entry<String, WsMessageUserEntity> entry : WebSocketMessageServer.getOnlineUserList().entrySet()) {
1456                     if (entry.getKey().contains(key)) {
1457                         if (entry.getValue().getSession().isOpen()) {
1458                             WsMessageUserEntity wsMessageUser= entry.getValue();
1459                             wsMessageUser.setSessionId(session.getId());
1460                             WebSocketMessageServer.getOnlineUserList().put(key+session.getId(),wsMessageUser);
1461                             break;
1462                         }
1463                     }
1464                 }
1465             }
a6a76f 1466             callBackMessage.sendSuccessMessage("登录成功");
F 1467             this.printJson(response, callBackMessage.toString());
1468             return null;
1469         } catch (NullPointerException e) {// 不存在此账号
1470             e.printStackTrace();
1471             proccError(usercode, password, request, response);
1472             return null;
1473         } catch (RuntimeException e) {
1474             e.printStackTrace();
1475             if (e.getMessage().equals(SessionKey.DEMO_REF)) {
1476                 session.setAttribute(SessionKey.DEMO_REF, SessionKey.DEMO_REF);
1477                 this.print(response, "<script>alert('请生成正确配置信息');window.location.href='/demo/demoList.jsp';</script>");
1478             }
1479             return null;
1480         } catch (Exception e) {// 不存在此账号
1481             e.printStackTrace();
1482             proccError(usercode, password, request, response);
1483             return null;
1484         }
1485     }
1487     private class AppJsonObject {
1488         private boolean myResult;
1489         private HttpServletResponse mResponse;
1490         private String mUserCode;
1491         private String mPassword;
1492         private Boolean mIsApp;
1493         private String mRedirect;
1494         private List<Map<String, Object>> mList;
1495         private boolean mCh_userid;
1496         private String mDbId;
1497         private String mDataBaseDis;
1498         private String mDomain;
1499         private UserAccountEntity mUserAccount;
1501         public AppJsonObject(HttpServletResponse response, String userCode, String password, Boolean isApp, String redirect, List<Map<String, Object>> list) {
1502             mResponse = response;
1503             mUserCode = userCode;
1504             mPassword = password;
1505             mIsApp = isApp;
1506             mRedirect = redirect;
1507             mList = list;
1508         }
1510         boolean is() {
1511             return myResult;
1512         }
1514         public String getUserCode() {
1515             return mUserCode;
1516         }
1518         public String getPassword() {
1519             return mPassword;
1520         }
1522         public boolean isCh_userid() {
1523             return mCh_userid;
1524         }
1526         public String getDbId() {
1527             return mDbId;
1528         }
1530         public String getDataBaseDis() {
1531             return mDataBaseDis;
1532         }
1534         public String getDomain() {
1535             return mDomain;
1536         }
1538         public UserAccountEntity getUserAccount() {
1539             return mUserAccount;
1540         }
1542         public AppJsonObject invoke() {
1543             Map<String, Object> map = mList.get(0);
1544             mDbId = map.get("id") + "";
1545             mDataBaseDis = (String) map.get("systemid");
1546             mDomain = (String) map.get("domain");
1547             // 通过数据源id和手机号取得用户usercode进行登录,这时候不需要密码验证
1548             try {
1549                 SpObserver.setDBtoInstance("_" + mDbId);
1550                 mUserAccount = userAccountService.getUserInfoByTelephone(mUserCode);
1551                 if (mUserAccount != null) {
fbcd37 1552                     if(mUserAccount.isInActive()){
F 1553                         print2(mResponse, mUserCode+"已被停用,禁止登录本系统", mRedirect, mIsApp);
1554                         myResult = true;
1555                         return this;
1556                     }
a6a76f 1557                     mUserAccount.setApp_userCode(mUserCode);
F 1558                     mUserAccount.setApp_Password(mPassword);
1559                     mUserCode = mUserAccount.getUserCode();//转成ERP的usercode进行登陆
1560                     mPassword = mUserAccount.getPassword();//转成ERP的密码进行登陆
1561                     mCh_userid = true;
1562                 } else {
fbcd37 1563                     print2(mResponse, mUserCode+"未开通ERP系统服务,登录失败", mRedirect, mIsApp);
a6a76f 1564                     myResult = true;
F 1565                     return this;
1566                 }
1567             } finally {
1568                 SpObserver.setDBtoInstance();
1569             }
1570             myResult = false;
1571             return this;
1572         }
1573     }
1574 }